The disgrace and indictment of the U.S. Intelligence Community

How corrupt are U.S. intelligence agencies? The list at the end of this piece consists of the fifty-one high-ranking U.S. intelligence officers – most from CIA – who signed a letter published on the eve of the 2020 election that unconditionally claimed  that the criminality-confirming information, pictures, and videos on Hunter Biden’s laptop computer were the result of a Russian disinformation operation.

Many thought then — including myself, because I had worked with some of them — that the senior-level named people below were lying to help Joe Biden get elected. In the past week these suspicions were confirmed in an unconditional manner by the leading newspaper in the anti-Trump and anti-American coalition that is led by the Democratic Party and the media, funded by Soros, major U.S. banks and corporations, and China. That coalition also is assisted by many foreign intelligence services.

The signers of this letter obviously broke their oath of office; none had any interest in defeating America’s deadly enemies, either foreign or domestic. Indeed, they themselves were the republic’s most lethal enemies. In addition, these senior intelligence officers controlled the work, the information collected, and the reports produced by tens of thousands of U.S. intelligence officers.

They alone could decide who in the national government and military would receive the information, how fully the information would be shared, or if the information would be shared at all, or if it would be deep-sixed into locked drawers, limited-access computer files, or even destroyed. The signers also often used their power to intimidate and/or punish individuals who pushed too hard to present unvarnished intelligence to those who needed it most.

The fifty-one individuals named below do not represent a limited crop of bad apples in the intelligence community. Rather, the group proves the long-term existence of a deep, pervasive, and thoroughly anti-American rot that is still running through the components of the U.S. intelligence community. If anything, this rot has broadened, deepened, and grown more flamboyantly traitorous since Biden’s election.

The bottom line, it seems, is that the U.S. Intelligence community is no longer interested in defending Americans, only its elites and their money. In turn, that means many Americans and their families are living in neighborhoods beside intelligence-officers who are helping the governing elite to impoverish and enslave them and their children.

The below list of the fifty-one signers of the lying letter is from the courageous and stalwart New York Post ( . That paper first broke the news about the treason-identifying Biden laptop. It consistently refuted allegations that it was Russian disinformation, and it was censored by Biden and Big Tech for its trouble.

It is worth noting that, when asked by the Post what they thought about the confirmation that the Biden-laptop was genuine and not a Russian operation, none of fifty-0ne recanted their deliberate lies. Most did not respond, a few stood by their allegations, a few answered with new lies, others said they had noting to say or they were not up to date on the issue, and one, apparently in hiding, could not be reached.

The only conclusions to draw all of this are that (a) the U.S. intelligence community’s leaders have been and are liars, anti-American, and have been suborned by the Democrats, foreign powers, massively rich individuals, or all of the foregoing, and that (b) these officers are so afraid of being Arkancided if they defect from Biden that they are content to risk going down with the Deep- State ship or to be hunted down and dealt with by the wonderfully well-armed loyal citizenry they most certainly betrayed.

Following is the New York Post’s results from questioning the fifty-one contemporary Quislings:

Mike Hayden, former CIA director, now analyst for CNN: Didn’t respond.

Jim Clapper, former director of national intelligence, now CNN pundit: “Yes, I stand by the statement made AT THE TIME, and would call attention to its 5th paragraph. I think sounding such a cautionary note AT THE TIME was appropriate.”

Leon Panetta, former CIA director and defense secretary, now runs a public policy institute at California State University: Declined comment.

John Brennan, former CIA director, now analyst for NBC and MSNBC: Didn’t respond.

Thomas Fingar, former National Intelligence Council chair, now teaches at Stanford University: Didn’t respond.

Rick Ledgett, former National Security Agency deputy director, now a director at M&T Bank: Didn’t respond.

John McLaughlin, former CIA acting director, now teaches at Johns Hopkins University: Didn’t respond.

Michael Morell, former CIA acting director, now at George Mason University: Didn’t respond.

Mike Vickers, former defense undersecretary for intelligence, now on board of BAE Systems: Didn’t respond.

Doug Wise, former Defense Intelligence Agency deputy director, teaches at University of New Mexico: Didn’t respond.

Nick Rasmussen, former National Counterterrorism Center director, now executive director, Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism: Didn’t respond.

Russ Travers, former National Counterterrorism Center acting director: “The letter explicitly stated that we didn’t know if the emails were genuine, but that we were concerned about Russian disinformation efforts. I spent 25 years as a Soviet/Russian analyst. Given the context of what the Russians were doing at the time (and continue to do — Ukraine being just the latest example), I considered the cautionary warning to be prudent.”

Andy Liepman, former National Counterterrorism Center deputy director: “As far as I know I do [stand by the statement] but I’m kind of busy right now.”

John Moseman, former CIA chief of staff: Didn’t respond.

Larry Pfeiffer, former CIA chief of staff, now senior advisor to The Chertoff Group: Didn’t respond.

Jeremy Bash, former CIA chief of staff, now analyst for NBC and MSNBC: Didn’t respond.

Rodney Snyder, former CIA chief of staff: Didn’t respond.

Glenn Gerstell, former National Security Agency general counsel: Didn’t respond.

David Priess, former CIA analyst and manager: “Thank you for reaching out. I have no further comment at this time.”

Pam Purcilly, former CIA deputy director of analysis: Didn’t respond.

Marc Polymeropoulos, former CIA senior operations officer: Didn’t respond.

Chris Savos, former CIA senior operations officer: Didn’t respond.

