Biden, the Congress, and the Generals are eager for the republic’s annihilation

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The Deep State’s dying gasps: “Iran is trying to kill Trump … again, and again, and again”

The soon to be detained, tried, convicted, and imprisoned senior officials of the Department of Justice and the FBI are flooding the air waves with claims that they have cracked yet another Iranian plot to kill President-elect Trump. How do they know? Well, get this, the Iranian leader of the plot called the FBI on the open telephone line from Iran to describe Tehran’s plot in order to get one of his FBI-captured operatives off the hook? Get that, on the “open line”. If that is true, then the FBI’s caller probably is dead. If he was indeed an Iranian operative, he was being listened to constantly by Iranian intelligence. Iran, you may have noticed, is quite technologically capable and surely, if the call or calls actually occurred, the caller – if there was one — is now a dead Muslim duck.

What we are seeing here, I think, is traditional DOJ/FBI counterterrorism work. First, identify a money-needy and not too intelligent Muslim, and then approach him in the guise of bad guys looking for a person to execute a terrorist attack. The FBI bad-guy role-player then offers money, weapons, and explosives to their addled warrior and directs him to gather a small team to carry out the attack. This non-crafty Muslim hunts up two or three even less intelligent Muslims to join him. The FBI then agrees to meet the “attack team” and either arrests them on the spot, or gives the non-working weapons, non-exploding explosives, and a bit more cash. When they have accepted, the FBI arrests all of them, tells the media that it has stopped the worst terrorist threat ever. It then parades the arrested “terrorists” before the media, after supplying the journalists with a script to use when reporting the event.

On the terrorism issue, of course, you can never say never. The FBI’s story may be true, but the odds of such truthfulness are monumentally against the FBI and DOJ. Their anti-terrorism modus operandi – as I saw it from 1992 to 2004 – is to recruit some Muslim dummies, set them up, and then arrest them and call the event a historic defeat for Islamist terrorism. In addition, if there was a genuine Iranian plot against Trump, FBI and DOJ would do nothing to stop it.

At this point in time, just after American voters elected Trump and slaughtered Harris and her band of woke and otherwise depraved miscreants at the polls, the odds are far more likely that the senior members of the FBI, DOJ, the State Department, FEMA, and the Pentagon are themselves plotting to thwart the inauguration of the victor of November 5th, as they did by stealing the election in 2020.

Finally, amongst all the talk by the new president and his senior advisers about releasing various collection of incriminating papers, there are two sets of papers that must be released to the American public. (1.) The remaining papers dealing with FDR, his administration, and the War Department’s machinations vis-à-vis Japan before Pearl Harbor and the strong possibility that they knowingly let the attack happen. There is no sane reason – 83 years after the Pearl Harbor –  why the U.S. Archives continues to block access to the papers that would give Americans the full story, except to posthumously protect the reputations of those thought to be American heroes, and (2) The archive of the 9/11 Commission’s documents and testimonies, which are fully redacted and so safe for release to the public, as the Congress long ago promised. This ought to be done soon so as to avoid the Pearl Harbor plan of making doubly sure that every person involved in the event is long dead.


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Are there really Americans who don’t know Democrats are the “Enemy Within”?

Democratic spokesmen and their automaton supporters are now damning Trump for telling Americans the greatest threat to U.S. survival is the “enemy within”.  The Democrats’ focus on this phrase because it is to their only hope for survival. They must make Trump seem to be a would-be tyrant – some Democrat grandees are calling him Hitler — because he has told the truth about the Democrats, their behavior, and their clearly mad intentions. Also, it’s a bit of weak way to smear Trump by calling him “Hitler”. If they really wanted to abuse him and get the public’s attention, they would have called him a “Democrat”, as it is the Democrats and their supporters who made Hitler look like a cheap and ineffective gangster by murdering 62 million-plus babies and then selling their body parts for profit

Is it possible that some Americans don’t recall the Biden-Harris administration’s splendid and almost cinematic portrayal, beginning on its first day, of its stark hatred for and intention to destroy the republic? Even with a fully controlled mainstream media, the dogged efforts of the alternative media have made sure that all Americans have had the opportunity to learn about the actions Democrats meant to be death blows to the nation. Just a short list of twelve of these actions should surely inform any Americans doubting that the Democrats are the very epitome of tyranny and anti-human behavior.

–1.) Shutting down much of the U.S. oil industry in 2021, thereby deliberately starting and then fueling the now accelerating collapse of the U.S. economy.

–2.) Opening the U.S.-Mexican border for more than 14 million illegal aliens, including nearly a million convicted criminals – murderers, rapists, certified crazies, gang-members, pedophiles, etc., who were released from prisons and in asylums in Latin America and made it to the United States with the help of Mayorkas, DHS, Israel’s migration NGO, and some of America’s most famous NGOs.

–3.) Sending covert operatives to burn down scores of food processing facilities across the United States. They also have the used federal bureaucracy to begin the destruction of American agricultural production by blaming farmers and their animals for climate change, the existence of which they have yet to prove, and never will.

–4.) Staging a four-year-long federally run and funded propaganda campaign — supplemented by deceitful media advocacy of the script — describing voters who oppose Democrats as Nazis, misogynists, and other unsavory types. This same crew now has issued a presidential directive and DoD directive that permits the military to kill American citizens on American soil in case of anti-Democrat demonstrations, which they will identify with that old fascist standby “insurrectionists”.

–5.) Rejoining the Paris Accord to ramp up financial waste and use fake science to accelerate the depopulation of the world. Biden rejoined in the name of “saving the planet from climate change”, an obvious lie in that his words are based on “evidence” from scientists who are paid by the federal government, private benefactors, and the business interests and therefore write and present whatever their bribers tell them to produce.

–6.) Spending and wasting more than half a trillion dollars on unnecessary and unconstitutional wars in Ukraine and Israel-Palestine, backed murderous gangsters named Zelensky and Netanyahu, “honored” those two monsters by allowing them to speak to Joint Sessions of Congress, and recklessly brought the world closer to nuclear war than ever before.

–7.) Providing at least 325,000 children, taken from illegal aliens and criminal suppliers thereof, and channeled them to sexually-depraved consumers in their party, other politicians, Hollywood, and various such animals worldwide. In this effort, moreover, the government was closely aided by many religious and secular U.S. NGOs, each of which have been granted federal tax exemptions.

–8.) Engineering a four-year long application of their plans to take control of America’s children and give them to the nation’s demented core of mentally disturbed teachers, school administrators, and teacher unions, all of whom who are dedicated to destroying the lives of youngsters while providing a monumentally inferior education to them. All of this funded and commanded by an abomination called the Department of Education.

–9.) Ordering Mayorkas to send FEMA to the scenes of natural or man-made disasters around the country to make the situations much worse and more lethal. The murderously deadly fire in Maui, Hawaii, and the planned and executed annihilation of communities in North Carolina, Florida, and Tennessee are examples of FEMA’s deviancy and wrath, as well as its status as the federal government’s primary looters and assassins.

