Today, Canadians stand on guard

Canada, besides my own, is the only country for which I have ever felt genuine affection. Why? Their universities took me in when I could not afford to attend in the United States. Canadians were always helpful, polite, and cooperative, while we lived in a small apartment in Winnipeg. My students, when I was serving as a teaching assistant, were patient and hid their grins as their doctoral-student instructor clumsily learned how to deliver a decent lecture. And then there is that team; the Toronto Maple Leafs, second only to the NY Yankees as the sports love of my life.

Today, over a million Canadians, led by 50,000 truckers with their rigs, are in Ottawa to peacefully defy Justin Trudeau’s tyrannical globalist regime. Not surprisingly, Trudeau has faked a case of the Wuhan-Fauci Flu and is “self-isolating” at an unknown location. He will not be missed; after all, when Trudeau enters an empty room, it gets emptier. Anyway, the truckers-led demonstrations in Ottawa will be the match that lights a fire which will eventually end Trudeau’s dream of a fascist Canada, and, just maybe, will begin to reverse the homogenization of Canadians and the deliberate destruction of their history, both of which were inaugurated by Trudeau’s father, and Castro’s dear friend, Pierre Trudeau.

Funny thing about Canadians. Beneath their cordiality and low-key approach to life, there are very often spines of steel to be found. Canadians are among the best soldiers on this earth and they have fought alongside the American republic in battle when it was necessary – as in the 1939-1945 war — and when it was useless, as in the 20-year Afghan War that neither government ever intended to win.

Recovering a peoples’ freedom from a tyrant is never easy and can often be bloody. Facing such a task, no one should underestimate the Canadians’ will to prevail. In the Great War (1914-1918), for example, the Canadian Army provided the skilled shock troops – the “head of the spear” they are called — that finally began to break the Kaiser’s army in mid-1918, this after having fought to victory in many desperate battles that provided time for the just-arriving U.S. forces to deploy. Over the four years of war, according to the Canadian War Museum, Canada’s armed forces deployed 424,000 troops to France. Of that number, 61,000 were killed and 172,000 were wounded. [1]

Canadians who know this history and its real meaning, today know they are being attacked and systematically enslaved by Trudeau, his fellow depraved globalists, and their effete and permanently brain-washed liberal supporters. This is certainly the kind of situation when steel spines can be expected to appear across Canada and, in God’s good time, destroy a domestic enemy that is a far more lethal threat to Canadian freedom and liberty than the Kaiser and his army ever were.


–1. See,

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Aside from war, only a reprise of de-Nazification can give U.S. society a chance to recover and survive

Now that the wheels are coming off the Fauci-China-UN-Gates-Big-Pharma Covid-19 plan to liquidate most humans, Americans are faced with the question of what to do with those people who knowingly designed, initiated, and spread a vaccination-regime meant to depopulate the world either through death-upon-shot or via a little-longer-term death sentence from devastated immune systems, heart disease, or virulent cancer. The coming discussion of this issue and what to do about it really only has one question to answer: What to do with those scientists who are responsible for designing, making, and distributing the lethal vaccine for depopulation, as well with as the doctors, nurses, pharmaceutical companies, pharmacists, media outlets, and politicians, celebrities, preachers, teachers, and civil leaders who called for issuing mandates to force all citizens to be vaccinated?

The first step toward answering this question for American citizens opposed to the vaccine-wielders bent on murder, is to make the hard decision that nothing short of the eradication of all of these people will facilitate the restoration of our republic. Just as some members of the guard forces at Nazi concentration camps were summarily executed when the camps were liberated by Allied forces, those most obviously guilty for designing, manufacturing, and administering murder-by vaccine must be executed, not by vigilantes, but by legally established authorities. If legally established authorities do not pursue this path, others will step up and complete the clean-up task.

The second step are trials under the Nuremberg Laws that were established after World War Two. That process is well documented and, even now, courts in Europe are hearing vaccine-related legal complaints shaped by the legal provisions built at Nuremberg. Using the Nuremberg laws, trials would be a straight-forward procedure as the evidence against all of the vaccination designers, peddlers, and enforcers is clear, detailed, scientifically documented, and airtight, the last because of the mountains of dead human beings killed by the vaccines. As a result, the courts will have an easy decision in each case, either hanging or incarceration until death. All hangings must be conducted in public, allowing crowds to attend the executions, and by making the executions available for all people  worldwide to watch by live television. It is especially important to publicly try and hang Fauci, Gates, and Soros, the elected leaders and their senior lieutenants of, at least, the United States, the UK, Germany, Australia, France, Austria, New Zealand, Canada, Italy, and Spain, and all senior UN officials, including the Secretary General.

In a world where governments, scientists, preachers, pundits, bankers, businessmen, lawyers, academics, politicians, media outlets, and doctors endlessly and falsely claim that that the events modern society and the world are complex beyond the ability of the average citizen to understand, the international elites’ deliberate campaign to exterminate human beings by vaccination is a simple and non-complex, and so easy to understand and deal with. America’s vaccine-killers and their political backers, business supporters, and police and military enforcers are numerous, and for several years they have been acting openly and speaking as enthusiastically as Hitler and his gang publicly spoke and acted against Jews, Christians, Gypsies, domestic political opponents, and resistance groups. World War Two and the Nuremberg court systematically eradicated the Nazis, as did General Eisenhower’s military Nazi-hunters after Germany’s surrender.

Vaccine-resisting American citizens expect a policy identical to de-Nazification under the Nuremberg court and Eisenhower’s speedy solution, and they expect it soon. Faced with a numerous, clearly identified, homicidal, and traitorous enemy, U.S. citizens are likely to give American leaders not associated with mass-murder-by-vaccine a chance to demonstrably rid the republic of the threat forever. If this is not done with dispatch, however, they will do so themselves as the enemies that threaten their lives and those of their children are well-known and easy to find.

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For America, Ukraine is irrelevant, the only war to fight for U.S. interests is at home

“[T]here can be no doubt that to the extent that the Framers conceived of liberty, it was exclusively in a negative sense of individuals and social cohorts being free of government restrictions and coercions.” David J. Bederman, 2008 (1)

The bottom line in pursuing an America First foreign policy is found in the credible ability of a U.S. president to listen to his daily intelligence briefing from CIA, hear all the horrors of the world, and learn that the Russian Army has taken Kiev, destroyed the Ukrainian military, and announced the end of hostilities. Having listened closely, the president would think for a moment, slowly raise his head, and ask his CIA briefer, “So what?” The briefer would then smile and say “Right you are, Sir.”

