Biden’s treason on show in Afghanistan — in spades

Readers of this space know that I have been arguing for the withdrawal of U.S. military forces from Afghanistan since it became clear they had been defeated by the Taleban and its allies. No later than 2004.

Now after an additional 16 years, Biden is withdrawing the defeated U.S. military forces from Afghanistan, supposedly by 31 August 2021. Good. Long over due. Now retire half of the U.S. general officer corps.

But why did longtime Neocon Biden and his Neocon and Israel-owned cabinet — and generals? — decide to withdraw? Because we have lost? Nope. We, our associates, and our interests are losing in every Muslim country in which we are currently involved and we are staying put; indeed, we are sending additional forces into Syria and remain locked into Iraq though it was clear that war was lost no later than 2005.

But let’s focus on Afghanistan. Why are we leaving? Because Biden and his Neocon Israel-Firsters were ordered out by their Chinese paymasters. It is no coincidence that immediately after Biden announced the U.S.-evacuation date, Beijing announced it was rushing to assist “the Afghan people” by building a segment of President Xi’s pipe-dream, the belt-and-road project, through Afghan territory, and would put at least $16 billion dollars into the effort. (NB: Good luck to the Chinese. We spent trillions of dollars in Afghanistan and still got our asses handed to us by Afghan patriots. Eventually, the utterly racist and atheist Chinese will find, after a long insurgent war, that they are stuck in a great, big, Sunni-Muslim-dug grave in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Central Asia, and Xinjiang Province in western China.)

But the losing reality of  the coming Chinese-Islamist war probably will take Beijing at least a decade to accept. Hubris after all is a powerful agent that produces blindness to reality. China is expecting a fight — and nurses the delusion of victory — and so ordered Traitor-Biden and his anti-American associates not to destroy the large, modern military bases — especially military airbases — and other military facilities the United States built in Afghanistan over the past two decades. Biden is not leaving these bases for the ill-trained Afghan military personnel. Those people will disappear soon after the last U.S. military personnel leave, and will travel back to their respective tribes to prepare to seize Kabul and then fight the coming Chinese occupation.

The danger of not destroying the Afghan bases is a near-term one for America. Having ordered Biden to terminate U.S. energy independence, which he did, Chinese forces are about to acquire first-rate military air bases that will afford Beijing  — with the giant, deep-water ports it has built at Gwadar in Pakistan and at Hambanthota Harbor in Sri Lanka — the air and naval capability to slow, disrupt, stop, or sequester for China the production and shipment of oil in the Persian Gulf region.

Treason is generally a hard thing to ferret out and prove. In the Biden administration, and among its civil servants, courts, and military, however, it is a clear, pervasive, and everyday reality. In a fact, it is hard to find a non-treasonous action by these entities. Leaving U.S. military bases in Afghanistan intact, however, is treason of the deepest black hue.

Biden’s family crest ought to depict Benedict Arnold and Aaron Burr holding a skull-and-crossbones flag and embracing an autographed picture of the Rosenbergs.



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At age 68, I’m still eager to surrender my white privilege

Why I’m eager to see the end of my ‘white privilege’

[I pulled this piece from from the Liberty Click website, a site that does me a great honor by keeping track of my writings. I wrote the piece going on 5 years ago. It may be more pertinent now than then, as our society’s status has gone from disaster to the edge of catastrophe. MFS, 10 July 2021] (note: all writings are now hosted right here, on this website)

I am a white male and soon will be 64 years of age. In the current presidential campaign Mrs. Clinton has spoken a great deal about the “evil” of “white privilege,” and about her intention to destroy it. After reflecting on what the substance of that phrase has meant during the course of my life, I enthusiastically, even rabidly, endorse the idea of eradicating “white privilege” in its entirety, almost as much as I endorse eradicating Mrs. Clinton and her family from American politics.

The following, then, seems to me to constitute the gist of what I have experienced and observed because I am honored to be a holder of what Mrs. Clinton calls “white privilege.” I have been, for example, a privileged observer of the following.