John Tullius, former CIA senior intelligence officer: Didn’t respond.

David A. Vanell, former CIA senior operations officer: Didn’t respond.

Kristin Wood, former CIA senior intelligence officer, now non-resident fellow, Harvard: Didn’t respond.

David Buckley, former CIA inspector general: Didn’t respond.

Nada Bakos, former CIA analyst and targeting officer, now senior fellow, Foreign Policy Research Institute: Didn’t respond.

Patty Brandmaier, former CIA senior intelligence officer: Didn’t respond.

James B. Bruce, former CIA senior intelligence office: Didn’t respond.

David Cariens, former CIA intelligence analyst: Didn’t respond.

Janice Cariens, former CIA operational support officer: Didn’t respond.

Paul Kolbe, former CIA senior operations officer: Didn’t respond.

Peter Corsell, former CIA analyst: Didn’t respond.

Brett Davis, former CIA senior intelligence officer: Didn’t respond.

Roger Zane George, former national intelligence officer: Didn’t respond.

Steven L. Hall, former CIA senior intelligence officer: Didn’t respond.

Kent Harrington, former national intelligence officer: Didn’t respond.

Don Hepburn, former national security executive, now president of Boanerges Solutions LLC: “My position has not changed any. I believe the Russians made a huge effort to alter the course of the election . . . The Russians are masters of blending truth and fiction and making something feel incredibly real when it’s not. Nothing I have seen really changes my opinion. I can’t tell you what part is real and what part is fake, but the thesis still stands for me, that it was a media influence hit job.”

Timothy D. Kilbourn, former dean of CIA’s Kent School of Intelligence Analysis: Didn’t respond.

Ron Marks, former CIA officer: Didn’t respond.

Jonna Hiestand Mendez, former CIA technical operations officer, now on board of the International Spy Museum: “I don’t have any comment. I would need a little more information.”

Emile Nakhleh, former director of CIA’s Political Islam Strategic Analysis Program, now at University of New Mexico: “I have not seen any information since then that would alter the decision behind signing the letter. That’s all I can go into. The whole issue was highly politicized and I don’t want to deal with that. I still stand by that letter.”

Gerald A. O’Shea, former CIA senior operations officer: Didn’t respond.

Nick Shapiro, former CIA deputy chief of staff and senior adviser to the director: Didn’t respond.

John Sipher, former CIA senior operations officer: Declined to comment.

Stephen Slick, former National Security Council senior director for intelligence programs:
Didn’t respond.

Cynthia Strand, former CIA deputy assistant director for global issues: Didn’t respond.

Greg Tarbell, former CIA deputy executive director: Didn’t respond.

David Terry, former National Intelligence Collection Board chairman: Couldn’t be reached.

Greg Treverton, former National Intelligence Council chair, now senior adviser at the Center for Strategic and International Studies: “I’ll pass. I haven’t followed the case recently.”

Winston Wiley, former CIA director of analysis: Couldn’t be reached.

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Christ on a bike!

My wife and I once watched a British detective show in which the senior police inspector regularly used the phrase “Christ on a bike!” to greet situations he interpreted as ridiculous, devoid of commonsense, and/or almost unimaginable.

Today, 16 March 2022, Americans may well have encountered a spectacle like those experienced by the Brit police inspector. Slightly after 9am this morning, Americans were treated to the sight of hundreds of U.S. representatives and senators crowded into an auditorium to listen to the wretched, seedy, and green-T-shirted Ukrainian president, Mr. Zelensky. This giant of  European political history proceeded to demand that Biden’s government send NATO forces to save his country by fighting off the Russian military. Then, the ever-gracious Zelensky offered Biden an alternative, saying if the NATO cavalry would not saddle up, the United States must send its top-level weapons – especially anti-aircraft weapons – so the Ukrainian military can defend the country.

Zelensky also took the opportunity to try out his new comedy routine on America’s elected representatives, hoping he could get his message over their collective heads and that it would fool the idiot and criminal American voters who put Biden in power. With a tear in his eye and a catch in his throat – not a new experience given his performing career – Zelensky begged Americans to respond to his demands in the way the republic responded to Pearl Harbor and the 9/11 raid.

It seems that in comedians like Zelensky, the passion for laughs always shines through. Clearly, non-Democrat Americans know that the United States had to respond to Pearl Harbor by annihilating Imperial Japan. Those Americans also know that Franklin Roosevelt provoked Japan into the attack by applying sanctions that closed the country’s access to U.S. supplies of scrap metal, aviation fuel, other forms of petroleum, and militarily vital metal ores. As a clinching poke at Japan, FDR also froze Japan’s U.S.-based assets. As Obama and Biden knowingly provoked Russia into a Ukraine war, Roosevelt and his cronies knowingly provoked war with Japan, at last leaving Tokyo with only a Hobson’s choice between gradual economic catastrophe and a war in which its chances of winning hovered just above negligible.

And on issue of the 9/11 raid, ol’ Charlie Chaplin Zelensky hit it out of the park. Clinton and Bush-the-younger poked the bid-Laden-led Islamists in every way they could. By early 1998, Clinton had had at least ten chances to kill or capture bin Laden and did not take a single one. Thus it was Clinton who rolled out the red carpet to welcome the 9/11 raid. Bush and Cheney kept the red carpet fresh and fluffy by ignoring the Islamists, and then made the Islamists’ outstanding 9/11 success, and, with Obama and Biden, made that enemy-victory into an American shame-story by waging a 20-year war in Afghanistan that was never meant to be won, capping it off with a wow finish, with Biden rewarding the Taliban for defeating the U.S. with $85 billion dollars in first-class weaponry and 13 dead U.S. Marines.

