There is so much to know about American history and the thinking of its genuine scholars that a lifetime is too short to learn all there is to learn. Too late in my life, for example, I was advised to study the writings of a southerner named Richard M Weaver, a much-respected political scientist and cultural historian. The indispensable Liberty Fund has published two volumes (1) of Professor’s Weaver’s writings, speeches, and reviews, and they, to say the very least, are splendid and amazingly pertinent to this day. In particular, Professor Weaver, in March, 1959, saw precisely the Liberal-manufactured disaster that Loyal Americans face today. “The modern Liberal,” Weaver wrote,
has confused liberty with power, but the only use he has for power is to destroy. If these fanatical destroyers are allowed to have their way, the next thing to be challenged will be the basis on which the more general “American way of life” is forming. The same charges of inequity leveled against the Southern regime will be leveled against capitalism, private property, the family, and even individuality. The Liberals’ rage is directed against all restraints which allow things to grow in their own native character. He has a verdict of guilty against everything that stands in the way of certain ideas which are themselves life-denying. (2)
Professor Weaver here described the fact that the Liberals were using their power to try to destroy the South – at that time because of its deeply held evangelical Christianity — and accurately predicted that they ultimately would turn their power against the republic as a whole, as well as its history, Christianity, republicanism, commonsense, and affection for local communities and neighbors.
The Liberals/Democrats are now attacking Loyal Americans, their laws, faith, traditions, heroes, flags, and other symbols, and are having their party’s terrorist network kill Americans, especially black and white children. Is there anything more hilarious than a sorry-assed, semi-human being who finds flying the Army of Northern Virginia’s glorious and breathtakingly beautiful battle flag unacceptable, but bays like a mentally ill, Ivy-League moron about the absolute necessity for all Americans to applaud and bow before the flying of a flags that support the cause of every imaginable form of sexual deviancy, and the murderous but profit-making Democrat-Party terrorist organization called Black Lives Matter, a slogan which neither the Democrats, the media, nor BLM members believe in the least.
How deeply retarded America’s elite class is underscored for me each day on the ride home. For months now, these colossally stupid people have had “Dump Trump” signs in their front lawns, in essence saying “we care nothing about the millions of Americans who again will be relegated to the tyranny of poverty if corpse-Biden wins.” In the past week, my brain-dead, anti-American neighbors have dotted their lawns with “Black Lives Matter” signs. It seems that these signs must have been trimmed, with the following truth being cut away, “so long as they remain impoverished, cotton harvesting, and Democratic-voting slaves on the Democratic plantation.”
Today, faced with these accelerating Liberal/Democratic republic-killing attacks and murders, the Trump administration – amazingly able in the economic, trade, and foreign-policy realms (What!? No new wars!) — seems unable, or perhaps unwilling, to execute its most pressing responsibility, namely, to protect the republic’s viability and the safety of Loyal Americans. The Democrats have not been stopped from distributing mail-in ballots to dead people and those who have moved to other states but remain on their former state’s list of voters. The Democrats also have continued to add illegal aliens and early-release felons — 8,000 more in California this week — to voter rolls in the states they control. The sum of these actions is that the Democrats plan to steal the November, 2020, elections, as they did in multiple senate and congressional races in 2018. The Trump administration and Attorney General Barr, who, to be fair, is battling a highly criminalized Justice Department and FBI, have not yet acted to end the Democrats’ ongoing, thoroughly documented campaign of electoral crime.
If November’s fixed-voting allows the Democrats to pretend that corpse-Biden won, they will claim that Americans joyfully elected a rotting, hopelessly corrupt corpse, and so fully support Democrats’ erasure of liberty and the rule of law in the United States. What such a situation also would mean is that no one who tried to destroy the republic and Trump’s presidency will ever be arrested, tried, convicted, and incarcerated or executed.
Because there is a chance of this catastrophe occurring, the message for Loyal American citizens is that the work of saving the republic and the rule of law may default to them, and this reality requires them to begin to form well-armed local and nationwide militias before the 2020 election. If the elections and laws are used against the loyal citizenry – as they have multiple times since the 1960s – it is up to that citizenry to try to seize control of their country, reestablish the rule of law, and destroy – root and branch — those who have deliberately sought to kill the republic.