  • While a student attending two U.S. universities, and then teaching at another, my white privilege permitted me to closely watch advantages given to all who were not white, to watch basketball players sit in class day dreaming, napping, inspecting parts of their anatomy, skipping classes, and not turning in assignments, and yet getting grades as good as the supposedly highly privileged whites who worked their tails off and missed neither a class nor delivering an assignment on time. I also had the white privilege of often walking across the campus of a new-age Catholic university in Washington, D.C., at which I taught, and listening to the routine use of the word “nigger,” as well as the blaring of a noise inexplicably identified by many as “music,” and the lyrics of which were replete with the word nigger, anti-white slurs, misogyny, demands for dead police and whites, and calls for violence against women. The surreal nature of this experience lay in knowing that my white privilege would entitle me to being fired if I used the word forbidden only to whites, or if I refused to acknowledge that this non-music and its grotesque, violent, and often inhuman lyrics were admirable and award-worthy achievements of non-white culture and so were bound for honoring in non-white-only museums.
  • During 15 years in the blue-collar, unionized work place, my white privilege permitted me to witness white guys get suspended or fired for drunkenness, drug use, absenteeism, or just plain laziness, and non-whites coddled, warned but retained, and promoted despite being guilty of the same infractions. This in a factory where hazardous work was done and inattention to the job — whatever the cause — could be deadly.
  • In the white-collar work place for 30-plus years, my white privilege entitled me to watch the nation’s national-security apparatus incrementally and knowingly debilitated by a growing infusion of unqualified, non-whites who were hired, passed their probationary period, and then promoted to positions far above their competence, this on the basis of appraisals authored by those who feared for their own careers if they wrote a truthful but negative performance appraisal report for a non-white. This still intensifying process bodes ill for the republic’s security, and simply savages commonsense, the commonweal, and racial amity.
  • As a father for 42 years and counting, my enviable white privilege allowed me to see my children denied access to large blocks of seats in universities that my taxes help support because those seats were reserved for non-white Americans, women, LGBTites, and foreigners of all races, this though my children had grades at least as good and, in many cases, much better than the students given preference. My precious white privilege also allowed me to watch my children compete for employment in job pools in which a portion of the jobs in each were also reserved for non-whites and the others to whom the law gives preference, whether or not they are qualified or even U.S. citizens.
  • As a taxpayer for 50 years this December, my white privilege has been bountifully rewarded by allowing me to watch the hard-to-come-by money needed to raise and educate my family taken from my pocket as tax and then given to non-whites for their food stamps, college tuition, welfare, medical care, rent, low-interest mortgages, childcare, small businesses, and even for their kids’ breakfasts. Likewise, it has given me a wonderful view of how these trillions of working-Americans’ dollars, combined with incompetent, cynical, and vote-buying elected city officials, have destroyed major U.S. cities, exponentially increased crime and killing both between non-whites and against whites by non-whites, and generally worsened the lot of non-whites, notwithstanding the unearned money and unconstitutional legal preference they have been given.
  • As a senior citizen, now for more than a decade, my sainted white privilege has allowed me to realize that I have spent most of a lifetime seeing non-whites riot, loot, kill/assassinate police, murder bystanders, slaughter each other, and raze the property of members of all races with no fear of facing justice; the election of a completely inexperienced, incompetent, amazingly lazy, lawless, and anti-American president simply because he is a non-white; the pardoning of hundreds of non-white felons imprisoned for lengthy sentences for selling narcotics to kids of all races (so they can do so again?); and the unending celebration by the media and movie-makers of the glories of non-white culture, among which are gang wars, complete with assassinations of 9-year kids; untold of numbers of fatherless children; narcotics-trafficking; and hatred for the American republic.
  • Most of all, my sublime white privilege, in my dotage, has been blessed by knowing that since my youth trillions of tax dollars have been doled out to non-whites and wasted by them, as well as by the fact that I am fortunate enough to still hear the non-whites’ shrill, grossly selfish, often-vicious, and never-ending whining about the terrible condition of their lives, a condition which is largely of their own making and that of the politicians to whom they have self-enslaved themselves. Perhaps no people other than American non-whites has ever been given so much money and unconstitutional legal preference for which they have not worked and do not merit, have done so little with them to improve their lot, and have the nerve, shamelessness, and greed to demand even more of what I and other whites earn and require for the needs of our families.
  • Finally, as an American citizen, my superb white privilege has awarded me a wonderful ringside seat to see and understand that most of the men and women now operating in the U.S. political arena can do so only because of the non-white votes they purchase with my taxes. These politicians also exist only because they have mangled my Constitution by finding it in heretofore invisible pro-tyranny clauses with which they and their pet judges justify such unconstitutional, discriminatory, and anti-white absurdities as racial quotas, unlimited illegal immigration; brain-dead diversity schemes, which do nothing but reward the untalented and legally preferred; and the existence of a “right” to apply the republic-killing scourge of multiculturalism, which might as well be entitled “Whites need not apply for anything, but better pay up.” Today, my glorious white privilege also permits me to see that the concepts of “merit-based employment and promotion” and “the equality of all before the law” have just about disappeared in the United States. They have been replaced by the absolutely unconstitutional, perhaps civil-war engendering, doctrine of “preference for all non-whites, women, LGBTites, felons, etc.” before what has become, at best, law-in-name-only.

What to do? It seems obvious to me that there are only two possible solutions. One may preserve domestic peace and restore some of the racial amity that the politicians — especially Obama, Holder, and Lynch — have intentionally destroyed, the other will cause the terrible civil war that inevitably must come from the maintenance and further enhancement of a tyrannical, anti-white status quo. Indeed, the fuse for that struggle may already have been lit by the national government’s expenditure on each non-vetted, illegal, and usually non-white immigrant of an amount of money that exceeds the average annual income of the whites it is taxing to pay for this government-imposed burden on and threat to the republic.

The solution to the problem is simple enough. At a future date, say 1 January 2018, applications for attending and teaching at schools at all levels, as well as all applications for employment in the state or federal civil services, the U.S. military, and all private sector for-profit and non-profit firms, will be submitted by e-mail from an address that does not identify the sender. They will no longer include an applicant’s name, address, age, gender, race, sexual or political proclivities, home address, or sporting skills. The applications also will not require letters of recommendation, essays written by the applicant, or pre-application interviews, which these days amount to nothing more than special pleading and implied threats of lawsuits by those entitled to legal preference. In addition, all schools will be required to forward transcripts without identifying information save for a number provided to the applicant by the entity to which he or she is applying for a position.

The would-be employer would thereby receive an application which can only be evaluated on the basis of the sender’s documented scholastic and/or workplace accomplishments, followed by an estimate, on the employer’s part, of what the merit present in the application, if any, is worth in terms of position and salary. If the decision is made to interview the applicant, the admitting or hiring officers will have made the decision that there is merit in the achievements recorded in a particular application, and will not know, until the applicant walks in the door, all the other data — name, age, gender, sexual proclivity, extracurricular activities, work experience, race, etc. — that enable the working of the discriminatory system the politicians have established for giving unconstitutional legal preference for non-whites in schooling and employment.

Such a system would, as they say, begin to re-level the playing field, and it also would reestablish merit and fairness as the main guiding principles of success and advancement in America. Under such a regime, my white privilege will be, praise God, erased; my children and I will regain our birthright, equality before the law; and whites will cease to be the financial and legally debased sponsors who are forced by the national government to be silent and abide by the legal and many other preferences reserved for non-whites.

Now, there is no suggestion here that whites should seek reparations from non-whites for their decades of unconstitutional subordination and for the trillions of their tax dollars the national government has taken from them and given to non-whites, who, by and large, remain politically enslaved to politicians who bribe them with my money and hateful toward their unwilling but legally obligated white benefactors. After all, whites would have to pay even more taxes to enable the politicians to give non-whites more money to pay back the money they did not earn and have wastefully consumed. Neither is there any animosity toward these non-whites, women, LGBTites, ex-convicts, illegal aliens, etc., they are as much the pawns as whites are of the increasingly tyrannical national government that is found under either party.

To conclude, I can only say that I have never owned a slave, discriminated against a woman, a non-white, an immigrant, an Indian, or a LGBTite, and that I hold, at this point, no anger, much less hatred, for any of them. (NB: For obvious reasons, I cannot say that about the national government) I am simply indifferent to them and their problems. I am, rather, eager to have the income after taxes to assure my family’s security now and in the future, and to pursue my own interests and goals. As a result, I am completely unwilling to be ever more heavily taxed to support the inability or unwillingness of non-whites, women, LGBTites, ex-convicts, and illegal aliens to pull their own weight without endless subventions from me and other whites. Let all of us make our own way in American society, and let all sink or swim based on their own merit and hard work. To make racism minimal in the United States, the national government must be made to stop both its longstanding and now deepening policy of deliberately pitting whites against non-whites, and its unending and highly illegal immigration-based campaign to make whites the republic’s subordinate and pay-for-all-others minority.