–10.) Authorizing whatever parts of the U.S. military that Biden and Defense Secretary Austin and his generals have failed to ruined to attack and kill Americans on American soil if they disagree with the federal government during or after the presidential election. This in addition to staging at least two assassination attempts on Trump.

–11.) Turning over much of America’s political and economic sovereignty to the United Nations, the World Economic Forum, the Nazi George Soros, and the genocide-eager Bill Gates. The latter has now been indicted in The Netherlands for his role in the mass murder of many millions with MRNA vaccines. Pray God that Fauci, Birks, and the rest of that murdering band are not far behind?

–12.) Fighting tooth and nail, the Biden administration and the FBI have embargoed the videos, client lists, and other documents of Jeffrey Epstein to protect their biggest donors, current and former presidents, senators, and congressman from both parties.  The Democrats and the FBI may do the same for that cretin P. Diddy, although currently the Democrats are more consumed than usual with hatred for Black men.

On finishing this piece, a question comes to mind. Do the Democrats, their media shills, and their donors actually think that Trump’s supporters are Hitlerites? Only if they are so certifiably delusional that they do not recognize those citizens as genuine diehard patriots who have been tempered by the fire of experiencing: (a) an out-of-control federal government whose leader is unknown and whose policies are killing America; (b) a Congress that is a reliably useless and spendthrift failure on virtually all issues it faces; (c) a system that sends their kids to die in unnecessary wars waged to defend ruthless dictatorial regimes; and (d) a clearly stolen election in 2020.

The Democrats’ extraordinary lack of perception may be possible, but nothing can be clearer then that these law-abiding Americans have patiently put up with the criminality, treason, corruption, depravity, illegal immigration, unneeded, always lost wars, and the domestic lethality of the Clinton, Bush, Obama and Biden administrations. If the Democrats and their sordid kind continue to pursue economic mayhem, stupid wars, and general depravity because they have misread these Americans as complaisant and indifferent because they are faith-based, constitutionally minded, peaceful, and patriotic, they are making a fatal mistake. The Democrats best be prepared to find that if, in their lack of commonsense and surplus of arrogance, hate, and passionate greed, they steal the 2024 election, try again to kill Trump, or attempt to block Trump’s assumption of the presidency after he wins. If any of those occur, they may well encounter an enormous patriot population that simply will not take any more abuse to themselves, their children, their way of life, or their republic from Democrats and their goons in the U.S. military, the federal bureaucracy, DoJ , FBI, CIA, BLM,  DHS, Antifa, FEMA, and the lawless illegal aliens serving them.

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Biden’s Democrat gangsters are deliberately choking America to death

The world continues to unravel and it is far past time for Americans – in the words of the great non-interventionist Bill Kauffman – to “come home”. This not to say that we are not, in a great part, responsible for the chaos now seen in so many places. The passion of the federal government for war since 1935 is now bringing the disasters it created overseas to the United States. Indeed, our war-dominated national government has militarily intervened in places like Korea, Vietnam, Grenada, Panama, Nicaragua, Cuba and multiple other locations in Central and South America, Somalia, the Balkans, Libya, Sudan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Ukraine, and Israel-Palestine. The common denominator in all of these instances is that we lost on every occasion, and left behind millions of dead foreigners and, at times, a seething hatred for the United States. This obviously is true about the Middle East, and we are still awaiting the certain resumption of violence in the Balkans, where Clinton and the EU intervened and deliberately built an Islamist state in Europe.

What has this unending military adventurism cost the American republic? Most obviously, of course, are the many tens-of-thousands of dead, wounded, maimed, mentally disturbed, and suicidal young airmen, sailors, soldiers and Marines. These are all Americans who fought not for our liberty – which was never at stake — but to serve the egos of presidents who revel in the title “Leader of the Free World”, of which there is very little left. While that reveling never stops, the American presidency has now been transformed from the office of the nation’s chief magistrate to the office of the War Lord of a nearly defeated and collapsing republic. Together with casualties and the disgraceful waste of taxpayer money, there has, since the 1960s, been a gradually accelerating war on America’s constitutional republic. This war has yielded substantial attrition of the individual rights of American citizens, federal activities to punish conservatives, white people, and Christians, and now the simultaneous exaltation and enrichment of the 15-20 million Biden-blessed illegal alien invaders – among them at least one million released-from-prison foreign criminals – at the taxpayers’ expense. So much money has been given to the felonious millions by the Democrats and their dozens of criminal NGOs that there are no funds to aid those hurt by Hurricane Helene, or even to recover and bury the bodies of the dead.

The preceding two paragraphs are a general description of America’s increasing forlorn situation, and a portrayal of the nation’s governing elite in both parties, people who now reject the notion that power comes from the people, not their own whims. But on specifics, let us look at what has occurred in the past month.

More remote-control murder. The second application of the New World Order’s delayed death program occurred in Israel’s use of pagers and other electronic gadgets as instruments for arranging the delayed murder of its Muslim foes and their families. This lethal Israeli operation was simply a smaller scale iteration of the Covid vaccines. Israel acquired and then sewed those weapons through Lebanon at an earlier point of time and then flipped the slaughter-switch when the time was right. This method of operation is precisely that used by Fauci, the federal medical bureaucracy, the country’s hospital administrators, and many of its doctors to kill 20 million Americans and other peoples worldwide with vaccines said to cure Covid. But the vaccines were designed to kill many millions more overtime when the components of the vaccines self-detonate and flip the slaughter-switch which is present in them. Netanyahu’s way of war and that of Fauci, China, Gates, etc. are precisely the same; namely, slaughter as many innocents as possible. Both, of course, are blessed and funded by the White House and the federal government as a whole.

Climate and the UN: Recently, the despicable and duplicitous Climate Tsar John Kerry has given an interview in which he said that the Constitution’s 1st Amendment must be negated because it makes “governing much too hard”. To help speed this process along the next UN Summit will give its Secretary General the unilateral power to declare an “international crisis” and then preside over its enforcement. He also will be given the unilateral power to renew the crisis period as many time as he likes. Those countries or regions resisting the UN leader’s order will be punished. The UN Summit also will adopt a “Global Digital Compact” to give the UN complete regulatory control over Artificial Intelligence worldwide. The Compact’s stated goal is to deal with “misinformation and disinformation”, which are the names the UN, the EU, NATO, the U.S. regime, China, and other tyrannies use in place “truth”. The Compact also gives the UN the power to build its own corps of journalists, media outlets, and media workers to publish official refutations of any “truth” that sneaks into the view of the peoples the UN intends to enslave. The UN is to use these tools to destroy anything it identifies as “hate speech” or “discriminatory speech”.

Ukraine: The Congress’ pet foreigner extortionist – Ukraine’s Zelensky – steadily continues his cooperation with much of the U.S. Congress to drag the United States into a war with Russia. Last week, for example, Zelensky’s forces bombarded a Russian nuclear plant, yet another attempt to prompt the Russians to start what likely would become a world war.

Israel: The owners of the U.S. president and Congress – namely Israel and U.S.-based Jewish Americans organizations like the ADL, AIPAC, and the SPLC — continue, like Zelensky, to try to draw the United States into a war with Russia. This week the Israelis destroyed a Russian ordnance base in Syria to bait the Russians.