And right the president would be. “The Taliban takes Kabul”, “tribal wars in Africa”, “communists run Venezuela”, or “Israel bombarded by Hamas missiles” and almost all such headlines should earn the same response from a president who has ensured his nation is secure at home, energy independent, fully capable of decisively defending itself against any foreign or domestic attack, and shielded the free-market economy from intervention by his government.  Troubles elsewhere in the world that do not threaten the existence of the American republic merit no more than a quick “so what?” and perhaps a shoulder shrug.

Of all possible shrug-able headlines, the most idiotic is “Russia will invade Ukraine”. This is the pluperfect motivation for the “so what?” response, equaled only by the headline “Russia defeats Ukraine” and “Democracy dies in Ukraine”. Whatever happens to Ukraine is the business of Russia and Ukraine, the American republic has neither interests nor responsibilities in the country. The re-absorption of Ukraine into the Russian Federation would be a return to a millennium of normality, and is a suitable response by Moscow to the Western politicians’ clear madness in expanding NATO’s presence to Russia’s western border.

So why all the noise warning that the events in Ukraine are bringing on another world war? It is absolute nonsense; nothing in the Ukraine and nothing that happens there is of interest to everyday Americans, especially those who have children serving in the military. Why then are American politicians in both parties, retired generals and intelligence officials, Pentagon media spinners, geriatric pundits, and regime-bought journalists claiming that war is coming, and will begin with Putin staging a false-flag attack on his own troops and claim that it was done by Ukrainians and their NATO buddies.

Unless Putin has become as stupid and retarded as Biden, this is a sheer nonsense. If we see such a false-flag attack in Ukraine you can bet your last dollar that it will be the work of U.S. and NATO intelligence services and/or Special Forces. In his always regime-obeying way, retired U.S. Army General Jack Keane told FOX’s audience that the Putin-false-flag operation appeared to be a sure thing. Keane, you will recall, endlessly told the same audience that the light at the end of the tunnel in Afghanistan was shining ever brighter, and that the Afghan Army was on the verge of being able to defend its nation. The Putin-false-flag story is right in Keane’s wheelhouse, it does the bidding of Biden’s regime and his pals at the Pentagon, and it creates demand for “analytic products” on the issue published by Keane’s private-sector intelligence factory.

So what interests are we hearing about in the Ukraine? The answer to this question ought to be clear to all non-elite Americans. These are the monetary, criminal, and ideological interests of Obama, the Clintons and their Foundation, the Bidens, George Soros and his organizations, and the narcotics-traffickers, human-smugglers, and pedophiles who are allies of all of them. Those are the interests of America and NATO that are at risk in Ukraine, and they are the interests that the illegitimate Biden regime believes our kids must shed their blood for. If war comes, those kids will die and be maimed not to protect the republic, but to protect and expand the fortunes and power of the human scum just mentioned.

Like all American wars since the defeat of Imperial Japan, a war in Ukraine would profit only those who Marine Major General Smedley D. Butler, a two-time winner of the Medal of Honor, once described as the businessmen, politicians, bankers, and generals who have made war into a “racket” from which they profit handsomely.

“A racket is best described, I believe, is something that is not what it seems to the majority of people. Only a small ‘inside’ group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many. Out of war a few people make huge fortunes. … For a very few this racket, like bootlegging and other underworld activities, brings fancy profits, but the cost of the operations is always transferred to the people – who do not profit.” (2)

War in Ukraine would fill the bank accounts of the Bushes, Cheneys, Obamas, Clintons, Bidens, the Pelosi and Kerry clans, the arms makers, the bankers, Big Pharma, and various other industries. Such a war would mirror the impact of the Wuhan-Fauci-Flu War on Americans; namely It would enrich the already filthy rich and they would lose nothing in the war. The costs in blood, limbs, otherwise ruined lives, economic growth, and burying the dead would be a cost assigned only to the lower and middle classes.

With Biden deliberately killing republicanism and democracy at home, identifying Americans who oppose him as “domestic enemies”, and sicking his FBI dog-gangsters on them, why should any American care about another country’s political system. (Indeed, that is never any of America’s business.) If there is a war to be had, far better it be Americans fighting Biden, his lieutenants, their party, its ideology, and policies, Black supremacists, the CDC, AMA, and NIH, Neocons, Israel-Firsters, the media, fascist U.S. generals and admirals, and the whole rotten and thoroughly evil caste to which they belong.

Now, a victory over that multitude of murderous shit-birds would be a victory for America and for the ages.



–1.) David J. Bederman. The Classical Foundations of the American Constitution. The Prevailing Wisdom. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2008, p. 225

–2.) Major General Smedley D. Butler, USMC. War is a Racket. Dauphin Publications (Reprint), 2018, pp. 1 and 6

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The Anti-Defamation League, preaching equality, seeking tyrannical Jewish-American supremacy

I do not recall ever starting an article out with a hilarious and deliberate misinterpretation of reality, so I thought I would give it a try. Here goes:

“[The] ADL is a leading anti-hate organization that was founded in 1913 in response to an escalating climate of antisemitism and bigotry. Today, ADL is the first call when acts of antisemitism occur and continues to fight all forms of hate. A global leader in exposing extremism, delivering anti-bias education and fighting hate online, ADL’s ultimate goal is a world in which no group or individual suffers from bias, discrimination or hate.” (1)

At mid-December, 2021, the inexplicably praised and honored Anti-Defamation League (ADL) cemented one of the great but mostly unspoken truths of American society and politics; that is, Jewish-Americans, as whole, are unreliable and increasingly anti-American citizens. In the latest of a long record of similar actions and anti-free-speech statements, the ADL damned FOX News for reporting that, in essence, George Soros has for decades been working to destroy the American republic, and is being increasingly successful by scuttling the rule of law in U.S. cities and counties through his financial and manpower support for the election “progressive” district attorneys and other local government legal officers.

The ADL statement claimed that anything said about George Soros is automatically anti-Semitic and demanded that FOX delete its milquetoast but truthful Soros story and warned than any mention of Soros should be deemed anti-Semitic. Murdoch, his sons, and their so-called journalists apparently saluted smartly and obeyed. That comes as no shock to someone who was banned from FOX for remarking on another undeniable fact – that Israel has corrupted and owns both houses of Congress using Jewish-American bribers as their surrogates.

