Biden, his party, and their allies will not escape the retribution Q predicted

It is rare in life to learn so much, so quickly. Since 20 January 2021, Biden and his talentless and widely depraved entourage have taught all Americans the most important lesson of their lives – the Democrats and their tech, Wall Street, and media allies hate them and want most of them dead and the rest enslaved and poverty-stricken. The Biden team so far has:

–Crushed more than 50,000 well-paying jobs and offered them no options for alternate work except to mockingly suggest they can work as code writers and solar-panel makers, jobs that exist primarily in India, China, and other locations abroad.

–Opened the southern border for the easy and unlimited entry of criminals of all kinds, child-and-woman traffickers, diseased Chinese Flu-spreaders, murderers, rapists, child molesters, fentanyl traffickers, and American-job stealers.

–Restarted U.S. participation in wars in Syria and Yemen, began seeking war with Russia, began purging the U.S. military of all those who not share the anti-human doctrine of the Democratic Party, and began an intervention in the politics of Burma.

–Ended U.S. energy independence and started the process of plaguing working Americans with ever-higher energy prices, particularly at the gas pump.

–Converted the nation’s capital city into an armed camp, surrounding that cesspool with military forces, armored vehicles, tall fences, and razor wire. All this to protect the politicians in both parties and the civil service who are working to kill Americans and their republic.

–Rewarded the Chinese Communist Party for its policies of mass murder, fixing the U.S. 2020 election, and enslaving its people to ensure ever-growing wealth for Biden, his family, and the enormous number of Democrats and Republicans who have long been on Beijing’s payroll.

–Prepared a c.$2 trillion Chinese Virus relief package, only 9-percent of which will be delivered to out-of-work Americans. (Add 7 Mar 21: The bill also promises to cover 120-percent of loans belonging to “ranchers and farmers” as long they are not members of the white race.)

–Readied legislation that is meant to end the 1st and 2nd Amendments and to permanently change national voting so as to perpetually fix national elections in favor of the Democrats and China.

–Continued to refuse to tell Americans that Fauci and his gang of murderers knew from that start that hydroxychloroquine killed the Chinese Virus and, if widely used, would have prevented most deaths from the Chinese Virus. (Add 7 March 21: Biden and his Dachau-trained health advisers have scrapped Trump’s cuts in medicine prices, allowing them to soar. This policy aims particularly at the Democrats favorite kill’em all targets: children in need of EpiPens, and Blacks in need of insulin.)

–Rejoined the Paris Climate Accord – which is based on as much or more bad high-school science as the Chinese Virus – which is meant to destroy America’s working class and impoverish all Americans save those favored by the Democrats, George Soros, China, and Bill Gates.

The foregoing of course is not a complete list of the Biden’s gang war of extermination against loyal Americans. The war will continue at the remarkable pace maintained by the Biden administration during its first six weeks. Blips will occur, however. Before long they will have to force the demented, nearly brain-dead Biden out of office – using the 25th Amendment – or by simply murdering him, as they did Justice Scalia. Then they will have find an unconstitutional way to move the play-toy-of-so-many into Biden’s spot, as she is constitutionally disqualified to serve as president.

Through all of this, the Democrats will speedily press forward with their war of extermination against the citizenry by forcing the inoculation of all with a vaccine that, for being safe, is toting up rather large numbers of dead and maimed. Speed, after all, is their only hope because they know that Trump knows, and has incontrovertible evidence of, every heinous crime they have committed and reveled in, and will use it at a time of his choosing.

But how do they know Trump knows it all? Well, Q’s job was as much to inform the enemy of their coming annihilation as it was to teach patriots the truth and prepare them to resist and defeat the savagely anti-human foe depicted in that truth. The Democrats and their fellow usurpers, felons, pedophiles, traitors, and mass murderers are fully aware of the butchers’ bill they will have to pay, and have graven in their minds that they are the ones Q repeatedly identified as people “who would never again be able to safely walk the streets.”

The Democrats are not angry and feverishly obsessed with Q because he is a source of misinformation, a dangerous cult leader, or some other phenomenon contrived in their weak and fearful minds. They are angry, obsessed, and terrified with Q because they know he is the genuine and truthful harbinger of the criminal, treasonous, and anti-human revelations that will seal their well-merited and hopefully painful doom.

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How to be less white: A memo to start you on your way

White employees of this company have been gathered here today to initiate their transformation from white supremacists to being something closer to a human being. Our CEO would like to ease your transition to betterment by providing the following sheet of items for you to take home and study. It is a checklist that will help you know what to expect for this training and to prepare for the formal start of classes next week. Study the below items long and hard, practice kneeling, and prepare for your trek to a status closer to a non-white human-being. Thank you.

–1.) Train yourself to stop speaking proper English, and slowly change your speech so you become unintelligible, sound like a moron, and pronounce only curse and racist works clearly.

–2.) Volunteer to join the team we are forming to edit Shakespeare’s white supremacist works by entering thousands of misspelled words, curses, and words found only in the Urban Dictionary. If you can draw, great. We have need for pornographic illustrations for the plays.

–3.) Build a dummy that looks like an elderly white man or woman who is handicapped, and then practice sneaking up and cold-cocking them with a fist or – better – with a metal bar. Every one of these efforts will increase your skill and ensure you can kill these old white people with just one punch or swing … and then spit on them.

