Congress lavishes aid on foreigners and illegal aliens, impoverishes loyal Americans

For those daft souls who still believe the U.S. bipartisan governing elite is  seeking ways to help American families who have lost kin and/or have been impoverished by China’s two ongoing chemical and biological attacks on the republic’s population — the Chinese Virus and fentanyl — the Congress’s new “Covid Relief Bill” is and ought to be a harsh reacquaintance with reality.

The bipartisan elite cares not a jot about working Americans, those men and women whose lives and families have been run aground by the Congress’s abetting of China’s biological and chemical warfare, as well as its murderous lies about the seriousness of the Chinese-made virus. What does the elite care about? Well, two things:

–(a) Keeping China, corpse-Biden, and Biden’s louse-of-a-son out of the news by focusing on that hardy but false perennial lie — Russia is interfering in all U.S. affairs

–(b) Hiding the fact that most members of Congress, in both parties, have either been compromised by Chinese agents or have agreed to sell out the United States for Beijing’s payments and aid in corrupting elections. The Bidens, of course, are leading the way in protecting the governing elite from being fully exposed as commie-loving traitors; whores who will do anything for cash and political power; and haters of everything about America, its Constitution, its history, and its working-and-middle-class citizens.

If those Americans who support President Trump, and oppose their deadly, China-owned enemies in both parties, the elite, and the media, do not mind  making their trigger fingers a bit itchier, take a look at where these traitors are sending you tax money in lieu of helping get the U.S. economy back on course. The Covid Relief Bill should actually be named “The Foreign Aid Bill”, “The American-Citizens-Last Bill”, or “The Play U.S. Taxpayers for Suckers Bill”.

Which foreign countries will be getting an avalanche of U.S. taxpayer money while those taxpayers get a one-time $600 payment — unless Trump prevails — that will do nothing to alter the fact that their lives, jobs, kids’ futures, and savings are withering on the vine? Well, just take a gander at where American tax revenues will be sent by the Congress under the cover of “Covid relief”:

–Vietnam: $169,739,000

–Egypt: $1.3 billion dollars

–Nepal: $130,265,000 for democracy development

–Pakistan: $25 million for democracy and gender programs

–Venezuela: $33,000,000

–Israel: $500,000,000

–Palestinians: $250,000,000

–Nepal: $15,000,000

–Bangladesh: $198,323,000

–Columbia: $461,375,000

–Caribbean Nations: $74,800,000

–Central American Nations: $505,925,000

–Georgia: $132,025,000

–Ukraine: $453,000,000

–Sudan: $700,000,000

–Jordan: $400,000,000 in loan guarantees

–Illegal aliens in the U.S.: $1,800 checks

Peaceful intent, patient debate, and fair elections always are the preferred means of settling disputes and rectifying wrongs in republican forms of government. But by sending this money to non- and, often, anti-Americans  abroad and at home, the Congress threw a spear for the governing elite that is aimed directly at the Americans they most hate; namely, those who know treason is the elite’s trademark; support Trump and the Constitution to the hilt; love liberty and their country; possess arms, ammunition, and rope aplenty; and are willing, as the last-resort option, to use their personal weapons to terminate as many as necessary of the governing elite — stopping them dead, one might say — in order to end the elite’s plan to enslave and eventually kill them.







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Secession is not illegal, it is the duty of those who seek to reacquire independence and liberty

Some Texas Republicans have said has that Texans should begin discussing among themselves, and with like-minded states, a plan for secession from the United States. (1) There is no reason that this suggestion cannot be acted upon.

There is no binding U.S. law and only one American historical document that even suggests that secession is forbidden. Indeed, the U.S. civil war proved only one thing; namely, that the South’s war for independence was defeated by northern forces. Those who think that the defeat of the Confederacy signaled the end of future attempts to secede – that is, to seek security from tyranny and restore liberty and law – is simply wrong or illiterate.

The only U.S. document that suggests that America’s Union is a permanent and unbreakable entity is found in America’s first Constitution, “The Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union”, which came into force on 1 March 1781. As its title indicates, the Articles announced that its contents were meant to ensure a “perpetual union” of the states. But it clearly stated – by its silence on the issue – that those goals were an aspiration, as the Articles gave the new national government no power, save legislative procedures and the eloquence of its leaders, to prevent secession. On this issue the Articles said:

“Every State shall abide by the determination of the United States in Congress assembled, on all questions which by this confederation are submitted to them. And the Articles of this Confederation shall be inviolably observed by every State, and the Union shall be perpetual; nor shall any alteration at any time hereafter be made in any of them; unless such alteration be agreed to in a Congress of the United States, and be afterwards confirmed by the legislatures of every State.” (1)

The only pertinent and legitimate guidance on the secession issue for those drafting the Articles was located in the Declaration of Independence, which strongly urged great patience on Americans before acting to change existing forms of government. But it also urged the citizenry to act to change governments, when the conduct of the existing institution became intolerably tyrannical. This guidance, of course, was followed, between 1775 and 1783, by the 13 colonies when they chose to fight a war that, when won, allowed them to successfully secede from the British Empire.