Recall, for a moment, what George Soros has done. He has a history of wrecking the British economy and the Malaysian economy; his money and organizations wrecked the post-Soviet Ukraine’s chance to become a functioning and durable representative government, and made it a plantation of corruption to be harvested at will by Soros himself, the Clintons, Bushes, Obamas, the Bidens, and other Democratic Party’s leaders, U.S. ambassadors and senior civil servants. In his early years, Soros self-admittedly helped the Nazis round-up Jews and send them to concentration camps. Now we have him conducting a campaign to stock the American legal system and judiciary with America haters, men and women he has funded the elections of and directed to make the rule of law a thing of the past. And at the same time, his money and organizations are assisting Biden’s administration to bring millions of illegal aliens into the United States. These criminals are then moved at night via private-sector-aircraft flights paid for by the U.S. taxpayers to many areas of the republic.

Now, and I have noted this before, the Israelis have let Soros wreak havoc around the Western and Third worlds – and grow extremely rich in the process – without making a single effort to bring him back to Israel for trial and incarceration as a Nazi Jew-Killer. Is there another example of the Israeli government and Jewish-American leaders not ferociously seeking such action for any other Nazi-Jew-killer, but rather seeking to maintain his or her lethal viability and allow his criminal activities to continue even against governments whose aid is key to Israel’s survival? Why would Israel go and get a U.S.-based, 90-year old ex-camp guard, but ignore a gloating and sinister Jew-Killer like Soros and let him be protected by the ADL? (NB: If the Congress was not owned by Israel and obeying its orders, would it not make sense for Congress to condition any further aid to Israel on the latter’s immediate action to rid the world of Soros?)

The answer is simple, Israel and what seems to be most Jewish-Americans – the leaders and the led – are anti-America. In the republic’s current time of troubles – 2015 to the present – a substantial number of Jewish-American journalists, media and social-media leaders and employees, think tanks, religious, and political organizations, and, apparently, the great mass of Jewish-American voters have fought for and successfully erased a domestic environment that was experiencing the start of a strong and prolonged period of economic growth – particularly for lower and middle class families. Jewish Americans were also in the lead for ending U.S. energy independence in the name of the climate fraud they and their allies champion. In domestic politics, Jewish-American professionals and intellectuals have led the normalization of inadequately funded police, supported and praised terrorist attackers from Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA, helped to imposed gender terrorism on children, heaped constant hate, denigration, and humiliation on the American south, and wrecked the U.S. education system at all of its levels. Jewish-Americans from many walks of life also are in the van of stoking and supporting racism toward whites, vilifying Christians and Christianity, refusing to prosecute Black criminals, and protecting pedophiles.

In addition, and on personal note, I have to say that since I entered college in 1970, and thereafter became strongly interested in American politics, I have noted that on almost every issue that I decided was worthy of either my vote or my opposition, Jewish Americans – and especially their organizations, billionaires, Hollywood moguls, journalists, media, and political, business and social leaders – stood in opposition to me and those who shared my views. They and their media supported unnecessary overseas interventionist wars, limitless abortions during and after pregnancy, open borders and unlimited illegal immigration, climate fanaticism and the fascist government needed to implement that fanaticism, anti-white racism, black supremacy (as long at the supremacists took direction from Jewish-Americans), sexual depravity of every description, medical tyranny, any amount of limitations on free speech rights that Jewish-American demand, abolition of the 2nd Amendment, Jewish-American enslavement of the U.S. Congress in the cause of absolute support for soon-to-be-dying, vaccination-mad state of Israel. They are currently seeking to make second-class citizens and incarcerate those Americans who refuse to be killed by Fauci, Gates, and Soros.

All of this makes it plain to me: Jewish-Americans are opting out of the American republic and are part of the governing elite that – via the Wuhan Flu and Climate Change – are determined to make America into fascist state. Let’s end where we started. Last week the head of the ADL Jonathan Greenblatt discussed his new book, It Could Happen Here, with an NPR dupe. Greenblatt’s book, of course, is about what he describes as the growing danger of discrimination in the United States, in the form of anti-Semitism and other varieties, claiming it may threaten democracy.

This is the usual crock of crap from Jewish-American leaders who are themselves doing, and have long been doing, exactly what they accuse all of those they define as enemies of doing; namely killing republican government. George Soros, for example, is trying to tear down America in every way he can, he has said so publicly on many occasions. He also has spent enormous amounts of money to eviscerate the rule of law in the United States. Finally, Soros helped the Nazi’s round-up Jews for the death camps and said on 60 Minutes that it was “the best time” of his life.

The foregoing is a simple, well-documented and videoed fact. And what did Greenblatt tell NPR about the bent-on-destroying America Soros? Well, take a look at the following question-and- answer with the NPR interviewer, whose question, you will note, frames Soros as simply a man involved in “political activity”.

INSKEEP: What do you make of people who refer to antisemitism in oblique ways, in ways that the audience themselves may not entirely pick up on it? I think, for example, of critical references to George Soros, just kind of general attacks on George Soros, who is politically active and happens to be Jewish.

GREENBLATT: When you somehow believe that a shadowy Jewish figure is responsible for everything from COVID-19 to paying – I don’t know – migrant caravans to cross the border to trying to undermine democracy, that is really problematic. So – you know, I say this as someone who doesn’t agree with everything George Soros believes. But I’m certainly not going to entertain the fantasy that he is manipulating events from behind the scenes. And whether George Soros or – some might have said the late Sheldon Adelson did that. Others in a previous generation said the Rothschild family was doing that. But all of it, Steve, bears a hallmark of classic antisemitism, and it’s a sign of the fracturing of civil society in ways that are very frightening.

This kind of defense and celebration of a vicious miscreant like Soros makes it seem that Greenblatt really works for the Anti-Democratic, Pro-Fascism League. And he does.

Come retribution … and it is, God willing, coming soon.




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SECOND TRY: Strong validation for Dr. Malone’s analysis of “Mass Formation Psychosis”

My apologies for providing two identical pargraphs in the first version of this post. No excuse except my Dad’s traditional fact statement “Too son old, too late smart”. I also have seen the mainstream media claims that there there is no such thing as “Mass Delusion Psychosis.” As usual they are lying. The first book on this subject was published in c. 1850. It’s called “Extraordinary Popular Illusions and the Madness of Crowds”. A recent publication of the book was edited by Charles McKay , and the paperback version is available on Amazon. It has been used in all university programs on psychology since its original publication.