–4.) Gather kindling, put on a mask, and practice using gasoline to light a fire as quickly as you can. Repeat the exercise, each time lighting a larger fire. This is important, the quicker you are at completing this process, the better chance you have to escape without being scorched by the arson fires you set in black-and-white-owned small businesses in urban areas.

–5.) Volunteer to join the committee charged with renaming America’s monuments and historical actions and sites. We are, however, very short of people worth remembering, so do the best with the little we have to work with. Following are a few of the ideas that have been submitted so far, just so you get an idea of what’s possible.

–“The Pilgrims landed at Tubman Rock after getting of the Tubmanflower”.

–For the American Revolution: “The Continental Army nearly froze at Tubman Forge.”

–For a political slogan: “Tippecanoe and Tubman too!”

–For the national anthem: “The Star Spangled Tubman”

–For the Civil War: “South attacks Fort Tubman in Charleston, and starts a war!”

–In New York harbor: The Statue of Tubman

–For World War II: “Japanese Launch Surprise Attack on Pearl Tubman!”

— For the Cold War’s end: “Ronald Tubman, Tubman Thatcher, and Pope Tubman Paul II end the Cold War!”

–6.) Learn to listen, love, and swoon over the most absurdly simplistic near-melodies ever written, which are invariably accompanied by vile, violently misogynist, and racist lyrics sung in unintelligible English.

–7.) Train yourselves to stop laughing hysterically and remain stoic when your minority teachers tearfully warn you over the dangers that lie in the blatant racist attacks known as Climate Change, Chinese Virus, white privilege, and mathematics.

–8.) Those of you who are parents must fully accept the beauty and necessity of letting your children drop out before graduating from high school. Then you must encourage male drop-outs to have multiple children of their own and then abandon them.

–9.) Train yourselves to angrily reject the deep racism of schedules, deadlines, punctuality, grades in school, manners, politeness, work ethic, and voter IDs. And, again, deploy more stoicism – never hysterical laughing – when you are taught about the glories of diversity, reparations, and multiculturalism.

–10.) Joyfully accept the death of your own race, personality, talents, language, interests, history, family, and equality before the law, and thereafter you can be our brothers and sisters and join us in extinguishing not only white supremacy, but all white people.

Study this memo thoroughly and commit it to memory. Your next steps in killing your whiteness is steep and downward, but you will soon be one of us, and will able to use the proud title limax Anthropophagos.



–1.) The Latin phrase above means “The Slug Cannibals”. See,

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A time to choose sides and steer the republic’s future

“But Eden is burning, either getting ready for elimination
Or else your hearts must have the courage for the changing of the guards”, Bob Dylan 1978 (1)

Where the spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty (2)

Now, if the national government had its head on straight, any Senator or Congressman who shows up today to participate in the impeachment of a private citizen, and ban him from seeking office for life, ought to be detained on the spot for openly, deliberately, and maliciously attacking an individual in a flagrantly unconstitutional manner. As in the cases of the 1st, 2nd, and 4th, Amendments, the language of the Constitution on the issue of impeachment is clear, and needs no lawyerly interpretation. The process is to be used only to remove an official who is serving in office. Any other use of the process is persecution not prosecution.

The Democrats seem intent on destroying not only Trump and his family, but on generally wrecking the two-plus centuries of orderly freedom that the Constitution has been used to establish and maintain. The Democrats stand for neither the Constitution nor the republic, they stand for terrorism, as in ANTIFA and BLM; they stand for racism and favor only the scum in all components of the population, men and women who would not know how to work for a living, who have accomplished little, and – after 2020 – who deserve no quarter. These people do none of heavy lifting in this country, they only seek destruction, arson, murder, rioting, depravity, and looting, as all Americans witnessed for most of 2020. These people are Scum Supremacists.

You will recall, of course, that no Democratic, media, union, or academic leader called for an end to the BLM/ANTIFA terrorist violence; they encouraged the violence all year long – even the fraudulently elected Vice President did so – and urged that it continue after the election. Perhaps this encouragement is needed in some warped way.  After all, if you do not encourage the only talent visible – namely premeditated terrorism – among the near-illiterate and mostly unintelligible groups dwelling on the Democrat plantation, there is no topic for discussion with them at all.

The Democrats’ unconstitutional impeachment project will be occurring just after the constantly vilified patriot Mike Lindell released a video called “Absolute Proof”, which proved beyond a reasonable doubt – as was said before corruption destroyed equality under the law – that Biden and Harris have never been legally elected to the positions they now hold. Lindell’s work documents the fact that the Democrats, their media shills, their Wall Street and big-business sidekicks, and probably some Republicans – the name Cheney has a ring to it, no? – allied themselves with, at least, China, Iran, Soros, Italy, and the Vatican to steal the election from Trump. That alliance is a cornucopia of treason. Lindell has delivered all the evidence demanded by the Democrats and their co-traitors across the national government and media. More than enough, praise God, to arrest, try, convict and hang them, a parade of malodorous expendables so numerous that an accelerated production of rope may be needed to keep the line moving toward the gallows.

