Time to force the issue?

Come gather ’round people
Wherever you roam
And admit that the waters
Around you have grown
And accept it that soon
You’ll be drenched to the bone
If your time to you is worth savin’
And you better start swimmin’
Or you’ll sink like a stone
For the times they are a-changin’

Bob Dylan, 1963


In the first three days of this week, Biden has signed legislation that gave another one billion dollars to Ukraine for war and kick-backs, and 645 million dollars to Latin American nations to help feed their people. How much for poor and quickly-being-impoverished Americans? Not a cent. Accompanying this needless and meant-for-the-wallets of Biden&Son Inc., the Clintons, the Kerrys, and the Obamas, is a threatening letter to the U.S. oil industry demanding that they increase production to lower the price of fuel for the “American People”. Do Biden et al. really think there is a single American who is not positive that the problems people are having paying for fuel are solely the result of Biden and his party and the climate-fraud crowd? There is not. These half-wits are doing what Democrats do: (a) pour unrelenting pain onto the American people and (b) and try to enslave Christian whites to replace their former Black slaves, a few of whom they have now enshrined as token demigods forever on the taxpayers’ dole.

On climate, by the way,what can you expect from people who forgot their third-grade lesson that carbon dioxide is essential to the survival of humanity, that vegetation grows better as its presence increases the air, and that crops increase and forests expand as its presence grows? Of course, more carbon dioxide means better lives for the earth’s inhabitants, which is what the anti-science, climate fraudsters and globalists oppose. They prefer mass extermination. These climate liars should just buy folding lawn chairs and go sit in northern Greenland or Canada and watch the ice pack melt. That must be coming, these experts predicted its near-term disappearance many decades ago, just after they were predicting an imminent new ice age. They better wear sweaters and toques, as they are going to have a hell of a long wait.

What the Biden administration is doing, you see, is running a scotched-earth, total eradication campaign against all middle, working and lower class Americans of all colors and creeds – except Jewish. Think not? Look at your fuel prices and accelerating inflation; look at the vaccines they have used to kill, cripple, terminate pregnancies, and sterilize you; look at the swarm of sexually depraved nut-cases they have unloosed to recruit and abuse our children; look at Ukraine war which they sought, and then started, to fill their own pockets; look at the 3 million new illegal aliens brought here to spread crime, disease, and advance population replacement; look at the Democrats’ terrorists’ destruction of more than fifty food-processing plants across the nation, the deliberate paralysis of the supply chain, and the many thousands of cattle being found dead from poisoning. This is what Biden and his gang are doing, they are waging a war of extinction against Americans, their Constitution, their faith, and their republic.

Thus, the situation is clear. If the U.S. military does not permanently remove those of its flag officers who side with Biden and the Globalists, and begin to act in defense of the people, nation, and Constitution they swore an oath to defend and protect, it must be deemed to be as corrupt and disloyal an enemy as the politicians and generals who command them, and so useless to the cause of liberty and republicanism. Then it will be up to pro-liberty state governors, their national-guard units, and armed citizens to seek relief either by destroying their domestic enemies or via secession. The status quo is no longer tenable or, as Mr. Dylan wrote, “The line it is drawn, The curse it is cast … The order is rapidly fadin’”. (2)


-1.) Bob Dylan, “The Times They Are a Changin”,Copyright © 1963, 1964 by Warner Bros. Inc.; renewed 1991, 1992 by Special Rider Music. https://www.bobdylan.com/songs/times-they-are-changin/

–2.) Ibid.

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The Constitution is our sheet-anchor, read it and think

News of  more “mandates” are everywhere in the air this week. The White House is printing mandates as fast as the Federal reserve prints money. The commonality of the two is that, when released, neither is worth the paper they are printed on.

No U.S. citizen has any legal obligation to respect and obey a mandate. No state, county, or local government has any legal responsibility to execute a mandate from any elected federal or state leader, or from the agencies or departments of either, or from smug, avaricious, and predatory bureaucrats like Fauci.

Most important, local elected sheriffs take an oath to apply and protect the U.S. and state constitutions and are not legally obligated to to enforce the demands contained in any of the mandates as they are not law, they are the dictatorial edicts. Indeed, the sheriffs’ legal obligation is to detain and incarcerate those seeking their assistance to harass, malign, and arrest law-abiding citizens because they have ignored an illegal mandate.