On 17 November 2021, Dr. Mark McDonald appeared on the Two Mikes podcast, which I co-host, to discuss his new book, United States of Fear. How America Fell Victim to Mass Delusional Psychosis.

In light of the social-media firestorm and ferocious social-media censorship campaign that was caused this weekend by Dr.Robert Malone’s discussion of what he called “Mass Foundation Psychosis”, I thought it worth reprinting the summary of our discussion with Dr. Macdonald about his book. It is an excellent book, and more fully fleshes our Dr. Malone’s comments about the phenomenon in very understandable prose. (NB: I have also included our initial discussion with Dr. Macdonald, which occurred on 25 October 2021.)

–Today (17 Nov 2021), Today, The Two Mikes spoke again with Dr. Mark McDonald, whose book was published last week. The book is called United States of Fear: How America Fell Victim to Mass Delusional Psychosis. Dr. McDonald reported that his book is being well received across the United States as well as in South America and Europe. He said that he had gotten many thank-you notes from writers very grateful for him expressing  the causes of feelings that they have themselves had experienced over the two-years decades of the pandemic. Dr. Macdonald said that people were suffering from too severe a period of suffering from scare information put forth by governments, government agencies, many doctors and the fake media. Dr. McDonald emphasized that the deterrents to relationships that have long existed between men and women have been deepened during the artificial pandemic. Many in both sexes desire are now eager for such ties but are deterred by wildly exaggerated fears of the pandemic and such other super-hyped and largely non-existent problems as climate change and campus rape. Dr. MacDonald sincerely urged citizens to recognize and accept the severe, and increasingly lethal, health risks from the Covid vaccinations and their boosters, refuse to take them, and prevent their children from doing so. It also would greatly help if local communities organized to put pressure on local governments and state governments via civil disobedience, protests, and even citizens-arrests to stop their mandates scaremongering about the elite-and-government-made-made falsehoods about covid and climate change. We look forward to welcoming Doctor McDonald back after he’s completed his book tour – which will be accompanied by many more in-person, radio, TV, and podcast interviews – and we suggest that listeners look up the book and see if they think it is worth a read. We certainly do.

“Today, (25 Oct 21)  The Two Mikes had the singular good fortune to speak with Dr. Mark McDonald, a California-based psychiatrist who specializes in treating youngsters and adolescents. Dr. McDonald spoke very eloquently about the intentional mental health disaster that is occuring in America because of the isolation, fear, and despair produced among young people by the wildly unnecessary terrorization caused by national and state governments exploitation of the Wuhan Flu as the means of creating a tyranny. Dr. McDonald argued that the actions of the governments have very little to do with a good national health policy –indeed, it is opposite of that — but everything to do with establishing police-state-like control over Americans to ease the way for their next moves against the republic and the citizenry’s civil liberties. He also spoke of the growing national health disaster being brought about by the Biden Administration’s opening of the southern border and the resulting flood of fentanyl that is spreading in most areas of the United States. Again, the national government supports this reality because it makes it easier to control and deceive drug-soaked young people. Dr. Macdonald concluded that any attempt to explain the response to the Wuhan Flu by American governments, medical bureaucrats, the American Medical Association, other medical organizations, academics, drug companies, and media personalities is a fool’s errand. Their goal is neither a healthy or reconciled American society. It is rather the creation of an easily controlled, docile society that will put up with any torment imposed by governments and doctors, and so not get in the way of the latter’s search for more power, control, and lucre. Dr. Macdonald finished up with a short, touching description of his dealings with those once-friends who have opposed his efforts to protect Americans from society’s control freaks, as well as those Americans who have sought him out to offer support and ways to help him.

Dr. MacDonald’s book is: United States of Fear: How America Fell Victim to Mass Delusional Psychosis. The book is published by Bombardier, and is available at Amazon and Barnes&Noble

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The stuff dreams are made of

The Wuhan-Fauci flu has proven beyond doubt that the United States is – as it ought to be – alone in the world, and must begin to act in accordance with this fact. In other words, the republic’s only foreign-policy option is America First. We are world’s last preserve of the “English liberties” that our Founders fought a war to recapture from Britain’s tyranny. If the republic survives, it will be shorn of the large group of our allies – English-speaking and others – whose only talent was an eagerness to graciously accept shipping containers loaded with U.S. taxpayer dollars designated to pay for their defense.

The Australian, Canadian, New Zealand, and British governments have abandoned those liberties and have embraced — like Biden and the Democrats — flagrant and cruel authoritarianism as the way forward. The Australian regime is hunting down its aboriginal population as if they were the European Jews of yesteryear, all in the name of forcibly vaccinating them and other citizens to death. The country’s prime minister this week publicly identified those taking the vaccines as “the sheep”. The Canadians are ruled by Pierre Trudeau’s effete and mentally retarded son. This weasel is building concentration camps for his political opponents, preventing personal mobility for unvaccinated citizens, persecuting pastors and hamstringing Christians’ ability to practice their faith, and is openly trying to apply China’s murderous, communist governing and policing procedures to Canada. (NB: If Trudeau succeeds in CCP’ing Canada, the United States would have to invade and destroy Trudeau and his government and try give Canadians a chance to return to their national political sanity, which was once deservedly admired worldwide. If American First means anything, it means a refusal to allow the creation of a Chinese colony along the entire length of the republic’s northern border which would give China deep-water naval ports on both coasts and threaten, at least, U.S. border states, Alaska, and Arctic energy supplies.)

In New Zealand, a palpably insane and cadaverous-looking female prime minister is trying to outdo Trudeau’s madness, and boasts that she has deliberately made non-vaccinated Kiwis into an underclass which is unworthy of freedom, civil liberties, and, soon, access to food and health care if they refuse vaccination. And, in Britain, a delusional prime minister, whose intellectual capabilities do not include knowing how to use a comb, is ready to lockdown the UK and keep unvaccinated Britons out of grocery stores and out of work. He also has done nothing to prevent many thousands of the elderly from freezing to death in the coming winter.