Lindell’s irrefutable evidence is most welcome, but it shows nothing that loyal Americans did not already know. Why? Because Biden and Harris were an unelectable, substandard duo — even for Democrats. Each is, at best, a two-bit ward healer, each is on the take from foreign powers – like those sea cucumbers at Beijing dinners, Joe? – and each, over their careers, have appeared to be sociopaths, sick people who are deceitful, antisocial, able to ignore their responsibilities, and, most notable, completely lacking in conscience and empathy.

Each of these characteristics was seen in action during the 2020 campaign: Biden in the basement, Harris who knows where, with whom; neither showed any sense of responsibility for trying to stop the outrages of their Party’s paid terrorists; and on the issue of deceit, think Biden-Ukraine-China-Iran, and Harris-China-Willie.

Americans had to wait a bit to be certain that Biden and Harris lacked both conscience and empathy. But in just 21 days, they have destroyed the well-paid jobs of tens of thousands of Americans, stressed the non-negotiability of the millions of American jobs they plan to kill in the name of fighting the scientific fraud known as Climate Change, and callously told these workers to go write software code or build solar panels. They have approved, continued, and expanded the destruction of American history and its symbols, a campaign that Pelosi and her braindead, ass-kissing servants started. Their party in Congress is seeking to disarm all Americans, leaving them defenseless against the flood of criminal illegal aliens they intend to welcome with open arms and blank checks. Loving war, Biden and Harris, their lieutenants, and some Republicans have started looking for expanded wars in Syria and Afghanistan, are itching to fight Russia, and are aching to intervene in Burma to restore Soros’s globalist, puppet-poet to power. Both Biden and Harris also have fully supported the other current scientific fraud, the Chinese Virus pandemic, and intend to continue to use it – there are oh so many nasty new strains, you know – to smash small business, terrorize children and simple-minded Americans, and to build a national hatred and perhaps incite retribution against the increasing number of Americans who have called the Democrat-Fauci-Gates bluff by accurately identifying the Chinese Virus pandemic as a bad-science-based globalist attack that is meant to destroy the American middle class and the nation’s economy.

This list of examples of a complete lack of empathy, and no sign of a conscience in either Biden or Harris, or in their party and most of its supporters for that matter, took time to become clear. It was becoming apparent during the 2020 campaign, when the duo supported blocking access to Hydroxychloroquine and other curatives, and supported five Democrat governors who merrily stuffed older people into elder-care facilities to contact the Chinese Virus and die. Both actions cost tens of thousands of American lives, and Biden and Harris approved and applauded the actions of their author, Herr von Fraud Fauci.

Now, however, the Biden-Harris lack of empathy and conscience is crystal clear. Even clearer is the target that the two sociopaths and their fellow Democratic criminals/traitors are out to enslave, and kill if possible. That target is the more than 100 million loyal adult citizens who either voted for Trump and/or are conservatives or libertarians, are practicing Christians, are living more or less from check to check, and are patriots who oppose those who hate the republic’s history and symbols; the Democrats’ intense sexual depravity and pedophilia; their lust for infanticide and war; and their deep and abiding hatred for all Americans who oppose them, especially if the opponents are white.

As Mr. Dylan says above “Eden is burning” and it is time to choose. Loyal Americans can choose to allow themselves and their children to be eliminated by falsely elected, Beijing-chosen, sociopaths, or they “must have the courage for the changing of the guards.” The next step belongs to Trump and the U.S. military, they must exercise their constitutional duty to defeat all enemies foreign and domestic, and thereby quickly end the Biden-Harris reign, which encompasses both kinds of enemies. If they turn their backs on their sacred oaths, the citizenry will act and the Democrats will find they waited far too long to try and disarm Americans, men and women who will have no qualms about not only changing but wiping out their unelected and mightily detested guards, thereby returning the republic, as the Apostle said, to “where the spirit of the Lord is [because] there is liberty”.



–1.) Bob Dylan, “Changing of the Guards,” from the album Street Legal, 1978,

–2.) 2 Corinthians 3:17,

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This video proves Democrat/Deep State treason in China’s favor

If you want to know why our republic is being destroyed by traitors in the Democratic Party, the Deep State, and the media, please view the following compelling video: Please share the link as you see fit. Thank you, MFS




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Syria and Myanmar (Burma) are of zero national-security interest to the United States

America’ single political party (Democrats&Republicans) is back in the interventionist business. On his first few days in office, Biden reportedly sent additional U.S. military forces into Syria. Why? To counter the Russians of course. Obviously, brain-dead U.S. military interventionism never changes. Perhaps the bipartisan governing elite’s traditional zest for seeing body bags, severed limbs, and mentally wounded men and women coming home from overseas was so rudely denied them during the no-war Trump era, that they now need a new and steady flow of dead and maimed service personnel.

The elitists/globalists put their worthless hides at serious risk, however. After Trump’s splendid no-war performance, the U.S. military’s enlisted personnel and field grade officers surely realize that there is nothing in the Arab world worth a drop of their blood, let alone a leg or their life. Odds are that a Biden interventionist misadventure – like those of Clinton, Bush, and Obama, not meant to be won – may have the wonderful impact of convincing our ground forces that Trump is the only president since Reagan who gives a good damn about them, and that the District of Columbia is packed to the gunnels with purported people who want to spend their lives like monopoly money.