–In addition, America’s soldiers, Marines, airmen, and sailors have been fighting in Ukraine and Israel since those wars began. There is no doubt that some of those individuals have been killed or wounded. The federal government has not formally announced that our forces are involved in combat operations, nor that many them almost certainly have been killed or wounded, perhaps even captured by the Russians or the Islamists. Silence is the order of the day on both counts: participation in combat and the number of casualties. The question is how do they keep this reality quiet. The Democrats ownership of the mainstream media surely is one reason for the silence. But there is no convincing explanation for this silence except for the government coercing silence from parents, wives, and families of the killed and wounded. And, oh yes, the congressional Republicans must also be going along with the policy of silence.

–The Biden administration also is refusing to attempt to extract nearly 7,000 Americans who are at risk from Israel’s invasion of Lebanon. Biden’s spokesmen are saying that the airspace over Lebanon is too dangerous to fly into. Maybe that’s so today, but the White House knew the Israeli attack was coming for at least a month before it occurred, but it sent no help, only words telling Americans to get out. This useless advice plainly said the U.S. government will not kelp you, even though it has for months had a c.6,000 man, Marine Expeditionary Force (MEF) in the Middle East that was ready – as Marines always are—to take on even the hardest mission. Simply, Americans in Lebanon are expendable for the political elite of Biden’s criminals and apparently most of both political parties.

North Carolina: After Hurricane Helene, multiple media outlets are reporting that FEMA is confiscating food relief from distribution centers based in local schools and churches meant to assist the people of North Carolina because it is not from FEMA-approved vendors. The federal government also has closed the airspace over the region to private helicopters trying to deliver medical and food aid, as well as to drones seeking to find dead bodies, trapped people, and to document the damage the storm caused. Private citizens from North Carolina and the surrounding states have now, in essence, been forced to smuggle supplies into the areas hurt by the hurricane to avoid seizure by FEMA. In addition, the FCC is reported to be blocking the use of the Starlink communications equipment that Elon Musk donated to people in the region. Also, it is no coincidence that the areas ravaged by the hurricane are located in conservative-voting areas of North Carolina, Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama, and Florida. Democrats have long spent considerable time punishing the South, and teaching those on their minority plantations to hate the South and Southerners.  In addition, the area in duress in North Carolina – near or on the revolutionary war battlefield of Kings Mountain — holds large deposits of Lithium and there are rumors that the Blackstone company has been seeking to buy those lands so as to control the Lithium, but found local populations unwilling to sell. What we are seeing in North Carolina appears to be another lethal high-tech operation by the Biden Administration, just as was the U.S. arson attack that destroyed a region in Maui, Hawaii and killed hundreds of Americans because the wealthy wanted to build mansions on the land from which the inhabitants were burned out. What are the odds that two such man-made catastrophes could coincidentally happen on lands U.S. billionaires want to own?

–A kind of a lock on the idea that the federal government either does not care about Americans being killed or wants them dead can be found in this weekend’s video of Senator Lindsey Graham saying something akin to “yes there is a lot of damage from the hurricane … but what about our friends in Israel, they are surrounded by people who want to kill them.” And so, Senator Graham, were the people of Maui, and so now are the people in North Carolina and the other states mangled by the man-made and delivered hurricane. The enemies of each are FEMA and the Biden-Harris duo and their handlers.

Alex Jones:  Jones’ show “InfoWars” has been for decades the central supplier of “truth” about the war being waged against all non-elite Americans by the U.S. federal government, a bipartisan political block, and much of the country’s media and judiciary. Jones and his InfoWars crew have long been harassed by the FBI, the Department of Justice, the White House, Democratic leaders, the above-named Jewish-American groups, and the media that those entities own. DOJ framed Jones in a recent trial, one in which his lawyers were forbidden to present a defense, and he was forbidden to speak on his own behalf. Indeed, the trial judge told Jones and his lawyers that she already had decided that he was guilty, and the only function of the trial was to determine how much he would be made to pay in fines. Now the federal government is trying to permanently silence Jones and his operations. The Feds have announced they want no money from Jones, they only want to take him off the air and steal his name, social media, and other intellectual property. The Feds had scheduled Jones’ shutdown for 17 November 2024, but last Friday they moved that date to 17 October 2024. No other action could more eloquently underscore the Feds desperate fear of Jones’ truth-telling. The reason for this change seems obvious. The 17 November date was meant to close down Jones after the Democrats had stolen another fixed election and expected to face widespread popular resistance. The 17 October date, reflects the fact that the Democrats know there may be no way to fix an election in which Trump now seems likely to win in a landslide. The Feds have moved up the date to eliminate Jones and his truth-delivering machine from the media before the election, probably because their one remaining option is to silence Jones – and other pro-liberty outlets — and then declare martial law before the election can be held.

Gun Control: This week the governor of Massachusetts unexpectedly – and perhaps unconstitutionally – immediately activated an anti-gun law. Her action was almost a month earlier than the date set by  the legislature when the bill was approved. This panicky action, together with the Democrats’ currently unhinged, fascistic, and country-wide gun control campaign, also appears to be a part of the Democrats’ plan to impose martial law across the republic. The action in Massachusetts, in fact, pairs nicely with the federal government’s lethal weather attack on Tennessee, Florida, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Alabama, each of which happens to be a pro-Second Amendment state.

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Five kill-teams after Trump in the U.S. Who’s paying them?

The title of this piece reflects the news story that is now all over the internet. Three of the teams are said be foreign and two are said to be of domestic-origin. There is no news about who is paying them, facilitating their travel, and providing them arms and safe houses. Neither is there information about who is paying for them.

Shall we guess? Well, I think the only way to think this issue through is to ask who has been bought and is now owned by Biden’s government through the efforts of  its diplomats, senior intelligence officers, and military’s flag officers. That way is the old  “follow the money” method.”

First, we must assume that the two assassination teams that are domestic groups are simply the creatures of the Democratic Party and/or the leadership of the Department of Homeland Security and the Secret Service, which appear to have already taken three cracks at killing Trump.

Second, the three foreign assassination teams also are likely to be other clients of the Biden administration, the Obamas, and the Clintons. Let us say that the likely foreign teams are made of citizens from the Ukraine, Iran, and Afghanistan. Why those three countries? Well, how many billions of U.S. taxpayer money have Obama and Biden sent to Iran — some of it packed on pallets? Surely more than enough to fund any imaginable association  attempt. And how many hundreds of billions of U.S. taxpayer money have been funneled into Ukraine by Biden while he was Obama’s vice-president and during his own presidency. And, finally, how much taxpayer money has Biden’s administration given to its buddies in the Afghan Taliban. I mean in addition to the $86 billion in top-shelf U.S. military equipment that Biden left in Afghanistan when he and his generals turned tail and ran away.

On the Afghan point, it is best also to recall that both the United States and Great Britain   brought U.S. and UK trained Afghan special forces into their countries as refugees. I wonder what those boys are up to these days?

