Rule Britannia, Britannia aims to rule the slaves …

The Chief of London’s Metropolitan Police Force, Sir Mark Peter Rowley, is reported to have said that British “officials will not only be cracking down on British citizens for commentary on the riots in Britain but on American citizens as well. We will throw the full force of the law at people. And whether you’re in this country committing crimes on the streets or committing crimes from farther afield online, we will come after you,” He also “threatened to arrest and extradite American citizens who post critical or analytic comments on social media outlets about the riots that the occurring in Britain.” (1)  Rowley, you old Baronet-to-be, you are just scaring us to death!

Chief Rowley’s childish whining can only be seen as symptomatic of the thorough-going panic and mindlessness that Britain’s elites are now experiencing. It is likewise evidence that those elites are still representative of their ancestors who build the British Empire by colonizing a large portion of the world and thereafter treating its peoples with somewhat less than legal even-handedness. Old man Rowley seems to think that we Americans are still British colonials awaiting orders from London and then immediately obeying with a cheery “aye-aye” and a pull of our forelocks. That is no longer the case, Rowley, old bean. Americans are now as truculent and much better armed then when they stood as British colonists to fight royal oppression. Moreover, and rightfully, they hate their own government for an almost overwhelming number of reasons, the sum of which is yielding a popular eagerness to apply a thrashing – there is still a chance it will a peaceful one – such as those that were applied to the Crown by our small, not-quite-professional military in 1774-1783 and 1812-1814. Americans are certainly in no mood to have any truck with a contemporary and bullying Imperial bureaucrat traipsing around the United States, in the company of U.S. Government traitors, looking for citizens to arrest and extradite for exercising their First Amendment rights. You no longer rule the waves, Rowley, old boy, don’t push things too far

Sir Rowley, if he wants to honestly explain the ongoing riots, needs to look no further away than Westminster and Buckingham Palace for the incomparably incompetent post-war British governing and royal elites. These successors of the British Empire’s former masters appear to have thought that the countries and peoples who had first-hand experience with imperial rule – or those who are knowledgeable of its history – would have simply forgotten and forgiven Britain’s imperial behavior. Such an assumption seems ill thought out. These blockheads assumed that the, shall we say, harsh and at times brutal treatment the Empire meted out to its former subjects was a little thing when compared to those folks having been treated to the glory and honor of being the oppressed subjects of an empire on which the sun never set. My dear old Rowley, such an assumption shows little sign of genius.

So very unintelligent have been the post-1945 British elites that they have now deliberately inundated the United Kingdom with an unending horde of their former oppressed colonials. Some of these people have entered the UK legally, but most have come in on the elite’s “just-come-on-in policy”, one that is meant to help bring to reality that elite’s plans – under orders from the UN, Bill Gates, the World Economic Forum, George Soros, the UN, and, most important, the profoundly fascist EU organization — to replace and, indeed, annihilate the UK’s White and Christian population, which, itself, also shared what must be seen as the dubious glory of fighting, dying, getting maimed, or being captured and tortured in battles – in the Queen’s name of course — for imperial possessions far and near, such as South Africa, India, Malaysia, Ireland, Burma, British North America, Afghanistan, Yemen, Scotland, Kenya, Egypt, much of the Caribbean, and many others.

The bottom line on illegal immigration for the anti-white gangsters who run Britain and many other nations — including America — clearly is the destruction of liberty in UK, the United States, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, Scotland, and Canada. Each of these countries have large white, Christian, and liberty-devoted populations that must be nearly annihilated if a world government and a domesticated, majority non-white population is to be established. The latter to be composed only of (a) a limited number of obedient white collaborators. That word does ring of historical truth, don’t you think? Can’t you just see Sir Rowley clicking his heels and racing to obey the UK’s authoritarian regime — and (b) a nation of quiescent non-white slaves that can be eliminated over time. This one-world-government program first focused on the seven nations mentioned, and has successfully disarmed most Australians, New Zealanders, Britons, Scots, and – defying human reason – the Irish. Only parts of Canada – Trudeau best not underestimate, as did the generals of the Kaiser and Der Fuhrer, the feistiness and famously skilled marksmanship of many of his countrymen – and most of the United States remain armed. The English-speaking peoples have long known that arms are not just for hunting duck, deer, and geese, but are, in more than just equal measure, meant for use in ridding their lands of abusive, corrupt, freedom-denying, and war-loving authoritarian governments and their members so as to maintain or regain the essentials of the good-life: faith, genuine representative government, social cohesion, evenly executed and color-blind laws, economic prosperity, and liberty.

So, as police chief Sir Mark Peter Rowley madly focuses on punishing Brits and Americans for acting or speaking in support of the restoration of freedom, liberty, and the end of the government-approved persecution of Whites and Christians, this imbecilic copper – see, we watch Acorn over here — and his apparently brain-dead force are simultaneously protecting and promoting the new-found “rights” of foreigners to joyfully indulge in criminal violence, child grooming and molesting, sexual depravity, the casual raping of women, many artful arson attacks, drug-dealing, prodigious looting, and murder in God’s name that belong only to those unwanted and illegal non-white foreigners who invaded the UK. This appears to be the approved policy of most of Britain’s political parties, media, judges, flag officers, diplomats, social workers, NGO-mafia types, universities, police chiefs, teachers, churches, and clerics, as well as the UN, the WEF, the U.S. Democrat party, Hollywood and its overseas wannabes, NATO, and the EU tyranny. In a way, this makes sense, the British elites get their former colonials to kill the whites, destroy the institutions of liberty and Christianity, and temporarily deflect their non-white pawn’s memories of Empire’s impact on their former home countries. There will be time enough, when the whites are gone, to eliminate all of what the British elites see as colonial riff-raff, save those needed to keep Balmoral clean, neat, and operating. Maybe you could boss that bunch around, by-then Baronet Rowley

But, Rowley, old top, would it not be a truly just and glorious coincidence if a large portion of the weaponry the U.S., NATO, and the EU gave to those champions of freedom, Zelensky-the-Great of Ukraine and his fellow oligarchs and criminals, and which they, in turn, sold and trafficked to many areas of the world, found its way to the UK, and afforded the needed wherewithal for the nation’s beleaguered white and working class populations to use not only to defeat Westminster and its illegal-immigrant storm troopers, but to send the latter back from whence they came. A long shot, for sure. But each liberty-lover can dream can’t they, and, as a distinguished American recommended long ago, each can also resolve to “fear God and take their own part.”

So, ta ta for now, Sir Rowley … and, oh yes, please grow up and shut up, and then do bugger off.



–(1.), 9 August 2024

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President Trump and Israel, “Why quit our own to stand upon foreign ground?”

3rd August 2024

President Trump:

It has been a good while since I wrote, but your seemingly permanent home living off the deep end when it comes to Israel moves me to do so. You must know that in the history of nation-states few have been worse neighbors than Israel. The Israelis have milked the Jewish experience during World War II, and they are still milking it. No matter how many wars it starts or how Muslims — mostly civilians — it kills, Israel gets a pass because of their exploitation of past war time occurrences, which surely were a tragedy but not one that can forever be used to justify the planned murder and mayhem inflicted mostly on civilians, which was the Jewish experience more than eighty years ago. In addition, our relationship with Israel has, since its founding, been entirely one way, with the possible exception of the Jewish-American money acquired by Truman for use in the 1948 election in return for recognizing the state of Israel.

On the latter score, I can say from experience that in the time I spent at CIA running counter-terrorism operations — from 1992 until 1999 — against Islamist groups, especially al-Qaeda, the Israeli intelligence services only once provided a piece of useful intelligence, and they then refused to let us use it to prevent a possible terrorist attack. At the time, we ignored their refusal and used the report anyway. It secured a good operational result. In general, the Israelis were a non-player in assisting the campaign against terrorism that America waged during the period mentioned above, although they may have had a hand in later events that occurred in America.

I am a non-interventionist to the bone, Mr. President, and that — and your frank and combative rhetoric and the rankness of your foes — is why I voted for you the first time around and will again this fall. But, Sir, you really must get head screwed on correctly about what the word “non-interventionist” means. A lengthy session with Dr. Ron Paul and Senator Rand Paul — with no attendees from your among your foreign policy advisers or Congress — would, with respect, do you a world of good and make you considerably smarter, more realistic, and more prone to commonsense on the issue.  You also might allow a few hours to read and think about General Washington’s Farewell Address — a sentence form which is quoted in the title — which is the only sure grounding for an American foreign policy that will protect the republic and its people against the unbelievable stupidity of waging any but a defensive war. This use of the word “defensive” refers very strictly to an invasion of the United States or strikes against an imminent threat, as in the case of General Suleimani.

