–“Be it remembered, however, that liberty must at all hazards be supported. We have a right to it derived from our Maker. But if we had not, or fathers have earned and bought it for us, at the expense of their ease, their pleasure, and their blood.” John Adams, 1765 (1)
–An armed people must necessarily be a fee people. All the parchment in the archives are of less force than a single musket in maintaining the liberties of the citizen.” John Randolph of Roanoke, 1808 (2)
I try to take most criticism with equanimity, but at times the difference between conflicting views and assessments, as well as the critiques from an assortment of ignorant jackasses, is a bit much to silently accept.
After my last article, I got notes from several people who said something akin to “ You bastard? How dare you call for armed revolution?!!!” Well, this was too much for me. It also surprised me that any American could have missed the obvious fact that the Democrats and their malevolent domestic and foreign allies have been waging war on loyal Americans for six years.
I also was taken aback that any American could be so uneducated or forgetful not to know that there never has been a revolution in the United States in the same sense as those that occurred in France, Russia, China, Cambodia, Cuba and elsewhere. Such ignorance and lack of commonsense makes constructive discussion unlikely. How do you debate the issue of war if your critic does not know that the Founders’ specifically provided for the citizenry’s ability to destroy a government — like Biden’s — that not only refuses to protect it and serve its interests, but actively attacks its people directly and using fanatic and ill-disguised affiliates.
The above-noted revolutions, of course, were simply mad exercises in bloodlust, led by psychopaths and gangsters who specialized in using barbarity and mass slaughter to secure tyrannical power and unlimited wealth for the few. None of those nations have ever really recovered from the trauma that attended their revolutions, and none can be seen by a decent human as being a safe model for securing freedom and liberty.
America’s war against Britain between 1775 and 1783 is now routinely and mistakenly called a “revolution”, thanks to an educational system that has taught multiple generations of American students to believe one revolution is the same as the next; indeed, that they are all carried out by the likes of Bolsheviks and Maoists, and that all revolutions are good. This is an untruth that could be drummed into students only by dimwits, liars, or traitors; that is, members of the Democratic Party.
The British North Americans’ war against Great Britain was fought by its backers on the basis of the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries’ understanding of the word “revolution”. In those centuries, as the fine British-born, U.S.-based historian Guy Chet has explained, the word revolution
“meant a 360-degree movement – a movement by which one revolves, or circles, arriving once again at the beginning point. … Indeed, the term ‘revolution’ conferred legitimacy on the seemingly radical act of armed revolt against the government by calling attention to the fact that these movements [Britain’s Glorious Revolution (1688) and British North America’s revolution] were not radical, but traditionalist, anchored in law and ancient customs.” (3)
The finest American historian, Walter A. McDougall, likewise explains,
“Some readers may have noticed that the words “revolution” and “modern” have scarcely appeared in this book. This is because people of the 16th through the 18th centuries defined them so differently than we do today, their use might confuse more than clarify. In their parlance, the word revolution implies an orbit, a revolving back to some prior position. As for “modern,” its original meaning was simply “current” – what is (or is fashionable) today. … To impose twenty-first century usages on earlier eras is even more problematical because ‘revolutionary’ is likely to conjure images of Robespierre’s and Lenin’s class conflicts and utopian ideologies anachronistic in a pre-1792 setting.” (4)
These two quotes point directly to why the coming and much-provoked armed activities of loyal Americans can in no way be described as a “revolution” of the type that has slaughtered many tens of millions in Russia, Cuba, China, Cambodia, Venezuela, Spain, and other places in the 20th and early 21st century.
No, what will come the way of the sad-sack, racist, and often depraved goons who are seeking the same results as Hitler, Lenin, Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao, et. al will be actions that exact a stiff, bloody, and final price, one that will be more than commensurate with the horror, violence, child abuse, arson, and tyranny they are now imposing on loyal Americans and their families, communities, faith, and history and by their systematic stripping away the citizenry’s rights. The rescue of these rights is why loyal Americans will be taking up arms and, with them, will permanently rid their republic of these racist, anti-human, and murderous barbarians.
What will motivate loyal Americans to wage this fight is their confidence in the fact they own these threatened liberties and that, with them, they and generations of their ancestors created the most humane, tolerant, peaceful, Christian, and fair-minded nation in history, one that lasted until the Bushes, the Clintons, the Obamas, the Bidens, and those they lead began their endless wave of thievery, murder, and destruction against the republic, its people, and its Constitution.
Today’s loyal Americans were not spoken of by Professor Chet, but his words about the fierce devotion of Colonial Americans to English liberties and their willingness to fight to reclaim them will ring true to today’s loyal citizens. For Americans of the colonial era and today, “a liberty belonged to someone as a possession, meaning that the possessor had the right to defend his exclusive use of it, as a property owner has the right to exclude others from his or her property.” (5)
Again, what Biden and his domestic and foreign allies want to do is to take from loyal Americans the rights they own as personal property, rights given to them by God, and rights guaranteed against government intervention by the Founders’ Constitution and the Bill of Rights. British North American leaders during the years between 1764 and 1783 made it eternally clear that they were seeking the restoration of the rights – they called them “English liberties” — that the British government had restricted or eliminated in defiance of its own constitution. Their war was meant to return the colonies to a state where British North Americans again enjoyed all of the English liberties that were their birthright.