My view, for what it’s worth, is that it’s hard to see why the Iranian regime, at this particular time, would allow its fighters to kill Trump and thereby bring a U.S. nuclear strike on Iranian targets, while the Biden Administration pretends that it had nothing to with the attack but is righteously ready to respond, even as it quietly celebrates Trump’s demise. Given the dangers present in the current war in the Middle East, and the fact that Iranians are not stupid, Tehran probably is patient enough to let revenge for the U.S. killing of General Soleimani wait for another day. Besides, the Iranians already have hacked some of Trump HQ’s computers and given Biden and his party the take.

The best bet on those five teams, then, seems to be that they all belong, in one way or another. to the Biden administration and/or the Democratic Party. We might even add two more teams to consider, as the Democratic party also runs two terrorist groups of its own, ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter.

Finally, we cannot forget our British and Israeli allies. The British government and its intelligence community, you will remember, played a key part in trying to frame Trump as a Russian operative. The British intelligence services are good at what they do, and they will do most anything if Uncle Sam foots the bill. Double Ditto, of course, for the Israeli services.

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Dire Democratic threats to America’s survival become clearer

As we all know, there are now a growing number of issues pertinent to the republic’s survival. In a number of ways, current events are consolidating and bringing into view the major threats to Americans in ways that make them well-defined and clearly visible to all Americans. Following are four such issues

First, for example, take the school shooting in Georgia. In almost no time at all, the FBI was on the scene of the attack by a pro-Kamala Harris/LBGTQ shooter. Soon thereafter, we learned that that the FBI had known of the school-shooter’s intentions for more than a year and had done zero about the threat. We also learned that the shooter’s father gave him an AR-15 as a politically correct “holiday present” before he was even fourteen. Also, and almost immediately, the usual the Senate Democrats’ gang of gun grabbing authoritarians and their media acolytes were on live broadcasts, just as if the stage had been all set up before the shooting. It probably was. Bottom line: the attack in Georgia appears to have been a well-planned operation, just as were those that occurred under Obama. Building on their gun-grabbing intent after this shooting, the FBI miraculously stopped a Canadian Muslim it claims was going to enter the United States to shoot up a Jewish Target on 7 October 2024, the first anniversary of the war that began with Israel allowing Hamas to attack its youngsters at a concert. Even more miraculously, the FBI announced the arrest of this man just hours before Kamala Harris’ televised debate with Trump. This, of course, is an event that the FBI can pull off at the drop of a hat, they’ve had lots and lots of practice. From personal experience, I can say that the FBI’s anti-terrorism modus operandi seems to focus on identifying a less-than brilliant Muslim, then persuade him to work for recruit some dumber Muslims to stage a terrorist attack and then, at the last moment, issue a terrorist warning, arrest the sub-smart attacker or attackers, get the lot on TV to demonstrate the FBI’s skill and daring, and make sure that there are plenty of FBI officers in their FBI emblazoned jackets on the television screen. Simple as one, two, three, and you have another glorious day of intentional FBI deceit of Americans.

Second is the desperate attempt by the Republican party’s top leaders and funders to make every effort to defeat Trump, a sure sign that they realize they will be prosecuted for everything from treason, financial crimes, and child-trafficking, espionage, and other forms of corruption if he is elected. Dick Cheney, his daffy daughter Liz, Lindsey Graham, Mitt Romney, Adam Kissinger, Paul Ryan and dozens of others in the party’s establishment have supported that political genius and powerhouse Kamala Harris. So very delighted is Harris with this support, that she has sent each of them the main T-shirt of her campaign, the one that says “I’m with this Cackling, Communist Moron”. If she wins the debate, they all will get a bust of Lenin. Is she wins the election; they will get Joe Stalin hoodies and a monograph on how to build a good gulag.

Third, factual reporting is now rapidly accumulating that many of the churches and NGOs of America’s major religions – Catholics and Lutherans, especially — are being funded by the Biden’s government to act as agents to promote and facilitate illegal immigration and probably child-trafficking. Not surprisingly, the Jewish-American secretary of “Homeland Security” – a fascist phrase if there ever was one – is turning his own and his department’s blind eyes to Israel’s most capable illegal-migration-promoting NGO and letting it – quite literally – get away with murder via the import of illegals who are killing and taking jobs from Americans. Another prominent Jewish-American likewise has displayed his deep devotion to the welfare of all Americans. For domestic policy, Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) has publicly said that if Trump loses in November there will have to be “civil war conditions” installed in order to control the MAGA hordes that will be marauding around the country. For foreign policy, Raskin has said that because Russia is an Orthodox-Christian country it must be eliminated by U.S.-led efforts. There is ever enough blood and slaughter for these guys, especially if whites and Christians are the targets.

Fourth, and finally, there is – as always – the problem of Israel. Beyond their all-out support for replacing the native American population with the dregs of the earth, Israel and its Jewish-American operatives control the actions of the U.S. Congress and presidents; conduct covert operations against the U.S. government, military, and scientific sectors to acquire classified information, including data and components pertaining to nuclear weapons and the most sophisticated technology. It then sells or passes some of the later to one or another of America’s enemies. Israel also has nearly sunk a U.S. Navy ship, killing more nearly forty sailors and wounding scores more, and Israel’s Jewish-American loyalists are the outspoken leaders and major funders of the movements to make sexual depravity, anti-white and anti-Christian policies, and mass abortion the new normal in the American society they are trying to build on the ruins of the one they are destroying. Then there is war. So effectively bribed and/or compromised are American politicians that Congress delivers billions of dollars, and now U.S. military forces, to help fight the wars and oppression Israel starts or allows to begin – as in the current war – which are meant to annihilate any Muslim who opposes Israel for its deadly and motivating actions, which are too numerous to list here. Because of our enormous financial and military aid to Israel, Israel’s leaders and disloyal American politicians have gifted the republic with more than a billion Islamic enemies, and through Israeli NGOs and their other NGO partners – including an assortment of Christian NGOs — have helped many thousands of Islamist fighters to easily enter the United States.

In sum, clear and irrefutable signs are everywhere for Americans to see, and these signs show that their main enemies – some of them listed above – are working against the existence of the American republic, its history and Constitution, and its white and Christian populations. It is time for Americans to step forward and end this accelerating disaster. If electing Trump president does not get the ball rolling, armed Americans will have to take over under the authority of commonsense, the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, and – as St. Paul has taught – God himself.

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Biden’s regime and Trump’s wandering-message are killing America First

The travesty that has been the United States Government (USG) — and especially the Congress — during most of the years since 1945 has never before reached the depths of degradation and war-obsession that it now flaunts for all the world to see, while simultaneously using its domestic policies to shame, sicken, divide, impoverish, and damage its own citizens.

In foreign policy, instead of practicing General Washington’s restraint, patience, and moderation aimed at preserving the republic, the USG goes abroad to associate with the scum of the earth and to defend their actions and fight their wars. In Britain – and, in fact, most of the EU states – it embraces and cuddles states that, from Britain to Spain to Canada, are practicing authoritarian measures domestically to suppress and eventually rid their countries of their native white populations, those who built the countries and without which they will prove to be versions of the contemporary jungles of crime, corruption, and sexual depravity that Biden and his party have built in New York City, Chicago, Baltimore, San Francisco, Los Angeles, etc.