On Syria, it can only be repeated that there is not a single thing in that country that can be defined as a genuine U.S. national-security interest. The Russians are there? So what? Let them stay, their forces will consume money and materials that Putin would prefer not to expend. If the Russian military begins to lose troops in the numbers they did in Afghanistan (1979-1989), the Russian people will oppose a repeat of that fiasco. Only one country can make up a plausible fear of Russia’s presence in Syria, and that is Israel, and if Israel thinks Russia-in-Syria is a threat to its survival, let the Israeli military – with no U.S. assistance whatsoever – try to evict the Russians. Those hating Trump, after all, must pay a price for indulging in that form of dementia, and no one merits paying a steep and bloody price more that Netanyahu’s government and Jewish-Americans. In a Russia-vs-Israel fight, the American republic’s security does not have a dog in the fight, but, by God, it would be fun to sit back and watch two of the republic’s external enemies batter themselves to pulp.

Now, on to Burma or Myanmar, the choice of moniker is yours. Again, there is one question that ought to be foremost in every American’s mind when (if?) they dwell on this issue; namely, why should anyone in the United States give a good god-damn about who rules in Rangoon (AKA: Yangon)? The answer is – as in Syria – there is no reason for any American to give a damn.

U.S. and Western diplomats are screaming in horror that the Burmese military overthrew the country’s elected leader Aung San Suu Kyi and disrupted the “democratic process” she was leading. The action, the Myanamar military says, was based on her part in electoral manipulation, reportedly including the use of Dominion voting machines. (NB: Well, it clearly happened and succeeded in the United States, why not in Myanmar?) The Biden administration, of course, is yelling foul and weeping crocodile tears about Suu Kyi’s ouster. This is as it should be, as her installation as the major leader in Burma was the sole, so-called “diplomat accomplishment” over the two terms of the Obama-Biden-Clinton administration. Hillary, in particular, was just pleased as punch to be joined by a fellow incompetent-to-the-point-of-uselessness girl leader loose in the world.

The U.S. and UK campaign – beware the malign intent of Burma’s former imperial master — to put Suu Kyi in power contained only what amounted to worthless marquee claims to be a battle for freedom and democracy. The U.S. and UK governments – with the UN, the EU, George Soros, his Open Society group, and that organization’s myriad criminal affiliates – were there to secure expanded access to two of the Globalists key supply lines, one for narcotics, and the other for trafficking women and children for illicit purposes. Both have long been Globalist priorities and Burma is a place where operations supporting both goals can be conducted in a far away and difficult-to-access locale. Because the international mainstream media seldom reports on child-trafficking, it is hard to gauge the level of that particular activity. But on the narcotics front, Suu Kyi presided over the expansion of Burma’s once heroin-centric drug industry, allowing the creation of multiple new drug-trafficking opportunities, especially in the death-dealing drug fentanyl and its analogues. In May, 2020, for example, an Asian media outlet reported that

“raids, carried out between February 20 and April 9 in Kutkhai Township in Shan State, eastern Myanmar, started with a small seizure of methamphetamine tablets, and led to the discovery of 3,748.5 liters of methyl fentanyl, 193.5 million methamphetamine pills, over 500 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine, 292 kilograms of heroin, and other significant quantities of opium, morphine, ephedrine, and precursor chemicals.” (1)

Ah, yes, an Amazon-like emporium of drug products brought to you, as always, courtesy of Western elites, Soros, and the UN – and of course their apparatchik, Aung San Suu Kyi. This rancid gang of  people and organizations defrauded the Burmese people. They imposed on them not a leader, but a Globalist puppet, not unlike Biden.

And one more thing. Suu Kyi, that great champion of freedom, democracy, and human rights, could not find a moment that was appropriate to condemn, let alone try to stop, the Buddhist-clergy-backed Burmese military’s savage war against the country’s Muslim Rohingya population. To be fair, though, she surely intends to include a touching poem in her next book to commemorate and soothe the bodies of the dead Rohingya women and children that are still bobbing about in the Bay of Bengal.

Overall, U.S. military intervention abroad is always a curse on the American people, and most often it is a tool of the globalist elite to increase their wealth, expand their power, and impoverish their own people. Indeed, the only place where a wide-ranging and lethal-if-necessary U.S. military intervention is desperately needed today is in the District of Columbia. After all, the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution both declare that it is the job of the military and the citizenry alike to eradicate “all enemies foreign and domestic”. The enemy in DC is both.


–1.), 19 May 2020

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Democrat is the best synonym for “insurrectionist”

How long will loyal Americans have to watch the quickly aging dog-face of John Brennan speak utter lies about them, and heap his vile hatred on those who want the republic to survive and flourish? Who knows, but one would think it can be inexpensively stopped.

Anyway, about a year ago I did an interview with the Christian Broadcasting Network ( and explained that the Democrats have long been waging an expanding and lethal insurrection against the republic and its supporters. But, let us first explain what is not an insurrection.

An insurrection is not and never will be, in and of itself, an event such as that which occurred on 6 January 2020 at the U.S. Capitol. What happened there was a riot planned by the Democratic Party and the mayor and police forces it controls in Washington DC, with the support of Virginia’s Democratic governor. After all, the Democrats support the destruction of all of America’s historical symbols – and soon its written history — except for the building from which they hide, steal from the citizenry, and arrange their international corruption and pedophile operations; namely the U.S. Capitol. When the Democrats and their allies are arraigned, tried, and convicted, they ought to be hung from a location where, just as they drop, they can see the Capitol that they long and toxically soiled by their presence and recently tried to destroy.