Zelensky knows all of this. He knows you can’t kid a kidder, but he also knows a kidder can buffalo the war-loving likes of Biden and the Congress. Let’s hope he fails, but with that gang of losers, our soldier-children may yet again be headed “over there” to unnecessarily fight in a third European war since 1917.

Christ on a bike!

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America’s deadliest foes are in Washington, D.C. and the media, not in Ukraine or Russia

At week’s end, nearly $14 billion in taxpayer money will soon be on the way to the shattered, useless, and criminal government of Ukraine, a country of no national-security importance to Americans, except for those in the republic’s terminally corrupt and traitorous national government. The only pro-American solution on Ukraine is to abandon it, withdraw from NATO, let Russia do what its national interests require, and then sit back and watch the feckless European governments and their frail militaries deal with the issue.

Biden’s expensive and deceitful pro-Ukraine circus is an extraordinarily important negative event for Americans. It adds more debt and perhaps a war to their burdens, even as they are buried under millions of useless, unwanted, and criminal illegal-aliens, foreigners who are prized by Biden’s government for more than its citizens. It also adds to the burden of using gasoline that now requires a portion of each working family’s food budget to be moved to their fuel budget so that the breadwinners can go to work to make more money so more money can be shifted from food to gasoline. And it features the comical conduct of the nation’s diplomacy by Biden sending a cackling, moron-of-color to Poland to make sure the Polish leadership is certain that his administration is staffed by all sorts of retarded, brain-dead perverts, all of whom are desperately eager for a European war that would kill many millions of white Christians.

American citizens deserve more than this kind of relentless cruelty and idiocy from their government and political elite, which amounts to a deliberate campaign to make them a class of poor and passively obedient peasants. All Americans must accept that their most deadly enemy has long been, and is in now in Washington, D.C., not in Russia or China. Americans deserve the elimination of their entire corrupt political class and its allied parasites in business, banking, the academy, the scientific and medical communities, the media, and among military flag-officers. Citizens should anticipate that the political class is now planning to stage a false-flag cyberattack in the United States, and a second in the form of a chemical-weapon attack in Ukraine — both will be blamed on Russia – and so they must be prepared to sturdily and actively resist the war that Biden and the globalists so clearly want.

It is time to say enough is enough and return to the republic’s first principles, the Founders’ principles. There is no constitutional or Christian reason for Americans to passively tolerate and obey the current and accelerating tyranny that rules and abuses them. As a fine historian once wrote, America’s Founders expected future circumstances to periodically demand a return to first principles to preserve the republic. The Founders recognized and accepted, he added, that the “resort to first principles was a resort to extrajudicial and extralegal acts against established authority with a clear conscience.”

That this scholar’s analysis is dead on the mark is underscored by words used by George Washington in a 1779 letter to his colleague and friend George Mason. “I have beheld no day,” the General wrote

since the commencement of hostilities that I have thought her [America’s] liberties in such eminent danger as at present. Friends and foes seem now to combine to pull down the goodly fabric as we have hitherto been raising at the expense of so much time, blood, and treasure; and unless the bodies poltick will exert themselves to bring things back to first principles, correct abuses, and punish our internal foes, inevitable ruin must follow. (1)

The italics and the bold print were inserted in the quote by the author.


–1.) George Washington to George Mason, 27 March 1779,

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Congenital liar and anti-American, John Brennan, reappears, promises the end of conservatives and free speech

Just when you think that the Democrats cannot put another terminal liar before the American people to spread misinformation, they roll out John Brennan, one of most deeply hued traitors and thorough-going liars now living in the United States. A former CIA Director, whose major institutional achievement was to create the Celebrate Sexual-Depravity Pride Month at the Agency. In his spare time, he assisted Obama and Hillary Clinton to build and arm ISIS, until Trump and Putin temporarily put paid to the Islamists by using an admirably ruthless application of military power. You can bet, however, that since Biden’s inauguration, his feckless regime has been arming and training the republic’s Islamist enemies and that much of that force has been restored and is ready to operate. Even now, perhaps, it is heading to Ukraine in the same private-sector aircraft that Biden rented to move illegal aliens into the United States. Obviously, America’s domestic enemies are arming our foreign enemies, and not only the Democrats own BLM and ANTIFA terrorist groups.

Last week, Brennan returned to TV and explained to Americans that there is a coming Biden administration campaign to end much of the 1st Amendment to remove all patriot voices and pens in the United States in the name of removing “misinformation” from social media, television, radio, and, probably, all of the public square. Misinformation, for Brennan and his murderous fellow Democrats, is any communication that slows and seeks to stop and rollback the fascist tyranny they are imposing on the United States

Now, I think there is dire need to, if possible, legally punish the many sources of misinformation that already have killed nearly a million Americans and more than a billion people around the world. Those sources of these lethal lies include, but are far from limited to:

–Those who worked with foreigners and an eager media to try to overthrow a sitting U.S. president.

–Those who put a deranged and always-failed politician into the presidency, and then manipulated him to destroy the U.S. dollar, the U.S. economy, America’s energy and agricultural industries, and, as always, to seek new wars at home and abroad.

–Those who have devised poisonous “vaccines” and championed their effectiveness and full safety, even though they knew the shots were lethal.

–Those in the Biden administration – including Biden and Harris — who paid the media over $1 billion to never report a bit of the now-abundant proof that Fauci’s vaccines were meant to kill Americans and their children.