If that change does not come, civil war will, and with it will come the hatred and blood that naturally succeeds indifference. And it should.

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Time to make the traitors pay for their own destruction

It seems odd that there appears to be no one in the United States who is willing to stand up and speak the obvious truth; namely, that since Trump declared his presidential candidacy in 2015 all of the violence, arson, theft, and degrading activity committed against loyal U.S. citizens of all colors has been committed by the Democrats and those that march to the tune called by the party and its Chinese-backers.

I suppose the correct question to ask is why any person – man or woman, black or white – who supports the Democrats should be allowed to live any longer in American society? This perhaps is casting the net too wide, so let’s narrow it bit. Why should any of the following continue to live in, profit from, or govern American society?

–FBI, NSA, IRS, CIA, DOJ, Capitol Police, or DOD officers who covered up for the Democrat-massacre of country music fans in Las Vegas in October 2017; staged the fake “insurrection” at the Capitol on 6 January 2021; constructed and prosecuted the Trump Russia-and-Ukrainian farces; failed to stop the shooter of Florida school children, though he was known as a threat; and, after killing Ashli Babbitt in cold blood, are keeping more than 500 U.S. citizens unlawfully imprisoned for the fake insurrection that was set up and run by the FBI.

–Five former and current generals – at latest count – who are seeking to install sexual depravity and black supremacy as the main traits of the U.S. military, and who appear intent on killing as many military personnel as possible via inoculation with the designed-to-be-murderous China-Flu vaccines.

–Any person of any race or gender who has participated in a BLM-ANTIFA riot anywhere in the United States, as well as any policemen or federal law-enforcement official who has refused to try to annihilate those riots and their perpetrators or to assist those being attacked, raped, or robbed by members of the two terrorist groups.

–Any teacher who instructs young children using Critical Race Theory, and teaches them to seek association with an endless number of sexual perverts, as well as to join them in the conduct of their perversions. Any political official or judge, at any level, who issues decisions promoting the spread of sexual depravity in the United States, such as that called for recently by the San Francisco Orchestra’s all-queer “Men’s Choir” in a song called “We are coming for your children”. (See,

–Any person seen or suspected of assisting in the burning of any religion’s place of worship.

–All U.S. citizens who work for the UN or any of its agencies

–Pelosi, Fauci, Gates, Birx, Schumer, Republican Rinos, and almost all other politicians in both parties at every level of government.

–Biden, personally, for opening the southern border to allow an ocean of the enemies of the republic to flow in and then pillage Texas towns, murder, rape, steal, and burn. For Biden, no punishment can be too painful.

–Any mainstream journalist or media commentator.

–Any person or team of persons –Psaki calls them “strike forces” — going door-to-door to bully families to have shots of the fatal vaccines or ask if their children have had them. Also, those who authorized and funded such actions of these deadly teams of busybodies.

–Any and all persons who invade the privacy of women and children who are in areas designated for them in spas, sports facilities, gyms, schools, or other places where there are areas reserved for them. (NB: Men who enter these ares in a naked condition should be stubbed on the spot.)

–Any college or university official who makes having the murderous flu shot a condition for allowing student and his parents to spend $50,000 a year for a useless education.

–Any federal government official, no matter his/her rank, who participated in or knew about the Obama regime’s efforts to destroy candidate Trump, and who then participated in or knew about the Democrats campaign to illicitly overthrow a legitimate president.

–All individuals  of both parties who participated in or knew about the crystal clear rigging of the 2020 presidential election.

Naturally enough, there are dozens of ways to remove all of these expendable humans from American society. My nearly preferred choice is to, first, have loyal U.S. military and police forces, supported by well-armed citizen militias, seize as many U.S.-citizen traitors as possible and every last cent that China has used to bribe them. This group of targets includes, but is not limited to, the Biden, Obama, Clinton, and Bush crime families; politicians like Pelosi, Schumer, Newsom, Finestein, Romney, and McConnell, and most senior leaders of both parties; major media outlets that take money from China, such as  the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, the Washington Post, and China-funded universities like Harvard, Pennsylvania University, and multiple other major U.S. universities.

At the same time, all of the people who accepted the money, either directly or indirectly, must be seized and kept safe and comfortable – like the botched-abortion babies Virginia Governor Northam will keep warm pending their murder – until they can be shipped to Chinese ports on merchant ships rented with the bribe money they took. Having been trained by the CCP to kill their own country, these former members of American society certainly will be publicly welcomed by Beijing. Afterwards, the Chinese will debrief their  just-arrived agents and then Chinese intelligence will quietly execute all of them before they can turn their China-taught nation-killing skills against the CCP.

Other loyal Americans will have additional ideas about how to definitively settle the hash of these traitorous miscreants. I readily admit having my own top preference and that there are far easier, much less expensive, and more just-plain-fun methods of accomplishing the task.

But what the hell, it would be a delicious irony to let the Commies gun down their bribed creatures. And, after all, we in America still have ahead the job of neutralizing the rabid climate fraudsters. Plenty of necessary fun still on tap.

Other ideas are always welcome.

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Biden and his regime cast the die of war, they seem eager to reach Boot Hill

–“Be it remembered, however, that liberty must at all hazards be supported. We have a right to it derived from our Maker. But if we had not, or fathers have earned and bought it for us, at the expense of their ease, their pleasure, and their blood.” John Adams, 1765 (1)

–An armed people must necessarily be a fee people. All the parchment in the archives are of less force than a single musket in maintaining the liberties of the citizen.” John Randolph of Roanoke, 1808 (2)

I try to take most criticism with equanimity, but at times the difference between conflicting views and assessments, as well as the critiques from an assortment of ignorant jackasses, is a bit much to silently accept.

After my last article, I got notes from several people who said something akin to “ You bastard? How dare you call for armed revolution?!!!” Well, this was too much for me. It also surprised me that any American could have missed the obvious fact that the Democrats and their malevolent domestic and foreign allies have been waging war on loyal Americans for six years.

I also was taken aback that any American could be so uneducated or forgetful not to know that there never has been a revolution in the United States in the same sense as those that occurred in France, Russia, China, Cambodia, Cuba and elsewhere. Such ignorance and lack of commonsense makes constructive discussion unlikely. How do you debate the issue of war if your critic does not know that the Founders’ specifically provided for the citizenry’s ability to destroy a government — like Biden’s — that not only refuses to protect it and serve its interests, but actively attacks its people directly and using fanatic and ill-disguised affiliates.