Jury members at all judiciary levels — state, local, and national — also have the means to defeat mandates whenever they are empaneled to sit on a case brought on the basis of a mandate. Breaking such mandate is not illegal, thus no legal charge can be made against a mandate-opposer. Case closed.

Even more important, jurors can refuse to serve on a jury if the charge they are to decide is clearly based on an unconstitutional law. It takes no grand Ivy League legal education to read and understand the U.S. Constitution. In particular, the Bill of Rights — holding the first ten amendments — is easy to read and as easy to understand. For example, any future arrests and trials that are conducted on the basis of a clearly unconstitutional law is, naturally, an unconstitutional event. In the face of such an event, Jurors have no obligation to help lawyers executing tyranny. For a juror to do so, would be to act the criminal. Such trials would be nothing more than show-trials based on the Democrats’ most beloved precedents, ones established by Hitler and Stalin.

The 2nd Amendment, of course, is about to be buffeted from the White House and the fool that resides therein for a few hours a day. He will not write them, of course. He will only sign the sophomoric work that is presented to him by his perpetually adolescent advisers and cabinet secretaries, and any sexual deviant that happens to stop by for a visit.

Remember that the 2nd Amendment is crystal clear and cannot be misunderstood — even by a lying, half-wit like Biden or the lawyers who play the whore for him. The Founders legacy says, “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

There is no way that anyone who can read and understand what they read can find anything ambiguous about the text. Clear, direct, and absolute, only those seeking to create a tyranny in place of the republic, or are as daft as Beto O’Rourke, could find a loophole that permits nullification by either a mandate or a new law. The latter would be unconstitutional on its face.

It also is worth noting that the 2nd Amendment has not been amended since its adoption. That is, the provision providing for state militias remains valid and cannot be infringed. The creation of the National Guard only gave the federal government more force to use against Americans, it did not terminate state militias. Indeed, if the the states still had militias, tens of thousands of the elderly could have been saved from their death houses, and failed and tyrannical governors like Newsom, Murphy, Como, Whitmer, Northam, Wolf , and Hochul would still be annoying memories but only as they lie mouldering in the grave.

The process for amending the U.S. Constitution states: An amendment may be proposed by a two-thirds vote of both Houses of Congress, or, if two-thirds of the States request one, by a convention called for that purpose. The amendment must then be ratified by three-fourths of the State legislatures, or three-fourths of conventions called in each State for ratification.” Not an easy procedure, and the Founders, in their wisdom, did not intend it to be. If it was easy, just imagine the social, economic, and political hell the Democrats would have long ago created.

The difficulty of amending the Constitution is the reason that there are mandates, and, again mandates are unconstitutional. The American elite — if the depraved and tyrannical can be so called — have no use for their non-elite fellow citizens and are eager to kill them. Going through the amendment process takes too long, and the Democrats probably realize that they can offer no enticement to vote for any amendment they author to sane, patriotic, law-abiding Americans of all classes, faiths, and colors.

To get what they want, The Democrats will have to kill all who are opposed to them. They have already murdered many citizens and children with their poison vaccines, but if the try to amend the 2nd Amendment in a de facto manner, they will have to put their own lives on the line to force the issue and try to get their job done.

Mandates may yet be each Democrat’s one-way ticket to hell. Here’s hoping.


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The “Obama Gambit” rolls into Texas via a skirt-wearing maniac

Asking why now? Asking who benefits? You must be kidding. The word “Democrats” must be the first word that comes to mind.

–“The shooting came days before the National Rifle Association annual convention was set to begin in Houston. Abbott and both of Texas’ U.S. senators were among elected Republican officials who were the scheduled speakers at a Friday leadership forum sponsored by the NRA’s lobbying arm.” See, https://www.fox4news.com/news/uvalde-texas-elementary-school-shooting

–Beto O’Rourke is running far behind Greg Abbott in the race for the governor of Texas. Recall that Biden once suggested that O’Rourke would be his anti-gun czar. Democrats trying to juice-up old Beto’s dying political campaign on the back of murdered children. Well, it is standard operating procedure for Democrats, isn’t it? https://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2022/governor/tx/texas-governor-abbott-vs-orourke-7376.html