In 1787-1788, astoundingly, the Framers of the U.S. Constitution dropped the Articles’ phrase declaring “perpetual union” and so left their new document silent about how the Union should be considered. Was the Union a goal in itself, or was it meant to be the means to the end that the Constitution described as a “more perfect Union”? Nowhere in the constitution is there a prohibition against secession, and, until 1861, the prospect of disunion arose on multiple occasions.

In 1814, for example, the Hartford Convention was arranged by Federalist political leaders to discuss plans for the New England States – their economies shattered by the War of 1812 — to secede from the Union and rejoin the British Empire. Then in 1832, South Carolina threatened to “nullify” federal tariff law, and, in essence becoming a de facto nation. The South Carolinians had some support elsewhere in the south, but before it could be strengthened and broadened, the crisis was solved by a combination of actions that promised to make the nation’s tariff laws less economically onerous on the South, and saw President Andrew Jackson promise to come down to South Carolina and hang each of the Nullifiers. Americans of all parties knew that disregarding Jackson’s words and pledges always yielded disaster, and many of South Carolina’s leaders buckled and left the Nullifiers before Jackson and his supply train of rope could arrive in Charleston.

In each of these cases, the Constitution provided no guidance for maintaining the Union, and the era’s face-offs on the issue were settled politically, although Jackson’s promise of hangings surely sped South Carolina’s recognition of the virtue of political accommodation. Between 1832 and 1861, the issue of secession was sharply debated in the Congress, newspapers, and state legislatures with some frequency, especially when tariffs, territorial expansion, and the admission of new states — slave or free? — to the Union were at issue.

When the Southern States seceded in 1861, they did not give a hoot-or-a-holler about what the Northern states did in the north, as long as they left the new Confederate republic alone. Jefferson Davis’s government demanded no northern territory; did not insist northern school kids be taught the glories of transgenderism; sent no rich-but-stupid college kids to burn down neighborhoods, kill innocents, and destroy small businesses; and did not demand abolishing Christianity from the public square. Neither did it insist that the South’s part in the Union’s history be deleted from books, of that the symbols of its part in that history be destroyed. Davis did not even demand that the mad terrorists of the north – then called Abolitionists – be silenced.

No, the Confederacy simply demanded to leave the Union, and thereafter be left alone to secure its own independence and sovereignty, and manage its territory, society, and economy as it saw fit. Yes, Southern leaders feared that Lincoln might try to end slavery, but this was – in 1861 – an overwrought fear as slavery was protected by the Constitution, and there were very, very, few Americans – north or south — who would have been willing to fight a civil war to free slaves. The South sought to leave the Union peacefully and form an independent republic, but Davis displayed terrible judgment by attacking Fort Sumter, providing Lincoln justification for war, and so America had a civil war in which the North meant to – and did — force the southern states to remain in the Union.

In the terribly bloody war of 1861-1865 only one issue was definitively settled: The South lost the war and so did not achieve its independence. The precedent set by the war was not the illegality of secession — although Justice Scalia much later said it did, showing even a genius can say a foolish thing (3)– but rather that secessionists had to defeat those refusing to let them depart or find themselves smashed to hell militarily and economically and then be dragooned back into the Union.

The war ended the threat of disunion for the moment, but the Northern victory did nothing to make the Union “perpetual”, as the Articles of Confederation said in 1781. Perhaps if Lincoln had lived through his second term, the careful lawyer in him may have worked for a Constitutional amendment that declared the Union permanent and made secession unconstitutional. But Lincoln did not live through the term, and the Constitution was not amended.

In 1869, the Supreme Court, in accordance with the long, strong current of fecklessness that runs through its history, took its crack at making secession unconstitutional in a case called Texas v. White. In that case the Court ruled unilateral secession was unconstitutional, but added that revolution or consent of the other states might allow a successful secession. (4) Gee, no kidding? Even for the Supreme Court, this dearth of commonsense seems surprising. One would have hoped that at least one of the judges would have explained to the others how mad it would be for any state to have joined a union from which it could not try to exit if that Union — as soon may be the case — came to be ruled by a tyranny. That of course, is a true violation of the Constitution, but its is one that today’s nine-blind mice refuse to recognize.

The bottom line, therefore, is that secession remains a perfectly acceptable aspiration, but, to make secession good, the states remaining in the Union would have to acquiesce and leave the secessionists go in peace. If such acquiescence is not forthcoming, the secessionists would have to fight for their independence. It is both ahistorical and silly to claim that secession is forbidden by U.S. law, the founding documents, or the Founders’ papers. There is nothing in these documents, nor in the Bible, nor in natural law, nor in simple commonsense, that binds any American person to live peacefully as a good citizen in states that are governed by a national government that is tyrannical, and Biden’s publicly-stated plans to destroy the 1st and 2nd Amendments clearly display tyrannical intent. Hence, secession is a pertinent issue at the moment.