The lesson to be taken from the Founders’ action in 1775-1776 is that war is sometimes needed to save or restore liberty. The Founders and their countrymen prevailed, but not by much. They were disadvantaged from the first, not least because they could not know how many troops the King was sending to wage Britain’s savage war against their former countrymen until the forces debarked from Royal Navy transports.
Today, however, Loyal Americans know their domestic enemies, as well as their locations, in detail, and will be able to act swiftly to eliminate them and the threat they pose. There are at least a dozen, well-known groupings of the republic’s eager executioners.
—First, those Democratic governors and their health officials who used the Chinese Virus to kill thousands of elderly Americans. These Democratic men and women obviously work with Beijing and have formed a Beijing-Democratic Party alliance that allowed the Chinese Communist-manufactured-and-spread China Virus to kill – so far – 132,000 Americans. That is a pretty paltry number for Democrat infant-murders and they must be disgusted with what, for them, is minuscule death toll.
—Second, every journalist and doctor who wrote a story or made a statement or video meant to stop Americans from gaining access to Hydroxychloroquine, thereby condemning many to death just to sate their hatred for Trump and his supporters. Also, every state and national government medical official and association who acted – with their allies at Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, etc. – to silence, defame, and discipline doctors and nurses who told the truth about the similarity of the Chinese Virus to other flus; refused to list every death as the result of the Chinese Virus; and acknowledged that experience and studies had, from the Chinese Virus’s onset, proven that Hydroxychloroquine and other already-on-hand drugs would counter the Democratic Party-worsened impact of Beijing’s biological attack on the United States.
–Third, every U.S. general or admiral who has tried to overthrow Trump by word or deed; all retired CIA officer now serving in Congress or on congressional staffs; and every U.S. military officer who acquired promotion and replaced the at least 400 senior U.S. military officers that Obama fired and forced to retire.
–Fourth, every federal civil servant – especially in HHS, the State Department, NIH, FDA, CDC, the CIA, NOAA (forget not the global-warming fraud, in which NOAA scientists altered historic climate data to show warming) — who was appointed by Obama and is still working.
–Fifth, the Clintons, their political organization, their foundation and the allies of each, especially Bill Gates and those in Hollywood, the banks, social media, Big Tech, and the U.S. government.
–Sixth, the editors and reporters of every print and electronic news organization and outlet that operates in New York City, Boston, Atlanta, Houston, Austin, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, Denver, Portland, Detroit, and Seattle for waging a four-year, lying, treacherous, Bolshevik-like, history-erasing, and unrelenting war against the fairly elected Trump administration and those who voted it into power.
–Seventh, mayors and their elected colleagues in all cities that have eliminated or reduced law-enforcement budgets and/or the number of policemen in a department, as well as any police chief or officer who supported such cuts.
–Eighth, all employees – especially professors — and major donors of Ivy League universities. The intense anti-Americanism of the Ivy League was proven forever by the fact that a half-baked book called 1619: Jamestown and the Forging of American Democracy mobilized the League’s pseudo-intellectual professors and their brain-dead students to rally to around the book and – with the NY Times – seek the destruction of the American republic.
–-Ninth, any and all individuals whose names are revealed as having been participants in or abettors of the torture, rape, imprisonment, and murder of the children offered for the American elite’s consumption by Jeffrey Epstein and Jhislaine Maxwell, as well as those associated with any U.S. or foreign intelligence agency that protected Epstein and Maxwell and exploited the opportunities for blackmail provided by those two sniveling wastes of skin.
–Tenth, all medical doctors, teachers, and teacher unions advocating the continued closure of schools across the republic. The intended actions of these people toward children are of a kind with the torturous treatment of the children that Epstein and Maxwell provided to America’s political and economic elites for consumption.
–Eleventh, all Black Lives Matters rioters/assassins identified from security cameras or the mobile-phone cameras of BLM victims, and all of the obviously retarded BLM members who have allowed almost all of the donations – reportedly c. $1.5 billion — to their stinking, racist, and semi-human mob to be laundered and transferred to the Democrats’ “Act Blue” website for the use of the Democrats’ 2020 candidates. (NB: After watching or reading about big brave BLM gunmen murdering at least five black children, ten and under, it seems that the black children who died, and perhaps all black children, surely would have been safer – in the physical sense — on any plantation in the antebellum South, rather than in a land where BLM animals, and their kindred ANTIFA swine, happily live on the Democrats’ slave plantation and wander the countryside looking for easy targets murder.)