These English-speaking nations and their liberties, then, are coming to their end primarily because they have, since at least the 1960s, trained sweetly-effete male populations that have voluntarily surrendered the right to bear arms to governments that today are only a whisker away from fascism. The citizens’ right to bear arms was first guaranteed in Britain, and it is there that it began to die. In reality, eighty-percent of the English-speaking world has been demolished and enslaved by its governments because those regimes have no fear of an angry population that can be shot down at pleasure and lack the tools with which to shoot back.

America stands as the last, if barely viable, English-speaking republic, and it appears to be headed for a Biden-desired civil war, a war that will decide whether all lands founded on the basis of English liberties are to be extinguished from the earth. Americans have a chance because they are armed, and because the Biden administration is as traitorous, mad, and intellectually deficient as its leader. It believes that America’s population is too cowardly and lazy to resist its criminality – like vaccinating kids and new-borns without their parents’ consent — and its unconstitutional-cum-fascist behavior. The surprise the Bidenites birthed and now have instore from armed Americans will shock them even as they are passing from the scene and heading to their reward. It will be a pleasure for all Americans to help give them a warm send-off as they begin their journey to hell.

Another bright spot for America – if its citizens win the civil war Biden will start with false-flag events – is that the lethal anchor known as NATO will be, at long last, no more than an annoying memory. NATO member governments and their leaders have long since stopped being democratic or even representative of their people. The continent is flooded with unwanted, illiterate, violent, and untrained African, South Asian, and Muslim migrants who are on the dole and use their time to groom kids for the use of pedophiles. They are royally treated by the region’s governments with scads of money, health and housing benefits, and legal preferences unavailable to the native-born.

Americans already know the disaster that unlimited and illegal immigration inflicts on native-born citizens, but they are largely ignorant of this fact in the European context because the U.S. media ignores it. Neither do they know that European police in Britain, Spain, Belgium, France, Austria, Ireland, Italy, and other regional countries apparently were trained by the CCP’s crowd-control police. Europe’s police forces have shown extraordinary zest for mixing with their fellow countrymen and then beating the hell out of them if they choose to publicly protest vaccinations, unfair treatment before the law, or the regime-blessed importation of human scum. NATO was formed, after all, to protect European democracy from the westward march of the Red Army and Soviet communism. NATO’s European and Canadian members have murdered their democracies – making a joke of the North Atlantic Treaty that founded NATO — and via that blessed event America has slid off a very expensive and war-causing hook.

With European democracy dead, the European Union as a whole is much more like the USSR than is Putin’s Russia. Indeed, nothing but good for average Europeans could result from a Russian military invasion not limited to Ukraine; it would be more accurate to describe such an event as a “humanitarian expedition”. It would find little resistance from most European militaries, and there may well be broad public support for the Russians by the mass of globalism-hating Europeans. Regrading the latter group, the Russian army’s medical corps might cinch popular support for Russia if it brings ample supplies of Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine to hand out to Europeans threatened by Fauci’s poison vaccines. Once in control, the Russian military would manage a temporary occupation; Putin would not stay long as he has no interest in having effete and irreligious Europeans further dilute his nation’s population of native Russians.

If such a situation comes to pass, the Russian military ought to seize all EU prime ministers, their cabinets, and their senior bureaucrats and generals; all members of EU Commission and their senior bureaucrats; all members of the Davos Group; all UN employees in Europe; Soros and his lieutenants; and all members of the World Economic Forum. Such a comprehensive round-up of Europe’s grandee-parasites would end their plans to control peoples’ lives; murder their way to new, low-population societies; build new and more fascist bureaucracies, and help destroy the American republic. These people have ruined most of Europe, almost all of the English-speaking world, and parts of the United States. The Russian military could transport these criminals back to Russia, along with enough booty to pay for the Russian military’s humanitarian expedition into Europe. Putin then could dust off a few of the old gulags in Siberia for these criminals and let them plan to their hearts content as they simultaneously rot, starve, and freeze to death in sub-zero temperatures.

Happy days, then, would be near again.




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It’s just commonsense: Americans must ignore Biden-regime guidance and resist efforts to forcibly impose it

Why should any American take guidance on any issue from their national government while Biden or any Democrat rules?

In thirteen months, not one certifiably credible mind has appeared in the ranks of the Biden administration. The people who serve Biden are every bit as brain dead and, probably, corrupt as Biden and his family. Graduates of communist youth groups, the Soros Foundation’s schools and NGOs, the CCP’s intelligence academy, and the cesspit of sexual depravity, these addled people have ended our energy independence, abolished the rule of law in favor of the rule of diktat, and sold most of the just-released 50 million barrels of strategic-reserve oil to Russia and India. They are self-avowedly seeking to eliminate the nation’s oil-and-gas industry and with it the economic viability of the republic.

Indeed, their record on this score is a mirror-image of the Democrats’ new hero, the great big, brave, black freak Darrell Brooks, who deliberately used his SUV to mow down people attending a Christmas parade in Waukesha, Wisconsin. The carnage from that event is a perfect example of what Biden and his gang of malignant half-wits intend for Americans of all colors and creeds.

These are people who not only cannot win a war, they cannot even manage a retreat. They create diseases and release them on the nation and the world, and then serve up vaccines that are tools of murder with which to kill people who foolishly trust this government’s guidance. Then they demand that all of us believe words that only could have been spoken by a Magna-Cum-Asshole graduate of the Ivy League; namely that the non-vaccinated are making the vaccinated sick. It seems obvious that Fauci and the Chinese have released so many “variants” that the disease-riddled world they deliberately created is now pinning out of control.

Fauci, Biden, all who do their bidding, and all of their manufacturers of poisonous vaccines cannot be trusted a lick. These are simply savage, greedy, and inhuman felons working for China (AKA: Murder Incorporated). They are armed only with injectable weapons of death, and the increasingly violent, illegal, and Nazi-like behavior of the FBI, Homeland Security, and the Secret Service, as well as the Mengele-like staffs of the CDC, the FDA, and far too many members of the AMA. There is not a functioning brain or conscience in sight with this gang.

Overall, only a fool with a death-wish would do anything based on advice or mandates issued by Biden’s ship-of-morons government. It is composed only by incompetent has-beens, never-weres, and never-will-bes. They are truly the corrupt scum of the earth. They merit not attention, but only ruin and removal.