Indeed, if America’s founding documents show anything, they show that it is the duty of every American to seek to overthrow any government they have found to be tyrannical, and that that task may well require risking life and limb in a desperate war to leave the Union and establish a new, sovereign, and independent republic. Such a war might be won or lost, but the effort to fight and win such a struggle is surely the citizenry’s sacred obligation. The only shame and crime in the concept of secession, lies with those citizens who do not seek to secede when a tyranny rules their land.


–1.) See, and

–2.) The full text of the Articles of Confederation are located at:

–3.) Justice Scalia is quoted at:

–4.) The text of the Court’s decision in Texas v. White is at








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The coming vaccines: Gold for Big Pharma but Fools’ Gold for Americans?

I first want to say that I believe that President Trump and his team — excluding many of the doctors — have done their best to facilitate the production and delivery of safe vaccines that can negate the Chinese Virus. But Trump and much of his team had no choice but to deal with the national government’s medical-and-science establishment, all of which is globalist, hates Trump and his supporters, helped rig the election in favor of corpse-Biden, and are in the thrall of Big Pharma. Need proof?

Well, just look at the large number of well-qualified and often senior doctors and scientists who have been blacklisted by their globalist colleagues and the media because they have used hard-evidence and commonsense to oppose the medical establishment’s handling of the Chinese Virus. They have plainly demonstrated that the manner in which the Chinese Virus has been handled has caused it to last longer than necessary, and that lock-downs, masks, quarantining, and the rest of the illegal and so meaningless measures deployed by governors and mayors as “orders”,  rather than by legislatures as laws. have made the casualty count –including the economically ruined, the terrorized, and the mentally wounded — much higher than it otherwise would have been.

These same doctors also helped kill thousands more Americans by preventing their access to hydroxychloroquine, and by praising the “great work” done by the five murderous Democratic governors who crammed seniors into elder-care homes so they would die from the Chinese Virus. Why would such people produce a vaccine that could help  protect the Americans they hate?

The question is why would anyone believe that vaccines brought to Americans by these medical gangsters, men and women who eagerly inflicted such pain on the citizenry, should be be assumed to be “safe”? Each American, of course, will make his own decision about whether to receive the vaccination and allow his or her children to be likewise branded.

How free the choice will be, of course, is limited, as the political-medical-social-media shaming machine has already begun to ridicule, if not damn, any parent who is hesitant to have his or her child vaccinated. It begs reality to imagine that any sane but vaccination-hesitant American could believe that their globalist critics give a good damn about their kids, after they gleefully killed, dismembered, and sold the body parts of 61-plus million murdered infants since 1973.

This leads to a second point, which is that an increasing number of sources are reporting that the vaccine was constructed via a process that included tissue from the corpses of infants aborted in and bought from China. That is, the globalists’ smug and all-knowing medical-scientific mafia has created a vaccine that may or nor save lives at the cost of killing many other innocents. The globalists’ sacred icon — Communist China — of course is the big winner in all of this; the Chinese communist regime sent the China Virus both to infect the republic and to empower their sieg-heilling automatons in the national government’s medical establishment, and the Chinese regime is now getting paid to murder infants to help construct a likely dangerous vaccine to be used on (against?) Americans.

This last point once again serves to remind those many millions of Americans who oppose abortion for reasons of faith, humanity, and commonsense just how deeply they are hated by the nation’s elites. By using the body-parts of infants to concoct their vaccine, the medial elites intentionally sought to make people choose between their strongest beliefs and access to the vaccine for themselves and their family.

Most American opponents of abortion have been long since abandoned by numerous Catholic and Protestant clergymen and bishops — Catholics also have an anti-U.S., globalist/socialist shill as Pope — and so can expect no truthful guidance or support from them on this issue. No matter. The many millions of anti-abortion citizens will stand their ground, and will not seek safety for themselves at the cost of murdering infants, and, for the religious, their chance to accept the Lord’s promise of an eternal after-life.

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Two interconnected causes of war stand on the near-horizon of American life

One cause of war on the horizon is the continuation of the Democrats’ fascist plan to enslave Americans under the cover of the Fauci’s Chinese-Virus fraud; a virus which he helped develop by steering U.S. funding to China’s Wuhan chemical-warfare laboratory. Fauci’s acolytes delight in terrorizing children and halting their education, destroying the nation’s backbone of small businesses, and encouraging permanently adolescent Americans of all ages – especially well-off women – to try to block self-reliant Americans from running the risk of the virus to get to work, open their shops, and keep their families and country afloat. But now these enslaved fear-mongers are being wonderfully abandoned by the faux-god Fauci, who is saying Trump was right, kids should be in school; that quarantines must be shorter; and, most recently, that the Chinese Virus magically will start to fade on 20 January 2021, the day he mistakenly thinks a corrupt and treasonous corpse will become president.

Fools always follow tyrants, and there are no bigger fools in the republic than well-off women, Ivy League graduates, media members, and the millions of  white morons who believe BLM, ANTIFA, BAM, and other groups and political entities are supporting racial equality, when they are merely self-loathing white Democrat tyrants and racist and violence-loving Black Supremacists who together are seeking to make America into another murderous, Black Supremacist South Africa. (NB: Is it not interesting that what appears to be the bulk of those individuals who have been videoed while in the act of election rigging have been Black Americans counting votes in Democrat ruled cities and areas? Even when committing a capital crime, the Democrats have made sure to exploit an opportunity to create tensions between Black Americans and Americans of all other races.)