Why would the United States want anything to do with Britain, whose prime minister and his party – now in power after receiving about 18-percent of the vote – are jailing men for 20 months because they publicly quote that government’s own statistics showing that Muslim illegal aliens are, by far, the largest source of rape in the UK. British police are attacking peaceful white protestors and Christians in the streets, while refusing to interfere when they encounter several white people being beaten or stabbed by non-white illegal aliens. Where in that scenario is there a gain for the United States? Where is there any honor whatsoever in protecting, or even dealing with a nation, that is moving with increasing speed toward the destruction of its white population, the most productive part of its society and economy. Americans have enough to be ashamed of from a government that built and exploits the festering criminal hives located and thriving in the above-named cities. There is no positive side to such involvement. What we are seeing is an America eager to be a senior partner in the phenomena of birds of depraved-and-murderous feathers flocking together.

In American politics, we see the same sort of power in the hands of a government, bureaucracy, and Congress that are controlled by the same kind of scum, all prominently demented, violent, treasonous, war-made, anti-white, anti-Christian, and anti-American. Almost as bad, we must recognize that a large number of American citizens still have not caught on to the fact that such tricks as cutting drug prices on the eve of an election is meaningless, and will be reversed in some way if the Democrats win in November. These citizens also seem to miss the fact that attacks by Harris and Tampon Tim on the “rich”, “big business”, and the “banks”, and are simply lies. If they win, they will tax, spend, and regulate all Americans until the pips squeak. At the same, both are plying the trades they have mastered – grifting and Bolshevism — to coax those same “enemies of the people” to fork over many tens of millions of dollars to fund their election bid, which can only be called “The Campaign of Depravity and Marxism.” And coexisting with that campaign, the USG Government and its resident Fauci-ite criminals – on the orders of an Ethiopian terrorist posing as the boss of WHO – have announced the “huge” threat of Monkey Pox to the American People. Not having killed enough Americans with their many rounds of poisonous COVID vaccines, they now have a new and probably deadlier set of vaccines for this new disease which they intend to use to kill all Americans who are stupid enough to take it. This vaccine will not need material encouragements – Big Macs, fries, a day off from school, ice cream, t-shirts, etc. — to be taken. Rather, the new vaccines may well be supported by such things as promises to equip all recipients with the ability to swing from tree to tree, while squealing and scratching their arm pits, before it kills them. It may also kill babies in the womb long before than they can die in a still birth, and make millions of additional would-be mothers sterile.  As Dr. Mengele is rumored to have predicted, progressive science marches on the corpses of the murdered as the Reich is being established.

And where is Mr.Trump in this mess? Well, rallies, of course, which is all to the good. But in the rallies, he says very little which touches on the key issues of foreign policy in any “America First” government. Why are we not, for example, abandoning cooperation with the EU and membership in the NATO alliance, both which were founded to defend democracy in Western Europe, but are now deliberately destroying it? Why are we involved in the Ukraine? We won two wars for the damned Europeans and now they have a third in which we are the key player and payer, even though we have no interest at stake except for the everlasting greed of our own politicians. Why? There is no democracy in Ukraine, the authoritarian-overlaid-with-Nazism regime there started the war by killing thousands of ethnic Russians living in the country and thereby earned the war it now has and – hopefully – the utter defeat it completely merits. It is a war that is none of our business and does not impact our interests. I, for won, have no interest in hearing Trump say for the ten-thousandth time that “I can end the war in a day.” I just want to hear him say that after the inauguration he will pull every plug that the U.S. can pull in Ukraine and leave it and the Russians to settle their own war.

Ditto, needless to say, for Israel and Palestine. They have been fighting since the British gave the Israelis land they did not own to be the Jewish nation. Such a thing is bound to cause a forever war, until one party or the other is destroyed. No matter who wins, no genuine U.S. national security interest is at stake; the only real war-related question for Americans is how big and long a domestic war do we want to fight against the Islamists who have come across Biden’s open border. Trump has always been wrong by insisting that he “wiped out” ISIS and al-Qaeda with the U.S. and Russian air forces. Those services certainly gave both groups a thrashing to remember, but each simply went quiet and waited, counting on the miraculous opportunities that U.S. Government relentlessly gives them. Those opportunities both came in 2021. The first is called “Biden’s unguarded southern border”, and the second is “Biden’s deliberate gift to the Taliban of $86 billion worth of top-shelf U.S. weaponry.” Biden and his advisers – and perhaps Mr. Trump and his – have no real and solid grasp on the Pandora’s box that Biden and his advisers intentionally opened. The open border and the gift or arms to the Taliban could well be the opposite sides of the “demise of America” coin.

But, with all this on tap, what do we hear from Trump? We hear of his anti-Bill of Rights solution to the positive growth American animosity toward Israel; his words are something akin to “if you don’t love America and Israel, you can leave”. In addition to his repetition of this line of thinking and that phrase, Trump also is spending a lot of time speaking to wealthy pro-Israel and Jewish-American groups – while some of the latter help the FBI, DHS, DOJ, and DoD prepare to seize and incarcerate conservative, white, Christian, and armed Americans – and begging like a forelock-tugging pauper to spare some of the money they are donating to undermine America for his campaign. Finally, Trump seems to have begun to backpedal on his pledge to move every single illegal alien out of this country as fast as possible. He now seems to be saying that his first priority is getting the illegal-alien gangs, criminals, mental cases, convicts, rapists, arsonists and other miscreants out of the country, but then slow the process because so he and big business can pick and choose among the remainder because “America needs workers.” No, they are all damned illegal aliens and so felons, and they must be evicted from this country. Mr. Trump surely must know that such a thoroughly Democratic and cowardly charade amounts to utter failure, and would cause Americans and the border-states governments to take this lethal problem into their own hands — and rightfully so – no matter what it takes.

I remain fully determined to vote for Trump, but if he wins and carries the foregoing grossly Lunatic ideas into the White House – and they endure — Americans’ may have a Congress, a bureaucracy, and a president that have been suborned by Israel, perhaps the worst of all possible worlds and certainly the most anti-American. The best advice for you, Mr. Trump, may will be to stop wandering of home base, and get back on the basic America First script: no offensive wars; no war stated at the president’s whim; no illegal immigration and no illegal residents; more jobs; lower taxes; the end all entangling, America-killing alliances, military, economic, or political; no crackpot and society-rotting government programs like DEI,   massive expense for fighting a climate-change fraud aimed at unlimited grifting and population reduction, and  funding for educational systems grooming children to be sexually depraved citizens; no mandatory electric cars; no more tormenting of farmers, their land, their crops and their animals; the eradication of the federal Education Department, DHS, IRS, and the ATF; and a rebuilt defense establishment that is overwhelmingly powerful, cleansed of sexually depraved men, women, and traitorous flag officers, serving and retired, thereby making it one again reliably loyal to the republic and its population.