Our country, Mr. President, is full of very well-educated people who scoff at, deride, and generally piss on any fellow citizen who claims the only sound way to construct a foreign policy that benefits the country and protects its security is by applying a deep knowledge of history and unyielding common sense. Sadly, these well-educated people — who bear a quite close resemblance to fools — have been in the American foreign-policy saddle since 1898, and they have driven the republic to the brink of ruin. History is the best and indispensable teacher of all patriots and the greatest of all Americans, General Washington, is one who learned its lessons well. In his September, 1796, Farewell Address, for example, General Washington clearly laid out the life-and-death danger that would accrue to the United States should it a form either a brainlessly friendly relationship or a brainlessly hateful one with a foreign nation or nations.

Let me leave you, then, with a passage from General Washington’s Farewell Address, one that, although published in 1796, describes exactly how our current relationship with Israel is now at the point where it threatens the republic’s existence via our participation in wars that are none of America’s business and by causing domestic disunity.

Following then, Sir, is that passage from the Farewell Address. Read and ponder it Mr. Trump, it may scrape some barnacles from your eyes and allow you to see that our longstanding, one-way relationship with Israel always has been and is now increasingly likely to be fatal to the republic

“… nothing is more essential than that permanent, inveterate antipathies against particular nations, and passionate attachments for others, should be excluded; and that, in place of them, just and amicable feelings towards all should be cultivated. The nation which indulges towards another a habitual hatred or a habitual fondness is in some degree a slave. It is a slave to its animosity or to its affection, either of which is sufficient to lead it astray from its duty and its interest. Antipathy in one nation against another disposes each more readily to offer insult and injury, to lay hold of slight causes of umbrage, and to be haughty and intractable, when accidental or trifling occasions of dispute occur. Hence, frequent collisions, obstinate, envenomed, and bloody contests. The nation, prompted by ill-will and resentment, sometimes impels to war the government, contrary to the best calculations of policy. The government sometimes participates in the national propensity, and adopts through passion what reason would reject; at other times it makes the animosity of the nation subservient to projects of hostility instigated by pride, ambition, and other sinister and pernicious motives. The peace often, sometimes perhaps the liberty, of nations, has been the victim.

So likewise, a passionate attachment of one nation for another produces a variety of evils. Sympathy for the favorite nation, facilitating the illusion of an imaginary common interest in cases where no real common interest exists, and infusing into one the enmities of the other, betrays the former into a participation in the quarrels and wars of the latter without adequate inducement or justification. It leads also to concessions to the favorite nation of privileges denied to others which is apt doubly to injure the nation making the concessions; by unnecessarily parting with what ought to have been retained, and by exciting jealousy, ill-will, and a disposition to retaliate, in the parties from whom equal privileges are withheld. And it gives to ambitious, corrupted, or deluded citizens (who devote themselves to the favorite nation), facility to betray or sacrifice the interests of their own country, without odium, sometimes even with popularity; gilding, with the appearances of a virtuous sense of obligation, a commendable deference for public opinion, or a laudable zeal for public good, the base or foolish compliances of ambition, corruption, or infatuation.

As avenues to foreign influence in innumerable ways, such attachments are particularly alarming to the truly enlightened and independent patriot. How many opportunities do they afford to tamper with domestic factions, to practice the arts of seduction, to mislead public opinion, to influence or awe the public councils. Such an attachment of a small or weak towards a great and powerful nation dooms the former to be the satellite of the latter.

Against the insidious wiles of foreign influence (I conjure you to believe me, fellow-citizens) the jealousy of a free people ought to be constantly awake, since history and experience prove that foreign influence is one of the most baneful foes of republican government. But that jealousy to be useful must be impartial; else it becomes the instrument of the very influence to be avoided, instead of a defense against it. Excessive partiality for one foreign nation and excessive dislike of another cause those whom they actuate to see danger only on one side, and serve to veil and even second the arts of influence on the other. Real patriots who may resist the intrigues of the favorite are liable to become suspected and odious, while its tools and dupes usurp the applause and confidence of the people, to surrender their interests.

The great rule of conduct for us in regard to foreign nations is in extending our commercial relations, to have with them as little political connection as possible. So far as we have already formed engagements, let them be fulfilled with perfect good faith. Here let us stop. Europe has a set of primary interests which to us have none; or a very remote relation. Hence she must be engaged in frequent controversies, the causes of which are essentially foreign to our concerns. Hence, therefore, it must be unwise in us to implicate ourselves by artificial ties in the ordinary vicissitudes of her politics, or the ordinary combinations and collisions of her friendships or enmities.

Our detached and distant situation invites and enables us to pursue a different course. If we remain one people under an efficient government. the period is not far off when we may defy material injury from external annoyance; when we may take such an attitude as will cause the neutrality we may at any time resolve upon to be scrupulously respected; when belligerent nations, under the impossibility of making acquisitions upon us, will not lightly hazard the giving us provocation; when we may choose peace or war, as our interest, guided by justice, shall counsel.

Why forego the advantages of so peculiar a situation? Why quit our own to stand upon foreign ground? Why, by interweaving our destiny with that of any part of Europe, entangle our peace and prosperity in the toils of European ambition, rivalship, interest, humor or caprice?” ( Italics added by author;





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Another day that will live in infamy, July 24, 2024

A tragedy for the American Republic can be found in the sight of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu speaking last week before a joint session of Congress. During that speech, he told lies and tortured history to shame our republic for not having done what he demands. He said that when Israel fights Iran it also is fighting for the United States. No, that is an untrue and certifiably mad statement. The United States would have far fewer problems and enemies in the Middle East and the Muslim world were it not for our many decades of mollycoddling and funding Israel in a manner that consistently damages the interests of the United States. Whenever Israel attacks Iran, Palestine, or any other Muslim state, it is deliberately trying to pull the United States into the all-out war of civilizations that Israel’s leaders have long been stoking in the Middle East, basing it on what appears to be the country’s long-engrained belief that the only good Muslim is a dead Muslim.

Why does the United States obey Netanyahu? Because nearly every person sitting in the Congress, White House, and State Department listening to him have been monetarily suborned by Netanyahu’s and previous Israeli governments, who work cheek-by-jowl with reliable aid from their U.S.-based hitmen, including Jewish-Americans organizations like the ADL, AIPAC, the SPLC, the FBI, DHS, the U.S. Congress, and their rich Jewish-American donors. Many of these individuals – and many others in the federal and state governments, their bureaucracies, as well as in big business/banking – probably also have accepted passports from the Israeli government. Our Congress and Israel also have built a warm relationship on their shared love of war and their mutual detestation of their own citizens. Netanyahu has said that all Israelis will be “guinea pigs” for testing vaccines”, and the U.S. government is about to unleash another government-made pandemic on its citizens, and will then seek to fatally vaccinate any citizens stupid enough to take them. That is the reason these so-called Americans fawned over Netanyahu and applauded — at times on their feet – his words, which were clearly meant to mock and shame America. As always, he who pays the piper calls the tune.

Just to strengthen the last point, the White House and State Department surely were given a copy of the speech before it was made and apparently were happy with Netanyahu’s planned damning of the United States, its Constitution, and the republic’s character. He even insisted that the 1st Amendment must not be allowed protect college students who criticize Israel and support Palestine. Some Members of Congress, to their eternal shame, supported Netanyahu on this issue. This same demand also has been made by a number of wealthy Jewish-Americans who withdrew their donations to universities for allowing free speech on their campuses. Funny how these people never cut funding from the same universities when, for decades, they taught young people, Marxism, communism, anti-white beliefs, the tenets of sexual depravity, anti-Christianity, and hatred for the American republic.