Why take their shots and be killed by them? Let the White House’s bureaucratic and military running-dogs try to execute Biden’s vicious threats to force-vaccinate Americans, their children and the newly born. If it is time for an American to die, it is infinitely better to do so while killing as many of his authoritarian and anti-American tormentors as possible than to be killed after acquiescing to their passion for shooting death into your veins. Much better to die as a man resisting tyranny, then as a whipped weakling who whimpers to death in one of the concentration camps Biden and his fellow cretins are preparing for their opponents.

Biden and his crew, after all, have inflicted far more damage on Americans, their families, their livelihoods, their social cohesion, their Christian faith, and their country in 13 months, then did George III and his government and military in the decade before July, 1776. When war came, America’s Founders grounded their actions in the words of America’s greatest clerical champion of liberty. “A PEOPLE really oppressed by their sovereign,” Jonathan Mayhew wrote,

“cannot well be insensible when they are so oppressed. … For a nation thus abused to arise unanimously and to resist their prince, even to dethroning him, is not criminal, but a reasonable way of vindicating their liberty and just rights; it is making use of the means, and the only means, which God has put into power for mutual and self-defense. And it could be highly criminal in them not to make use of this means. It would be stupid tameness and unaccountable folly, for whole nations to suffer one unreasonable, ambitious, and cruel man to wanton and riot in their misery. And in such a case it would, of the two, be more rational to suppose, that they [who] did NOT resist, than that they who did, would receive to themselves damnation.” (1)

Time for history to repeat itself … as it always does.


–1.) Jonathan Mayhew, “A Discourse Concerning Unlimited Submission and Non-resistance to the Higher Powers.” Mayhew’s brilliant and astoundingly pertinent sermon is now available in a small paperback which was edited by Bill Fortenberry. That book can be found at:

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China tops Einstein’s definition of insanity

“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” Albert Einstein

Dr. Einstein’s observation about what specific evidence proves insanity has been at least complemented but probably topped by the international community’s, and especially America’s, response to Chinese perfidy. Indeed, U.S. policies under Biden and several  pre-Trump presidents have replaced Einstein’s saying by defining the phenomena as: “Insanity is the United States using policies over and over again that aid Beijing’s plans to destroy the republic.” A half-dozen examples suggest that China’s definition has overtaken Einstein’s words as the best definition of insanity.

–1.) China raped the American economy and stole much of the nation’s technology for decades using agreements that U.S. leaders were only too happy to sign. Biden has over-turned Trump’s policies that had started to limit and repel the Chinese attacks.

–2.) China has been and is buying up many tens of thousands of acres of U.S. farmland so it can feed its people, while food supplies decrease and prices quickly increase for Americans.

–3.) China has used Biden’s lunatic open-borders policy to triple the flow of Chinese-manufactured fentanyl and its analogues into America, an action that will kill tens of thousands of Americans, and will fill to overflowing the coffers of China-based fentanyl makers, Mexican Cartels, and the operatives of each operating in America.

–4.) China is building thousands of coal-fired power plants and has refused to stop, while Biden and his fellow European climate-change frauds have let Beijing get away Scot free with more coal-fired plants. This, while Biden and his climate-fraud party have attacked U.S. national security by ending U.S. energy independence in order to rapidly increase consumer fuel-prices and eventually destroy the U.S. oil-and-gas industry.

–5.) China deployed the Wuhan-Fauci Flu to the United States and the rest of the world and has paid no U.S.-exacted price for killing 10 million people with that act of war. The Wuhan-Fauci Flu, of course, is China’s second unchallenged act of war against the United States after its invasion of the United States via fentanyl.

–6.) China is now preparing to unleash another more lethal sickness on the world, which will be its third unilateral act of war (1) that is executed with the help of the United States and the world. The 2022 Winter Olympics in China will be the site from which Beijing launches this third biological attack. Chinese authorities will control all housing that has been prepared for the athletes and their coaching/medical/training entourage. Ditto for all their food, drinks, and dining facilities. Likewise, Beijing controls all of the arenas and food shops at the games, as well as all of the hotels, restaurants, buses, rental cars, subways, tourist attractions, and taxis that will be used by foreigners attending the games. All Americans and all foreigners who participate in or attend the 2022 Winter Olympics will experience, in essence, a voluntary decision to repeatedly bathe in and carry home a killer flu far more lethal than the one deployed from Wuhan.

It is almost impossible to believe that a moronic pedophile like Biden could provide the basis for China to top Dr. Einstein’s memorable comments, but there you have it.



–1.) The author, of course, recognizes that there is a fourth, non-biological Chinese act of war on the United States in the form of the Democratic Party/CCP fixing of the 2020 presidential election.

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Facing the spawn of this land’s strengthening fascist and interventionist winds

I don’t know if I’m smart but I think I can see
When someone is pullin’ the wool over me
And if this war comes and death’s all around
Let me die on this land ’fore I die underground
Let me die in my footsteps
Before I go down under the ground   Bob Dylan, 1963 (1)

In the weeks after 9/11, the Bush Administration raced to and fro to form an internal security organization, seeking to turn the trick before the population’s attack-induced shock began to ebb and most people learned that two consecutive administration could have killed bin Laden and stopped the 9/11 raid. During this effort, a bevy of names for the new agency flew around government circles. Many of the names reminded us of the mottoes and names given to the internal security services of Nazi and various communist governments and that executed their authoritarian goals. They Bush gang also spoke of using catchy phrases to popularize the new organization and reassure Americans that internal security would never mean the KGB and the Gulags.

The Bush administration’s problems on names and mottoes were never completely overcome because its intention was precisely to begin a KGB-Gulag era in the United States, the one, in fact, that Biden and the Democrats are now seeking to complete. When “Homeland Security” was announced as the head of the new agency, an unknown person circulated light red cards with the works “Homeland Security” on the right half of the card, while on the left was a sketch of a rifle-carrying, severe-looking Wehrmacht sergeant, and under him appeared the words “To keep you safe”. Kind of a wishy-washy motto, and many of us suggested that there were more appropriate mottoes such as “Lebensraum”, “Arbeit Macht Frei”, or even the “Greater East Asian Co-prosperity Sphere”. It was clear that new organization was going to be used against Americans, just as the FBI already had been used – opposing the pre-9/11 killing Osama bin Laden, for example – and is now being used to bully and gather data on parents who oppose having their kids taught by the mentally deranged.