The above-noted revolutions, of course, were simply mad exercises in bloodlust, led by psychopaths and gangsters who specialized in using barbarity and mass slaughter to secure tyrannical power and unlimited wealth for the few. None of those nations have ever really recovered from the trauma that attended their revolutions, and none can be seen by a decent human as being a safe model for securing freedom and liberty.

America’s war against Britain between 1775 and 1783 is now routinely and mistakenly called a “revolution”, thanks to an educational system that has taught multiple generations of American students to believe one revolution is the same as the next; indeed, that they are all carried out by the likes of Bolsheviks and Maoists, and that all revolutions are good. This is an untruth that could be drummed into students only by dimwits, liars, or traitors; that is, members of the Democratic Party.

The British North Americans’ war against Great Britain was fought by its backers on the basis of the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries’ understanding of the word “revolution”.  In those centuries, as the fine British-born, U.S.-based historian Guy Chet has explained, the word revolution

“meant a 360-degree movement – a movement by which one revolves, or circles, arriving once again at the beginning point. … Indeed, the term ‘revolution’ conferred legitimacy on the seemingly radical act of armed revolt against the government by calling attention to the fact that these movements [Britain’s Glorious Revolution (1688) and British North America’s revolution] were not radical, but traditionalist, anchored in law and ancient customs.” (3)

The finest American historian, Walter A. McDougall, likewise explains,

“Some readers may have noticed that the words “revolution” and “modern” have scarcely appeared in this book. This is because people of the 16th through the 18th centuries defined them so differently than we do today, their use might confuse more than clarify. In their parlance, the word revolution implies an orbit, a revolving back to some prior position. As for “modern,” its original meaning was simply “current” – what is (or is fashionable) today.  … To impose twenty-first century usages on earlier eras is even more problematical because ‘revolutionary’ is likely to conjure images of Robespierre’s and Lenin’s class conflicts and utopian ideologies anachronistic in a pre-1792 setting.” (4)

These two quotes point directly to why the coming and much-provoked armed activities of loyal Americans can in no way be described as a “revolution” of the type that has slaughtered many tens of millions in Russia, Cuba, China, Cambodia, Venezuela, Spain, and other places in the 20th and early 21st century.

No, what will come the way of the sad-sack, racist, and often depraved goons who are seeking the same results as Hitler, Lenin, Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao, et. al will be actions that exact a stiff, bloody, and final price, one that will be more than commensurate with the horror, violence, child abuse, arson, and tyranny they are now imposing on loyal Americans and their families, communities, faith, and history and by their systematic  stripping away the citizenry’s rights. The rescue of these rights is why loyal Americans will be taking up arms and, with them, will permanently rid their republic of these racist, anti-human, and murderous barbarians.

What will motivate loyal Americans to wage this fight is their confidence in the fact they own these threatened liberties and that, with them, they and generations of their ancestors created the most humane, tolerant, peaceful, Christian, and fair-minded nation in history, one that lasted until the Bushes, the Clintons, the Obamas, the Bidens, and those they lead began their endless wave of thievery, murder, and destruction against the republic, its people, and its Constitution.

Today’s loyal Americans were not spoken of by Professor Chet, but his words about the fierce devotion of Colonial Americans to English liberties and their willingness to fight to reclaim them will ring true to today’s loyal citizens. For Americans of the colonial era and today, “a liberty belonged to someone as a possession, meaning that the possessor had the right to defend his exclusive use of it, as a property owner has the right to exclude others from his or her property.” (5)

Again, what Biden and his domestic and foreign allies want to do is to take from loyal Americans the rights they own as personal property, rights given to them by God, and rights guaranteed against government intervention by the Founders’ Constitution and the Bill of Rights. British North American leaders during the years between 1764 and 1783 made it eternally clear that they were seeking the restoration of the rights – they called them “English liberties” — that the British government had restricted or eliminated in defiance of its own constitution. Their war was meant to return the colonies to a state where British North Americans again enjoyed all of the English liberties that were their birthright.

It is worth noting that among those “English liberties” was the right to bear arms. That right was constantly attacked by Lieutenant General Sir Thomas Gage, the commander of all British forces in North America and the London-appointed governor of Massachusetts. Gage, in fact, started America’s war of independence by sending a British force to seize leading Massachusetts patriots and stores of ordnance and gunpowder at Lexington and Concord. As Biden soon will, Lt. General Gage found that Americans are quite serious about preserving their right to bear arms and, when needed, to use them to defeat those seeking to eliminate the right.  The British disarming-force was badly mauled by American riflemen as it fled toward Boston, and was saved from annihilation only by reinforcements sent by Gage. (NB: It is interesting that the good but now helpless peoples of Great Britain, and those of the once-British Dominions of Canada, New Zealand, and Australia, long ago voluntarily surrendered their proud nationalism, as well as their right to bear arms. All four are now ruled  — no longer governed — by globalist regimes that are fast building a nation-encompassing, fascist internment camp for populations they despise and seek to enslave.)

I trust that the foregoing makes clear that, in the American context, there has never been revolutionaries of the stripe that intentionally destroyed and then enslaved France, Russia,  Cuba, China, Venezuela, Germany, etc.  And that the millions of Americans who will use their weapons to rid the republic of tyrannical vermin – Democrats, media, BLM, Antifa, bankers, corporate directors, Tech Titans, Fauci, Gates, and their fellow parasites, etc. – will not be revolutionaries in the Bolshevik tradition.

No, they will use their right to bear arms to eradicate those who seek to destroy the English liberties God gave Americans, which the Founders protected against the government in the republic’s founding documents, and which now, quite obviously, need to be restored by eliminating the most dangerous and detestable enemies the republic has ever confronted. Those enemies deliberately have broken all chances of a restoring a sense of common purpose and a productive relationship between themselves and loyal Americans, and the threat they pose must be eliminated once for all. These expendables must never get another chance to repeat the anti-republic, war-loving, globalist campaign that began under the first Bush and which now is nearing high ride.