–Twelfth, Planned Parenthood, AMA doctors who commit and profit from infanticide and selling baby parts, and the politicians of all parties, at all levels of government who sell their support for infanticide – now nearing a total of 62 million and counting — for campaign contributions.
This sounds like an enormous task, but, should the task fall to them, Loyal Americans will be involved not in a revolution, but, rather, like the Founders, in a restoration. The domestic problems to be addressed are fixable because they all flow from the sick minds, corruption. and violent intent of the dozen groups mentioned above. If the Trump administration presents all of the evidence its holds about the Democrats’ crimes before the 2020 election, and secures indictments based thereon, there will be no need for American Loyalists to be violent. The Democrats’ crimes of pedophilia, murder, unrelenting violation of the Constitution and Bill of Rights, financial corruption, electoral fraud, and treasonous alliances with foreign nations, especially China, Britain, and Israel, can be addressed under the rule of law and penalties for the guilty can be duly exacted. As my friend the Colonel argues, if Trump simply applies the rule of law to those attacking the republic’s existence, there is a long existing thoroughfare in northern Virginia called Gallows Road that can, at long last, be used for dispensing the kind of justice the Democrats’ merit and for which gallows are needed.
If President Trump and Attorney General Barr delay too long in exposing the Democrats numerous capital crimes and arresting of culprits, and a rigged mail-in vote elects Biden’s rotting corpse to the presidency, the time will have arrived for Loyal Americans – well-armed and trained under the guidance of the country’s large number of always-loyal combat veterans — to take out the republic’s enemies, among whom, sadly, are a large number of traitorous admirals and generals, and probably more than a few of the junior officers who worked for them. These expendables seem to be in all branches of the services
If it comes to blood, there probably will be a lot of it, but what other choice is there? The seventy-five-year growth of a tyrannical, centralized, corrupt, extortionate. and criminality-rife national government must be ended. Those who would fight to keep and continue to expand that malignancy must be slaughtered. Having given Democrats and their allies every chance to accept the Constitution, recognize the rule of law, and manfully accept the punishments they will be proven to fully merit, the response to their defiance can only be violent, completely merciless, and final.
As the republic faces the chance of a war of survival, all Loyal Americans must recall and be thankful to the Confederacy’s leading general and most of the soldiers he led. These men wanted only two things for the South, independence and to left alone by the North. In defeat, they never planned and plotted to take a second crack at war. As Robert E. Lee – one of the very greatest Americans – wrote to the governor of Virginia a few months after he surrendered the Army of Northern Virginia at Appomattox,
The questions which for years were in dispute between the State [of Virginia] and General Government, and which unhappily were not decided by the dictates of reason, but referred to the decision of war, having been decided against us, it is the part of wisdom to acquiesce in the result, and of candor to recognize the fact. … The interests of the State [of Virginia] are therefore the same as those of the United States. Its prosperity will rise or fall with the welfare of the country. The duty of its citizens, then, appears to me too plain to admit of doubt. All should unite in honest efforts to obliterate the effects of war, and to restore the blessings of peace. They should remain, if possible, in the country; promote harmony and good feeling; qualify themselves to vote; and elect to the State and general Legislatures wise and patriotic men, who will devote their abilities to the interests of the country, and the healing of all dissensions. I have invariably recommended this course since the cessation of hostilities, and have endeavored to practice it myself. (3)
General Grant, President Lincoln, and their lieutenants were wise and patriotic in granting, the previous April, a respectful and merciful peace to Lee and the Confederacy – in Lincoln’s words, they “let ‘em up easy”. (4) They trusted General Lee’s word, knew the South’s enormous faith in Lee’s devotion to Christianity and southern interests, and recognized southerners’ eagerness to have post-war advice from Marse Robert. The Grant-Lincoln confidence in Lee’s integrity paid off. General Lee spent the rest of his life striving to make his word stick with as much of the South as he could, not least from his post as president of Washington University in Lexington, VA, a school now known as Washington and Lee University.