Perhaps the best way to keep the most basic and vital purpose of “America First” in mind. Mr. Trump, is to have the following quotation typed and laminated, and then keep it, ready to hand, in the inside pocket of your suit coat. The quotation comes from a speech by then Secretary of State John Quincy Adams, speaking as a private citizen, in which he concisely describes the most basic and indisputably essential role of American foreign policy, which he said was acting as the defender of the republic not as missionary to forcibly spread its political ideology worldwide. He spoke these words in a speech at Washington D.C. to mark Independence Day in 1821. On this issue, he said,

“Wherever the standard of freedom and Independence has been or shall be unfurled, there will her heart, her benedictions and her prayers be. But she goes not abroad, in search of monsters to destroy. She is the well-wisher to the freedom and independence of all. She is the champion and vindicator only of her own. She will commend the general cause by the countenance of her voice, and the benignant sympathy of her example. (1) (4 July 1821)

Two other quotations, pertinent to the foregoing, are also reminders worth your remembering, Mr. President. The first by George F. Kennan, the second by Benjamin Franklin, the other two of our greatest diplomatic minds.

Kennan wrote, in 1995, that America now has “the general proposition that underlay John Quincy Adams response to similar problems so many years ago – his recognition that it is very difficult for one country to help another by intervening directly in its domestic affairs or in its conflicts with neighbors. It is particularly difficult to do this without creating new and embossing burdens for the country endeavoring to help. The best way for larger countries to help smaller ones is surely by the power of example. … Who, today, looking at our involvements in recent years, could maintain that the fears these words [J.Q. Adams’s] expressed were any less applicable in our time than in his.” (2)

–Dr. Franklin, in 1776, simply advised “Mind your own Business”, suggesting Americans “be responsible for yourself, and don’t needlessly meddle in others’ affairs. (3)



–2.) George F. Kennan, “On American Principles, Foreign Affairs, Vol. 74, No. 2, (March-Aril 1995)




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Rule Britannia, Britannia aims to rule the slaves …

The Chief of London’s Metropolitan Police Force, Sir Mark Peter Rowley, is reported to have said that British “officials will not only be cracking down on British citizens for commentary on the riots in Britain but on American citizens as well. We will throw the full force of the law at people. And whether you’re in this country committing crimes on the streets or committing crimes from farther afield online, we will come after you,” He also “threatened to arrest and extradite American citizens who post critical or analytic comments on social media outlets about the riots that the occurring in Britain.” (1)  Rowley, you old Baronet-to-be, you are just scaring us to death!

Chief Rowley’s childish whining can only be seen as symptomatic of the thorough-going panic and mindlessness that Britain’s elites are now experiencing. It is likewise evidence that those elites are still representative of their ancestors who build the British Empire by colonizing a large portion of the world and thereafter treating its peoples with somewhat less than legal even-handedness. Old man Rowley seems to think that we Americans are still British colonials awaiting orders from London and then immediately obeying with a cheery “aye-aye” and a pull of our forelocks. That is no longer the case, Rowley, old bean. Americans are now as truculent and much better armed then when they stood as British colonists to fight royal oppression. Moreover, and rightfully, they hate their own government for an almost overwhelming number of reasons, the sum of which is yielding a popular eagerness to apply a thrashing – there is still a chance it will a peaceful one – such as those that were applied to the Crown by our small, not-quite-professional military in 1774-1783 and 1812-1814. Americans are certainly in no mood to have any truck with a contemporary and bullying Imperial bureaucrat traipsing around the United States, in the company of U.S. Government traitors, looking for citizens to arrest and extradite for exercising their First Amendment rights. You no longer rule the waves, Rowley, old boy, don’t push things too far

Sir Rowley, if he wants to honestly explain the ongoing riots, needs to look no further away than Westminster and Buckingham Palace for the incomparably incompetent post-war British governing and royal elites. These successors of the British Empire’s former masters appear to have thought that the countries and peoples who had first-hand experience with imperial rule – or those who are knowledgeable of its history – would have simply forgotten and forgiven Britain’s imperial behavior. Such an assumption seems ill thought out. These blockheads assumed that the, shall we say, harsh and at times brutal treatment the Empire meted out to its former subjects was a little thing when compared to those folks having been treated to the glory and honor of being the oppressed subjects of an empire on which the sun never set. My dear old Rowley, such an assumption shows little sign of genius.

So very unintelligent have been the post-1945 British elites that they have now deliberately inundated the United Kingdom with an unending horde of their former oppressed colonials. Some of these people have entered the UK legally, but most have come in on the elite’s “just-come-on-in policy”, one that is meant to help bring to reality that elite’s plans – under orders from the UN, Bill Gates, the World Economic Forum, George Soros, the UN, and, most important, the profoundly fascist EU organization — to replace and, indeed, annihilate the UK’s White and Christian population, which, itself, also shared what must be seen as the dubious glory of fighting, dying, getting maimed, or being captured and tortured in battles – in the Queen’s name of course — for imperial possessions far and near, such as South Africa, India, Malaysia, Ireland, Burma, British North America, Afghanistan, Yemen, Scotland, Kenya, Egypt, much of the Caribbean, and many others.

The bottom line on illegal immigration for the anti-white gangsters who run Britain and many other nations — including America — clearly is the destruction of liberty in UK, the United States, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, Scotland, and Canada. Each of these countries have large white, Christian, and liberty-devoted populations that must be nearly annihilated if a world government and a domesticated, majority non-white population is to be established. The latter to be composed only of (a) a limited number of obedient white collaborators. That word does ring of historical truth, don’t you think? Can’t you just see Sir Rowley clicking his heels and racing to obey the UK’s authoritarian regime — and (b) a nation of quiescent non-white slaves that can be eliminated over time. This one-world-government program first focused on the seven nations mentioned, and has successfully disarmed most Australians, New Zealanders, Britons, Scots, and – defying human reason – the Irish. Only parts of Canada – Trudeau best not underestimate, as did the generals of the Kaiser and Der Fuhrer, the feistiness and famously skilled marksmanship of many of his countrymen – and most of the United States remain armed. The English-speaking peoples have long known that arms are not just for hunting duck, deer, and geese, but are, in more than just equal measure, meant for use in ridding their lands of abusive, corrupt, freedom-denying, and war-loving authoritarian governments and their members so as to maintain or regain the essentials of the good-life: faith, genuine representative government, social cohesion, evenly executed and color-blind laws, economic prosperity, and liberty.