The other cause of war, of course, is the sham election that the nation experienced on 3 November, 2020. The hard-evidence of fraud and treason in multiple states is now clear. There are:

–Videos of criminals-in-action switching or adding votes in multiple cities and counties

–Screen crawls on FOX and other networks showing Trump votes being switched in real-time to the corpse’s column

–Caches of U.S. presidential votes in server farms overseas

–Nearly a thousand sworn affidavits describing treason-in-progress among vote-switching election officials in multiple states

–Voting machines that have been proven to be purpose-designed for purchasers – that is, state governments – who want to fix elections

–Multiple state and federal judges whose wisdom is found not in the law, but in personal greed, partisanship, and a talent for treason

–Mainstream media that are 100-percent in support of ensuring the corpse’s election, and 100-percent active in spreading vicious derision and hate for Americans who voted for Trump, individuals who are now being joined by other Americans who see that the national election was rigged by a cabal of traitorous Americans and interventionist foreign powers.

War is never a pleasure, but, as after Pearl Harbor, it can be the only recourse left to those who have been attacked. The loyal American citizenry has put up with unrelenting, illegal, and scurrilous attacks on themselves and their leaders since 2015, and those Americans are now experiencing an acceleration of such attacks – including physical attacks – by those who hate them and all they and the republic stand for and hold dear.

The constitutional path Trump and his advocates are following is, for now, the correct way to be proceeding. But if the election cases come to Supreme Court and it proves to be as corrupt as the lower courts – and some decisions by Chief Justice Roberts have been amateurish and laughable, suggesting he is owned by Obama, and that Kavanaugh may yet prove to be owned by Bush family – the time for action will have arrived.

If the Supreme Court proves treasonous, the choice will be simple. President Trump can declare martial law and put paid to what is now a five-year long and treasonous insurrection, or loyal Americans, who, as Franklin Roosevelt said on 8 December 1941, “always will … remember the character of the onslaught against us” can pick up their arms and do the job themselves. They will act to defend the republic, and, as Roosevelt said of Americans in 1941, “[n]o matter how long it may take us to overcome this premeditated invasion [in this case, premeditated foreign-supported insurrection], the American people in their righteous might will win through to absolute victory. … [S]o help us God.” [1] 



–1.) The text of FDR’s speech requesting a Congressional declaration of war against Japan on 8 December 1941 is at,-0.143,1.05,0.962,0. The film of Roosevelt’s speech also is well worth watching. You seldom see/hear such anger and menace in a man’s face and words. See,



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A query posed in Dec. 2019. The answer now is yes, impose martial law immediately

Must martial law be applied against the insurrection in 2020?

I am not an admirer of the democratic system as it has has evolved in the United States since the Founding. I am especially opposed to the kind of democratic system that has grown since the start of Lyndon Johnson’s bankrupting and citizenry-enslaving Great Society. As the Founders would have thought, I believe that the current nature of democracy in America is the generator of anarchy, which, in turn, inevitably solidifies the rule of the aspiring tyrants – in this case, the Democratic leaders, the legacy media, and the Media Titans — who are using democracy to produce anarchy and turn the anarchy into a durable and brutal tyranny

The Founders’ likely, and my own absolute opposition to today’s kind of democracy has been verified, for all who care to see and understand, in the denial of civil liberties, due process, and equality before the law to the president of the United States. The importance of the tyrants’ deliberate and destructive rape of the Constitution and the rule of law is a minor annoyance to President Trump, but it is an explicit augury of what the Democratic Party intends to do to any American citizen who objects – or resists – the tyranny they are seeking impose if they achieve national power.

As we slide along into 2020 on the oozing scum relentlessly being spread by the mere existence of the Democrat Party, the Trump Administration is faced with monumental tasks that may well require a declaration of martial law. These include the nation-wide restoration of responsible republican government; the destruction of all state governments that have acted, or threatened to act, unconstitutionally in such areas of immigration; election manipulation; non-citizen voting; blackmailing the federal judiciary and members of Congress; supporting pedophilia and those who practice it; and slowly strangling the  2nd Amendments.

Article 4, Section 4 of the Constitution may be the most comprehensively powerful –and strangely neglected – statement of legitimate national government authority. Section 4 simply and clearly states:

“The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.”

This comprehensive power was placed in the hands of the national government by the Founders and the Constitution, I believe, as a power of absolute last resort, as the nation’s making of war must always be. Section 4 should have been triggered a decade or more ago as the requirements of both of its clauses have been fulfilled. There is no genuine republican government in a number of states – the governments there, in fact, are actively eradicating republicanism and conducting an insurrection – and so each can accurately be described as having been invaded by lethal enemies of republicanism, and so neither the executive or legislature in those states will request the aid of the national government to restore republicanism. The Constitution’s guarantee of republicanism in every state, therefore, can only be secured by destroying those state governments and their insurrection via the unilateral intervention of the national government. Five steps by the national government suggest themselves.