–The World Economic Council, in the past two days, has announced the of end of America’s sovereignty and the birth of  a tyrannical world government, which will be certified on 28 May 2022, by the Biden-approved W.H.O’s “Pandemic Treaty”. The Globalists ordered Obama to disarm Americans and he failed. Biden seems to have inherited the task and his minions seem well advanced in staging massacres to provide justification for gun confiscation. See, https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2022/05/davos-2022-klaus-schwab-trust-based-and-action-oriented-cooperation/

–The Democrats are prepped to get eradicated in the mid-terms — if we reach voting day before a civil war starts — and their only possible means of generating support is to campaign while flooding the republic with false crocodile tears. Gee, I wonder which party and their supporters have nearly killed 63 million babies since 1973. Given that Democrats endlessly cheer and rejoice over the murder of nearly 63 million innocents, there is no way that they would flinch from slaughtering 18 Texas school kids, especially because they see a political upside in that operation. See, https://www.foxnews.com/politics/abortions-since-roe-v-wade

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The Obama Gambit murders again

Buffalo is my home town. It is a city that  was once a being a solidly rust-belt city, one that was driven to the edge of disaster by Jimmy Carter’s prelude-to-Biden economic policies. The city did come back, however, and enjoyed something of a renaissance. It is, genuinely, a good place to live. I would have retired there if it had not been for recent democratic governors simultaneously trying to drive the state into bankruptcy, while taxing up-state New Yorkers to death. Both tacks are now in overdrive thanks to Biden.

While the crime that occurred in Buffalo last weekend is dominating the media at the moment, the story is much more than a simple mad shooting. The shooting is simply one more repetition of what should be called the “Obama Gambit”. It most likely involves having the FBI either (a) identify a mentally unbalanced person and then set him up to do the shooting or (b) simply ignore incoming intelligence or citizen phone calls that describe emerging threats to the local population and letting whatever happens happen.

Once the murderer steps forward and slaughters innocents, the Obama Gambit is thrown into high gear and the Democrats and their crazed followers turn on a ready-and-waiting campaign to destroy the 2nd Amendment. The predictability of this procedure has become easily recognizable and tiresome, even as its racks up scores of dead Americans killed by national government activities or deliberate negligence.

During the eight years of Obama’s dictatorship this gambit was used a dozen or more times. Each time Obama and his criminal regime did not even wait until the blood was cold before they began banging the drum for “gun control”, which for them means both the abolition of the 2nd Amendment and gun confiscation. These people are dyed-in-the- wool fascists, and the Biden gang is at least as bad.

Now we will have China Joe and his witless wife visit Buffalo to incite race violence, anti-white hatred, and civil war. They will weep crocodile tears for the thirteen victims and whine about the oppression of Blacks, but they could not care less about them – it is not a presidential-election year after all.

So batten down hatches and hold fast as the latest edition of the Obama Gambit unwinds and creates more interracial hatred. The process also will further sap the republic’s social cohesion and increase violence; indeed, Attorney-General Garland and his brown-shirts may have several (or many?) more false-flags up their sleeves. Obama, Biden, and the rest of the fascist Democrats ought to be happy that there are almost no White Supremacists in the country. If there was any significant presence, all of them would long be dead.

For now, Biden and his gangsters will wander about and continue their search for White Supremacists to slay. Let them continue, they have not found any such people, but they have jump-started the process of alerting white people to the fact that the Democrats want them to be either the new slave class or dead. They are already doing the killing via the poison-vaccine inoculations and the Depression-like conditions that are sure to accompany their energy, agricultural, economic, and foreign policies.

Ironically, while the Democrats’ words, policies, threats, and actions have yet to find any White Supremacists — save the fools employed or ignored by the FBI to play the part — they are building a sturdy sector of American society that will, at some point, turn and annihilate those who are tormenting them, their children, and their republic.






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The rule of “low and little men”

“Why is it,” the great Virginian, John Randolph of Roanoke, asked about U.S. politics in January 1827, “that our system has a uniform tendency to bring forward low and little men, to the exclusion of the more worthy?” [1] Surely, the Biden administration must be the strongest, truest, and most disgusting example of what Congressman Randolph clearly saw when surveying the American political system nearly two centuries ago.

This week, Biden decided to create an office in the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) called the ”Disinformation Governance Board”, which is tasked with forcibly suppressing people who disagree with Biden, his party, the Congress, and their handiwork of war-making, staggering inflation, bridling the energy industry, destroying food processing plants, and welcoming an illegal-alien inundation. As was previously mentioned in this space, DHS is the best-armed civilian agency of the national government. The man in charge of the DHS gunslingers, of course, is the same man who has let 3.1 million unwanted and republic-destroying illegals into the country, and who has been seeding them into red states via government-financed airplane rides.