But Pelosi, Schumer, corpse-Biden, Cuomo, Durbin, Schiff, Obama, Carey, Rice, Comey, McCabe, Finestein, Brennan, Clapper and the rest their wretched, lying, semi-human kind have not an iota of General Lee’s honor, integrity, and patriotism. Any scrap of mercy shown to today’s Democratic shit-birds would be fatal to Loyal Americans and their republic. It would allow the Democrats to buy time by pledging not to have another go at creating a tyranny, while all the while plotting, planning, and again enlisting foreign support to launch a new campaign to impose tyranny on Loyal Americans, and upon the republic they had barely saved.
It is best to keep in mind that fair-minded justice can, at times, be administered by some human beings, but that mercy for the truly evil is rightly found only in God’s purview. So, if it must come to war, Loyal Americans are best advised to follow a paraphrase of Admiral Halsey’s instructions to his command on how to deal with Imperial Japan’s military, “Kill Democrats, Kill Democrats, Kill more Democrats.” In short Kill ‘me all, and let God hear and handle the survivors’ pleas for mercy.
Now those are conversations I would pay to hear, though I would not pay much as I think the Lord would take little time to decide the pleaders are hell-bound. Of course, I could be wrong, but I do not believe that pleas for mercy emanating from, for example, a mad, corrupt, intoxicated, infant-murdering bitch from “a good Catholic home” would cut much mustard with the Almighty. Our Lord always has a sense of humor – check winters in Northern Virginia — but He is never anybody’s fool. Looking ahead, imagine what the Lord will decide for those gutless, fore-lock-tugging priests, bishops, cardinals, and popes who have abetted evil by giving Communion to Pelosi, Biden, and all other Democrats-claiming-to-be-a-Catholics.
The foregoing is meant to suggest the likelihood of a war waged to exterminate the Democrats, if they succeed in staging a rigged election that makes corpse-Biden president. Still there is hope, the Democrats do not and never will understand the love of Loyal Americans of all colors for their country, faith, history, and traditions; they have no conception of how Loyal Americans hate to be told how to think, behave, spend, and obey by any on-the-take, know-it-all politician, celebrity, or pundit; and the Democrats most surely do not understand the durable, emotional, and even affectionate attachment that Loyal Americans form for a leader who manifestly values their hard work, and sees and supports their love for local communities, family, and friends.
Nor do Democrats and the media understand the quiet but nearly desperate desire of Loyal Americans for a leader who, after a half-century of political charlatans who promise much, deliver nothing; flaunt their contempt for working people and their beliefs; and end their terms richer than God, is manifestly and reliably on their side; that is, their affection for a man named Donald Trump. No one should look to a poll to find and measure this sentiment and its tremendous and grwoing strength. To sense it requires a love for working Americans, a knowledge and respect for the republic’s history, and a commonsense approach to life. There is not a single Democrat, journalist, or pollster on the continent who possesses even one of those characteristics,.
These Loyal Americans now have a leader who – like the irreplaceable Reagan — speaks directly to them in a non-patrician tone, acknowledges their inherent worth and hard work; shares their faith in God and His words; applauds their sacrifices for family and republic; and successfully accomplishes the goals he pledged to achieve. Having opened with Professor Weaver, it seems right to close with him. Though writing in March, 1956, Weaver spoke for his time and ours.
The need of the time is for a leadership willing to face the facts. Complacency toward what is happening is a betrayal of the America we have inherited. The kind of leader that people are willing to stand with, and to personally sacrifice for, is the kind that says, “I’m going to fight it out on this line if it takes all summer.” Wavering and self-defeat through compromise where vital points are at stake never yield a following. To win this struggle we have to get on the right side of the road and keep it with resolution. (5)
–2.) Robert M. Weaver, “The Regime of the South,” National Review, 14 March 1959. See, In Defense of Tradition: Collected Shorter Writings, 1929-1963, pp. 713-719
–3.) Robert E. Lee to Governor John Letcher, 28 August 1865
–4.) Mr. Lincoln is quoted at
–5.) Richard M. Weaver, “The Middle of the Road: Where it Leads,” Human Events, 24 March 1956. See, In Defense of Tradition: Collected Shorter Writings, of Richard M. Weaver, 1929-1963, p. 541