After Biden’s recent implicit pledge to use F-15s and nuclear weapons against Americans who reject the idea of giving up their God-given, Constitution-guaranteed liberties (6) and will not grovel and accept the fascism he has on offer, and after the stomach-turning and traitorous performances of General Milley and defense Secretary Austin aligning themselves with the criminal semi-human refuse operating under the Democrats’ aegis (7), the Biden regime has finally been cast the die. It wants war with loyal Americans, and Biden publicly has promised that war,

Today, it seems more likely than not that there will be a bloody, perhaps lengthy fight against the Democrats’ rank-and-file — Maoists, Black supremacists, pedophiles, communists, bone-deep racists, purple-boa-ed deviants, Bolsheviks, feminist commissars, Jacobins, traitorous U.S. generals and their boot-lickers, and recently freed felons and illegal-alien criminals of all kinds. But loyal Americans will use the 2nd Amendment to protect what belongs to them under the eyes of God, the Constitution and the republic it created, and the Bill of Rights. It appears they will be forced to wage a war much like that British North Americans’ fought, namely one meant to complete “an orbit, a revolving back to some prior position.” (8) That prior position is the point where lies a secure, reliably functioning, well-ordered, colorblind, and law-abiding constitutional republic that promotes amity among citizens, protects children and faith, and ensures equality for all before the law.

And remember, the creator of this war will not be those using the 2nd Amendment’s provisions to win it, but, rather, all of those who support and operate as members of or extensions of the Democratic Party and perpetrate its Biden-endorsed indiscriminate violent, unconstitutional, racist, and anti-religious actions on the loyal citizenry.

More than four centuries ago, the English republican Algernon Sidney wrote the following about his own deeply divided nation. His words are all too pertinent to the situation now confronting loyal Americans. They bear reading by the loyal and disloyal alike.

 “The perpetual jarrings we hear every day; the division of the nation into such factions as threaten us with ruin, and all of the disorders we see or fear, are the effects of this rupture. These things are not to be imputed to our original constitutions, but to those who have subverted them … [and] they are to answer for the consequences; and if they perish, their destruction is from themselves.”

“Let the danger never be so great, there is no possibility of safety whilst men have life, hands, arms, and courage to use them; but the people must surely perish, who tamely suffer themselves to be oppress’d, either by the injustice, cruelty, and malice of an ill magistrate, or by those who prevail upon the vices and infirmities of weak princes. “(9)



–1.) See,

–2.) Congressman Randolph is quoted in David Johnson. John Randolph of Roanoke. Baton Rouge, LA: Louisiana State University Press, 2012, p. 133

–3.) Guy Chet. The Colonists’ American Revolution. Preserving English Liberties, 1607-1783. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons, 2020, pp. 9-10

–4.) Walter Alexander McDougall. Freedom Just Around the Corner. A New American History, 1585-1828. New York: Harper Collins, 2004, p. 310

–5.) Guy Chet, The Colonists’ American Revolution. Preserving English Liberties, 1607-1783, p. 9



–8.) Walter Alexander McDougall. Freedom Just Around the Corner, p. 310

–9.) Algernon Sidney. Discourses on Government (Thomas G. West, Ed.) Indianapolis, IN: Liberty Fund, 1990, p. 527 and 545

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Biden’s illegitimate regime intends war on loyal Americans, let’s be sure it gets a belly-full of it

One of the great advantages loyal Americans have over the Biden regime and their supporters — domestically and in Beijing, Tehran, Moscow, etc. — is that they know their history and therefore know what the Founders did to ensure they always would be able to defend themselves against tyranny. These great men did not know the precise date at which such a threat would occur, though they brilliantly described the circumstances that would exist in the United States when tyranny was in control and need of being extinguished. Those circumstances are, today, clearly apparent to every loyal citizen, and the time is near for confrontation because, as Algernon Sidney, one of the English republicans most respected by the Founding generation, wrote in the mid 16th century, “nothing is more common in the world then to see men that have suffered quietly a long while lose their patience at last and take sharp vengeance against their oppressors.” (1)

That said, we all know, I think, that there is no reason for any republican nation to have a government if that government does not, or worse, refuses to protect its population, their businesses, their constitution, and their republic. Since mid-2020, the American population has had no plausible, commonsense reason to support the country’s national government. Riots have and are consuming American cities; not a single action has been taken by the national government to end them. Commonsense would dictate that the way to end riots, no matter by which issues the rioters claim to be motivated, is to shoot down the rioters until the riots stop — permanently.

Similarly, armed rebellion becomes not the last resort, but the only option:

–(a) If the national government and its mainstream-media arm continue fear-mongering about the lethality of the China Flu from which 99.9 -percent of people survive

–(b) If Fauci and Gates continue using an experimental drug — calling it a safe vaccine — thereby blithely killing or maiming thousands of Americans

–(c) If the national government continues to arbitrarily wipe out good-paying energy sector jobs, and bring in skilled illegal aliens to take more working-class jobs from Americans

–(d) If  the national government continues to treat the utter hoax called Climate Change as the most dangerous threat to the United States; if it moves to create more lock-downs in support of this and the Wuhan Flu frauds

–(e) If the national government continues to inundate America with many hundreds of thousands of worthless law-breaking foreigners who bring with them only fentanyl, disease, crime, and an endless thirst for the dole

–(f) If the national government continues to destroy the 1st, 2nd, and 4th Amendments and to impose its censorship and social-control policies via big business and big tech

–(g) If the national government continues to incarcerate innocent 6 January demonstrators, discriminate against and persecute White Americans, and teach young students to hate their republic and the concept of the family

–(h) if the national government and their blue state and local allies continue to mandate the teaching of youngsters to embrace sexual perversion and depravity, and displaying to these youngsters the techniques of such perversion.

This short list is enough for now. Also enough will be the use of the same remedy for the so-called people who advocate the foregoing — office-holding and former politicians, teachers at all educational levels, social workers, journalists, celebrities, bureaucrats, judges, etc. —  that should be on tap for all rioters across the republic.

Trump, for many reasons, helped Americans to begin walking the road back toward the hard and eternal fact the Founders’ outlined, that governing the American people is not difficult or — the experts’ favorite word — complex. The Founders were absolutely sure that when it comes to the national government’s effectiveness and survival, the indispensable way forward was to involve the national government as little as possible in the everyday of lives of the citizenry. Most police and governing powers were to remain in the hands of the state and local government, the institutions closest to the people.

The Founders were confident that these governments would be the most knowledgeable about the needs and ideas of their citizens, and also believed that there is no policy on earth that fits all people, and that no law can be applied without empathy and commonsense. Only fools could possibly believe, for example, that the content and conduct of good state government in Mississippi — meaning policies that work and avoid alienating the populace from the state government — are the same as those that need to be conducted in Montana or Maine. Yet, that is now the national government’s only policy: one size fits all.