Now, what legislation passed by the Congress is backing the creation of the Disinformation Governance Board and when did Biden sign it? Call or e-mail your representative, senator, or the White House and ask any of them this question. The will give you a deceitful line of well-rehearsed shit that may sound barely plausible, but they will not direct you to the text of a law passed by Congress. Why? Because there is no such law. The motivation for the new Board is simply the rank fascism that dominates the Biden administration, much of the Congress, and most fiercely resides in the DC-based federal civil service, law-enforcement agencies, and among many flag officers.

There is no question that DHS and its Board have no legal underpinning on which to base their coming, well-armed anti-1st Amendment activities. And they will have none so long as the 1st Amendment is in place. That amendment and all of the protections it affords are not within the executive branch’s purview to abridge, suppress, or cancel. The guarantee of free speech is in the Constitution’s 1st Amendment and, more important, it is a God-given right. Both facts trump the fascist intentions of Biden’s gang of political and civil-service criminals.

So what to do? Well, first, that old slogan “just say no” immediately comes to mind. No American approached by a DHS thug asking about the content of his or her speech, writings, or thoughts has any legal responsibility to respond helpfully or, for that matter, to respond at all. DHS officers working for the Board are themselves violating the Constitution because there is no legal sanction for their work. The only authority they have comes from the Biden administration’s Nazi core, which we learned yesterday is giving a another $33 billion to their fellow Nazis in the Ukraine. The Russians acquired great skill in killing Nazis between 1941 and 1945, let’s hope it has maintained that razor edge when it comes to harvesting the skulls of Ukrainian Nazis, their supporters, and their allied interlopers.

The DHS Board’s coming war on the 1st Amendment also is a barely disguised stalking horse for seizing the weapons of Americans. DHS’s Secretary – who thrives on harming loyal Americans – told the Congress that his goons were going after people who said, wrote, or thought things that made it appear they ‘’were descending into violence”. That obviously means that when the fascists knock on your door to ask about your words and thoughts, they also will be there to steal your guns.

Biden and his sick horde have drawn an unconstitutional and so illegal line between them and us. If they cross that line to the side of the loyal citizenry, they are acting as common criminals who are operating lawlessly. If the thugs do cross, they must encounter an utter refusal to cooperate, and if they are foolish enough to act violently, face the fiery response they merit for their crime. In which case, the “more worthy” should aspire to hand the “low and little” their heads on a plate.


–1.) Quoted in the splendid biography by David Johnson. John Randolph of Roanoke. Baton Rouge, LA: Louisiana State University Press, 2012, p.213

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In the 1930s, Col. Lindbergh warned of the tyrant-led, war-hell Americans live in today

No one more clearly saw the all-war-all-the-time condition Americans find themselves in today than Charles A. Lindbergh, perhaps America’s greatest aviator, anti-interventionist, and advocate of neutrality.

Lindbergh was there at the creation, if you will, when Franklin Roosevelt’s administration took up and redoubled the lies of Woodrow Wilson and worked tirelessly from the late 1930s to get the United States involved in the European war and to start a war in the Pacific. This is not the occasion for a detailed retelling of Roosevelt’s devious pro-war maneuvers. In our current circumstances, however, it worth quoting Lindbergh on lies Roosevelt used to get America involved in Europe’s war. “The record of the Roosevelt Administration,” Lindbergh wrote, in December 1941,

has been a record of subterfuge masquerading as a crusade for freedom. “Cash and Carry”, “Steps Short of War”, “Aid to the Democracies”, “Neutrality Patrols”, “Lease and Lend”; every one of these slogans was used to deceive the American people; every one of them was a disgrace to the names of democracy and freedom. … I believe in freedom and I believe in democracy, but I do not believe in the form of freedom and democracy toward which our President is leading us today. I say that democracy is gone from a nation when its people are no longer informed of the fundamental policies and intentions of its government. I say that the word freedom is a travesty among men who have been forced into war by a President they elected because he promised peace.