Feeling comfortable in his recognized-by-all role as America’s dominator, Netanyahu said that American leaders would be identified as “gutless” and “cowards” if the Iranians kill Trump and America failed to wipe Iran from the face of the earth. This statement, it seems, may well be a foreshadowing of the Biden’s administration’s next attack on Trump and its plan to hang the deed on Iran. In Netanyahu’s words, you have the true cost to America of its “alliance with Israel”. Anyone on earth or in the U.S. government can kill Trump, blame it on Iran, and that will require the U.S. military to “wipe from the earth” 88-plus million Iranians, and, I suppose, round up all Iranians – legal and illegal – living in the United States. Here, Netanyahu, the boss, is talking to his lackeys, and the lackeys, you will note, have yet to make a squeak of resistance to being ordered to kill many millions in response to a future attack on Trump that is more likely to be performed by the elements of the U.S. government that appear to have been involved in the recent assassination attempt.

Let’s also spend a moment on Netanyahu’s staggeringly stupid and deliberately misleading use of history. He quoted Winston Churchill telling FDR “give us the tools and we will finish the job” of defeating the Nazis. Netanyahu’s turned the phrase into Israel’s request to whoever is running the U.S. at the moment, saying something like “give us the tools faster and we will finish the job” of exterminating Palestine and its Muslim supporters. Both Churchill and Netanyahu were liars on this score. Both men were and are only focused on securing American troops, arms, money, and blood to do their fighting for them.

In Churchill’s case, twelve million Americans would eventually serve in uniform and fight and die in the world war he and FDR fermented, planned, and eventually got. FDR, as a good acolyte of Churchill, agreed to make the Europeans’ War the top priority, instead of righty turning America’s full fury on Imperial Japan for the slaughter at Pearl Harbor. Netanyahu, too, is rabidly eager to see American soldiers, airmen, sailors, and Marines deployed to fight and die in the war he knew was coming, and which he facilitated by removing much of Israel’s border-protection forces from their posts in the period before 7 October 2023.

Joint Sessions of Congress were once reserved for presidential messages or speeches by distinguished Americans and foreigners. Today we get to listen to hate, mockery, and shaming from the likes of Netanyahu and his wannabe Zelensky, two peas in the same poisonous pod. The fact that these two gangsters were allowed to address joint sessions can only be seen for what it is, the sum of a mighty long fall from grace for the American republic.

As an afterthought, it would be most interesting to learn how many American military personnel – men and women – have been killed, wounded, and maimed in the wars in Ukraine and Palestine. There can be little doubt that U.S. troops have been deployed to both theaters of war to fight the enemies of our enemies, Zelensky and Netanyahu, and casualties surely have occurred. Why have Americans not been told about these casualties? Have the families of those casualties been informed of the fates of their loved ones? If so, have those families been somehow coerced to remain silent about their losses? Or have they and we been left wondering what is going on? Have we become a country of not only undeclared, president-caused wars, but also of undeclared and unhonored war casualties resulting from undeclared president-caused wars?

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The 75th Anniversary the NATO Alliance — Time to bury it deep

This week the political and military leaders of NATO’s member-states will gather in the United States and join with America’s strategic dynamos Biden, Harris, and Austin to “celebrate” the 75th Anniversary of the alliance. Reveling in his title as “Leader of the Free World”, the delusional Biden will hawk the ridiculous conclusion that NATO is the guardian of freedom and democracy in Europe. Lies and deceit, of course, come easy to Biden and he will preach the that successes of NATO protected and strengthened freedom across Europe since 1947 and held the USSR at bay until its collapse in 1991. That, without question, is a preposterously superficial assertion.

What kept the peace in Europe was the existence of a doctrine called Mutually Assured Destruction, rightfully condensed to the acronym MAD. The United States, Britain, and France owned nuclear deterrents and Russia’s nuclear forces have long been legend. There was no land war in Europe after 1945 because, initially, America was the world’s only nuclear power. That reality was fleeting, however, as the hundreds of Soviet spies in the governments of Roosevelt and Truman — as well as both presidents’ sycophant-like performances in meetings with Stalin at the Tehran, Yalta, and Potsdam Conferences — enabled to Russia to steal the necessary nuclear data from the United States, even quicker than did Israel. The depth of the Russian intelligence services’ penetration of the Roosevelt and Truman regimes still awaits definitive exposure, but surely statements by several of FDR’s senior colleagues should be understood as a partial confirmation of the deep pro-communist sentiment that resided in the executive branch and federal bureaucracy during FDR’s multiple administrations.

Henry Wallace: (Once FDR’s vice-president and then Secretary of Commerce.) Wallace made speeches about a “new democracy” that would be built by the United States and Russia. Wallace added that “anyone suggesting that the aims and purposes of these two people are irreconcilable, was criminal, that in some ways Russia was more Democratic than America.” (1)

Joseph E. Davies (FDR’s ambassador to Moscow, 1936-1938); Davies said that the Soviet leaders were “sincerely devoted to peace” and what they most desired was to live as good neighbors in a world at peace. (2)

Harry Hopkins (FDR’s closest, most intimate aid, his envoy to Churchill, and the head of the lend-lease program). Hopkins said it was ridiculous to think of Stalin as a communist. He was a Russian nationalist. (3)

 The best overall descriptions of America’s process of deliberately empowering Stalin and the USSR, which Roosevelt started in 1941 and carried into the immediate postwar years by lies in the slim, 1952 book by Senator Robert A. Taft (R-Ohio) called, A Foreign Policy for the American People. Speaking if the FDR and Truman administrations, Taft noted that

“curious misconceptions [by the two administrations] led us throughout the war to an almost supplicant attitude toward Russia. We acted as if it was a favor to us for Russia to accept U.S. lend-lease assistance. We accepted Russia’s military demand and overruled every British objection to policies that we bound to make Russia stronger after the war. … The concessions made at Tehran, Yalta, and Potsdam and our later policies in the Far East, where such as to build up the Soviet Russia to a position of power which today does indeed present a threat to the security of the United States. … In 1941 Stalin ruled 180 million subjects and was not sure he or his empire would survive. In 1951 Stalin directs 800 million people. (4)

So, quickly, after the end of World War 2, the Cold War began and later the halcyon era of MAD set in and those realities made NATO into a quaint, old-fashioned military alliance that has meandered along under the protective helmet of the Anglo-French-American nuclear forces and endless American taxpayer dollars. After all, why should any sophisticated European pay for the defense of his own country, when unsophisticated Americans can be forced to pay the bill. The alliance’s only genuine and prolonged military campaign on land was its post-9/11 invasion of Afghanistan. Led by the United States into that burial pit for empires, NATO and the United States fought for twenty years, never came close to winning, and ultimately fled in panic from the country, having been beaten by Afghan insurgents armed mostly with decades-old weapons, little anti-aircraft capability, and no air cover.

The best justification for the immediate burial of NATO, of course, lies in the alliance’s absolute failure to defend and preserve freedom and liberty in Europe. Almost since Germany’s surrender in May, 1945, liberty, freedom, and capitalism all have been in retreat in Europe, starting with the booting of Churchill and the election of a socialist government in the UK at the war’s end in 1945. From that point forward — with the exception of Thatcher’s terms — NATO’s pledge to protect liberty, freedom, and capitalism in Europe has been driven from Britain and Europe in a manner that has been steady, audible, demonstrable, and probably irreversible. Today’s European reality is that

–National government and nationalism itself has all but disappeared in Europe. People look to the authoritarian European Union (EU) to know what economic disasters, fake-health emergencies, unnecessary wars, fatal vaccines, illegal aliens, and reductions in personal liberty are next. Why? Because they are confident that their so-called national government is their enemy and will go along with whatever pain and impoverishment the potentates in Brussels next decide to inflict on Eur0peans.

–Catholics in Europe now are being arrested for saying a prayer or the rosary in public in, at least, Spain and the UK.

–All Europeans are subjected to the criminality and violence that the EU and its member states have deliberately brought to Europe by allowing massive illegal Muslim immigration into Europe. The pain and crimes caused by the illegals has been intentionally intensified by the continent’s demented judiciary, which resolutely turns a blind eye to crimes by Muslim illegals, and finds their tendency toward violence, criminality, rape, and grooming children for sexual abuse just another form of the new normal in Europe.

–The EU and NATO governments — except for that of Hungary’s President Orban – are now signed on to a program that will lead to a nuclear war, and have been since the start of the Ukraine war. The people of Europe have, in large part, turned their back on this drive toward nuclear war, but still finds NATO and the EU supporting Zelensky and his dictatorial regime, while the U.S. fascists, concentrated almost exclusively in the Democratic party, the Republican Party’s Neocons and grifters, most of the media and the academy, and U.S. flag officers who have kept their similarly demented EU and NATO co-criminal partners on the straight road to war.