So, as police chief Sir Mark Peter Rowley madly focuses on punishing Brits and Americans for acting or speaking in support of the restoration of freedom, liberty, and the end of the government-approved persecution of Whites and Christians, this imbecilic copper – see, we watch Acorn over here — and his apparently brain-dead force are simultaneously protecting and promoting the new-found “rights” of foreigners to joyfully indulge in criminal violence, child grooming and molesting, sexual depravity, the casual raping of women, many artful arson attacks, drug-dealing, prodigious looting, and murder in God’s name that belong only to those unwanted and illegal non-white foreigners who invaded the UK. This appears to be the approved policy of most of Britain’s political parties, media, judges, flag officers, diplomats, social workers, NGO-mafia types, universities, police chiefs, teachers, churches, and clerics, as well as the UN, the WEF, the U.S. Democrat party, Hollywood and its overseas wannabes, NATO, and the EU tyranny. In a way, this makes sense, the British elites get their former colonials to kill the whites, destroy the institutions of liberty and Christianity, and temporarily deflect their non-white pawn’s memories of Empire’s impact on their former home countries. There will be time enough, when the whites are gone, to eliminate all of what the British elites see as colonial riff-raff, save those needed to keep Balmoral clean, neat, and operating. Maybe you could boss that bunch around, by-then Baronet Rowley

But, Rowley, old top, would it not be a truly just and glorious coincidence if a large portion of the weaponry the U.S., NATO, and the EU gave to those champions of freedom, Zelensky-the-Great of Ukraine and his fellow oligarchs and criminals, and which they, in turn, sold and trafficked to many areas of the world, found its way to the UK, and afforded the needed wherewithal for the nation’s beleaguered white and working class populations to use not only to defeat Westminster and its illegal-immigrant storm troopers, but to send the latter back from whence they came. A long shot, for sure. But each liberty-lover can dream can’t they, and, as a distinguished American recommended long ago, each can also resolve to “fear God and take their own part.”

So, ta ta for now, Sir Rowley … and, oh yes, please grow up and shut up, and then do bugger off.



–(1.), 9 August 2024

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President Trump and Israel, “Why quit our own to stand upon foreign ground?”

3rd August 2024

President Trump:

It has been a good while since I wrote, but your seemingly permanent home living off the deep end when it comes to Israel moves me to do so. You must know that in the history of nation-states few have been worse neighbors than Israel. The Israelis have milked the Jewish experience during World War II, and they are still milking it. No matter how many wars it starts or how Muslims — mostly civilians — it kills, Israel gets a pass because of their exploitation of past war time occurrences, which surely were a tragedy but not one that can forever be used to justify the planned murder and mayhem inflicted mostly on civilians, which was the Jewish experience more than eighty years ago. In addition, our relationship with Israel has, since its founding, been entirely one way, with the possible exception of the Jewish-American money acquired by Truman for use in the 1948 election in return for recognizing the state of Israel.

On the latter score, I can say from experience that in the time I spent at CIA running counter-terrorism operations — from 1992 until 1999 — against Islamist groups, especially al-Qaeda, the Israeli intelligence services only once provided a piece of useful intelligence, and they then refused to let us use it to prevent a possible terrorist attack. At the time, we ignored their refusal and used the report anyway. It secured a good operational result. In general, the Israelis were a non-player in assisting the campaign against terrorism that America waged during the period mentioned above, although they may have had a hand in later events that occurred in America.

I am a non-interventionist to the bone, Mr. President, and that — and your frank and combative rhetoric and the rankness of your foes — is why I voted for you the first time around and will again this fall. But, Sir, you really must get head screwed on correctly about what the word “non-interventionist” means. A lengthy session with Dr. Ron Paul and Senator Rand Paul — with no attendees from your among your foreign policy advisers or Congress — would, with respect, do you a world of good and make you considerably smarter, more realistic, and more prone to commonsense on the issue.  You also might allow a few hours to read and think about General Washington’s Farewell Address — a sentence form which is quoted in the title — which is the only sure grounding for an American foreign policy that will protect the republic and its people against the unbelievable stupidity of waging any but a defensive war. This use of the word “defensive” refers very strictly to an invasion of the United States or strikes against an imminent threat, as in the case of General Suleimani.

Our country, Mr. President, is full of very well-educated people who scoff at, deride, and generally piss on any fellow citizen who claims the only sound way to construct a foreign policy that benefits the country and protects its security is by applying a deep knowledge of history and unyielding common sense. Sadly, these well-educated people — who bear a quite close resemblance to fools — have been in the American foreign-policy saddle since 1898, and they have driven the republic to the brink of ruin. History is the best and indispensable teacher of all patriots and the greatest of all Americans, General Washington, is one who learned its lessons well. In his September, 1796, Farewell Address, for example, General Washington clearly laid out the life-and-death danger that would accrue to the United States should it a form either a brainlessly friendly relationship or a brainlessly hateful one with a foreign nation or nations.

Let me leave you, then, with a passage from General Washington’s Farewell Address, one that, although published in 1796, describes exactly how our current relationship with Israel is now at the point where it threatens the republic’s existence via our participation in wars that are none of America’s business and by causing domestic disunity.

Following then, Sir, is that passage from the Farewell Address. Read and ponder it Mr. Trump, it may scrape some barnacles from your eyes and allow you to see that our longstanding, one-way relationship with Israel always has been and is now increasingly likely to be fatal to the republic

“… nothing is more essential than that permanent, inveterate antipathies against particular nations, and passionate attachments for others, should be excluded; and that, in place of them, just and amicable feelings towards all should be cultivated. The nation which indulges towards another a habitual hatred or a habitual fondness is in some degree a slave. It is a slave to its animosity or to its affection, either of which is sufficient to lead it astray from its duty and its interest. Antipathy in one nation against another disposes each more readily to offer insult and injury, to lay hold of slight causes of umbrage, and to be haughty and intractable, when accidental or trifling occasions of dispute occur. Hence, frequent collisions, obstinate, envenomed, and bloody contests. The nation, prompted by ill-will and resentment, sometimes impels to war the government, contrary to the best calculations of policy. The government sometimes participates in the national propensity, and adopts through passion what reason would reject; at other times it makes the animosity of the nation subservient to projects of hostility instigated by pride, ambition, and other sinister and pernicious motives. The peace often, sometimes perhaps the liberty, of nations, has been the victim.

So likewise, a passionate attachment of one nation for another produces a variety of evils. Sympathy for the favorite nation, facilitating the illusion of an imaginary common interest in cases where no real common interest exists, and infusing into one the enmities of the other, betrays the former into a participation in the quarrels and wars of the latter without adequate inducement or justification. It leads also to concessions to the favorite nation of privileges denied to others which is apt doubly to injure the nation making the concessions; by unnecessarily parting with what ought to have been retained, and by exciting jealousy, ill-will, and a disposition to retaliate, in the parties from whom equal privileges are withheld. And it gives to ambitious, corrupted, or deluded citizens (who devote themselves to the favorite nation), facility to betray or sacrifice the interests of their own country, without odium, sometimes even with popularity; gilding, with the appearances of a virtuous sense of obligation, a commendable deference for public opinion, or a laudable zeal for public good, the base or foolish compliances of ambition, corruption, or infatuation.

As avenues to foreign influence in innumerable ways, such attachments are particularly alarming to the truly enlightened and independent patriot. How many opportunities do they afford to tamper with domestic factions, to practice the arts of seduction, to mislead public opinion, to influence or awe the public councils. Such an attachment of a small or weak towards a great and powerful nation dooms the former to be the satellite of the latter.