The Democrats arranged the event at the Capitol, and it was just one more operation in the insurrection they have been waging against the republic for decades, but especially since mid-2015. Their illegal, destructive, treasonous, corrupt, lethal, and always revenge-compelling operations have included:

–The murder of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia.

–The massacre of more than 50 Americans at a country-music concert in Los Vegas, and the attempted murder of more than a dozen Republican representatives attending a baseball practice.  Both covered up by the FBI as the acts of a single mad individual.

–Their five-year war to overturn the will of the American patriots who elected Trump, by arguing a case based on lies and evidence that was fabricated by the Democrats, foreign intelligence services and media, the U.S.-based media, the FBI, and the Department of Justice.

–Their placement of an agent of China’s communist regime on the House intelligence committee, as well as two more Chinese agents – the faux president and his addict/pedophile son – in the White House.

–The destruction of untold numbers of the statues and other monuments that recall and rightfully honor American history. Most ludicrous, is their effort to eliminate the Army of Northern Virginia’s battle flag, the flying of which signifies love of locality and region; remembrance of those who were killed or maimed fighting for the South, a thirst for independence, and, since the war, the unequaled, almost inexplicable willingness of Americans to slowly reconcile after an enormously bloody and destructive war. That war of course had almost nothing to do with slavery. Very few Americans were motivated by slavery to wage the war that nearly destroyed their country. Slavery did not cause the war, did not motivate masses of northern men to join the Union armies, and did not motivate most Southern fighting men to fight to defend slavery. Slavery was not the cause of the war, it was its outcome, and, from a 20th and 21st century presentist perspective, a most welcome one because it powers the academy’s racist hatred for whites. To see it as the war’s cause, or a still naturally festering problem, is to believe the hogwash published these days by presentist-minded historians, men and women who are among the republic’s leading enemies.

–The Democrats running of a murderous-and-traitorous bitch for the presidency in 2016, a person who used a personal server that was built so as to allow China, Iran, Russia, Israel, and many other nations to download America’s most important classified information.

–The year-long Chinese Virus charade conducted by a coalition of Democrats, members of the AMA, the United Nations, the Beijing regime, Bill Gates, and the media. It shattered the nation’s small businesses, continues to bleed the economy, and has terrorized both children and weak and/or stupid adults who refuse to think for themselves. The faked-in-severity Chinese Virus also has been used by five Democratic governors to deliberately murder tens of thousands of the elderly, by the Speaker of the House to cover for them, as well as to provide cover for the millions of fraudulent mail-in votes for Beijing Joe, and by Fauci, other murderous federal civil servants, and their allies in the academy, China and its military, the AMA, and the UN to make hydroxychloroquine unavailable to the public in order to cause the unnecessary deaths of many ten of thousands of Americans.

–The conclusion of a deal with Iran that allows the mullahs to complete their nuclear program, and which gave Obama, the Democrats, and their foreign friends kickbacks from the massive amount of U.S. dollars they gave to Tehran.

–The economically lethal, let-‘me-eat-cake plans they have for working-class Americans, expressed most clearly by the bitch’s publicly stated intention to wreck the coal-mining industry, the Chines-agent corpse’s obliteration of more than 10,000 plus pipeline construction jobs, and by the Chinese-agent corpse and Mrs. Heinz’s daft but well-paid gigolo aristocratically advising job-losing, American workers to magically become IT technicians, code writers, or solar-panel makers.

–The multi-year campaign to block construction of the border wall so as to to maintain the massive in-flow of the Third World’s human detritus into the United States to negate the electoral power of loyal and native-born Americans, as well to destroy the tranquility and cohesiveness of American society.

–The long campaign funded and otherwise assisted by Democrats, the media, the Christian clergy, the academy, and major American businesses to falsely identify rank terrorists – ANTIFA and BLM especially – as poor, long-suffering minorities seeking social justice through the rioting, arson, killing, and physical destruction that always is the indelible trademark of fascist and racist scum.

–The complete and easily proven rigging of the 2020 presidential election by the Democrats, many Republicans, multiple foreign powers, anti-American private citizens, and some U.S. companies.

–The ongoing and growing censoring of Conservative media outlets by Google, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other pro-Democrat and treasonous U.S.-based media companies.

–The Democrats’ current efforts to prevent the employment of Conservatives, deprive them of the Bill of Rights’ protections under the 1st, 2nd, and 4th Amendments, and the party’s use of their media allies and brain-dead House members like Cortez and the truly demented Cohen to demand that Conservatives be detained for reeducation in internment camps.

–The insertion of obviously mentally ill Transsexuals into the ranks of the U.S. military to degrade morale and create a disruptive privileged class among enlisted personnel.

–The Democrats use of their complete control of FBI and Department of Justice to facilitate much of the foregoing, as well as to build from thin air “evidence” of a terrorist threat from American patriots, while preventing the exposure of hundreds of Democrats, Republicans, Hollywood’s horde of perverts, media personalities, judges, billionaires, and leading businessman as pedophiles who used Jeffrey Epstein and his international pedophile network to acquire many thousands of children to be used by them first as sex toys, then tortured, and then ritually murdered.