Have you ever stopped to think how ridiculous it is that this democratic nation has twice, within a generation, been carried to war by Presidents who were elected because they promised peace? Have you ever realized how absurd it is for us in America to have committees who claim, in one breath, to stand for freedom and democracy, when in the next breath they demand that the Government of this country declare war while the majority of our citizens are opposed to it?

We do not need a “Committee to Fight for Freedom” abroad, as much as we need a committee to fight for the freedom of American citizens to decide their own destiny at home. [1]

Today, arguments in favor of a U.S. foreign policy based on and loyal to non-intervention and neutrality have never been stronger or more compelling. The war that is now occurring in the Ukraine cannot be described in any way as a genuine U.S. national interest. If either all the Russians or all the Ukrainians died — or all of both –it would be no skin off the American nose. Our enemies are here at home, they run the government as a private club, they rape children, they fix elections, they drain our national oil reserve and empty our arsenals and give their contents to the ever-begging Europeans, they put sexually depraved mediocrities on the courts, they illegally flood the republic with the scum of the earth, they search and find or start wars overseas to increase their power and find new pools of loot to plunder, and and they orchestrate food and fuel shortages and exploding inflation. They care not a lick about Americans, only about the cannon fodder American parents provide for their unnecessary interventionist wars.

The only reason the Biden administration is interested in the war is because he, his family, the Clintons, Soros, the EU leaders, and the whole of the Democratic Party and many Republicans have been economically raping Ukraine – seems they have a taste for rape other than just for children – and have been using Ukraine as a money-laundering facility and a place from which money can be skimmed off the top of the aide sent to that country by U.S. taxpayers. Fifteen billion dollars for Ukraine in the last six weeks?  How much of that is now in Democrat campaign coffers or Swiss banks?

This is truly the war of the Democrats and the Republican, the Neocons, and the Israel-First, Jewish-American intelligentsia. The latter loves nothing more than war and – with the Democrats – inflicting pain on Americans. This is not an American war as the republic losses nothing no matter who wins. In that sense, it is identical to an Israel-Iran or Israel-Arab war. Neither would affect us negatively; indeed, only our enemies would be killed in such wars.

A non-intervention and neutral foreign policy would have left Americans free to calmly watch the Ukraine war and wonder how can it be possible that, since 1914, the feckless Europeans cannot find a way to govern themselves without war, and, ultimately, in this era, the installation of an authoritarian government in Ukraine that is like those of the EU, only in Kiev the regime is led by a narcotics-taking mad man wearing high heels.

In turn, the Russia-Ukraine war is a pointed reminder of the ghastly mistake the U.S. government made by not withdrawing from NATO in the year after the USSR collapsed. The only roles the U.S. plays in NATO is as a sap and a Daddy Warbucks. None of the NATO militaries are capable of defending their homelands without the money, manpower, and overwhelming nuclear deterrent possessed by the U.S. military. Clinton, Bush the younger, and Obama harvested the countries in Eastern Europe, moving them from the prison that was the USSR into the more genial but still a prison known as NATO and the EU. More important, the new NATO members moved the threat posed by the alliance – as well as U.S. bio-weapons factories — much nearer to Russia’s western border and thereby built a much better chance of an eventual world war. That clearly was the goal of expanding NATO. The addition to the alliance of these relatively poor states also raised the costs paid by U.S. taxpayers to prevent NATO’s collapse from over-extension.

Getting out of NATO would free the United States for the first time since the alliance was formed in 1949. No longer would the United States go to war automatically if unimportant European countries are attacked by Russia or any other country. As matters stand today, no Congressional declaration of war is needed because the American signers of the NATO Treaty unconstitutionally gave away our sovereignty and independence to worthless European allies. These piddling nations, not the representatives of the American people, control the decision for war.

Alliances are the bane of any republican government, and no group of leaders were more resolved to forego alliances than America’s founders, especially Washington, Hamilton, Franklin, Adams, and Jefferson. Many of the Founders would have preferred to reject the alliance with France because it was not limited to economics, but they accepted the treaty because the colonies’ cause was in extremis. Bilateral agreements designed to foster trade were fine, so long as they contained no military or political commitments.

In addition, all of the silly, war-causing nonsense that describes America as an “exceptional nation”, one whose duty it is to bring freedom and liberty to all peoples, should be laughed permanently off the stage. The Founders believed that all Americans – including themselves — were no different than any other of the world’s peoples, they were all fallen men and women who were capable of good and evil, generosity and avarice, and restraint and a passion for violence. The Founders believed they and all Americans were far from exceptional, they were merely human.