–The Irish government has virtually turned over the nation to a horde of Muslims and other Third World immigrants, and it has empowered these aliens to replace the white Irish population, commit crimes at their discretion and without punishment, and to groom youngsters for purposes of sexual depravity. One must be shocked at what appears to be the total absence of the descendants of the brave and courageous Irishmen who used arms to savagely fight Britain’s domination for over a century, until London’s will broke and the Irish republic was born.

–This past weekend, we saw the true fruits of the French Enlightenment in the strength, large numbers, insanity, and barbarism of French communists, who burned, looted, and intimidated parts of the country because this lot believes that leftists must always rule France and that those who oppose them must be eliminated. How’s that for the EU and NATO Alliance governments protecting freedom and liberty in Europe? Look back to 1945, and examine the policy-road that has been deliberately taken by the U.S., NATO, and the EU, and you will find that it always and resolutely leads away from liberty and toward enslavement.

The people of the United States have experienced many of these same viscous anti-human and anti-liberty actions from their own governments in the decades since 1945 and, more recently, from domestic, French-communist-like terrorists — those in ANTIFA and BLM and from animal-lie illegal aliens. Americans also have been groomed to to obey authroitarian insanity since the creation of the United Nations, and especially since the 9/11 raids on New York and Washington. At base, the UN exists only to establish itself and its allies as the one-world government that is ruled by the world’s wealthy elites. The ancestors of these elites previously tried to install such a power after the Great War via the authoritarian vehicles that were written chiefly by the Europe’s remaining imperial powers Britain and France, namely, the Treaty of Versailles and the Covenant of the League of Nations. America was kept out of the maw of these monsters by a handful of gallant and brilliantly stubborn  Republican senators in 1918 and 1919. But this one-world rot so clearly dominated the Roosevelt and Truman administrations that the obeyed the UN as if it was the Lord speaking — Truman entered the Korean War citing the UN’s authority without and consulting the U.S. Congress — and since 1950s America’s main product has been the starting and conduct of unnecessary and always lost wars.

Western Civilization has been under attack since the French Revolution occurred to power the effort, but never so fiercely as it is today. Naturally, all of the institutions, instruments, and leaders  — political, economic, military, scientific, media and academic — of one-worldism will ultimately need to be destroyed if liberty, freedom, and capitalism are to be resurrected and renewed. At this moment, the complete destruction and burying of the NATO Alliance would be a most worthy first step, simply because that organization — now under the leadership of the walking-dead man who currently preens about as the “Leader of the Free World — has been a key advocate of domestic oppression and the nuclear war at the brink of which the world now stands.


–1.) Robert A. Taft. A Foreign Policy for Americans. Garden City, New York: Doubleday & Company, 1952, p.48

–2.) Ibid.  p.51

–3.) Ibid. p. 52

–4.) Ibid. pp. 52 and 8

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“”Sure, forgive your enemies – but first, get even!”

After watching Trump and Biden debate last evening, our republic’s condition has been greatly clarified. Clearly, Biden is a non-entity in terms of governing, and his performance in the debate could only have been improved if had he not shown up. He is a tired old man, whose mental faculties are at low ebb — to be kind — and speaks as if he is an angry and deranged ninny. In the republic’s history he will be remebered as an ill-bred, feckless, and corrupt politician, as the leader of a family deeply marked by the same attributes, and as a president who deliberately tried to destroy the United States. On the last point it is worth noting how during the debate he referred to himself several times as the Commander-in-Chief, and mentioned Article 5 of the NATO Treaty. That article demands that if one member state is attacked all members will got to war in its support. Perhaps this elderly never-was is planning a false-flag attack (nuclear?, attributed to Russia?) on a NATO member he does not like –Hungary? — so go he can go out out with a nuclear bang, along with the country he hates the most, America.

Given this new clarity, all Americans are now faced with forcing themselves to understand that since January, 2021, they have been treated as serfs and non-humans by the band of authoritarian politicians, gangster civil servants (think Mayorkas, Wray, and Garland) party operatives, sell-out flag-officers deranged judicial officials, atheists, medical mass-murderers far surpassing the accomplishments of Dr. Mengele, adolescent and elderly war mongers, sexually depraved groomers, and a cabinet loaded with Jewish-Americans, each of whose allegiance to the Constitution — if they even took the oath of office — is nowhere to be found. Surely it must now be realized that when this array of  traitorous cretins acts in the name of the United States, the are acting to destroy the republic, eradicate white-Christian-conservative Americans, and leave the Constitution as nothing more than a small pile of ashes.

After Biden starkly revealed last night that he cannot even govern himself, and has turned that responsibility over to the above named reprobates, President Trump — whether he ever said the word as the media report –must be from now on the Constitution’s avenger and when he wins the election he must start and then manage a lawful investigation that exacts retribution from the criminals who came in with Biden and systematically dismantled the republic, killed millions with vaccines, destroyed the economy, and flooded the country with tens of millions of illegal and non-assimilable foreigners Biden and his people cannot be left to refit and reform in preparation for a second try at installing tyranny. There is no chance that any American with commonsense, love of country, and who holds a belief that our republic’s survival and flourishing is the national priority, can settle for anything less settle less than a lawfully executed process of retribution directed against those who have long been their tormentors and poisoners.

In a 1945 movie called Blood on the Sun — set before Pearl Harbor – Jimmy Cagney plays an American journalist working in Japan who sees two friends murdered by Japan’s secret police, and then is the victim of repeated beatings by the same police. Cagney keeps writing unwelcome reporting, and finally the secret police try to kill him as he approaches the U.S. embassy looking for refuge. Hurt and laying on the ground, the secret police pick him up and — while several U.S. diplomats come out of the embassy to help him, and the Secret Police Captain on the scene pleads with Cagney no to tell the diplomats his story. The Captain uses a line from the English poet Alexander Pope to try and secure his silence, saying “to err is human, to forgive is define.” Bruised and bloody, Cagney looks up at the police chief, shows a crooked smile, and says “Sure, forgive your enemies – but first, get even!” Truer words


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12 Senators act like crotchety, well-armed schoolmarms

“The cheaper the crook, the gaudier the patter” Sam Spade, Maltese Falcon, 1941

More than one-hundred years ago, in 1919 and 1920 to be exact, a group of 12 Republican senators cooperated  to ensure the Senate’s defeat of President Woodrow Wilson’s mad support for the World War Two-causing Versailles Treaty and its malignant spawn, the one-world government organization called the League of Nations. These senators, who are often derided as the “Irreconcilables” or the “Battalion of Death”, dared to prioritize the protection U.S. sovereignty and the independence of action in foreign policy by keeping the republic out of the Wilson’s sovereignty-killing world government project and, hopefully, Europe’s next war.

By 1937, however, Wilson-acolyte Franklin Roosevelt had come along and — then in his second term — was using every legal, illegal, and traitorous method he could devise to bait Imperial Japan into attacking America, Among the list of his tools were economic sanctions, military provocations, and other illegal moves, as well as by keeping secret his and his inner circle’s knowledge of the coming Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, and even that they — politicians, cabinet secretaries, and senior military personnel — had done their best to provoke. [1]

FDR also worked, as much as a Hudson River Valley Anglophile aristocrat can, to convince Americans of two nonsensical claims: (a) that Hitler’s Germany posed a lethal threat to “American freedom” and (b) that Nazi Germany was on the verge of controlling the entire world. In that campaign, however, he failed utterly. More than 70-percent of Americans polled in the month before Pearl Harbor opposed participation in another useless European war. Americans of all classes, professions, and levels of education were not buying FDR’s fabricated assertions about Nazis posing a life-and-death threat to the Western Hemisphere, one that he used — like Wilson  used the foolish motto “make the world safe for democracy” — to get the republic into a murderous war fought on behalf of foreigners and over issues unrelated to U.S. national security.

In 1919-1920, then, there had been 12 Republican senators who deeply cared about a sovereign and peaceful foreign policy for the United States. Today we virtually have none. We are committed, under NATO, to defend 31 foreign states if Russia happens to attack one. War for North Macedonia anyone? In addition, we have spent more than $200 billion supporting the economy and military of an arguably fascist, non-NATO state called Ukraine against the Russians. If this is not evidence of senatorial madness and their apparently complete lack of concern about remedying massive and republic-killing domestic problems, I cannot imagine what is.