Is there is an insurrection in this country? Yes there is, one of longstanding duration. The foregoing points prove its existence and identifies its leaders, funders, and perpetrators. It is wholly owned and conducted by the Democratic party, many Republicans, the media, and the other subsidiary agents mentioned above. Together they can be simply and accurately defined as the “Sum of the Earth”, not at all unlike the Nazis. In fact, the Democrats and their lot are identical thereto.

There are only two options left for Loyal Americans. Either the U.S. military acts soon to remove the corpse and his gangsters from the offices they attained unconstitutionally via a rigged presidential election conducted by the Democratic Party, with the help of foreign governments. Or, if the U.S. military fails to do its obvious duty to the republic, and to the Constitution, by annihilating the Democrat-led insurrection, armed and loyal citizens will have to do their unavoidable, Declaration of Independence-defined and 2nd Amendment-enabled duty to annihilate the anti-republic insurrectionists.

Targets are plentiful, but, for now, we must be sure to hold our fire. Let the Democrats’ and Brennan’s anti-republic goons fire first; perhaps they can even be goaded into acting first. If, as part of a plan, they attack first or if they goaded into attacking, we will be fully justified in obliterating them, just as they intended and are now publicly pledging to obliterate us.

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Five days of hate and carnage: Biden and his team work to destroy the republic and its citizens

Since the 20 January 2021 inauguration that capped a foreign-supported, rigged election, faux-President Biden and the semi-humans who surround him have – in less than 120 hours – taken measures that are unconstitutional, treasonous, deeply racist, criminal, depraved, murderous, anti-Christian, job-killing, and impoverishing. Biden and his fellow traitors also have reinforced his party’s terrorist army with thousands of freed felons and unleashed it on loyal Americans. The six points that follow fully supports and amplifies the foregoing statement.

–1.) Biden deliberately showed everyone watching the inauguration that he, his party, and their supporters have zero intention of obeying the Constitution. Biden and his handlers arranged to have Bidden sworn in at 11:48 AM, ignoring the Constitution’s requirement that a new president be sworn in at noon. Biden reaffirmed this intent later in the day by disbanding the 1776 Commission, thereby making sure that Americans and their children know that their Founders, founding documents, traditions, heritage, and history will be targets for destruction by his administration

–2.) Biden has begun to payback those domestic minorities and foreigners who helped to him rig and win the 2020 election. For the Jewish-Americans and Israel government officials who helped the Democrats’ successful criminal electoral activity, Biden has rewarded his fiercest supporters – Jewish-Americans – with ten of the most important offices in the federal government: Secretary of Treasury, Secretary of State, Director of National Intelligence, Director of Homeland Security, Attorney General, White House Chief of Staff, CIA Director, Deputy Secretary of State for Political Affairs, and Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy. In doing this, Biden has deliberately assured that two foreign nations will have easy and complete access to all of the republics most important financial, diplomatic, scientific, technological, intelligence, and legal-and-security information. Biden and his family will feed it to China, and the above gang of anti-American Jewish-Americans will feed it to Israel.

–3.) Biden is ensuring that shortly, when people think of America, they will think of a relentless wave of sexual depravity, premeditated murder-by-abortion, and, overall, a libertine nation run by such clearly demented/diabolical theories as: (a.) sexual deviancy = normality; (b.) 61-plus murdered infants = progress for women; (c.) a transgendered military = stronger armed forces; and (d.) urging transgenderism on children = good parenting. These moronic theories – together with the continued forced imposition of the brain-dead theories of multiculturalism and diversity — amount to the overall Biden/Clinton/Obama/Ivy-League theory that the more Americans are pitted against each other, the stronger is the unity of the citizenry and the republic. There is no worse government than one which is run by theorists and professors, and so America now has the worst of all governments.

–4.) Kamala Harris apparently was responsible for showing Americans what Biden’s administration intends to do to Christianity. She was photographed putting her purse between her hand and the Bible so her pure (?) little hand would not touch God’s word. In short, she reaffirmed that the Biden administration has and will keep Christians and their faith on the chopping block. Perhaps worse than Harris’s deliberate attack on Christians, however, was the indelibly shameful performance of the Roman Catholic establishment. Its clergymen appeared at the inauguration, praised Biden and his team, and gave Communion to Biden and other so-called Catholics in is administration, even though every action they have taken so far screams their intent to ensure the process of murdering infants accelerates.

–5.) Biden also has been quick to payback the Americans and foreigner – Chinese, Italians, British, Saudis, Israelis, etc. – who rigged the presidential election so it appeared that he won, which he did not. Biden has paid these criminal cretins back by hurting those they hate the most; namely, working class Americans. Biden terminated the XL Pipeline, unconstitutionally joined the Paris Climate Accord, and ended fracking on federal territory, thereby ending U.S. energy independence and erasing tens of thousands of jobs. Members of energy-related unions whose leaders supported Biden ought to create empty leadership offices – by any means necessary — and fill them with hard-assed and dedicated enemies of any U.S. president or elected official who blithely destroys jobs to help foreigners and shackle Americans to the climate-change fraudsters who intend to impoverish most Americans.