Since the Great Depression, the national government  has seized so much power from the states that it now governs 320-plus million citizens about whom they know nothing except what Washington demands that all of them to do. Differences between the cultural and political traditions of the people of Missouri and those of Wisconsin are invisible to them or, as often, considered unworthy of consideration. Today, the republic’s population averages out to 700,000 people for each member of the House of Representatives. No representative could understand the needs of 700,000 people, let alone the different ways of life, culture, historical memories, and local traditions in all fifty states. Hell, a citizen with a question or problem cannot even get a call through to his or her representative because of the deliberately complicated, long wait-time telephone systems that each congressman has installed to defeat citizen attempts to speak to him.

It seems extremely likely that Biden now is exposing the anti-citizen savagery that seems to be bone-deep in the national government and its 4 million employees. These are the same people who unconstitutionally attacked Trump’s government at every turn throughout his term. Trump merits some blame for not purging the national government, but after less than 150 days of the Biden regime it has been proven that a selective purge is not enough, that the lethal anti-American, anti-human, and anti-White rot goes from top to bottom in every national government department and agency, most of both houses of Congress, and nearly all of the federal judiciary.

Doubt that? Name one government-employee whistle-blower who came forward to tell his fellow citizens of all the sordid, murderous, gangster-like, and unconstitutional actions we now know were taken by the mad racist Obama — funding gain-of-function experiments in China, for example — or by Biden as vice-president and president. You can, of course, name dozens of lying whistle-blowers who came forward to enormous media applause to attack Trump with charges that have all turned out to be lies. Nope, a selective purge would not be nearly enough. Elimination and then a restart of a massively slimmed-down national government must be the goal.

But first the citizenry must quickly prepare — whether or not the U.S. military and its veterans stand with them and  the Constitution — to defend themselves and their republic and home states against the Biden regime’s increasingly deadly attacks. I think it must be obvious to all blessed with eyes and commonsense that the Democrats, their quack doctors and climate scientists, their globalist pals, and the heads of many important businesses intend to kill as many Americans as possible and to eliminate the Constitution’s guarantee of civil liberties of those they do not kill. Sadly, but realistically, loyal Americans are far past putting any of their trust in the Democratic Party, most of the Republican Party, the media, leaders of many sectors of the business community, and any national-government agency.

The first step, I think, is to make sure all loyal Americans are well armed. Republican-governed state governments ought to  immediately offer every man and woman a one-time payment with which they can pay for a long gun, a pistol, and a 1,000 rounds of ammunition for each.  Naturally, many purchasers will need practice and/or training — governors can direct the National Guard execute this task — but the simple acquisition of the weapons will allow the dispatch of any national-government official who shows up at their home to check on who is and is not inoculated, tries to forcibly inoculate young children, or seeks to take one or more members of a family away to other accommodations. Republican governors must also begin to undertake the reconstruction  of their state’s militia, full constitutional authority for which is still present in the 2nd Amendment. It will remain operative — like all amendments — until it is formally voided by new amendment of the Constitution.

It is worth noting that the Biden’s regime is focused on pretending that the 2nd Amendment’s guarantee of states’ militias does not exist.  Yesterday, Attorney General Merrick Garland told the Congress:

According to an unclassified summary of the March intelligence assessment, the two most lethal elements of the domestic violence extremist threat are “racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists, and militia violent extremists.” In the FBI’s view, the top domestic violent extremist threat comes from “racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists, specifically those who advocated for the superiority of the white race.”

The March assessment concluded that the militia violent extremist threat, which it describes as those who “take overt steps to violently resist or facilitate the overthrow of the United States Government in support of their belief that the United States Government is purportedly exceeding its Constitutional authority,” also “increased last year and . . . will almost certainly continue to be elevated throughout 2021.” (2)

Likewise, the other enemies of loyal Americans are clearly visible at most times, as they are out in public rioting, on the media slandering and preaching hate for loyal Americans, sexually perverting 5-year olds in their classrooms, campaigning for the election of more tyrants and fascist-like policies to enforce idiotic, demeaning, and completely ineffective rules for fighting the Chinese Flu and the climate fraud, attacking whites and Asians while police watch, and defaming the republic, its history, and its flag. When push comes to shove, the enemy will be standing out like a sore thumb and can be made to pay a very heavy price in very short order.

Until the past few weeks, I have always thought that loyal Americans would be wise to let their domestic enemies fire the first shot. On reflection, however, those enemies already have fired many shots at loyal Americans, as well as having beaten hundreds of them and burned their property or places of employment. As to when to fix the start of our civil war, I would argue that 6 January 2021 is the date to choose. On that day, one of Pelosi’s killers-for-hire from the Capitol police took careful aim at the unarmed Ashli Babbitt and shot her dead. Nothing has been done to bring this murderer to justice, which must be taken as an intended signal that national-government law enforcement officers can kill who they please — as long as they are white — without worry of legal retribution.

That the national government is gearing up to kill any patriot they please can be seen in two other matters; first, Biden’s repeated description of Trump supporters and conservatives as enemies of the republic — as if any of those people could pose the threat Biden poses to it. Yesterday, Attorney General Merrick Garland told the Congress that the Biden regime is gearing-up precisely to execute the policy that was initiated on January 6th, taking time to brag about the illegal, civil-rights violating arrests and subsequent incarcerations his goons stage-managed on that day:

Our current effort comes on the heels of another large and heinous attack – this time, the January 6th assault on the Capitol Building. We have now – as we have then – an enormous task ahead: to move forward as a country; to punish the perpetrators; to do everything possible to prevent similar attacks; and to do so in a manner that affirms the values on which our justice system is founded and upon which our democracy depends. … Over the 160 days since the [January 6th] attack, we have arrested over 480 individuals and brought hundreds of charges against those who attacked law enforcement officers, obstructed justice, and used deadly and dangerous weapons to those ends. (3)

Garland then went on to describe the killing machine that Biden’s regime is preparing to unleash on conservatives and all Americans loyal to the Constitution, including members of the U.S. Military and simply those political foes who reject the idea of letting a hack Chinese agent act as president.