At the same time, the Senate has made it clear that it will accept any amount of economic damage to the United States — human and material — and the recruitment of any number of Muslim enemies — at home and abroad — to make sure Israel wins yet another of its endless wars. Thanks to U.S. student demonstrations and continuing Israeli attacks on civilian Palestinian targets, all Americans now know that nearly all U.S. Senators and Congressmen are on the take from Israel-affiliated, U.S.-based organizations, and that those bribes buy Israel unlimited access to the White House, Congress, U.S. Treasury, much of the federal bureaucracy, and America’s military forces, especially flag officers.

As if that is not enough to demonstrate the Senate’s madness and unconcern for U.S. interests, we know have a letter written by 12 U.S. Senators — there can be little doubt that they speak for at least 87 more — that starkly threatens International Criminal Court (ICC) which is based in The Netherlands. The letter is, at base, a virtual declaration of war on that institution, to which we do not belong, and thank God for that. These 99 senators, with 12 in the lead, have taken it upon themselves to declare war on a foreign institution in order to defend Israel’s deeds, as well as their own government’s misbehavior.

Now how does this work, given that neither the U.S. nor Israel are members of the ICC? If the Court indicted Israel or U.S. officials on what would likely be international war-crimes charges, the indicted governments could simply tell the ICC to bugger off. But might the Court’s charges result in the arrest of U.S. and/or Israeli officials, and the delivery of them to the Hague, if they went traveling outside the confines of there respective states? That might well happen and, for the United States at least, it would be a most welcome event, especially if the arrested were charged not only for crimes pertinent to the current Palestine-Israel war but for the tremendous number of constitutional violations and other crimes that have been generated by the U.S. government in its dozens of post-1945 undeclared and so illegal and unnecessary wars, all were lost and served only to kill, wound, maim, or madden many young Americans.

Read the 12-Senator’s letter below and — when done asking if the any of them could possibly be sane — think of the disaster for all Americans of those men being anything more than small-town merchants who specialize in fleecing customers until cops show up to take them to jail. Also note the final sentence from the 12 would-be avengers 0f Israell, “You have been warned.” That charmer is a close runner up to Bogart calling Sydney Greenstreet’s young body guard –named Wilmer Cook — a “cheap  gunmen”, “a pocket edition desperado”, and, finally, a “gunsel”. Bogart convinces Greenstreet to make Wilmer their fall guy, and he agrees. This scene is from the Maltese Falcon, and, if there is ever a remake, Senator Tom Cotton — a signer of the letter below — clearly would be a shoe-in for the part of the gunsel, no audition needed. (2)

–Letter to the ICC:

April 24, 2024
Mr. Karim A. A. Khan KC
Office of the Prosecutor
International Criminal Court
Oude Waalsdorperweg 10
The Hague, The Netherlands

Dear Mr. Khan,

We write regarding the reports that the International Criminal Court (ICC) may be considering issuing international arrest warrants against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other Israeli officials. Such actions are illegitimate and lack legal basis, and if carried out will result in severe sanctions against you and your institution.

The ICC is attempting to punish Israel for taking legitimate actions of self-defense against their Iranian-backed aggressors. In fact, in your own words, you witnessed “scenes of calculated cruelty”1 conducted by Hamas in Israel following the October 7 attacks. These arrest warrants would align the ICC with the largest state sponsor of terrorism and its proxy. To be clear, there is
no moral equivalence between Hamas’s terrorism and Israel’s justified response.

The ICC is also prohibited by its charter from proceeding in any case unless the relevant government is unwilling or unable to police themselves. You yourself have said that “Israel has trained lawyers who advise commanders and a robust system intended to ensure compliance with international humanitarian law.”2  By issuing warrants, you would be calling into question the legitimacy of Israel’s laws, legal system, and democratic form of government. Issuing arrest warrants for the leaders of Israel would not only be unjustified, it would expose your organization’s hypocrisy and double standards.

Your office has not issued arrest warrants for Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei or any other Iranian official, Syrian President Bashar al Assad or any other Syrian official, or Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh or any other Hamas official. Nor have you issued an arrest warrant for the genocidal General Secretary of the People’s Republic of China, Xi Jinping, or any other Chinese official.Finally, neither Israel nor the United States are members of the ICC and are therefore outside of your organization’s supposed jurisdiction.

If you issue a warrant for the arrest of the Israeli leadership, we will interpret this not only as a threat to Israel’s sovereignty but to the sovereignty of the United States. Our country demonstrated in the American Service-Members’ Protection Act the lengths to which we will go to protect that sovereignty.The United States will not tolerate politicized attacks by the ICC on our allies. Target Israel and we will target you.

If you move forward with the measures indicated in the report, we will move to end all American support for the ICC, sanction your employees and associates, and bar you and your families from the United States. You have been warned. [3]


–1.)  In early 1941, FDR and his collaborators put into place an 8-point plan that successfully provoked Imperial Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbor. The plan worked so well that FDR and his crew knew a Japanese naval and air attack was nearing Pearl harbor by the end of the third week of November, 1941. As December 7th neared, they not only did nothing to preempt Japan’s attack, but they also failed to inform the the flag officers commanding  navy and army forces at Pearl Harbor that they had intercepted Japanese communications that revealed a coming attack. This tragedy (and crime?) is detailed via documents, reminiscences, and signals intercepts used in Robert B. Stinnett’s, Day of Deceit. The Truth About FDR and Pearl Harbor. New York: The Free Press, 2000. (NB: On a personal note, for most of my professional life I resisted both the idea that such a conspiracy by FDR and his aides was unlikely, or that, if there was one, it could be covered up for more than 50 years. Mr. Stinnett’s careful, well-documented, well-written b and calm and clear  book, as well as his use of  a great number of previously unpublished  documents he secured through the Freedom of Information Act, have pretty much settled the issue for me. Mr. Stinnett also noted in his book that there still are many other documents that would add more evidence to his story, but they remain restricted from the public because would be a threat to national security. After the book’s publication, the historical profession piled on Mr. Stinnet in a hot tizzy, saying he didn’t understand how to read signals-intelligence reports, that he drew too much from the documents, and that, generally, he just aided a “long debunked conspiracy” theory. Funny, in the reviews I read of the book the historians never called for the release of the documents that Mr, Stinnett found still hidden by the government. I suppose that’s par for the course as, after reading Mr. Stinnett’s book, I somehow doubt those still-restricted documents would prove exculpatory for FDR and his secretive cohorts.

–2.) The Maltese Falcon, Warner Brothers, 1941. For Bogart’s first encounter with the doomed Wilmer see the following clip:


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Congress abandons the 1st Amendment to its paymasters and other foreigners

The bill on antisemitism taht was rushed through and passed by the House of Representatives on 3 May 2024 is a direct and savage attack on the First Amendment. All the traditional steps of legislating were abandoned to pass the bill (H.R. 6090). There was no review in committee, no chances for members to seek changes, and no debate on the House floor. Reportedly, sections of the bill are taken directly from documents written on the subject by other countries or by international organizations. The Congress underscored this last point by having the law name a UN/European organization – with U.S. Israel-Firsters as members [1] — called the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance as the entity that will advise and direct U.S. federal agencies on how and against whom to implement the law, it can even change the definition of antisemitism at its discretion. How is this for a republic-wrecking travesty, an anti-American, unconstitutional law, written and passed by well-bribed traitors, and managed by foreigners in the interests of an unfriendly nation. As they say, you can’t make this stuff up.

This pro-tyranny bill passed only because the supposedly conservative and patriotic Republican caucus largely voted for the bill, after the Louisiana Democrat the Republicans named as their Speaker of the House okayed suspension of the legislative process to pass bill demanded by some of his largest donors. Clearly, if the Speaker was a native Southerner living in Louisiana after the defeat of the CSA’s war for independence, he would have been an outspoken and very rich turncoat carpetbagger, as well as an advocate of continuing the South’s cruel occupation by the Union army. The bill speaks loudly and frankly of the coming tyrannical and martial rule of the United States that is planned by almost all members of the Congress in both houses, the federal bureaucracy, most state governors, most flag officers, foreign countries, international organizations, domestic bankers, media outlets manufacturers, tech titans, drug-makers, media conglomerates, international organizations, doctors, lawyers and academics.