–1.) The republican form of government guaranteed by the Constitution must be forcibly restored in – at least – California, New York, Virginia, and Minnesota. The governors and their cabinets in those states must be arrested not only for failing to maintain republican government, but for trying to destroy it in their states. The mayors, and department heads of such cities as Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, Seattle, Oakland, Minneapolis, Richmond, Portland, and San Francisco also must be arrested for the same reason. They should be replaced by trustworthy military officers and troops with the experience in police-like duties and the task of restoring safe and reliable public order and infrastructure operation, talents they gathered in overseas operations. In America, they will have the support and cooperation of most of the well-armed citizenry, unlike in their operations overseas.

–2.) The illegal aliens living in these states and cities must be identified and deported with dispatch – along with their criminality, violence, disease, and illiteracy — by whatever means of transportation come to hand. These people, and all with them, are self-made criminals simply because they crossed America’s northern and southern borders without being authorized to do so by the national government. These self-made criminals are of no legal or humanitarian concern to the United States once they are identified for deportation and, in one way or another, must be pushed across the northern and southern borders into Canada or Mexico.

–3.) Every local police chief and every chief of state police forces in the country must be assessed. If any of them are found to have a record of helping the Democrats to plan and execute mass shootings or refusing to protect the citizenry from the Democratic Party’s terrorist groups – ANTIFA, BLM, MS-13, and BAM – he or she, and the top lieutenants of each, must be arrested for promoting terrorism and immediately incarcerated in Guantanamo Bay. In addition, all members of the named terrorist organizations must be arrested on terrorism charges and incarcerated in Guantanamo Bay. The National Guard’s commanders and his/her staff in each state must be likewise assessed. If they have supported – physically or vocally—unconstitutional activity, they should join those police officials and American-citizen terrorists bound for long stays in sunny Cuba.

–4.) All public and private colleges and universities in the United States must be defunded by the national government for a period of at least five years or until a federal court in each college or university’s vicinity evaluates and confirms that all aspects of the Constitution’s 1st Amendment have been fully restored, protected, and promoted on each campus. Thereafter, and for at least ten consecutive years, each college and university must be annually certified by the court as having fully maintained, protected, and promoted all liberties cited and guaranteed in the 1st Amendment.

–5.) All members of the governing elite — including elected officials and federal civil servants — who have sought and received monetary, propaganda, media, or political support from the regimes or citizens of China, Ukraine, Russia, Britain, Italy, Germany, Israel, or other foreign nations to defeat presidential-Trump candidate or the legitimately elected Trump Administration must be arrested, transported to Guantanamo Bay, turned over to military tribunals for trial, and immediately executed if found guilty.

The recommendations above may, and perhaps should, strike readers as extreme. They strike me that way. Still, is there anything more extreme than 38 consecutive months of the Democratic Party, the Media Titans, and the assorted crazed and criminal members of the Democratic congressional contingent deliberately robbing the republic of more than three years of its life. These miscreants have worked to destroy social cohesion and censor free speech; prevented the greater growth of the economy; blocked the complete elimination of the inflow of illegal aliens; stopped additional reductions in the unemployment and poverty rates; obstructed the termination of the Democrats’ and establishment-Republicans’ unnecessary and unconstitutional wars and their sending of many tens of billions of dollars in aid for foreigners, while Americans at home are malnourished and their infrastructure is left unbuilt; and prevented additional tax cuts for all Americans. Worse, they and their foreign allies have, since 2016, worked with great determination to overthrow the entire republican system of government in the United States. Is there a punishment too severe for this anti-American behavior? I think there is not, no matter how bloody.

Several hundred years ago, a distinguished Jesuit priest named Balthasar Grecian – a strong, honest, and learned man, unlike today’s effeminate, pro-depravity, anti-America Jesuits and their Clown-Socialist-Pope – wrote a book of maxims about how life should be lived, one of which is particularly pertinent to the situation that the pro-Constitution American citizenry faces today. “A happy finish makes everything shine,” Fr. Grecian advised, “no matter how unfitting the means may have been. Which explains why at times it should be a rule to offend the rules when it is not possible by other means to attain a happy ending.” (2)

Enough is enough. The U.S. Constitution clearly prescribes the proper rules for ending America’s current insurrection. Given that fact, the Trump administration is obligated by the Constitution to use effective force to end the insurrection and restore republican government nationwide. If the loyal parts of the U.S. military need help in accomplishing these ends, there is an enormous the pool of former and combat-experienced soldiers and Marines to draw from, and an even larger body of private and well-armed male and female citizens who are willing to join militia units.



–1.) Artilce Section 4, Section 4,

–2.) Balthasar Grecian. The Art of Worldly Wisdom, Maxim No. 66

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As the time to fight nears, let the enemy start the war

“You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass.” Japanese Admiral Isokuru Yamamot0, c. 1941

One piece of important news this week is that many retail suppliers of small-arms ammunition have little stock remaining on their shelves. Ammunition makers will replenish stocks over time, but, for now, you can be sure that Americans have stocked their own shelves with ammunition to a point where you can hear them groaning. If the need comes, that ammunition can feed the millions of weapons Americans have been buying in 2020 for a considerable period of time.