If Americans wish to judge what is truly “exceptional” about their country, they should look to the fertility of its soil, its remarkable ports and inland waterways, its mineral and fuel resources of every description, its abundant fresh water and forests, the sheer beauty that surrounds us, and, most of all, its relative geographical remoteness. All of these are part of God’s creation and are meant for the use of Americans.

We also should remember, and then celebrate and reclaim, one of our main inheritances from the Founders. This inheritance made the republic sui generis, and it lies in a foreign policy anchored to the ideas of non-intervention and neutrality, as well as to the prosperity, human happiness, and, most important, peace which flow from those policies.


–1.) Charles A. Lindbergh, “What do we mean by Freedom and Democracy”. This is the text of speech to be given at an American First rally in Boston on 11 December 1941. The rally was cancelled after Japan raided Pearl Harbor. http://www.charleslindbergh.com/pdf/dec121941.pdf. Lindbergh, by the way, flew fifty combat missions in the Pacific during the war with Japan.

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Robert E. Lee, one of the greatest Americans

This April 9th probably will pass quietly with only a few Americans thinking about what happened on this day in 1865. Indeed, it may now be some kind of hate crime to think or speak about it.

But 157 years ago today both the Army of the Potomac and the Army of Northern Virginia (ANV) were preparing to have another bloody go at each other in the countryside around Appomattox, Virginia. That clash, of course, never occurred.

Instead of more war, General Robert E. Lee met Lt. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant at the Mclean House in Appomattox. After four years of war, and extraordinary human and material carnage, Lee surrendered his beloved army, and for all intents and purposes the Confederacy, to Grant. The latter allowed generous terms to Confederate soldiers, requiring only that the sign a parole before they left for home. Grant also learned that many of the mounted Confederates owned the horses they rode, and that the animals were needed for farm work when their owners reached home. Grant let those who owned horses take them home, and also provided rations for the departing Confederate soldiers.

Even before meeting with Grant, Lee had given America with one of the greatest gifts it has ever received, perhaps that it will ever receive. That morning, after telling his staff and the ANV’s general officers that he would be seeing Grant to surrender the army, he faced a group of his younger generals. They asked him to let them disburse the army — still over 20,000 strong — in small groups and wage a guerrilla war against the North as a means to keep the Confederacy alive. Lee refused.

Later in his memoirs, Lee’s best gunner and engineer, Brigadier-General Edward Porter Alexander, who was among those asking Lee to disperse the army and keep fighting, related the scene as follows.

[A]s Christian men, Gen. Alexander, you and I have no right to think for one moment of our personal feelings or affairs. We must consider only the effect which our action will have upon the country at large.

Suppose I should take your suggestion & order the army to disperse & and make their way to their homes. The men would have no rations & would be under no discipline. They are already demoralized by four years of war. They would have to plunder and rob to procure subsistence. The country would be full of lawless bands in every part, & a state of society would ensue from which it would take the country years to recover. Then the enemy’s cavalry would pursue in the hopes of catching the principal officers, & wherever they went there would be fresh rapine & destruction.

And as for myself, while you young men might afford to go to bushwhacking, the only proper and dignified course for me would be to surrender myself & take the consequences of my actions.

But it is still in the early spring, & if the men can be quietly & quickly returned to their homes there is time to plant crops & begin to repair the ravages of war. That is what I must now try to bring about. I expect to meet General Grant at ten this morning in the rear of the army and to surrender this army to him. [1]

Alexander listened and concurred, and no more was said of the matter. In his memoirs Alexander wrote that, after the event,

… I thought I had never half known before what a big heart & brain our general had. I was so ashamed of having proposed to him such a foolish and wild cat scheme as my suggestion had been that I felt like begging him to forget that he had ever heard it. … It seemed now an inestimable privilege to serve under him to the very last moment & that no scene in the life of the Army of Northern Virginia would be more honorable than the one which was now to close its record. [2]

God bless and keep General Robert Edward Lee, flawed like all Christians, but one of the greatest men America has ever produced.