The bill on its face is wildly and abusively unconstitutional. Hate is not and never can be a crime in a constitutional republic. It is no more unconstitutional to express hate than it is to express love, anger, adoration, bewilderment, frustration, or any other emotion. Dozens of verbal human expressions no doubt hurt some or many people’s feelings –imagine the impact of the loud and frequent calls for exterminating white Americans — but as regrettable as they are, they are not a crime. Adults walk away from such statements and leave the name-callers to stew in their own prejudices, dislikes, and hatreds. Only a government looking to install dictatorial rule would seek to make criminals of those using any kind of speech to which someone objects of dislikes.

Then, adding insult to injury, videos [2] appear showing Trump at a microphone, apparently afflicted with chronic constitutional ignorance, announcing that those Americans using antisemitic words or actions — the latter already covered by harsh laws — ought to face “destruction” and even the death penalty. Trump also said “they have to pay the ultimate price.” Okay, so what about Iranians living in America who, at times have a propensity to say “death to America”, do we gather them up for “destruction”? What about radical Blacks and progressives who say the same thing more often — and more viciously — and also call for “exterminating whites”, do we round them up for the noose? What about the antebellum Abolitionists who, for a decade and more, heaped shockingly abusive and war-causing words on southerners, and described the U.S. Constitution as a soiled “menstrual rag”, round them up for hanging? What about Yankees’ fans, who on multiple occasions each season express an enduring and intense hatred for the Boston Red Socks, off with their heads?

Grow-up and get a grip, Mr. President as the very last thing the republic needs at the moment is a Chief Executive whose favorite county is not in North America but in the Middle East, as we already have a Congress on the take from that distant and, for America, strategically worthless, utterly ruthless, intolerably arrogant, and endlessly trouble-making country. You know, you might even give some thought to how your position squares with the fact that 34 U.S. sailors were killed and 171 wounded when the Israeli Air Force deliberately attacked the USS Liberty on 8 June 1967. Or perhaps you believe, like so many other foreign-suborned politicians over the past 57 years, that the Israel-conducted slaughter was “just a terrible accident”.

I carry no brief for FDR, Mr. President, but, leaving aside that he wanted war and knew Pearl Harbor was coming, he responded as a man and a patriot to the Imperial Japanese Navy bombing and torpedoing the ships of the U.S. Pacific Fleet. And after all, Mr. President, it is distinctly anti-presidential for any president to appear on public stages in the guise of a howling guard-dog championing an unfriendly foreign power – “let Israel finish the job” [3] — and advocating elimination of American protestors and the First Amendment.

Finally, the traitors who passed this grossly unconstitutional piece of legislation could not resist rubbing tyranny’s victory in the face of loyal Americans by the saying in the bill’s Section 6, Para B: “Constitutional Protections.Nothing in this Act shall be construed to diminish or infringe upon any right protected under the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States.” [4] Those who voted to pass this bill’s rank and treasonous provisions must have laughed about this deliberate lie all the way to the money-changers to pick up their bribe-payments.


–1.), See Section 4 of the bill.

–2.) and



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Osama bin Laden’s plan for victory keeps unrolling

Osama bin Laden was a rare and honorable man of faith, and a most capable and remarkable leader and speaker. The historical record of his actions, words, advice, and faith are part of the Sunni Muslim world’s collective memory and, I would bet, affections and even reverence. The content of the speeches, statements, and diaries he left behind seem to have remained current since his death, especially among young Sunni Islamists, and of course form a brilliant chapter in the history of Salafism’s search for a united Muslim world.

Throughout his career as a mujahedin, Bin Laden knew that he and his colleagues had no better supporter of their plans for a united Ummah than the war-mad, expansionist, unthinking, arrogant, largely irreligious, and shit-for-brains leaders of the United States. In one of his speeches, Bin Laden responded to a question asking “Why do we attack and in other ways take on the U.S. superpower, rather than going after the main, ruthless enemies of the Ummah; namely, Israel and the Arab tyrannies?”

In response, Bin Laden said that the task of the mujahedin and their leaders was to make a hard choice and one that might, at first, seem ass-backwards. The metaphor he used was that the mujahedin had to chose between attacking one of two bicycles, one a sturdy and fast steel-framed bicycle with durable tires, and the other a ramshackle older bicycle, gimping along and made largely with wood, bits of metal, and patched, nearly bald tires. Bin Laden then identified the first bicycle as Israel and the latter bicycle as the rickety and doddering United States. He said that the power of the United States is not primarily based on its on military, but, rather, it is the country’s economic and industrial bases that sends that money, weapons, technology, etc, that keeps the Israeli bicycle ship-shape mechanically, and does much the same for the Arab tyrannies. Bin Laden concluded that commonsense strongly suggested it would be foolish not to concentrate first on destroying the weaker bicycle, which represents the supposedly greatest military the world has known — an odd thing for anyone to believe since this superpower had failed to win a single one of the many wars it has started since 1945 — and then turn on Israel.

Bin Laden was killed in 2011, but the Salafist movement and its determination remain strong but muted, in part because of the need to rebuild and recruit, but mostly because it is winning. Today, the U.S. bicycle is disintegrating before the world’s eyes, with the Biden administration at the helm of this destruction. For the moment, the Salafists may well believe that it would be madness to do anything that gets in the way of letting Biden and his fellow bipartisan traitors complete the demolition of the American republic.

The more important reason for the Salafists apparent quiescence, of course, is that they can see their enemy is collapsing and that Allah may yet intend to bring them victory, if they patiently obey the Koran and then act when the time for jihad is right. Notwithstanding bin Laden’s death, President Trump’s bold and transparently foolish assertions that he had “destroyed” ISIS and al-Qaeda forces in Iraq, are quite untrue, especially after Biden recreated and abundantly armed the mujahedin’s safe haven in Afghanistan. Badly damaged in Iraq they may have been, but they were and are very far from being destroyed; see, for example, their continuing activities in the Sahel, the Philippines, Black Africa, and soon China’s Xingiang Province. Because of their faith — and that of many other Muslims — Salafists have an innate ability to see the need for patience, resilience, and prayer as an essential part of the armory of war.

They also know that they will no longer have to fight the war primarily on their own lands and endure a repetition of the carnage that was inflicted on themselves and Muslim civilians by the West in Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Libya, and elsewhere. Why? Because the Islamists no longer face the problem that bin Laden confronted; namely, how to get at the West — especially the United States — from al Qaida’s strongholds in the Middle East. Bin Laden frankly said that America was a hard nut to crack because it was far away, and that 9/11-like operations were expensive, difficult, and no sure thing to run. The 9/11 raid turned the trick for Bin Laden and immediately brought U.S. ground forces to fight on the Salafists home ground, and in the land that saw Muslim victories against Britain, the USSR, and now the U.S. and NATO. At the end of each war the foreigners ran home with their tails between their legs. In the U.S. case, moreover, one president refused to prevent 9/11, and the next three chose to deliberately lose what became a 20-year war. If nothing else, those victories reassured Muslims of all sects that Allah does bring victory to those who fight in the cause of their faith, if they merit that victory in his eyes.

The heads of al-Qaeda, ISIS, and other Islamist organizations worldwide know that they are now in a position — when the time is right — to steadily attack their Western enemies in Europe and the United States. Both the European governments and the U.S. government — through suicidal immigration policies and a focus on enslaving and then destroying their own populations — have left themselves wide-open to guerilla warfare on their own lands. Some of the Islamists coming into the U.S. undetected across the southern border bring in arms small arms and/or timers, explosives, small drones, etc. These useful tools do not add up to great amounts; they are only the icing on the cake.

Islamists, or sympathizers thereof, who have come to to live in America in the past thirty years — many with their families — surely have slowly acquired stocks of weapons, knowing that such a war-preparation process would be fully protected by the Democrats and Republicans, both of which flamboyantly established them as a special, privileged minority, having more rights than native-born Americans and so must not be disturbed no matter what they do, in order to keep them voting for devoted bipartisan minority-pleasers.

In Europe, the dunce-like EU leaders will be shocked — when the time is right — by the armed response of domestic Islamist leaders and their followers to the preferential EU legal, social, and academic, treatment given to them after their illegal arrival. The EU’s decades-long eagerness to invent baseless legal justifications to prevent prosecution and punishment of some or many Muslims who have participated in rapes, thefts, riots, arson, grooming kids for sexual exploitation has won few friends but much contempt among the endlessly patient Islamists in Europe. As in America, these Islamists also have been stockpiling some illegal small arms, explosives, and other war materials while most native Europeans have, tragically, been disarmed by their governments. More important, however, are the weapons that have been brought into the EU by Islamists illegally entering from Turkey and the Balkans, people who have ended up in major EU cities, portions of which are increasingly dominated by Islamism and veteran mujahedin and are no-go zones for citizens and police and so home of secure weapons caches. In addition, human reinforcements are readily at hand because of the insane creation by Clinton and the EU of Muslim citadels in Kosovo and Albania after the Balkans war.