Today, our approximately 200 Joint Terrorism Task Forces have over 4,300 officers from more than 550 local, state and federal agencies, who work together every day as our first line of defense against terrorist attacks. The work that we do to support and enhance the resource and capabilities of our local partners, who are on the front lines of our counterterrorism efforts, is vital to our success. (4)

The mediocrity Merrick Garland, his lieutenants, his Chinese-agent president, and those who serve as their brain-dead muscle should be thanked for acting and speaking in a manner that reminds loyal Americans of why the Founders left the 2nd Amendment to allow Americans to act in self-defense when they encounter what their Declaration of Independence called a

long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security.”(5)

The necessity of loyal citizens undertaking that “duty” has never been clearer than it is today. As the greatest Roosevelt once advised Americans, the time will come when the only option is to “fear God, and take your own part.” As was the case in the late-winter/early spring of 1775, we appear to be on the very brink of that time.


–1.) Algernon Sidney, Court Maxims. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1996, p.  89


–3.) Ibid.

–4.) Ibid.


–6.) Theodore Roosevelt. Fear God and Take Your Own Part. New York, George H. Dorn Company, 1916







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Democrats are dying — so to speak — to learn the purpose of the 2nd Amendment … they will

In the past month, life in America has accelerated from a steady level of stupidity to a heretofore unknown state of lunacy. Lunacy’s liftoff has been dazzling and there seems no limit to its continued growth.

The first item fueling the up-movement to lunacy was the mass of American idiots who celebrated the first anniversary of what Pelosi described as the martyrdom of St. George Floyd, Patron of Thugs and Addicts. That this late cretin is seen as a “hero” by any American community, ethnic group, or individual speaks eloquently of our national ills. That this sort of person can be judged a hero, even a saint, among the republic’s minority groups tells you all you need to know about the cesspool of poisonous and violent political and social leaders who head these groups, men and women who also now form the core staff of the Biden administration.

Floyd, to say the least, was no more than a thoroughly despicable and expendable human being, one who killed himself with fentanyl and other narcotics. He was made American history’s worst-ever “hero” by the media, self-hating-and-wealthy Whites, multiple ethnic and racial minorities, all blessed with scandalously avaricious, violence-loving, and untalented political leaders, and the armed, socialist terrorists of BLM and ANTIFA. This vile herd of human refuse certainly has no connection whatsoever with the legacy of Martin Luther King. Indeed, this bunch is feverishly trying to forever bury that legacy.

These brain-dead worshipers of George Floyd have, of course, already exacted many deaths and billions of dollars in physical destruction from their fellow Americans, and you can be sure there is much more death and destruction to come. Why? First, because Biden and his senior lieutenants are inciting them to violence.  Second, because the trial and conviction of a Minneapolis police officer for the murder of Saint Floyd was a travesty of justice; you cannot, after all, kill a man already dead from a drug overdose. Moreover, the so-called justice system in Minnesota not only allowed the policeman to be falsely charged, but then allowed the trial to occur in a place where the racist mainstream media and racist mob, and the more racist leaders of each, so poisoned the environment in which the trial was conducted, that justice for the policeman was an absolute impossibility.

May also was the month in which Biden and his Secretary of State, the Neocon, China-lover, Antony Blinken, decided that the day of Floyd’s departure for eternal punishment was so vital to the republic’s future survival that they ordered that the rainbow flag of sexual depravity and assorted Floyd-like thugs to be flown next to Old Glory at all U.S. embassies and consulates around the world. It is almost impossible to imagine an act that would be more humiliating for the United States; praising sexually depravity thusly is like wearing a T-shirt that says “Being an easy-to-dupe Idiot is great”. Has Biden also ordered that the inscription on the Statue of Liberty include a sentence saying “Give me the sexually depraved and pedophile refuse of your teeming shore.” As if we need any more than the too-many we already have. But Biden and his party always believe and act as if there is never too much of a bad thing to inflict on the American people.

Then came the Pelosi-led, Democrat-and-Rino-Republican effort to equate the BLM stage-managed and incited riot at the Capitol on 6 January 2021 and the 9/11 attack. The truth is that the only commonality in the dates is that both mark disasters inflicted on the American people by their national government. The 9/11 attack occurred because Clinton, his lieutenants, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the bipartisan governing elite did all they could to keep Osama Bin Laden alive throughout the months when he could have been captured or killed by CIA assets, May, 1997-September 2001. (NB: During this period the U.S. military’s senior-most flag officers refused to assist anti-bin Laden operations.)  The 6 January attack was condoned by the Speaker of the House – by refusing the military protection offered by Trump – and she worked with BLM and Capitol Hill Police to pave the way for the riot to occur and then make it look like it was conducted by Trump supporters. To this day, myriad Americans are being held without bail for the Pelosi okayed and abetted BLM riot.

Naturally, the Capitol building is and ought to be respected by Americans, but that is mostly because of its link to some of the Founders and the governing elite’s relentless propaganda portraying it is as “the people’s house.” Pelosi, all praise to her, proved beyond doubt that neither the Capitol building nor any other building in Washington, DC, houses people with any concern whatever for the welfare of the American people and the republic that is their birthright and property. After two centuries of believing in the concept of the people’s house, Pelosi, her party, its BLM terrorists, and the corrupt Capital Police proved to all Americans with open eyes and commonsense that the Capitol has devolved from glory into being only a building, and so it is expendable. It always can be rebuilt.

Since 1945 the Capitol has stood as a house of deep and everlasting shame, corruption, and deceit. A building from which the people’s so-called representatives have inflicted multiple, always lost, foreign wars on their youngsters, depressions, recessions, extortionate taxes, unwanted and unneeded immigrants, authoritarian laws, unending war on the Constitution and Bill of Rights, 61-plus million dead infants, trillions of dollars in wasted foreign aid that intentionally deprived Americans of needed income, and interminable lies on every conceivable subject.

As noted, the Capitol stands for the moment, but the day is coming when the vermin inhabiting it will be evicted. When that occurs, it may be the beginning of wisdom to destroy it and start again far from D.C. After all, it is likely that not even Hercules could clean the premises of the filth that will be left behind by today’s vermin. Indeed, next to the Capitol Building, the Augean Stables provided a near idyllic environment for the labors of Hercules.

Is there more? Ah yes, there is plenty: (a) Fauci’s now-proven and still ongoing murder-campaign against Americans using a Chinese biological weapon, the building of which he funded with U.S. taxpayer money; (b) Biden’s open-border program that is rapidly increasing the nationwide dispersal of China’s chemical-weapon attack on Americans with the killer-drug Fentanyl; (c) Biden’s decision to make the U.S. economy dependent on rare earth minerals produced in foreign countries, this to please the climate freaks and fraudsters in his gang; (d) the FBI’s deceitful blaming of Russia for recent hacks that disrupted a gas pipeline and a giant meat-packing company, hacks that fit perfectly with Biden’s plans to produce hyperinflation, kill the U.S. energy industry, and end the production of meat in the United States; and … well, these and other issues are for another day’s discussion.