Such an arsenal, of course, has been built up held for use against tyranny in the form of the Democrats, their allies in big-tech, media, and Wall Street, and the party’s rabid anti-American followers, if they (a) succeed in stealing the presidential election, (b) order lock-downs across the entire country or in substantial parts of it, (c) rejoin the Paris Climate accord and end fracking, fossil-fuel development, and energy indepeendence; (d) mandate forced vaccinations of all Americans, or (e) any other crack-brained ideas that party leaders arranged to have flow out of the mouth of that treasonous felon, China Joe.

The foregoing is obvious, and so is the need for patience and orderly behavior – unless attacked – on the part of all loyal Americans. We have armed ourselves and otherwise prepared to destroy China Joe and all that he and his party represent. But it is essential that American loyalists let the enemy initiate war. The Democrats came close last weekend by attacking families, women, and children after the Washington rally, but the party’s official terrorists were chased away by patriots. Yes, the Democrats have been  waging a rhetorically vicious and often violent war against loyal Americans and their property since 2008, but we must let them take an action that will immediately cement the unity of loyalists, just as Japans’ raid on Pearl Harbor did in December 1941.

So be calm and let the constitutional process reach completion; all may yet be well. But if China-agent Joe is given the presidency, it will be clear that the Constitution is played out for the time being, and can only be restored by force. At that point, the exploitation of 2nd Amendment becomes justified under the guidance of Thomas Jefferson and his colleagues in the Continental Congress, which states that

“when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.–Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government.”

When this occurs, China Joe and his gang will not have the savvy and wisdom of Japan’s Admiral Yamamoto. Instead, the response of the Democrats and their allies will be powered only by hate, and they are so blinded by their hatred for the President Trump, the American republic, and its history, as well as by their contempt for the intelligence of loyal Americans, that they will be shocked when the party’s terrorist forces and traitorous U.S. military personnel are struck by fire from “a rifle behind every blade of grass.” And, you can bet, there will be far more trained riflemen, armed with far more capable rifles, that send them to perdition than anything Yamamoto could have imagined in 1941.

One final thought, the media is reporting that some Democratic governors and mayors are going to send their police forces to private homes on Thanksgiving – and again on Christmas – supposedly to make sure that not too many people have gathered to thank the Lord and share a meal. Now this is both childish and authoritarian on its face, but perhaps it is more than that. Once these armed and Democrat-owned policemen enter your house, might they not also ask the home owner if there are arms in the house and demand to examine and/or seize them?

Americans ought to keep their eyes peeled for visiting policemen on Thanksgiving Day, especially in Michigan and Virginia.


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It is time to polygraph private-citizen Joe Biden on three issues

In case there still are people who believe Joe Biden is eligible to be president of the United States, they should consider the following three points:

–1.) He willing participated in an Obama-government-led attempt — in cooperation with foreign powers — to overthrow a legitimately elected president of the United States.

–2.) He knowingly made himself, and his position as vice-president, the indispensable parts of successful international operation that allowed Biden, his son, his brother, and others in his family and entourage to make a fortune because of Biden’s willingness to served as an informant and a suborned-asset for the Chinese Communist and Russian governments.

–3.) He brazenly used a billion U.S.-taxpayer dollars to extort the Ukrainian government, forcing it, by threatening to withhold the aid, to fire one its prosecutors, a man who was leading a corruption investigation aimed at a company called Barisma, where Biden’s son was on the board and earning $83,000 a month.

Those former government, military, and intelligence officials who are calling for Biden to receive briefings using classified U.S. national-security materials  are every bit as much traitors as are — at least — Biden, his son, and his brother.

But, let us be fair. Let the Director of National Intelligence arrange a polygraph examination for Biden, and have it conducted by a trusted and skilled polygrapher, who would focus on the three points above. Odds are that Biden, soon after the test, would be faced with multiple criminal investigations, each leading to indictment for treason.

The American republic needs no part of a man who sought the presidency — and won it through illegal activities — so that he could immunize himself from punishment for his treasonous activities.

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No unity; no healing; damn the Democrats and media; pray for God’s help, but arm to save America

“Folks we got a lot of work to do. I don’t need you to get me elected, I need you once I’m elected.” Joe Biden (1)

“We have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.” Joe Biden (2)

“China is going to eat our lunch? Come on, man. … I mean, you know, they’re not bad folks, folks. But guess what, they’re not, they’re not competition for us.” Joe Biden (3)

Enough was enough. Now it is too much. After, four-plus years of torment from the Democrats and the media, is time to slay the republic’s domestic enemies.

–Voting inexplicably halted nearly simultaneously on election night in states where Trump was ahead, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, Nevada, Georgia, and North Carolina.

–In the middle of the night, large dumps of ballots are deposited in several of those states. All are marked for Biden. None for Trump. None of the other local and state candidates listed on the ballots are marked.