It also is a certainty that Europe’s Islamists have been buying weapons from the utterly corrupt Ukrainian regime; either directly from government officials or from smugglers. Ukraine, after all, was a leading gun-smuggling country before Russia’s special military operation, and has enhanced its leading role by selling portions of the insurgent-useful arms supplied to Zelensky –$61 billion more by the U.S. last week — by the EU, NATO, and both U.S. political parties to all comers, including terrorist groups, organized crime organizations, human-and-child smugglers, and, really, any person or group that has the cash. Biden’s gang of bipartisan traitors also have failed to show any interest in discovering how many weapons from foreign countries — especially China — are being carried across the southern border into the United States by Mexican cartels and their agents.

In essence, then, native-born Americans and Europeans are now waiting for what could be the called the war at home after the wars overseas. The wars they wave witnessed, supported, paid for, and lost children in since 2001 have been a prelude, admittedly a 20-plus-year prelude, that is only now nearing its end. This prelude has done nothing but ever more deeply ingrain, in most Muslims, Osama bin Laden’s claim that the governments of the West  — and especially the United States –are the sure, constant, and lethal enemies of Islam. Muslims also are plainly seeing the wisdom of bin Laden’s claim that the weaker bicycle must be destroyed before Israel can be eliminated.

There is almost a poetic justice in bin Laden’s correct calls on this score. Not only are the United States and the EU falling apart at the seams via government-mandated suicide, but their Mossad-compromised leaders are hastening that demise by supporting Israel’s unending slaughter of Palestinians not only by paying the traditional homage to their extortionist Israeli and Jewish-American paymasters [1, an automated list of Israeli shills in the U.S. Congress] in the forms of money, technology,  and weapons, but, for the first time, publicly expending the efforts and lives of the airmen, sailors, soldiers, and Marines to assist Israel’s plan to exterminate Muslim and Christian Palestinians, people whom Israel regards as loathsome animals. And also woe betide the Middle East’s ruling Sunni tyrants as it becomes absolutely and finally clear to all Sunnis that their governments will not lift a single finger to stop the elimination of all Muslim Palestinians at Israeli hands and all Xingiang Muslims at the hands of the Chinese communists. Again, this is a fact that was publicly and repeatedly taught by Osama bin Laden through his whole career.

Finally, my greatest and, in truth, only concern is, as always, the survival of United States and restoration of its Constitution, a concern that, at this late date, perhaps cannot be effectively achieved. But the beginning of such a survival can only come from the immediate closing and armed defense –using as much lethality as necessary — of our southern border, and then the deportation of all illegals. Most but not all things change over time but this recipe for survival does not. As I wrote in 2008:

“In America’s war with Islamists the only place to start is with the physical security of the United States. … How to Proceed? Well, the best answer would be to deploy the U.S. Army and Marine Corps along U.S. land borders to prevent the entry of illegals until an effective network of fences, trenches, watch towers, radars, and — if necessary — minefields can be built in a crash program along the Canadian and Mexican borders. But the world’s best and most expensive military is fully deployed overseas in losing Wilsonian wars meant to install secular democracies that Muslims are resisting to the death. And even if U.S. forces were not stretched so thin, those elected to run the federal government have, for decades, failed completely, knowingly, and deliberately to enure the physical security of U.S. borders. On this issue Americans find themselves in what Thomas Paine described as the “intolerable state” of being “exposed to the same miseries by a government, which we might expect in a country without a government.” [1]



2.) Michael Scheuer. Marching Toward Hell. America and Islam After Iraq. New York: Free Press, 2008, pp.255-257

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New CIA Excuse for 3,000 9/11 deaths: “Female CIA officers were not good enough”

Let us start with a three-paragraph quotation from a co-authored book review in the March, 2024, issue of an unclassified CIA publication:

“The third and final section focuses on the roles women
played in identifying Usama bin Laden and al-Qaida
as serious threats to the United States and in bringing
about their destruction. Counterterrorism pathfinders
such as Cindy Store, Gina Bennett, and Barbara Sued
feature prominently, as do others like Jennifer Matthews
and Alfred Bukowski. Mundy describes in painstaking
and frustrating detail how first Bennett and Store, then
others, tried largely in vain to convince US officials of
the threat Bin Laden posed, the creation of a dedicated
team at CIA focused entirely on him and al-Qaida, and
the events leading up to 9/11 and the days that followed.

The Bin Laden unit, named Alec Station after the son of
its founding director, Michael Scheuer, represented an
uncomfortable merger between operations and analysis,
and targeting—man hunting—was then something that
the CIA had little experience with. It did not help that
Scheuer—an ally and advocate for the women on his
team—was himself an analyst, leading a DO team staffed
largely by women.”

To Mundy, who accurately describes some difference-
as in the cultures of the DO and DI at that time, it was a
situation that appears in retrospect almost to have been
designed to fail. She is not wrong. Although Scheuer’s
team located bin Laden on a few occasions, it struggled
for years to convince policymakers and CIA leaders of
the unique threat al-Qaida posed, likely due—in part,
at least—to the absence of male operations officers who
would have stood better chances of being heard. Mundy’s
interviewees recount, however, that after 9/11, CIA
completely reconfigured itself to focus on counterterror-
ism, how the prominence of women rose with it, and how
divisions over the proper conduct of what became known
as the global war on terrorism—especially the ethics of
enhanced interrogations—divided even that closely knit
group of officers, men and women alike.” Source: (

It is not surprising that today’s CIA has devolved into such a hapless organization and that it is now stupid enough to admit its own accelerating rottenness. In the above article, one of the the authors — a former big-and-tough male operations officer — admits that all of the Americans who died on 9/11 did so because all the big-tough boys in the Directorate of Operations do not deign to consider female CIA officers as their equals, even though female officers beat many of them like a drum and nearly to death on issues related to finding and eliminating Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda. This included the then-Director of Operations, a old Cold Warrior  brought back out of retirement, and who, after firing me, offered me a substantial monetary award if I would agree to lie to my unit by saying I was leaving because I was exhausted. Well, I am never exhausted, and, as gentlemanly as I could, I told him to stick his cash award up his ass. Later, I had to sign a form reaffirming that I had turned down what clearly was no more than the Cold Warrior’s offer of a bribe for silence.

This elderly fellow and his lieutenants on the Agency’s 7th Floor hated the idea that an important CIA unit had a majority — a big one — of female officers working in it. They thought that there were not nearly enough big-and-tough male officers like themselves therein. The review considered here admits the turth on that point. The unit also had a chief –me — who only worked most, not all, of his Agency career in the Directorate of Operations, always in covert operations, and the recipient of only three of the Directorate of Operations’ highest awards. One of the article’s co-authors, the so-called “historian” Brent Geary, is, of course, a former operations officer whose prose suggests he has been ingrained from his first day at the “Farm” with the traditional women-suck-at-operations ideology.

There is a second section of this review that is written by a former CIA officer named Linda Weissgold, who once was Chief of the Agency’s Directorate of Analysis. She turns out to be the typical protect-your-butt and those of the 7th Floor bureaucrats CIA officer. She softly disagrees with her male co-author by saying that she cannot “bring herself to defend the truth of the fact that 3,000 Americans died on 9/11 because the truth to stop that event was brought to CIA’s top leaders by women.” Why is this, Ms. Weissgold? Because, she writes, “Director George Tenet’s well-documented efforts to get policymakers to act belies claims that the analysts’ warnings went unheeded.”

Now, there doubtless  are such documents, all written or dictated by DCI George Tenet  after he returned from National Security Council meetings or other such senior decision-making forums. If  the “well-documented” heroics of Tenet really exist, they primarily exist as self-serving lies. Most often Tenet went into decision-making senior meetings alone or with a lawyer; that is, with no one who knew more than a superficial amount about bin Laden or Afghanistan or the strengths and weaknesses of the intelligence reporting.Tenet always was briefed on the latest reporting before he went to such meetings and it was always stressed to him that the intelligence was solid as possible, and unlikely to get much better what he had at present. On his return, Tenet never failed to say he had expressed this warning to his fellow attendees.