–1.) Gary W. Gallagher, (Ed.). Fighting for the Confederacy. The Personal Recollections of General Edward Porter Alexander. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 1989, pp. 532-533

-2)  p. 533

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A new nail in our kids’ coffins as a Democrat groomer is put on the Supreme Court

The Democrats really know how to mark “National Child Protection Month’, don’t they? In the midst of a nationwide effort to remind Americans that their children — down to toddlers and even younger kids — are under threat from the kidnappers, traffickers, molesters, rapists, and torturers emanating from the extraordinarily large pro-pedophile wing of the Democratic Party, the capital of world pedophilia in Hollywood, the Clinton and Biden families and their followers and gunmen, and startling numbers of top officials in the banking and business worlds, the Democrats nominate and seat a a friend of these sub-human criminals on the Supreme Court. Perhaps it takes one to know one.

Given this reality, it is no wonder that the Democrats chose this month to put a pedophile champion and protector on the U.S. Supreme Court. With her record of protecting child predators and pedophiles from the bench, and having managed to shut down the so-called “Pizza Gate” investigation into the affairs of John Podesta and other child lovers in his gang, the new justice has been rewarded by her repulsive and depraved owners in the Democratic Party. A black woman who clearly cannot discern good from evil, normal sexuality from mind-numbing depravity, or liberty from slavery, is not what America needs in on the Supreme Court. After all, we already have two Democrat-groomed white women on the Court who have a similar savage lack of discernment and commonsense.

Republican senators Mit Romney, Susan Collins, and Lisa Murkowski — the pride of their presumably pedophile-loving electorates — also supported the pedophile-loving Democrats in placing a black female pedophile protector/enabler on the highest court in the land. Those three beauties must have a heck of lot to hide, and so the Democrats simply bought their votes by threatening exposure.

At least one thing is now clear, however, the Democrats will enlist no candidates for any position if they are not champions of the depraved freak-world in which all Democrats frolic, groom, and fornicate with anything that moves, and who is willing to defend and promote the tender and loving treatment of men who have thousands of photographs of kids and babies being raped, tortured, and/or murdered, or who have participated in those activities.

It is enormously ironic that a minimally talented, pervert-friendly black woman — probably best suited to be a Disney script writer — will now sit for the rest of her life in a Supreme Court Justice’s chair, not as a champion and defender of liberty, freedom, justice, and commonsense, but as the grand protector, the killer angel if you will, of every sexual pervert who slithers out of one the Democratic Party’s various plantations where their slaves are stock-plied for future deployment to kidnap, groom, molest, sell, rape, and kill America’s children.





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Biden pledges to take 100,000 Ukrainian refugees (AKA: American killers)

We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded. Barack Obama, 2 July 2008 (See, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Df2p6867_pw)

The title of this piece is written in clear English, as was Biden’s statement in Europe on the same topic. The words, however, have nothing to do with humanitarian concerns. They signal, rather, another application of the method Biden’s administration has used to bring tens of thousands of Afghan military —  personnel trained by U.S. and NATO special forces — into the country  to serve as part of the in-America military arm of the Democrats and the New World Order. Didn’t anyone wonder why the Afghans were taken to U.S. military airfields and other military bases and housed there?

These Afghans, of course, are Democrat fighters that were added to the other foreign forces that Biden has brought into America since January 202o. Obviously, the Democrats and the federal bureaucracy also were training terrorists from their various domestic plantations and bringing potential fighters into the country well before that date. Overall these forces include:

–Untold numbers of military-aged men from Central and South America.

–Many thousands of drug-cartel paramilitary fighters that the Democrats and federal bureaucrats have permitted to freely enter America over the unguarded southern border.

–Thousands of vicious criminals from the murderous gangs — like MS-13 — that thrive in countries south of the Rio Grande.

–Black and White American youngsters who the Democrats have made addled and made violent via easy access to narcotics provided by the party’s allies and funders in the cartels. Remember, Biden is providing crack pipes to these abusive losers.

–Thousands of Chinese military and intelligence personnel the Congress and federal bureaucrats have let into the United States by issuing fraudulent visas that show them to be university students, IT specialists, doctors, and employees of tech companies in the three U.S. tech hubs in Silicon Valley, New York, and the Boston area.

Now come the Ukrainians. You can bet your bottom dollar that among the influx of these unwanted/unneeded people will be a high percentage of the members and families of Ukraine’s Azov battalions, a Nazi organization that is now specializing in killing Ukrainian civilians and — with the help of Biden’s Administration, the EU, and NATO — blaming the murders on the Russians.