–Those who worked with foreign governments to rig the 2020 presidential election in a manner that installed the above-mentioned retard as president and and gave power his tyranny-seeking party.

–Those who neutered the U.S. military, and especially the defense secretary, all of the Joint Chiefs, and most flag officers, with the lethal shots for 80-90-percent of military personnel, and who have refused 400,000 exemption requests, most based on the Christian beliefs. The latter  also will be cashiered.

–Those in the Congress, the media, both parties, the Pentagon, the punditry, Biden and his cabinet, who, during the past two weeks, have worked to start a war, perhaps a nuclear war, with Russia over Ukraine. (NB: It is possible that Biden and his globalists allies are preparing Poland to be the globalists’ sacrificial lamb via his request for NATO to send pilots to Poland and from there fly combat missions against the Russian army in Ukraine. If Poland’s leaders agree, Poles will find no cavalry coming to their rescue against Russia’s legitimate retribution against their leaders’ foolishness, just as they were left alone to fight the Wehrmacht in 1939 when the UK and France failed to fulfill their guarantees of Poland’s security. The utter destruction of Poland would be a win-win for Biden and the globalists, they would inflict pain on Russia and broaden the Ukraine war, and they would have destroyed a devout Catholic people and their homeland.)

–Those in all branches of the national government who conspired to secretly build between 8 and 11 military chemical-weapons laboratories in Ukraine as a sure means of provoking a Russian invasion and even a NATO war with Russia.

–Those teachers who teach anti-white or any other kind of racism, who teach critical race theory, and who teach our children the greatness and normality of sexual depravity and changing genders.

–Those crackpot and lying scientist, politicians, and media who – like the scientists, media, politicians, and doctors pushing the non-existent China-Fauci Flu – have been the utterly wrong and scientifically fraudulent advocates of Climate Change since 1980. Especially meriting punishment are those bureaucrats and scientists at National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) who have changed historic weather data to abet the political and extortionate propaganda needs of the Democrats and the lying cadre of scientists, all of whom merit delivery to a prison, there to join the vaccine-fraudsters. (NB: For the evidence of these irrefutable facts about climate fraud, watch Tony Heller’s invaluable videos at

So, we ought to welcome back Mr. Brennan to various media platforms. There he can endlessly spew that on which he is a supreme expert; namely, misinformation (more commonly known as America-hating, bald-faced lies.) As long as Brennan and fellow liars like Clapper, Hillary, Milley, Austin, Biden, Harris, Obama, McCabe, Pelosi, Schumer, etc. keep speaking in public, their steady flow of transparent lies will equip Americans to fully master the skill of listening to Democratic and Woke advice and threats, which will, in turn, yield their reliable recognition of misinformation, and thereafter dismiss said advice and do the opposite. Americans also can continue to make arrangements for protecting their families and homes, as well as to prepare to annihilate any attempts by those for whom Brennan fronts to make good their republic-and citizen killing threats.

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Ukraine proves U.S. political & military interventionism starts wars and kills the republic

“The right of revolution is an appeal to the law of nature against the injustice of the existing government.”, Kevin Portteus, May, 2021 (1)

The Russian invasion of Ukraine is entirely justifiable, and probably overdue in the context of Russia’s genuine national-security interests.

The current situation in Ukraine is the result of unrelenting U.S. government intervention in the country, conducted in tandem with George Soros, the U.S. State Department, the EU, the BBC and other war-seeking media outlets, and, apparently, a secret U.S. military operation that built and operated multiple – perhaps 8 — bio-weapons laboratories in Ukraine. These entities – with their NATO buddies – tore down an elected Ukrainian government in 2014 and replaced it with one that is controlled by Soros, past and current U.S. presidents and their families, senior diplomats and generals, EU politicians, former Secretary of State Clinton and her personal criminal gang, and various U.S. business, energy, and banking carpetbaggers.

As an aside, it is worth asking how Washington would react if it found multiple active Russian and/or Chinese chemical weapons laboratories spread across southern Ontario in Canada or nestled just south of the Rio Grande?)

Since 2014, Russian President Putin has demanded one thing: that the United States and NATO pledge not to bring Ukraine into the alliance. That demand was never fulfilled by the West, and so Putin first rightly annexed Crimea and its ports, which are indispensable to the Russian Navy’s Black Sea Fleet. The response he did get was a continuing criminal crusade by the U.S. government to arm Ukraine’s army, use it as the U.S.-Western elites’ money-laundering headquarters, and to blacken and vilify Putin and all of the Russian people.

At that point, the correct response for the peace and welfare of the American people would have been for the U.S. government to deliver its one-year notice of withdrawal from the North Atlantic Treaty, thereby ending America’s reckless participation in the economic, military, and political intervention into Russian affairs that has been ongoing since the dissolution of the USSR in 1991.

Once out of NATO, Americans would see that the European and Canadian regimes do not give a good damn about democracy, and that they are not willing to spend their own money and lives to defend or install it, or to protect themselves. Indeed, all 28 NATO member countries have used the Wuhan-Fauci Flu to dismantle democracy, install tyranny. and kill as many as possible of their citizens with lethal vaccines.

All Americans also would see that neither Democrats nor Republicans have any reliable policies except for getting the nation involved in interventionist wars whenever they can create an opportunity to start one. They already are seeing Biden and the Democratic Party – ever eager to inflict pain on the republic’s citizenry – pushing for increased military intervention in Ukraine, while simultaneously adopting domestic policies which will increase gasoline, heating oil, and natural gas prices in the United States; weaken the U.S. dollar; spur ever higher inflation, and perhaps fatally undermine the U.S. dollar’s status as the world’s reserve currency.