The memory of all this came up as I was reading last week’s statement by a Homeland Security spokesman that Americans are now facing a terrorism-driven “diverse and challenging threat environment.” Well, he ought to know, as he, his agency, the FBI, DOJ, the White House, much of the Congress and the Senate, and what appears to be more than few U.S. flag officers, have cooperated to carefully craft the reality of a favorable American-killing environment. The parts of that crafting are numerous and utterly obvious, and among them are:

–The Democrat-planned and minimally violent 2017 Charlottesville, Virginia, demonstrations which the Soros-funded Democrats use to raise the non-existent threat of White Supremacy. They and their lap-dog media have relentlessly pretended that this fatuous fever-dream is a reality and that White supremacists lurks in every nook and cranny in the land. Listen up, if American whites were even remotely white supremacists the republic’s domestic enemies of all colors and genders would be six-feet under.

–This starting point was expanded since January, 2021, by the fascist activities of the twit who is Biden’s attorney general, Merritt Garland. This fool’s writers came up with the simple definition of a terrorist as any white person who opposes Biden’s administration, refuses to accept unconstitutional actions – mandates for example – and denies the innate superiority over them of the Democrats’ violent, selfish, lazy, and just-plain mad Blacks, Browns, Reds, and mentally-ill sexual deviants.

Next, Biden and his bound-for demise colleagues decided that the thorough-going criminality of the FBI and Homeland Security might not be enough to win the day. They had trained and deployed BLM and Antifa terrorists, but there might be a need for more than arsonists, assassins, car-torchers, and cursing-old-people beaters to carry the day. So, they started building a more conventional army beginning with Biden’s invitation to the world’s population to illegally enter the United States and take their place on the public dole.

–The great majority of these illegal aliens are military aged men from Latin America and the rest of the world. Some with military experience – conventional or insurgent – in their own country. And, of course, there are some Islamist terrorists, but the illegal-alien terrorists are principally gang members from MS-13 and Mexican-cartel operatives. All of these illegals were welcome by the Biden Administration and both houses of Congress.

–And what about Afghanistan? Certainly, there are Taleban, al-Qaeda, and ISIS members who have crossed the open southern border since Inauguration Day, as have intelligence officers and paramilitary forces from Russia, Iran, China exc. But the vital component of  the Afghan inflow almost certainly are Afghan Special Forces personnel trained by U.S. Special Forces. Why so?

–The Democratic-running-dog component of U.S. flag officers seems to be concentrated in the U.S. Navy and, especially, in the U.S. Special Forces. Recall that special-forces generals McRaven and McChrystal were fierce opponents of Trump, his foreign policy, and those who support him, and also led the training for the Afghan special forces. In addition, several senior, retired U.S. Marine generals were up to their waist in subverting Trump.

–Now, U.S. Special forces – as did those of Britain and other NATO “allies” — taught the Afghans their trade. Indeed, there have been media reports that the British may adopt, Gurkha-like, the Afghans they trained into their own special forces.

The foregoing leaves us with the distinct possibility that a goodly number of the Afghans that Biden and his team brought willy-nilly into the United States – often unprecedentedly landing them at active U.S. military bases (How’s that for maintaining security?) – were members of the Afghan Special Forces trained by disloyal subordinates of McChrystal, McRaven and other, retired Special Forces sergeants and officers looking for very good and easy money as military contractors

–Why do so? Because Biden and his traitorous generals cannot rely on the entire U.S. military when it orders those forces to merrily kill, vaccinate, and incarcerate their fellow citizens. Indeed, the quarter-million, refusing-the-vax men and women who Biden and Austin are planning to cashier from the military, can hardly be expected to rally to help the Democrats’ long-planned persecution and murder of the citizenry, especially their main human-targets in the southern states. Afghan Special Forces, on the other hand, are murderers-for-hire and would have no qualms about killing unlimited numbers of Americans, especially Christians. The tyrannical British had Hessian killers to unleash on Americans, the tyrant Biden has Afghan killers to unleash. Again, history seems ready to repeat itself.

–Another possible use for a trusty Afghan? One wonders how many Afghan Special Forces members were trained as snipers. The Democrats obviously need to deep-six the widely hated and brain-dead Biden/Brandon. What could be better for Democrats than a false-flag operation that assassinates Biden, and can be blamed on White supremacists. How handy an U.S.-trained Afghan sniper might be to get the false-flag ball rolling!

Finally, Biden’s open borders and craven but well-planned skedaddle from Afghanistan provides nationals from all countries that were bombed-to-shit and culled population-wise with a fine chance to avenge their losses. Payback is now on deck for the unnecessary interventionist wars because (a) Biden has given the most golden of opportunities to those whose countries and families have been savaged by U.S. intervention — close-in access , and because of (b) the eternal wisdom of the old saying “what goes around, comes around”.

It is this last multinational group that Americans must keep foremost in their minds. America’s non-interventionists, of course, always have warned that this sort of payback would be coming our way. Indeed, that reality is a main justification for being a non-interventionist; that is, do not cause violent revenge against the republic and its citizens because of the damage wrought abroad by unnecessary U.S.-initiated wars waged in the name of abstract and unobtainable ideals.

This is only common sense. But since McKinley had a late-night talk with God and said the deity told to him to wage the utterly unnecessary Spanish-American war and then the Philippine insurgency, useless and murderous interventionism has become an American trademark. After McKinley, Mark Twain precisely described how future presidents would deceitfully take the republic into unending unnecessary wars. “Next,” Twain wrote in 1916,

the statesmen will invent cheap lies, putting the blame upon the nation that is attacked, and every man will be glad of those conscience-soothing falsities, and will diligently study them, and refuse to examine any refutations of them; and thus he will by and by convince himself that the war is just, and will thank God for the better sleep he enjoys after this process of grotesque self-deception.” (2)

Twain hit the nail on that head. Wilson deceived Americans into intervening in the Great War in the name of an abstract idiocy — “making the world safe for democracy.” FDR and his FBI abetted foreign nations’ covert actions that were aimed at conniving us into World War 2; put U.S. sailors and their ships in harm’s way to spur U-boats attacks on them; and sought to bankrupt Japan and thereby prompt Tokyo to start war in the Pacific. Truman ignored the Constitution to begin his feckless war in Korea. Kennedy, Johnson and Nixon diddled away 50,000-plus America lives in a Vietnam war they refused to win. Bush-the-elder designated war as the appropriate tool for forming his authoritarian New World Order. And, as noted, Clinton, Bush-the-younger, and Obama set the standard for the piratical art of waging unnecessary interventionist wars not to win, but only to enrich themselves and their criminal gangs.