–6.) Biden and his team of insanely violent Visigoths, in less than a week, have reinforced the Democrat Party’s terrorist army by ordering ICE to free from prison 14,000 illegal-alien criminals, and stopping the deportation of illegal aliens to their home countries. These people will join with the many thousands of felons who have been released – or never arrested — by Democratic governors during 10 months of the Chinese-Virus fraud, and both groups will become forces allied to BLM and ANTIFA, and together they will kill, rob, beat, rape, burn, and generally endanger the lives of loyal Americans, their children, and their businesses. If anyone thinks Biden and his party do not intend to have these forces punish Americans who supported Trump, just recall they have been practicing this kind of mass murder throughout 2020 by preventing Americans from using cheap and safe hydroxychloroquine to easily beat the Chinese Virus, and by packing many thousands of the elderly into facilities that became nothing short of charnel houses.

Whether Trump comes back and removes the Biden administration via constitutional means; the loyal portions of the U.S. military rid the republic of his spreading pestilence; or the citizenry takes up the solemn duty assigned to them by Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights and eliminates those attacking them and their liberty, or perhaps some combination of the three, Biden’s administration must and will be destroyed by loyal Americans. That comprehensive destruction cannot be inflicted too soon or too painfully.

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Democrats and Social Justice advocates are today’s Nazis, and they are proud of that fact

What has been long a clear fact is now dawning as a surprise for many people in the United States. Namely, that the Democrats have nursed their longtime Black slaves, as well as the wealthy whites they have so miserably educated over three generations, to become vicious racists.

Listen to them speak and hear Joseph Goebbels in multiple Democrat leaders and their boundlessly racist automatons, people like Shirley Jackson Lee, Jack Dorsey, the new Black-Nazi, wife-abusing senator from Georgia, all CNN anchors, and the loser/Chinese agent from California, Swalwell. Watch Fauci, Gates, Cuomo, Whitmer, and Newsom deal with the Chinese Virus and see these would-be Mengeles joyfully arranging the murder of hundreds of thousands, and applying their lethal Nazi venom especially to the elderly. Listen to Jerry Nadler – the reincarnation of the lard-laden Goering – pontificate on the Democrat reality that the law is what the party says it is.

Watch Durbin, Pelosi, Hoyer, and “yes-boss” Clyburn – he who is required to say “Yes, Marse Nancy” to his white overseer Pelosi – emote hate for Trump supporters with all the passion of fully indoctrinated SS officers. Then watch ten Republican representatives — among them traitorous Neocon swine like Cheney, Crenshaw, and Kinzinger — rush to join the Nazi Democrats in lynching Trump, while audibly a humming the Nazis’ Horst Wessel Song, and thinking how easily the Democrats suborned the Capitol police, the FBI, and the DC police force.

The Democrats, on the model Germany’s National Socialists, already have pledged to disarm Americans and deprive Trump supporters of private-sector employment, education, federal jobs, and the protections of the First Amendment, especially free speech, the right to assemble and carry arms, and the practice of Christianity. They have pledged to open reeducation camps which will be used to “de-program” Trump supporters, as well as to take away their children to ensure they are not politically poisoned by their parents. Across the Democrat Party’s membership and among their Wall Street and media allies. pro-Trump populists have long been derided as hicks, rubes, and buffoons, not to mention lesser human beings, just as Nazi leaders, Nazi media outlets, and pro-Nazi industrialists, film-makers, bankers, and arms-makers spoke of pro-Weimar-Republic Germans and German Jews.

And speaking of Jews, let’s think about where Jewish-Americans have placed their bets, which is, as it happens, a place that may well prove fatal to their interests, perhaps their lives. Since Trump declared his candidacy for president, the leaders of the Jewish-American community and their underlings — driven by a quite-mad hatred for Trump — have placed their allegiance and future safety first with Hillary Clinton, now with Biden. Jewish-American-owned media outlets, banks, and businesses, as well as large numbers of Jewish-American journalists, politicians, academics, billionaires, movie stars, philanthropists, heath-care advocates, and ordinary citizens have attacked Trump and his supporters with a degree of vitriolic hate and murderous intent at least equal to that expressed by any other Democratic faction.

Oddly, these Jewish anti-Trumpers have tied themselves to a party whose overwhelming rancidness and tyrannical instincts is colored by a well-articulated and ominously black shade – the Swastika’s color, you know — of anti-Semitism. Indeed, even that great champion of Israel-First and Jewish supremacy, Bill Krystal, and his ass-backwards, perhaps perverted Lincoln Project, have hung their war-loving, Jewish-Americans-must-rule flag on a Democratic Party, an organization that, as a matter of doctrine, hates him, his group, and American Jews generally.

The latter, in particular, may well find that the consequences of letting their irrational personal hatred for Trump drive them, also permits them to enter the Biden era – if it begins — only to be eaten by their own Jew-and-Israel hating, anti-Trump Democratic comrades. The cost of their hateful obsessions about Trump and his supporters may well teach them that “never again” is always an aspiration never a fact, and that by aligning themselves with the Democrats they may have enabled a replay of past events. Quite a price to pay for being animated by unfettered hatred.

All told, then, the annihilation or enslavement of American whites at all levels of society seems the main goal of a Democratic party that is dominated  by the American Nazis who compose the Democratic Party. Biden already has promised financial help for all small businesses, so long as they are not owned by whites. Draft federal anti-terrorism laws are said to focus on white males. And just listen to the pure anti-white racism that flows out of the mouths of Jackson Lee, Harris, Warnock, and many other blacks in the Democrats caucus. It is not hard to imagine what they are up to and what they dream about.