Biden, the Democrats, and the NATO governments are also jointly imposing pain not just on Putin and his government but on the Russian people themselves by suspending their use of PayPal and other such payment services, closing Russian media outlets in Europe, and by expelling all Russian students from European universities.

The Democrats always say they never fail to take political advantage of a crisis, and they are doing so over Ukraine with the ultimate goal of destroying the United States and its people. There is no other way to credibly explain the Biden administration’s disastrous-for-America sanctions on Russia, and its simultaneous attempts – with support from its butt-boys in NATO, the U.S. Congress, the media, the putrid anti-American alliance of Neocons and Israel-Firsters, and retired and serving U.S. flag officers — to goad Putin into more violent operations in Ukraine and beyond.

Now, more than ever, it would serve Americans to recall how deeply mad and traitorous are those who trumpet the idiocy that identifies the United States is an “exceptional nation” and so, one that can, with righteousness and zeal, conduct an interventionist and militarized foreign policy in the name of protecting and spreading democracy.

This concept of exceptionalism would have been anathema to the Founders, as would have the Democrats’ nation-and-society-killing brand of democracy, which is now sapping the marrow of the republic’s increasingly brittle bones.

It is safe to say that for sane Americans, it is in the republic’s and their own self-interest to recall that the only form of “American exceptionalism” that the Founders’ condoned is the one that the brilliant historian Walter A. McDougall described as policy that recognized that America was exceptional only because of her “liberty, unity, and independence at home…. That is, America was rendered exceptional by what she was at home, not by what she did abroad.” (2)

At a time when Biden’s traitor-staffed national government is unconstitutional, devoid of talent, tyrannical, rabidly interventionist, bloodthirsty, profligate, lawless, flamboyantly pagan, and just plain cruel and sadistic, it is the right moment for Americans to see the writing Biden’s band of depraved misfits haswritten on the wall. The time is now for the citizenry to decide whether (a.) they want to maintain the republic and, if the answer is yes, (b.) do they have the gumption to do what is ultimately their constitutional and Christian responsibility. U.S. citizens, after all, “are the masters of their Constitution, to fulfill its purposes and to safeguard it from those who, by perversion of its intent, would convert it to an instrument of injustice.” (3)

Well, it seems clear beyond reasonable doubt that the Democrats are both the perverts and the perverters of our Constitution, government, children, educational system, national character, economy, judiciary, and society. These perverters also are bent on erasing the rights and liberties that each American holds as personal and inalienable property, ones that are based on the principles of God-given natural law and natural rights, which, Alexander Hamilton correctly wrote, are “eternal and immutable law, which is, indispensably obligatory upon all mankind, prior to any institution whatever.” (4) It seems that this fact, and the process of arduous rectification it entails, probably was in the mind of President Trump when he told the 2019 UN General Assembly, “The United States will always uphold our constitutional right to keep and bear arms. We will always uphold our Second Amendment.” (5)


–1.)  Kevin Portteus, “The Right of Revolution in the American Founding,” 18 May 2021;,2021/05/18/the_right_of_revolution_in_the_American_founding_777236.html

–2.) Walter A. McDougall. The Constitutional History of U.S. Foreign Policy. Philadelphia, PA: Foreign Policy Research Institute, 2010, pp. 5-6

–3.) Theodore Roosevelt inserted this piece of hard reality and truth in the 1912 platform of his Bull Moose Party. Quoted in Ibid., p. 38

–4.) Hamilton quoted in Kevin Portteus, “The Right of Revolution in the American Founding,” 18 May 2021,,2021/05/18/the_right_of_revolution_in_the_American_founding_777236.html

–5.) President Donald Trump Speech to UN General Assembly, 24 September 2019, see,

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Do Biden and the Neocons want nuclear war with Russia?

What do we do with an perpetually adolscent bipartisan governing elite that yearns to be periodically spanked by Russian President Vladimir Putin? For the third time since 2014, the U.S. governing elite and its media generals and shills have been taken to the wood shed and thoroughly spanked by Putin. They have come out of the shed blubbering and threatening war, though there is now nothing to fight for in Ukraine. There never was.

Putin remains the only commonsense-and-nationalist adult on the world leadership stage. Listening to his speech on the eve of Russia recognizing the independence of the Luhansk and Donetsk regions, Putin spoke with a full grasp of Russian history, an enlightened sense of his country’s nationalist and Orthodox Christian spirit, and becoming humility in recognizing and disowning the savage communist aggression committed by Lenin and Stalin in Ukraine.

The U.S.-Western response to Putin’s speech and subsequent actions amounted to mindless sputtering about breaking “international law” – what have they said about Trudeau’s brutal Nazi regime in Canada? Nothing – and the likelihood of Putin rolling over the rest of Ukraine and into Europe. In other words, U.S.-Western leadership is a war-loving gang of horses asses, whose words do not cause fear, but rather ever-increasing popular animosity towards these leaders, their extreme arrogance, their clear incompetence, and their vicious anti-white racism. In all likelihood, the ranks of U.S.-Western leaders will be washed away by votes or forceful responses to their authoritarianism – called for by St. Paul and in America’s founding documents —  long before Putin leaves the Russian presidency.