Afghans, Latin American cannon fodder, cartel paramilitaries, American addicts, Mexican and other Hispanic criminal gangs, and now Ukrainian Nazis. That is a large and barbaric force, the one Obama spoke of above, and the Democrats will use it to augment, expand, and make more deadly the violent mayhem that already is being carried out, under the Biden administration’s orders, by the Democrats’ terrorists and anti-white racists in America’s major cities.

How will Biden arm his foreign mercenaries? There may be a hint on this point in media reports from 2012 to 2021. During that period, media reporting showed — based on national-government documents — a dedicated effort by a wide variety of non-military agencies in the Executive Branch to purchase large numbers of weapons and substantial amounts of ammunition and tactical gear. Obviously, this period also is the one that saw the transfer of billions of dollars of surplus U.S. military weapons to police organizations around the country. Since many of these police organizations no longer enforce the law, stop riots, or prevent arson, theft, and killings, much of the multi-billion-dollar arsenal they received must be stored for other uses.

Following are few media pieces from the period mentioned. There is no definitive way to know what this arming extravaganza is intended to be used for, but in a time when the Democrats have built a large foreign-mercenary force inside the United States that needs to be armed, these articles provide some food for thought.







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Biden and his party sign up for the annihilation of mankind

Yesterday, Joe Biden said the world was forming a New World Order and that the United States must lead it. You have heard this murderous crap before — or at least have read about — under other names, such as Germany’s search for “lebensraum” and Japan’s attempt to build the “Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere”. In both cases, the campaigns were dark pieces of madness and massacre that completely failed at the cost of multiple millions of lives and subsequent decades of Cold War.

Now, the same plan again is on tap, only this time is led by people far, far worse than Hitler and Tojo. Clearly, these two boys will look like amateur gangsters compared to Biden, Obama, Gates, Clinton, Fauci, Pelosi, and their teeming herd of sexually depraved, greedy, pedophile, and power-mad semi-humans. Even Stalin and Mao pale in comparison to the slaughtering ambitions of today’s fascist mass murderers in the Democratic Party.

The intent of the New World Order is contained in an old and deadly song that was first written and sung by the French Revolutionaries under the deceitful banner of “Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity”. It involves, of course, the use of lyrics that identify the singers as the saviors of the common folk, but instead, and invariably, their policies and actions result in conditions where the common folk become fodder for war, tenants of concentration camps, victims of poison gasses or lethal vaccines, or targets to be shot down in droves on the streets or starved to death by the millions in the countryside.

Well that is the precisely the kind of New World Order that Biden was talking about yesterday, one that is recycling, modernizing, and making more lethal all the methods of the mass-murdering groups that have plagued this earth since the endlessly bloodthirsty French revolutionaries. Biden and his fascist buddies intend to bring not prosperity and peace, but desolation, billions of dead from starvation, industrial-scale murder, isolation, enslavement, and lethal man-made plagues and deadly vaccines.

The blind lust for killing that fuels the New World Order was plain in a story Biden related yesterday. He began by saying that a senior military officer had told him that 60 million people had been killed between 1900 and 1946. Biden said that a repeat of that number had not happened since 1946, so the world is improving and the New World Order will make it even better as it is installed to rule the earth.

All that can be said is that Biden and his family appear not only to enjoy molesting children, but they also enjoy and approve murdering them. Biden and the military officer who told him the story know that the Democratic Party, American women, and the members of the American Medical Association have killed nearly 62 million, innocent, defenseless, and God-given infants since 1973. In short the Democrats and their allies alone have killed a number greater than the reported 60-million killed by all causes from 1900-to-1946.

Anyone who thinks that Biden, the Democrats, many Republicans, journalists, academics, and all others who support the establishment of the New World Order intend to improve conditions for the common folk, best think again. Those who gleefully murder the unborn and just-born can only be expected to find even more mirth and entertainment in killing billions in the name of making a new and better world.

Biden’s support for a New World Order is, in reality, a proclamation of his and his party’s full support for the callous annihilation of mankind. Indeed, if billions of people are to be killed, there is no better outfit than the Democrats to handle the job. They cannot lead or help people, but they surely can kill them in large numbers, as we are reminded by their history of abortion, slavery, unnecessary wars, internment camps, Covid, etc.. They are certain to put Mengele, Eichmann, Uncle Joe, Mao, and even Margaret Sanger to shame.


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