The time now appears near when all loyal Americans will have to fight to stave off the whirlwind these men and women have sewn. Quite frankly, the republic’s fate is hanging in the balance, and its enemies are both, as the saying goes, foreign and domestic.


–1.) Bob Dylan, “Let me die in my footsteps,” 1963 at

–2.) Mark Twain, The Mysterious Stranger, 2016, text at Twain’s words are at the end of the last paragraph of Chapter 9 at that site.

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Will Americans help Biden, Fauci, and Gates murder their kids?

Political, economic, and societal life in the United States is edging toward the intolerable as the republic is still in the hands of its domestic enemies and their foreign legion. But the end of the drama seems clear enough. In that evolving clarity the only certainty appears to be the necessity for resolute and, whenever required, armed resistance to the deliberate, murderous activities of the Biden Administration and all of its allies in industry, the media and Hollywood, banking, sports, foreign carpetbaggers, and, especially, those elected judges and district attorneys who have their posts because of Soros funding, rigged elections, and other foreign support.

The uniqueness of our condition is obvious. In the general course of a life, there are, naturally, few instances in an adult’s life that absolutely justify his or her killing another person. War, of course, is one of those instances, and self-defense is another one. But in America, there can be no greater justification for killing a person than finding a person, or persons, deliberately trying to kill a child, be that little one yours or another parent’s.

Except for a significant but still-limited portion of the American population, many people seem to have become inured to the cold-blooded murder of in-the-womb or just-born innocents. Perhaps this lethal indifference is due to the relative invisibility of the nearly 62 million infants that have been murdered in this republic since 1973. Several of the licensed murderers of those infants have been hunted down and eliminated, but such successes have been few and AMA members continue to enjoy, and make good livings from, applying their murderous instincts and skills against the most undefended of Americans.

One must wonder, in these disjointed and dispiriting days, whether the award of a license-to-murder to American women and their doctors – in the name of equality, no less — was not actually meant to acclimate all Americans to national-government backed, protected, and enforced infanticide as a normal part of everyday life. Since 1973, in essence, Americans have lived their lives daily and probably seldom thought of the national-government sanctioned practice that piles up ever more infant cadavers, or that the same government does little or nothing to stop the profitable practice of selling baby-parts to doctors, pharmaceutical companies, and prominent pedophiles to use in experiments and rituals; to use as ingredients in vaccines; and to graft onto or into the bodies of other mammals. A smaller component of the demand for the bodies and/or parts of babies are trafficked to sate the wicked appetites of the large number of sexually depraved that inhabit the elite echelons of American society, which includes the sitting and past presidents, as well as a large segment of the so-called bipartisan governing elite.

But now the curtain has dropped, and the ease of murdering the young is an your face and personal issue for untold numbers of American parents. Biden, his lieutenants, their allies and funders, and their European counterparts – all of whom seem likely owners of those wicked appetites and an unquenchable blood lust – have turned their murderous intent from the deliberate mass murder of adults, by poisonous vaccines, isolation, and joblessness, to their most prized target-set, 5-12 year olds. And they aspire to expand that doomed group further down the years to a point moments after birth. All of this will be done despite parental opposition and will be justified by Biden’s entirely bereft-of-law mandates, the directions of the UN’s World Health Organization (WHO) – headed by a former African terrorist — and the money and psychotic and sanguinary minds of two contemporary Himmlers, one an Israel-protected and self-proclaimed Jew-hunter/killer, the other a deranged computer geek.

I have written before that America is nearing civil war. Perhaps I was wrong. A war surely is coming, but as the view and understanding of Americans continues to sharpen it seems that the coming struggle is more accurately termed a war of independence. The break point on this issue occurred when school districts across the country announced that they would begin the forced lethal vaccinations of students 5 years of age and older, without securing parental approval, and citing as authorization for that crime the directions of the WHO, a UN organization which – like the UN – has no legal standing to enforce anything on anyone in U.S. territory. If the WHO’s direction is carried out without widespread armed opposition, Americans will be saying they willingly accept both their kids’ corpses and a form slavery far more vicious and dehumanizing than anything Britain did to their colonial ancestors. Worse, it will show the cowardice and moral worthlessness of American parents who let their children be murdered by Democrats, all of whom are now mentally retarded and anti-human BLMers.

The WHO, the UN, and their allies – such as the Davos Group and the World Economic Forum – have no constitutional standing in the United States. These organizations – and all of their members, employees, and public sympathizers – cannot order or conduct government-like activities in the United States, and are only committing criminal acts if they do. Nor can U.S. citizens act on their orders and defend their actions by claiming that orders from WHO and/or the UN gave them legal authority to murder children. Those acting on the basis of WHO/UN directives to forcibly inoculate children self-identify as criminals, as do those who try to protect and further their efforts. There is no “I was only following orders” legal defense in this land.

So the time has come to kill those who deliberately seek to kill our children. These crazed creatures are too many too count, but include doctors, NGO personnel, nurses, teachers, politicians, administrators, scientists – and if things deteriorate to the point now reached in Australia – perhaps police officers and soldiers.

All adults, at a time like this, are the parents of all children and should be prepared to risk life and limb to prevent their lawless, lethal, and unauthorized vaccination. Just as there is no law, man-made or Divine, authorizing the vaccinators to murder our children with lethal shots, there is likewise no law, man-made or Divine, that would be broken if those eagerly drooling executioners were eliminated to prevent their lethal attacks on children.

The resolve of our ancestors to save American lives and liberty was declared by the Second Continental Congress in the following words, drafted by John Dickinson and Thomas Jefferson:

In our own native land, in defence of the freedom that is our birthright, and which we ever enjoyed till the late violation of it — for the protection of our property, acquired solely by the honest industry of our fore-fathers and ourselves, against violence actually offered, we have taken up arms. We shall lay them down when hostilities shall cease on the part of the aggressors, and all danger of their being renewed shall be removed, and not before. (1)

As ever, history is repeating itself here in America. Let us take up arms and conduct ourselves accordingly, and in that way be worthy of respect from our saved children, our ancestors, and our posterity.



–1.) Jefferson, Dickinson, et. al, “On the Necessity of Taking Up Arms,” 6 July 1775, at

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