Finally, in the realm of  the U.S.-Western leaders’ arrogance and deceit, it is important for Americans to remember that the only war the United States – and probably most of NATO – can wage is a nuclear war. Why? The answer lies in the Wuhan/Fauci Flu. The U.S. military, for example, is said contain c. 1.4 million men and women. Right now, 400,000 of these individuals are waiting to be cashiered from the military for refusing to be vaccinated. Many were refused exemptions based on their Christian faith.

In addition, media reporting claims that 80-to-90 percent of the remaining c. 1 million personnel have been vaccinated with Fauci’s lethal shots. The media also is reporting that what probably are vaccine-caused, debilitating illnesses among military personnel are skyrocketing. The basic math of this situation suggests that the U.S. military has almost no personnel – Marines, pilots, gunners, submarine commanders, medics, sappers, soldiers, logisticians, tank drivers, etc. — who can be evaluated as reliably and durably healthy and so ready to participate in the physically taxing and mentally stressful event known as ground warfare. Hence, the Neocons and the Biden administration have only their nuclear arrow with which to conduct the war against Russia for which they are lusting.

Perhaps that is precisely what they have wanted all along.

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Why in God’s name would any NATO soldier agree fight for democracy in Ukraine?

An odd aspect of the U.S.-NATO-Neocon conglomerate’s current and quite mad war-seeking against Russia is that no leaders in that bunch appear to have stopped to ask himself whether their troops will fight and die if ordered to do so. Normally, no such reflection is necessary because such con-men leaders have for decades inculcated their peoples – through speeches, schooling, and the media – with the necessity of fighting to protect, promote, and install “democracy” everywhere in the world.

This is, and always has been, a nonsense. The state of the world’s so-called democracies are irrelevant to U.S. national security; the only democracy Americans need worry about is their own. The world as a whole would be no worse off if one or ten of its democracies disappear by tomorrow at dawn. In America’s case, dozens of interventionist and unnecessary U.S. wars in the name of democracy have, since 1945, bankrupted the U.S. treasury, overtaxed Americans, corrupted the republic’s democracy to the bone, and turned the U.S. government into a quickly consolidating tyranny. Indeed, so long any Democrat is permitted to participate in American politics and elections democracy and the republic will be things of the past.

That said, the world has changed and the war-wanters ought not rest comfortably with the assumption that their fighting forces will fight if ordered to do so. Why so? Simply because for going on three years, these fighting men and women have seen their leaders wage all-out war against the democracies in which they live. They have seen a staged, non-existent pandemic used by their governments to limit personnel mobility; deny employment; isolate citizens from each other; pit citizens against each other; increase racial tensions; unconstitutionally force vaccinations on people using long-suspected and now fully proven poisonous vaccines; prevented the use of cheap, easily available, and highly effective therapeutics to ensure high numbers of dead, as well as to ensure massive profits for Big Pharma, and, in turn, larger Big Pharma bribes for most politicians, doctors, and hospital administrators. All of this was accomplished not by a new law or a series thereof, but by meaningless, unlawful, unconstitutional, lethal, and half-assed unscientific mandates announced by small-brained and uncaring political  and medical leaders such as Adolph Trudeau, Wild-hair, blathering Boris; the witless-traitor-corpse Biden, and Herr Fauci von Mangele.

The Western-leaders’ medical campaign for death also has been accompanied by such well-known democratic measures as scrapping long-standing precedents protecting religious beliefs – especially Christian beliefs – in the U.S. military, as evidenced by pledges from JCS Chairman General Milley, Secretary of Defense Austin, and all of the service chiefs to discharge 400, 000 U.S. troops for refusing to accept death by forced-injection. These troops are being sent packing from a 1.4-million-person military on the eve of Biden’s Ukraine war. Now, reducing the military by almost a third just as war is nearing seems a bit counterintuitive and as evidence of a plan to see America defeated. To think, moreover, that those troops would fight and perhaps die based on a last-minute decision to delay their cashiering until after a Ukraine war would be, well, insane.
All Americans – including military personnel – also saw their grandparents and parents murdered by the now-in-power Democrats and Fauci’s pretend-the half-witted-science-is-true gang from the very start of the pandemic. The Democratic governors of New York, New Jersey, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and California filled eldercare facilities to the rafters with ill old people who subsequently were killed by a combination the Wuhan Flu and lethal medical protocols, which were inflicted on the U.S. and the other NATO nations through a cooperative effort among China, the Democrats, George Soros, and NIH’s gangsters.

These deaths, one would suppose, would not make men and women want to fight and die in a war that has nothing to do with U.S. national security and everything to do with maintaining Ukraine as a principle source of the illicit money that fills the pockets of Western politicians, flag officers, senior diplomats and bureaucrats, and media personalities. If the lethal treatment of the elderly did not get the attention of the peoples of the world’s democracies, surely the new plans of the U.S. and some NATO governments to vaccinate – and so kill – kids from age five down to the new-born probably will. This fact will hardly be a reason for anyone to risk their life for any government bent on starting an unnecessary, interventionist, certain-to-fail war for democracy in Ukraine.