–Vote counting drags on for days. Republican ballot watchers are not allowed to get close enough to see how votes are evaluated. The major networks – including the Democrats’ two-bit whores at FOX – declare that the criminal, half-wit, Chinese agent, and his sleep-around partner, are elected. The major networks, too, are Democratic whores. Graft from the Democrats (and China?) is the only skin they have in the game.

–Credible reports pour in of vote fixing, deleting, destroying, back-dating, and dumping in areas away from voting stations. Numerous individuals swear out affidavits testifying to witnessing lawlessness in vote counting. The number of such individuals is increasing.

–The media-anointed, Chinese-agent from Delaware declares he will work for unity among all Americans. He is a daft, lying, and eternally greedy slug. He always has been. He is a desperate criminal and is in need of an aggressive polygraph examination about his own and his family’s close connections to the Beijing regime.

China-Joe’s unity and healing mean the continued education of children by anti-American, Marxist teachers; restarting overseas military interventionism; the seeking of war with Russia; the identification of all forms of sexual depravity as normal; further development of minority rule and hatred for whites; the export of American jobs and businesses to appease and enrich China; the maintenance of the Biden crime family’s income from Chinese and Russian payoffs; an end to the national government’s campaign to stop woman-and-child traffickers; the end of criminal investigations into child abusers like Hunter Biden, Bill Clinton, and their associates, as well as the sponsors and clients of Jeffrey Epstein; the dismantling of the border wall; Supreme Court packing, and the making of two third-world entities – DC and Puerto Rico – into states.

In addition, China-Hillary, like China-Joe, will continue to be paid by Beijing for compromising U.S. military technology to China, and for identifying U.S. human-intelligence assets there; the U.S. energy industry will be gutted; freak balls like Cortez, Omar, and easy-Kamala will be in charge of applying BLM and ANTIFA terrorism against Trump, his family, and their supporters in all walks of life; taxes will skyrocket; retirement accounts will be gutted; jobs-for-minorities-first will be expanded and accelerated; and such lawless and traitorous wastes of skin as Comey, Brennan, Clapper, Hillary, McCabe, Holder, Sally Yates, John Kerry,  Loretta Lynch, Strzok, and Lisa Page, will be rehabilitated and given renewed access to the taxpayer-filled trough from which they have long and feloniously fed.

It seems unlikely that this kind of unity and healing is acceptable to Trump’s supporters. Indeed, it could be accepted by no decent and loyal American, a species of which the Democratic Party is devoid. Trump supporters want no war, only the rule of law, as did the founding generation in 1775. But if the Democrats and their supporters want war, they can have it.

Patience and peaceful behavior must prevail until the justice system again proves itself corrupt and partisan. If that occurs, recall and act on the order Captain John Parker gave his 77 militiamen at Lexington Green on 19 April 1775. “Don’t fire unless fired upon,” Parker instructed them,” But, if they want to have a war, let it begin here.” (1)





–4.) Quoted in



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It would be the hardest but most important decision in America’s history

“And those times are perilous indeed, wherein men shall be only lovers of their own selves, having no concern for the public. Should we go to pagans to learn this god-like virtue? Even they can teach it. [A Christian lacking patriotism] would be a reproach not only to his religion, a religion of charity and beneficence, but even to our own common nature, as corrupt and depraved as it is. But how much more infamous were this, in persons of public character? On those whom the welfare of their country, under providence, immediately depends.” Rev. Jonathan Mayhew, Sermon, 1754 (1)

Life is full of hard decisions, but I am not sure that any American has faced a harder decision than the one that may soon come President Trumps’ way. That decision, if it becomes necessary, would be based on the question: “Do I turn over the presidency, the national government, and the republic’s survival to this man Biden and his criminal gang, all of whom are active covert agents of the Beijing regime and, apparently, the Russian government?”

The evidence showing that Joe Biden, most of his family, and the members of their loyal entourage, are engaged in corrupt and treasonous actions directed against the American republic is voluminous, reliably sourced from multiple reporting streams, and illuminated by documents, photos, first-hand testimony, and videos. Perhaps most important, the evidence is heavily underscored by the Democrats and the media having already stolen four years of the republic’s life in multiple criminal and treasonous attempts to overthrow a legitimately elected president and his administration.

It also underscored by several other facts. If Biden is elected:

–The president-elect will be mentally deranged, word slurring, and probably would not live long after the inauguration. His number would come up either via illness, or by poison or a bullet from his inner circle. In running for the presidency, Biden served Beijing, Moscow, a China-backed U.S. political party, and his family’s unquenchable greed, all of which he obviously loves far more than his country and its people.

–While a president-elect Biden’s death would be cause for celebration — marking one less dedicated foe of liberty — it would pave the way for a veneer of socialism which would hide the tyranny being installed by the Democrats and the media. His vice president is a cypher, but she will do until she is no longer needed and can be disposed of. Those who decide when she becomes a martyr, would first destroy what is left of the republic’s Constitution and the rule of law.