Instead of acting on this data, Tenet appears to have done all he could to avoid being the person responsible for championing a lethal attack on bin Laden. Then, late in the game, he came up with the dire need for a so-called “second thread” of intelligence to confirm the already clearly accurate intelligence that had been gathered across the CIA by both women and men, working at home and overseas. He suggested, and his political and military masters agreed, that, as good former colonials, Britain’s MI6 must be asked to provide a “second thread’ of intelligence to confirm the work of lowly Americans. Ever the good colonials –always believing the Mother Country better at intelligence work than America — they also probably offered to pay MI6’s expenses, a not unusual practice. The British, of course, came up with nothing. And so, Tenet, his lieutenants, and their political and military masters — Osama bin Laden could have had no better protectors — refused to listen to the work of mere female CIA officers. Time then continued its gentle, quiet, and undisturbed travel to the day 3,000 Americans died unnecessary because their government refused to try to terminate the threat it knew was coming for them.

Why? Because, in large measure, female officers had played the key role in understanding and exploiting the CIA-produced intelligence that repeatedly gave Tenet and his political masters a series of near-certain death-shots at bin Laden. The senior big-and-tough Directorate of Operations’ lads couldn’t bear the thought that women and not men had delivered the goods, and so they questioned the quality of their own agency’s intelligence capabilities when speaking with their political and military masters. The latter were all Clinton appointees and probably shared of his well-known views of women what they were good for.

Co-author Ms. Weissgold also throws in a good deal of clutter and fluff about how hard it is to work in bureaucracies and with politicians, but her section fails to accept the fact — as did Geary’s — that Tenet and other senior, mostly male CIA leaders completely failed America on 9/11, and all because that bunch of self-servers consistently undercut, denigrated, and deliberately underrated the abilities of female intelligence officers, not just in Alec Station but, in my view, across the CIA. Indeed, Tenet, his lieutenants, and senior political leaders never once — despite at least 10 chances — tried to kill bin Laden between December 1994 and 11 September 2001. Why did they want Americans dead?

Finally, the point of these comments is not only to mark the on-going decline of the CIA — intentionally started by Clinton, continued by Brennan under Obama’s orders, and now accelerated by Biden’s regime — but also to comment on Agency’s stark inability to look at itself and see its many self-inflicted failures, as in the 9/11 case. It was the senior Agency leaderships’ arrogance, jealousy of female success, and resentment of that consistent success, that knowingly cost thousands of American deaths that could have been prevented. The content of the book review also seems to amount to an honest admission – a former acting DCI is on the editorial board approving its publication — that senior Agency leaders’ still take pride in underestimating female capabilities and, in that way, at least, reaffirms continued abusive institutional treatment of female officers both as lesser folk and, perhaps, as a proper reason to have at them at hand for blame when another 9/11 disaster occurs


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Moscow: Likely a U.S.-NATO-Israel covert hit, but Islamists are easy and believable to frame

The terrorist attack in Moscow on 22 March 2024 is being identified as an operation conducted by Islamic State-K, a branch of ISIS based in Afghanistan. That is not impossible, but on the basis of initial reporting its seems quite unlikely. Indeed, media reports seem unprecedentedly specific and detailed for a rushed, as-it-unfolds media story, almost as if the stories were complete weeks ago and stood ready for release. As a rule, that is not the how initial reports on terrorist attacks work. Confusion is usually the order of the day. Several other supporting reasons for this claim follow:

–The first photos of the four shooters surely do not suggest they are Afghans, or Arabs, or Muslims from outside the Muslim world, say in Asia or Africa. Of course, they may be Muslim-converts from Ukraine, elsewhere in Eastern Europe, or the North Caucuses, so their appearances may be deceiving.

–Also, blaming ISIS or any other Islamist group right off the bat would, as always, allow the Israel-owned, uni-party dominated U.S. Congress and the governments allied with it to greatly expand their military help for Israel by starting to bombard many places in the Middle East in the name of “stopping terrorism” by destroying ISIS bases and “sympathizers”. This is an old trick, and often works.

–Experience with similar ISIS shootings in Europe and elsewhere usually showed that the shooters have little or no interest in escaping. They shoot until the responding forces kill them or until they are out of ammunition. The reporting at this hour suggests they intended to escape, had a car nearby for that purpose, and were caught by the police as they were to trying to get away.

–The reporting also suggests that – in a manner nearing the miraculous — the shooters we are able to place explosives in the auditorium’s ceiling in an attempt to cause its collapse onto the captive audience. Commonsense suggests that the attacks and the placing of explosives probably could not have occurred seriatim on the same day.

–Biden’s regime is reported to have earlier warned Putin’s government that ISIS intends to soon stage attack in Moscow. Now Biden’s administration and its military and intelligence chiefs are rotten, stinking, amateurish cretins who hate Russia with a passion, ditto for the sickening dirt-bags that run, at least, the British, French, Ukrainian, and Israeli governments and their military and intelligence services. Indeed, all of these governments and their military and intelligence leaders operate with war-loving minds powered by a demented hatred of post-Soviet Russia. They may have warned the Russians of a coming ISIS attack, one they had already planned, funded, and for which they provided training, weapons, and explosives and – given their blinding hatred for Russia – were demented enough to believe Putin would accept their early warning without question as proof they were not involved in the attack. Unlike themselves, though, Putin is not a stupid jackass. He is rather a talented leader who stands head-and-shoulders, in terms brain-power, truthfulness, patriotism, and patience, above any of the U.S., NATO, or EU leaders

–Then there is the round-the-clock, preparatory presence of the term “Black Swan Event” in almost all Western media controlled by the Biden regime and its gangster partners at the UN and in EU/NATO member governments. Those governments specialize in using their media slaves to make barely disguised announcements about how they next intend to maim, poison, or kill some of their nations’ inhabitants. Perhaps the Biden administration is going to execute dual Black Swan events, first in Moscow and then a biochemical attack on the millions of Americans who plan to gather together in large groups to watch an eclipse on April 8th, an event for which Israel-Firster Mayorkas’s Department of Homeland is deploying National Guard units and DHS forces to “protect” the eclipse watchers. Yup, they will protect them alright, in the same way the murderous Biden regime “protected” Americans from the Chinese-made flu, that is by drowning them in it.

–Next, the Taliban, not ISIS-K, governs Afghanistan, and ISIS-K is, at best, an unwelcome guest that resides in the country at the Taliban’s pleasure. There is, of course, the possibility that ISIS cooperated secretly with the above-noted governments in a way that left the Taliban regime in the dark. If so, and if ISIS-K staged the attack, ISIS now will have hell to pay with nowhere to go to evade the retribution. There also is another clear possibility. The Biden government may have fled Afghanistan like scared-to-death school girls – after getting thirteen Marines killed and abandoning  a strategic airbase at Bagram and $80-plus billion in top-shelf weaponry – as the price of securing the Taliban’s agreement for help in executing undefined future requirements. This possibility admittedly is a long-shot, but Afghanistan is, without the question, the one place on earth where you should never say never. And, such is the evilness and war-eagerness of the current U.S. government that you can never say never about its possible future criminal actions.

The foregoing is a first analysis by an aging former intelligence officer using the initial tranches of data about the attack on Russian civilians in Moscow. It certainly could be well short of the mark. That said, this CIA has-been believes that, in the history of our republic, Americans have never faced a more hate-filled, diabolical, war-wanting, and death-loving national government – exceeding even the national regimes of Hirohito, Hitler, and the Bolsheviks — which is now led by the traitor Biden and supported by his criminal family, his vicious regime, the bipartisan, Israel-owned, clown-town called Congress, and their European and Israeli friends. That deranged lot want all patriotic citizens dead or enslaved as soon possible. A full war with Russia would turn the trick, killing most of us and easing the enslavement of the remnant.

For now, stay tuned, keep an eye peeled, remain skeptical, rely on commonsense, buy additional weapons/ammo, and pray. For Christians, it is worth noting that the Moscow attack coincided with the celebration of Palm Sunday weekend, another fact that would tend to finger Islamists in the minds of many. Also, please stay home, avoid DHS’s eclipse death-trap, and wait for videos of the eclipse. Better safe at home than sorry and dead.


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