At bottom, the question on the table is “Will the military personnel of the so-called democratic NATO countries really fight for democracy in Ukraine after their leaders have deliberately butchered so many of their fellow citizens with the Wuhan Flu?” For U.S. troops, it must be asked if it is possible that they will be willing to fight and – as always since 1945 — fail to create a democracy in Ukraine after their own “democratic government” killed almost twice as many of their fellow countrymen and as were killed in all of World War 2. (1)


–1.) See,

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A Two Mikes podcast: Todd Callender and resistance to the Democrats’ genocide

We interviewed Mr. Todd Callender yesterday on Globalist/Biden genocide,  and the result was one of the most powerful, informed, stubbornly insistent, and just plain hard-assed American presentations we have yet heard. Following is the lead-in which will be with the podcast when it is published in the next day or so. As of 12 February 2022, this podcast can be heard at:
Today (9 February 2022), The Two Mikes interviewed Mr. Todd Callender, an international lawyer who is leading figure in the movement to defeat the campaign by the Federal government, its medical establishment, Big Pharma, gangsters like Fauci and Gates, most teachers,the media, and the pro-depopulation zombies that staff much of the federal scientific, heath, and medical bureaucracies, as well as the Secretary of Defense and his staff and acolytes in the flag-officer corps. Mr. Callender is as frank and honest as any guest we have had. He stated that there is no doubt that Americans and people around the world are experiencing the ongoing application of a well-planned genocide meant to kill billions — a billion people are likely already dead — and destroy national sovereignty in favor of a world government staffed by homicidal maniacs. After all, in the case the science being followed at the moment is the science of how to commit genocide. The vaccinations are meant to destroy the American republic and erase the idea of God. Although they do not work, many of those who have taken the shot have committed suicide. The mandate for vaccination is also meant to, and has, weakened the U.S. military. In a 1.4 million-person military, commanded by a Biden tyranny desperate for war, the patients, in many categories of illness, are skyrocketing. In addition, the law firm to which Mr. Callender belongs is trying to help 400,000 military personnel — mostly Christians — who have been refused religious exemptions. Mr. Callender had much more to say in this interview, but left the Two mikes deeply impressed with his knowledge, experience, and fierce determination to defeat those who are pressing this genocide, peacefully, if it at all possible, but in one way or another. Americans have a Constitution that provides the means for a workable alternative. A bright spot? Mr. Callender reminded us that because this attack is a genocidal crime, it is worldwide crime, and under the Nuremberg laws the perpetrators have nowhere to hide, and once captured, wherever they are found, will be quickly handled by military courts as were the Nazis  in 1945-46.
–Mr. Callender’s analaysis of how the the Wuhan-Flu and its genocide vaccines are trying  to “create a new human being” can be heard here:
–For more information on Mr. Callender’s views and experiences, and for documents and forms with which citizens can approach the military and their local police for help in getting the Covid criminals arrested listen to:
–Mr. Callender’s riveting description of how we got into the mess we are in can be heard at:
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Simple proof that we live under a murderous, war-loving tyranny

There are some truths not fit to be told…. But this doctrine only holds true as to private and personal failings; and it is quite otherwise when the crimes of men come to affect the publick.” … “Let us therefore … brand those as enemies to human society, who are enemies to equal and impartial liberty” Cato’s Letters, 1720-1723 (1)

Perhaps the Founders’ greatest concern about the survival of republicanism in the new United States was that the Constitution, though it strongly limited presidential power, might not prove strong enough overtime to restrain  men elected president who sought only to secure their own interests, not those of the republic.

Among the many hamstrings they created to preempt such abuse, none is more important than the Constitution’s crystal clear provision that only the Congress can declare war, and that that power cannot be delegated. With the exception of James K. Polk presenting Congress with a fait accompli in the form of an already underway Mexican War (1846-1848), this constitutional provision largely controlled presidents for more than a century

The tight constitutional horse-collar placed around each president’s neck to prevent him from making war off his own hook was effective until Franklin Roosevelt took us into World War Two. He did so by taking Executive Branch actions that assured Japan and/or Germany would eventually have to attack the United States or see their national interests – especially their economies — face utter ruin. Japan acted first, after being baited into attacking Pearl Harbor by FDR’s sanctions, thus getting FDR the war he himself could never gotten from the Congress and the American people as late as 6 December 1941. Hitler gave him the rest of that war, wrapped up in glittering paper and bows, when Germany declared war on the United States on 11 December 1941.

Since Roosevelt’s successful but unconstitutional, even treasonous campaign for war – in which he was helped by Churchill’s government, just as China assured that Biden got the presidency he could never have won on his own – the Congress, in the post-1950 era, repeatedly has delegated its constitutionally non-delegable war-declaring role to the president via an act called “Authorization for Use of Military Force”, which illicitly surrenders the Congress’s sole power to declare war to the executive branch. The last renewal of the act occurred in 2001, and presidents since have operated as tyrants to start wars or run rogue military operations under its auspices. It is under this act that Biden is now seeking war – perhaps nuclear war — with Russia over  Ukraine.

So regularly has the Congress renewed this authorization that, sadly, the possibility that a walking corpse like Biden and his deranged, adolescent, and China-paid advisers and generals are now seeking a war with Russia over the totally-inconsequential-to-American-security Ukraine. In both the 1950s and today the Congress’s unconstitutional gift of tyrannical power to the president is a self-serving piece of political charlatanism and cowardice. No member of Congress or Senate has to sign his name to a declaration of war, going to war is left to the tyrant’s will, and all Senators and Congressmen remain free to celebrate the president’s war if it is won, or damn him to hell if he loses.

Since America has lost every war started by its presidents since 1950, a lot of flamboyant damning and fault-finding has occurred, but the Congress has largely shielded itself from paying the political price for unnecessary, interventionist wars. Indeed, the only price paid for these tyrant-wars have been the emptying of the citizenry’s wallets and the death of an estimated 102,284 of their military children. This of course does not count the wounded, maimed, maddened, missing-in-action, or prisoners-of war.  (NB: It would be worth adding to this list the hundreds of thousands of Americans who have been killed by the Fentanyl made by the Democrats’ Chinese owners to further the ongoing and savage Democrat-Chinese war that is aimed at destroying the republic.)