–How would the tyrants accomplish the end of the republic? Here it is important to review the names found on two recent public communiques — one of 500 signatures, the other of 50– that support Biden. These documents are signed by long disloyal senior U.S. intelligence officers — including several senior CIA leaders I worked with or for; multiple traitorous U.S. generals and admirals; and large numbers of ambassadors and lower-ranking diplomats from  the State Department, which has long been the center of the most intense anti-Americanism in the federal civil service. Each of those signers are willing and capable of stepping forth to help Biden and his party to control the national government and end the republic. All of them belong in Guantanamo Bay.

There are many other reasons to try to hold onto power, but the most important can be found in the oath-of-office President Trump swore on 17 January 2017:

 “I, Donald John Trump, do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. So help me God.” (2)

Having thus pledged his loyalty and commonsense to loyal Americans, their Constitution, and to the Lord, President Trump must never turn power over to Biden and his traitorous cabal. Oddly, the Constitution implies, but does not  explicitly demand or order, that a sitting president must turn power over to a victorious rival. It is a custom and tradition that was established in 1800 when John Adams turned over power to Thomas Jefferson.

Obviously, this is a tradition that should be revered and honored in every conceivable circumstance, except one. And that one may present itself in the week ahead Why? Because the current would-be successor to the presidency clearly intends to destroy the republic and enslave all Americans under a knotted whip, using such tools as court-packing, internment camps, lock-downs, the seizing of personal arms, and via a copied-from-China surveillance program for watching all Americans, all the time. The most dangerous domestic enemies and threat the republic has ever faced – not excepting Southern secessionists – are to be found among Biden and his fellow members of the Democratic Party’s utterly corrupt and anti-liberty majority, which is a stinking morass of elitists, globalists, flag officers, atheists, abortionists, media shills, vote-riggers, senior civil servants, censors, thieves, two-bit grifters, minority-supremacists, freed felons, child-abusers like Hunter Biden and Bill Clinton, socialists, anarchists, and terrorists.

So hold the presidential office against all comers, Mr. President. If U.S. flag officers turn on you, the military’s junior officers and enlisted men and women will stay the course and defend the republic. You have great personal courage, Sir, and you also enjoy the unbreakable allegiance of tens of millions of well-armed Americans — men and women. To buck yourself up a bit, Mr. President, recall and apply Churchill’s response to the actions of his nation’s enemies: “The enemies ranged against us, coalesced and combined against us, have asked for total war. Let us make sure they get it.” (3)

Finally, Mr. President, your supporters know that you identify yourself as a Republican, but, in reality, you are, like America’s Founders, a republican. And those of us who, like you, count themselves as republicans, see you in the same way that Churchill saw T.E. Lawrence [Lawrence of Arabia], namely: “If things were going badly, how glad one would be to see him come ’round the corner.”[4]

Glad to have you with us, Sir.



–1.) B.F. Melton, Jr. (Ed.), The Quotable Founders, Dulles, VA, Potomac Books, 2004, pp. 211-212


–3.) Frederick Talbott. Churchill on Courage. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1996, Speech on 30 December 1941

–4.) Ibid., Speech on 3 October 1936

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The China Virus is meant to create tyranny

Okay, I am not the smartest old man on the block. But, really, do the Democrat-and-Chinese operatives who run the national and state medical/health establishments in this country believe that Americans are not going to see the obvious deceit in reports that show larger daily totals of new China Virus “cases” are occurring in lockstep with each day we draw nearer to the election?

The truth about the China Virus, of course, is that the Chinese regime delivered it to the United States via Chinese nationals sent under the guise of holiday travelers.

–Remember that Pelosi and de Balsio urged people to visit their respective Chinatowns and eat in the restaurants there.

–Remember that Fauci, Birx, and Redfield have worked cheek-by-jowl with Chinese doctors — Chinese intelligence operatives, in fact — for decades, and that Fauci arranged U.S. taxpayer-funding for the Wuhan laboratory in which Chinese military scientists produced the Chinese Virus.

–Remember the virulent and clearly deranged opposition these three, the national medical establishment, and the media have waged against the use of hydroxychloroquine and other drugs that would have saved many lives. There is nothing these people love more than dead Americans.

–Finally, remember that all of these Democratic politicians, national government doctors, and the media love death. Sixty-one million dead infants, unnecessary wars that murder and maim the nation’s military-service personnel, and utter support for the madman Bill Gates, whose goal is to kill most of the world’s population, and, in America, especially old people and minorities. Do you actually think it is a coincidence that the Chinese Virus has sickened and killed — on the abortion model — a higher percentage of African-Americans than people in other racial groups? Abortion and the Chinese Virus are both tools used by the Democrats to try to eradicate Black Americans. (NB: It also is worth noting that the destruction and casualties caused by the Democrats’ ANTIFA and BLM terrorist groups have hurt Black Americans, and their small businesses, more than any other group of Americans.)

All told, even this particular old man is not dull enough to fail to perceive the Democrat’s  lethal war on all Americans of all colors who disagree with them, as well as on those who are prepared to forcefully block their installation of tyranny. The latest, daily rise in Chinese Virus “cases”, and the pandemic as a whole, are simply being manipulated by China-owned political, medical, and media U.S.-citizen operatives to bankrupt and enslave Americans

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