Only one thing is left that will repel – or at least make difficult — the Democrats’ planned final solution, and that, obviously, is the Founders’ gift of the Second Amendment. The Biden-led American Nazis’ must be allowed to start their pogrom for white destruction. The patience of loyal Americans must be strong enough to allow their racist enemies to fire the first shot. After that, the war for the republic and liberty will be in full swing, and probably fought out under a black flag, meaning no quarter. War does, after all, often decide an issue with finality, in one way or another. The Democrats are positioning themselves to painfully learn that fact.



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A fence around the Capitol makes tyranny official and civil war certain

We can always depend on the Democrats and Republicans to steadily clarify that they compose a single-party tyranny. They exploited 9/11 to make themselves nearly inaccessible to the citizenry. Absurd levels of security made it such a pain to visit the Capitol that it was hardly worth the time to try. Their mail from citizens was delayed interminably to allow it to be checked for biological or chemical weapons after a few weaponized envelopes arrived at government facilities. They probably were sent by the FBI or another three-letter agency to justify denying citizens letter-access to their representatives. That left e-mail, which can be silently and immediately deleted with a single click. And, have you ever tried to contact the office of your senator or representative by telephone? Usually, you are diverted to a recording machine, or given a long list of confusing options. All of this was meant to close off Congress and Senate from the people they regard as untermenschen, hate with a passion, and whom they need only every two or four years from September to November.

Now the the 535 corrupt tyrants have completed the isolation job with a very tall and strong fence around the capitol, as if any loyal Americans retained the slightest interest in dealing with them in any manner but a final one. These 535 individuals are absolutely “the enemy of the people”. They are the friends only of violent minorities, pedophiles, grifters, extortionists, sexual deviants, arsonists, socialists, communists, thieves, anti-American foreigners, narcotics, women, and child traffickers, illegal aliens, Wall Street and Big Tech gangsters, and traitorous federal bureaucrats and U.S. military general officers.

Behind the new fence lies the malignant hive of those seeking to murder the republic and its supporters and their families. The inhabitants of the hive are living in their perfect world, no citizens have access to them as the fill their pockets, torture children, pass information to China for reward, impoverish and enslave the citizenry, and destroy the Constitution and the republic.

Soon, however, they will discover that they have placed themselves in a self-made prison. Though they are invulnerable heroes in their own minds, they are the fully identified and easily located. And that fence, well its posts are tall enough to serve multiple purposes, one of which may well be hanging stations.

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The nearing civil war should surprise no one

Since the 2016 presidential campaign, loyal Americans have been hounded, beaten, ridiculed, censored, terrorized, and deliberately barred from employment and schools. Their businesses, homes, restaurants, gas stations, and automobiles have been burned, or otherwise trashed. Many of the nation’s police departments have specialized in protecting rioters, looters, thieves, traitorous politicians, and Molotov-cocktail throwers. Their political system has been suborned by China, and the U.S. elite wants Beijing’s agent Biden to be president.

All told, for 5.5 years the elites of Wall Street, most of both political parties, Big Tech, Hollywood, and mainstream/cable media have pampered, funded, honored, bent-over to, and incited the nation’s vilest human scum, of all colors and sexes, to stage unrelenting attacks on the lives, homes, livelihoods, property, jobs, and republic of loyal Americans of all colors. Both this scum and their elite abettors have strutted about with enormous hubris, arrogance, and absolute, deliberate, and perhaps fatal ignorance of the lives, faith, and patriotism of their fellow work-a-day citizens. None of this bunch seems to have recalled one of the wisest, almost Biblical, truisms in the English language: “What goes around, comes around.”

During the mid-afternoon of 6 January 2021 some disturbances began to occur near and in the Capitol. There is a chance that the Democrats’ terrorist groups — ANTIFA and BLM — joined the pro-Trump crowd and began the violence. That said, it really does not matter who started things today. Loyal Americans have taken extreme abuse for 5.5 years. Their willingness to keep taking it has now ended, once for all. Short of Trump pulling a miracle out of his head, war is coming.

The greatest, if perhaps the least known, of all American state papers — On the Necessity and Causes of Taking up Arms (6 July 1775) — was written by John Dickinson and Thomas Jefferson. In this paper, not the Declaration of Independence, lies the truest expression of the “American mind” and precisely describes the the exhaustion and determination of a loyal and patient people.

We are reduced to the alternative of chusing an unconditional submission to the tyranny of irritated ministers, or resistance by force. The latter is our choice. We have counted the cost of this contest, and find nothing so dreadful as voluntary slavery. Honor, justice, and humanity, forbid us tamely to surrender that freedom which we received from our gallant ancestors, and which our innocent posterity have a right to receive from us. …

We exhibit to mankind the remarkable spectacle of a people attacked by unprovoked enemies, without any imputation or even suspicion of offence. They boast of their privileges and civilization, and yet proffer no milder conditions than servitude or death.

In our own native land, in defence of the freedom that is our birth-right, and which we ever enjoyed till the late violation of it – for the protection of our property, acquired solely by the honest industry of our fore-fathers and ourselves, against violence actually offered, we have taken up arms. We shall lay them down when hostilities shall cease on the part of the aggressors, and all danger of their being renewed shall be removed, and not before. (1)

Amen, and Amen.




















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