It is worth noting that among those “English liberties” was the right to bear arms. That right was constantly attacked by Lieutenant General Sir Thomas Gage, the commander of all British forces in North America and the London-appointed governor of Massachusetts. Gage, in fact, started America’s war of independence by sending a British force to seize leading Massachusetts patriots and stores of ordnance and gunpowder at Lexington and Concord. As Biden soon will, Lt. General Gage found that Americans are quite serious about preserving their right to bear arms and, when needed, to use them to defeat those seeking to eliminate the right. The British disarming-force was badly mauled by American riflemen as it fled toward Boston, and was saved from annihilation only by reinforcements sent by Gage. (NB: It is interesting that the good but now helpless peoples of Great Britain, and those of the once-British Dominions of Canada, New Zealand, and Australia, long ago voluntarily surrendered their proud nationalism, as well as their right to bear arms. All four are now ruled — no longer governed — by globalist regimes that are fast building a nation-encompassing, fascist internment camp for populations they despise and seek to enslave.)
I trust that the foregoing makes clear that, in the American context, there has never been revolutionaries of the stripe that intentionally destroyed and then enslaved France, Russia, Cuba, China, Venezuela, Germany, etc. And that the millions of Americans who will use their weapons to rid the republic of tyrannical vermin – Democrats, media, BLM, Antifa, bankers, corporate directors, Tech Titans, Fauci, Gates, and their fellow parasites, etc. – will not be revolutionaries in the Bolshevik tradition.
No, they will use their right to bear arms to eradicate those who seek to destroy the English liberties God gave Americans, which the Founders protected against the government in the republic’s founding documents, and which now, quite obviously, need to be restored by eliminating the most dangerous and detestable enemies the republic has ever confronted. Those enemies deliberately have broken all chances of a restoring a sense of common purpose and a productive relationship between themselves and loyal Americans, and the threat they pose must be eliminated once for all. These expendables must never get another chance to repeat the anti-republic, war-loving, globalist campaign that began under the first Bush and which now is nearing high ride.
After Biden’s recent implicit pledge to use F-15s and nuclear weapons against Americans who reject the idea of giving up their God-given, Constitution-guaranteed liberties (6) and will not grovel and accept the fascism he has on offer, and after the stomach-turning and traitorous performances of General Milley and defense Secretary Austin aligning themselves with the criminal semi-human refuse operating under the Democrats’ aegis (7), the Biden regime has finally been cast the die. It wants war with loyal Americans, and Biden publicly has promised that war,
Today, it seems more likely than not that there will be a bloody, perhaps lengthy fight against the Democrats’ rank-and-file — Maoists, Black supremacists, pedophiles, communists, bone-deep racists, purple-boa-ed deviants, Bolsheviks, feminist commissars, Jacobins, traitorous U.S. generals and their boot-lickers, and recently freed felons and illegal-alien criminals of all kinds. But loyal Americans will use the 2nd Amendment to protect what belongs to them under the eyes of God, the Constitution and the republic it created, and the Bill of Rights. It appears they will be forced to wage a war much like that British North Americans’ fought, namely one meant to complete “an orbit, a revolving back to some prior position.” (8) That prior position is the point where lies a secure, reliably functioning, well-ordered, colorblind, and law-abiding constitutional republic that promotes amity among citizens, protects children and faith, and ensures equality for all before the law.
And remember, the creator of this war will not be those using the 2nd Amendment’s provisions to win it, but, rather, all of those who support and operate as members of or extensions of the Democratic Party and perpetrate its Biden-endorsed indiscriminate violent, unconstitutional, racist, and anti-religious actions on the loyal citizenry.
More than four centuries ago, the English republican Algernon Sidney wrote the following about his own deeply divided nation. His words are all too pertinent to the situation now confronting loyal Americans. They bear reading by the loyal and disloyal alike.
“The perpetual jarrings we hear every day; the division of the nation into such factions as threaten us with ruin, and all of the disorders we see or fear, are the effects of this rupture. These things are not to be imputed to our original constitutions, but to those who have subverted them … [and] they are to answer for the consequences; and if they perish, their destruction is from themselves.”
“Let the danger never be so great, there is no possibility of safety whilst men have life, hands, arms, and courage to use them; but the people must surely perish, who tamely suffer themselves to be oppress’d, either by the injustice, cruelty, and malice of an ill magistrate, or by those who prevail upon the vices and infirmities of weak princes. “(9)
–1.) See, https://thefederalistpapers.org/founders/adams/john-adams-liberty-must-at-all-hazards-be-supported
–2.) Congressman Randolph is quoted in David Johnson. John Randolph of Roanoke. Baton Rouge, LA: Louisiana State University Press, 2012, p. 133
–3.) Guy Chet. The Colonists’ American Revolution. Preserving English Liberties, 1607-1783. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons, 2020, pp. 9-10
–4.) Walter Alexander McDougall. Freedom Just Around the Corner. A New American History, 1585-1828. New York: Harper Collins, 2004, p. 310
–5.) Guy Chet, The Colonists’ American Revolution. Preserving English Liberties, 1607-1783, p. 9
–6.) https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/speeches-remarks/2021/06/23/remarks-by-president-biden-and-attorney-general-garland-on-gun-crime-prevention-strategy/
–7.) https://www.c-span.org/video/?512740-1/defense-department-fiscal-year-2022-budget-request
–8.) Walter Alexander McDougall. Freedom Just Around the Corner, p. 310
–9.) Algernon Sidney. Discourses on Government (Thomas G. West, Ed.) Indianapolis, IN: Liberty Fund, 1990, p. 527 and 545