Against the insidious wiles of foreign influence (I conjure you to believe me, fellow-citizens) the jealousy of a free people ought to be constantly awake, since history and experience prove that foreign influence is one of the most baneful foes of republican government. But that jealousy to be useful must be impartial; else it becomes the instrument of the very influence to be avoided, instead of a defense against it. Excessive partiality for one foreign nation and excessive dislike of another cause those whom they actuate to see danger only on one side, and serve to veil and even second the arts of influence on the other. Real patriots who may resist the intrigues of the favorite are liable to become suspected and odious, while its tools and dupes usurp the applause and confidence of the people, to surrender their interests.

The great rule of conduct for us in regard to foreign nations is in extending our commercial relations, to have with them as little political connection as possible. So far as we have already formed engagements, let them be fulfilled with perfect good faith. Here let us stop. Europe has a set of primary interests which to us have none; or a very remote relation. Hence she must be engaged in frequent controversies, the causes of which are essentially foreign to our concerns. Hence, therefore, it must be unwise in us to implicate ourselves by artificial ties in the ordinary vicissitudes of her politics, or the ordinary combinations and collisions of her friendships or enmities.

Our detached and distant situation invites and enables us to pursue a different course. If we remain one people under an efficient government. the period is not far off when we may defy material injury from external annoyance; when we may take such an attitude as will cause the neutrality we may at any time resolve upon to be scrupulously respected; when belligerent nations, under the impossibility of making acquisitions upon us, will not lightly hazard the giving us provocation; when we may choose peace or war, as our interest, guided by justice, shall counsel.

Why forego the advantages of so peculiar a situation? Why quit our own to stand upon foreign ground? Why, by interweaving our destiny with that of any part of Europe, entangle our peace and prosperity in the toils of European ambition, rivalship, interest, humor or caprice?” ( Italics added by author;





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Another day that will live in infamy, July 24, 2024

A tragedy for the American Republic can be found in the sight of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu speaking last week before a joint session of Congress. During that speech, he told lies and tortured history to shame our republic for not having done what he demands. He said that when Israel fights Iran it also is fighting for the United States. No, that is an untrue and certifiably mad statement. The United States would have far fewer problems and enemies in the Middle East and the Muslim world were it not for our many decades of mollycoddling and funding Israel in a manner that consistently damages the interests of the United States. Whenever Israel attacks Iran, Palestine, or any other Muslim state, it is deliberately trying to pull the United States into the all-out war of civilizations that Israel’s leaders have long been stoking in the Middle East, basing it on what appears to be the country’s long-engrained belief that the only good Muslim is a dead Muslim.

Why does the United States obey Netanyahu? Because nearly every person sitting in the Congress, White House, and State Department listening to him have been monetarily suborned by Netanyahu’s and previous Israeli governments, who work cheek-by-jowl with reliable aid from their U.S.-based hitmen, including Jewish-Americans organizations like the ADL, AIPAC, the SPLC, the FBI, DHS, the U.S. Congress, and their rich Jewish-American donors. Many of these individuals – and many others in the federal and state governments, their bureaucracies, as well as in big business/banking – probably also have accepted passports from the Israeli government. Our Congress and Israel also have built a warm relationship on their shared love of war and their mutual detestation of their own citizens. Netanyahu has said that all Israelis will be “guinea pigs” for testing vaccines”, and the U.S. government is about to unleash another government-made pandemic on its citizens, and will then seek to fatally vaccinate any citizens stupid enough to take them. That is the reason these so-called Americans fawned over Netanyahu and applauded — at times on their feet – his words, which were clearly meant to mock and shame America. As always, he who pays the piper calls the tune.

Just to strengthen the last point, the White House and State Department surely were given a copy of the speech before it was made and apparently were happy with Netanyahu’s planned damning of the United States, its Constitution, and the republic’s character. He even insisted that the 1st Amendment must not be allowed protect college students who criticize Israel and support Palestine. Some Members of Congress, to their eternal shame, supported Netanyahu on this issue. This same demand also has been made by a number of wealthy Jewish-Americans who withdrew their donations to universities for allowing free speech on their campuses. Funny how these people never cut funding from the same universities when, for decades, they taught young people, Marxism, communism, anti-white beliefs, the tenets of sexual depravity, anti-Christianity, and hatred for the American republic.

Feeling comfortable in his recognized-by-all role as America’s dominator, Netanyahu said that American leaders would be identified as “gutless” and “cowards” if the Iranians kill Trump and America failed to wipe Iran from the face of the earth. This statement, it seems, may well be a foreshadowing of the Biden’s administration’s next attack on Trump and its plan to hang the deed on Iran. In Netanyahu’s words, you have the true cost to America of its “alliance with Israel”. Anyone on earth or in the U.S. government can kill Trump, blame it on Iran, and that will require the U.S. military to “wipe from the earth” 88-plus million Iranians, and, I suppose, round up all Iranians – legal and illegal – living in the United States. Here, Netanyahu, the boss, is talking to his lackeys, and the lackeys, you will note, have yet to make a squeak of resistance to being ordered to kill many millions in response to a future attack on Trump that is more likely to be performed by the elements of the U.S. government that appear to have been involved in the recent assassination attempt.

Let’s also spend a moment on Netanyahu’s staggeringly stupid and deliberately misleading use of history. He quoted Winston Churchill telling FDR “give us the tools and we will finish the job” of defeating the Nazis. Netanyahu’s turned the phrase into Israel’s request to whoever is running the U.S. at the moment, saying something like “give us the tools faster and we will finish the job” of exterminating Palestine and its Muslim supporters. Both Churchill and Netanyahu were liars on this score. Both men were and are only focused on securing American troops, arms, money, and blood to do their fighting for them.

In Churchill’s case, twelve million Americans would eventually serve in uniform and fight and die in the world war he and FDR fermented, planned, and eventually got. FDR, as a good acolyte of Churchill, agreed to make the Europeans’ War the top priority, instead of righty turning America’s full fury on Imperial Japan for the slaughter at Pearl Harbor. Netanyahu, too, is rabidly eager to see American soldiers, airmen, sailors, and Marines deployed to fight and die in the war he knew was coming, and which he facilitated by removing much of Israel’s border-protection forces from their posts in the period before 7 October 2023.

Joint Sessions of Congress were once reserved for presidential messages or speeches by distinguished Americans and foreigners. Today we get to listen to hate, mockery, and shaming from the likes of Netanyahu and his wannabe Zelensky, two peas in the same poisonous pod. The fact that these two gangsters were allowed to address joint sessions can only be seen for what it is, the sum of a mighty long fall from grace for the American republic.

As an afterthought, it would be most interesting to learn how many American military personnel – men and women – have been killed, wounded, and maimed in the wars in Ukraine and Palestine. There can be little doubt that U.S. troops have been deployed to both theaters of war to fight the enemies of our enemies, Zelensky and Netanyahu, and casualties surely have occurred. Why have Americans not been told about these casualties? Have the families of those casualties been informed of the fates of their loved ones? If so, have those families been somehow coerced to remain silent about their losses? Or have they and we been left wondering what is going on? Have we become a country of not only undeclared, president-caused wars, but also of undeclared and unhonored war casualties resulting from undeclared president-caused wars?

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