As always, neither Biden, his cabinet, their Chinese owners, nor the Congress mind running up the monetary-and-casualties bill as far as necessary. Indeed, this situation is not a mistake, rather it is exactly what the president and the Congress want. Sadly for population like ours, the lessons of history do not come easily to mind. Warnings from commentaries written by John Trenchard and Thomas Gordon as Cato’s Letters between 1720 and 1723, for example, clearly predicts the tyrannical disaster that will emanate from granting any government’s executive branch the sort of unlimited power present in ‘Authorization for Use of Military Force.” It is in the nature of power”, wrote Trenchard and Gordon,

“to be ever encroaching, and converting every extraordinary power, granted at particular times, and upon particular occasions, into an ordinary power, to be used at all times, and when there is no occasion; nor does it ever part willingly with any advantage. From this spirit it is, that occasional commissions have grown sometimes perpetual.”(2)

Thus, the dire and enslaving situation America faces now has not been caused by a mistake, but rather it is precisely the perpetual tyranny that both the president and the Congress crave, and for which they will enslave and bankrupt their countrymen to preserve. Cato’s Letters accurately described America’s current self-made predicament when they commented that governments

“will engage their country in ridiculous, expensive, fantastical wars, to keep the minds of men in continual hurry and agitation, and under constant fears and alarms; and, by such means, deprive them both of leisure and inclination to look into publick miscarriages. Men, on the contrary, will, instead of such inspection, be disposed to fall into all measures offered, seemingly, for their defence, and will agree to every wild demand made by those who are betraying them.” (3)

That passage could have been written by any thoughtful and observant American adult today, so little is our current tyrant, his lieutenants, and their foreign allies concerned about hiding their activities and intentions from us.


–1.) Quoted in

–2.) Quoted in

–3.) Quoted in





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Biden unleashes more anti-Conservative storm troopers

In late-December, 2021, or January, 2022, I received a call from a number based in northern Virginia, an area I moved a long way away from months earlier, 2021. No name appeared with the number, but I answered it anyway. The caller identified himself as a member of the U.S. Secret Service and said he was in his car and had been surveilling my home in Northern Virginia. I responded by saying “Why don’t you come on in?”. This genius paused, and then said, “You have moved from this location, haven’t you?” I said “You got it” and hung up. (It is likely I said something else but I do not recall for sure.) More recently, I have caught hold of several other indicators of this coming thug-operation. Perhaps more about them on another day.

Now today, I come across a bulletin issued by the Department of Homeland Security on 7 February, 2022. The document makes it clear that Biden has his law-enforcement, investigative, and intelligence agencies on the move to comb through — presumably — the country’s white male population for those who believe that the American republic is one of laws not men, and who shape their view of legitimate government, versus a tyrannical bloodthirsty regime, based on the Constitution, the 1st, 2nd, 4th, and other Amendments, the Declaration of Independence, the Bible, and the most important American political paper ever written: “A Declaration Setting Forth the Causes and Necessity of Their Taking Up Arms.”(1) The latter was published by the 2nd Continental Congress 0n 4 July 1775, and was written by those two well-known white terrorists John Dickinson and and Thomas Jefferson.

So take a look at the three paragraphs that follow, and then read the the whole DHS document I have cited below. If today was a day in 1776, Biden would have his Nazi-thug bureaucrats breaking down the doors at Monticello, Mount Vernon, and the homes of every other member of the 2nd Continental Congress. Indeed, all of those men will live forever in the hearts of today’s loyal Americans, men and women who understand the republic, because they defied, condemned, and eventually sent packing King George’s brutal and authoritarian bureaucrats and military personnel.


“The United States remains in a heightened threat environment fueled by several factors, including an online environment filled with false or misleading narratives and conspiracy theories, and other forms of mis- dis- and mal-information (MDM) introduced and/or amplified by foreign and domestic threat actors. These threat actors seek to exacerbate societal friction to sow discord and undermine public trust in government institutions to encourage unrest, which could potentially inspire acts of violence. Mass casualty attacks and other acts of targeted violence conducted by lone offenders and small groups acting in furtherance of ideological beliefs and/or personal grievances pose an ongoing threat to the nation.

While the conditions underlying the heightened threat landscape have not significantly changed over the last year, the convergence of the following factors has increased the volatility, unpredictability, and complexity of the threat environment: (1) the proliferation of false or misleading narratives, which sow discord or undermine public trust in U.S. government institutions; (2) continued calls for violence directed at U.S. critical infrastructure; soft targets and mass gatherings; faith-based institutions, such as churches, synagogues, and mosques; institutions of higher education; racial and religious minorities; government facilities and personnel, including law enforcement and the military; the media; and perceived ideological opponents; and (3) calls by foreign terrorist organizations for attacks on the United States based on recent events.

DHS and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) continue to share timely and actionable information and intelligence with the broadest audience possible. This includes sharing information and intelligence with our partners across every level of government and in the private sector. Under the Biden-Harris Administration, DHS is prioritizing combating all forms of terrorism and targeted violence, including through its efforts to support the first-ever National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism. Since January 2021, DHS has taken several steps in this regard, including: (20


–End Notes:

–1.) The eternally pertinent handiwork of Jefferson and Dickinson can be found at:

–2.) These three paragraphs come from are the following document which is located at: 

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