Come retribution.

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In Biden’s murderous, anti-White war, loyal Americans will be “White Nationalist Supremacists” prepared to kill tyranny

Last week the traitorous and absolutely illegitimate president of the United States, Joe Biden, directly threatened all Americans who oppose his Fascist behavior and diktats, pledging that “those who are not vaccinated will end up paying the price.” (1) Has there previously been a president who has threatened the citizenry on an issue over which he has not a lick of constitutional power to demand their unquestioning obedience? The answer is no.

It is now clear that this will be the Biden Administration’s dictatorial power toward any American – but especially white Americans – who know he is an illegitimate scoundrel and so refuse to accept that he has even a flake of legitimate authority that permits him to order any citizen to do anything that violates their constitutional protections against a criminal and out-of-control government. In his threat, Biden focused on vaccinations, but the citizenry’s safety demands that the inference must be drawn that this bastard intends to rule by decree.

In a book written in the mid-16th century, but only found in the 20th, the great English republican Algernon Sidney – a favorite of our of Founders, and who was executed for refusing his beliefs – described the plight of a citizenry that had been rendered slaves “by violence, oppression, or fraud [and thereby] are unjustly brought into servitude.” These citizens, Sidney explained,

“ever have a right of recovering their liberty, which no time can take from them. The continuance of the injury increases it. Their lord has not title to his dominion over them but force, and they may justly repel force with force, retaliating upon him what they have suffered from him, and punish him with bondage or death.” (2)

I again find it difficult to choose among the dozens of topics that genuinely merit immediate attention, and can support the determined preparations of Americans to remove a man whose “dominion” over them stands only as a testament to the effectiveness of heinous fraud and force. One topic to examine is that of the Capitol Police officer who executed Ashli Babbitt on 6 January 2021. This man has been left unpunished or, it seems, even suspended for his action. He is both an immigrant from Brazil and a Black man who supports BLM, two affiliations that — under Fraud Biden’s administration — puts him on a pedestal as a symbol to be adored by those already held as slaves by the Democrats.

Then there is what appears to be the complete collapse of border security that is allowing an endless, republic-destroying horde of illegal Third World aliens to enter the United States, people who immediately go on the dole and are free from any control by law enforcement. Also easily entering America are covert intelligence and paramilitary operators from Iran, Pakistan, Russia, China, etc., individuals who will eventually be directed to wage a covert war against the republic’s population and infrastructure. These operators will be free from any fear of opposition from the national government run by traitors like Biden, Pelosi, Harris, Schumer and many others of both parties, all of whom do not want to alienate their paymasters in Beijing, Moscow, and Tehran. In short, the world’s greatest superpower is wildly out of control, and it is that environment that Biden et. al want not only to maintain but worsen.

Perhaps the most important current issue facing loyal Americans is the increasingly clear and lethal fraud that is being conducted by Biden and his party, many Republicans, the media, the doctors and scientists who staff the National Institutes of Health, the CDC, the giant Pharmaceutical firms, and major doctors’ organizations, teachers’ unions, and university medical schools.

Biden, Fauci, Birx, and Bill Gates, are the faces of this fraud, and, as things are turning out, Fauci , Gates, China, and the Wuhan biological laboratory, whch Fauci funded with U.S. taxpayer dollars, are the agents of the Wuhan Flu, the facilitators of its use as a bio-weapon to kill a half-million Americans and shutdown their society/economy. They also are the creators of anti-Wuhan-Flu vaccines that may well kill millions more, and are among the mad zealots that have intentionally created a fear-based, quasi-fascist environment in America over the past 17 months.

These are all points that have been discussed in this space before. I raise them again only as means to again stress how out of control the republic is, and how that chaos is precisely what is wanted by the clique of America-haters and Chinese-government employees that now are masquerading as the governors and guardians of our nation-state. What to do?

Well the most obvious conclusion for all loyal Americans — especially White Americans — is to accept is that they are under a vicious, racist attack by Biden, his administration, and the slew of low-lives, atheists, criminals, non-entities, clerics who have no god, and death-worshipers of all colors that constitute their supporters. Note for example:

–1.) Biden has ordered the military to be purged of our husbands and wives, and sons and daughters because they are white, because they are patriots, because they will defend the republic to the death, and because they are achievers in live. They are, in other words, all the things Biden and his followers are not, and never can be. So far, of course, they have only purged White people.

–2.) Biden has called on Big Pharma to play the role that I.G. Farben played for the National Socialists in Germany, only Big Pharma is using poison vaccines not poison gas. Funny thing, I.G. Farben helped kill millions of Jews, and now great number of pro-Biden, Jewish-Americans are cheering on the mass murderers. Useful idiots, these people. Their acceptance by Biden and the Democrats will end — probably violently — once their anti-White campaign is complete.

–3.) Biden and his fellow Chinese-paid cronies have assigned big business and big tech the roles of ensuring that Americans must use Vaccine Passports — precisely akin to Herr Hitler’s use of Yellow Stars — to continue or gain employment in their own country and, eventually, to travel in their own or to other states. These entities already have begun to block loyal Americans’ use of banks, credit cards, and social media.

–4.) Biden and his regime have chosen to side with the great numbers of the most complete losers in American society; indeed in the republic’s history. These expendables, include Democrat-crafted feminists, sexual deviants, pedophiles, racists, dole-lovers, and a host of other minority-group detritus. These are people who fully realize that (a) they do not want to work hard-enough to succeed, and that their expensive educations qualify them only for whining about their failure in life and blaming others for it; (b) their only possible career is one of mindlessly supporting the governmental, military, academic, and media purveyors of tyranny; and that (c) their fanatic atheism uniquely qualifies them to work as SS-like murderers when Biden begins to imprison loyal Americans in work camps. Those camps, of course, will be identified at the entrance by the banner used so effectively by Biden’s role-models, one stating “Albeit Mach Frei”.

–5.) Biden’s regime has openly started another front in its campaign to impoverish and eventually enslave White Americans by blocking relief aid to white farmers and restaurant owners, and giving it only to their already enslaved minorities. Biden also is holding many Whites arrested in the BLM-staged event in Washington, DC, on 6 January 2021, in solitary confinement, without access to lawyers, and, according to some media reports, are being beaten or otherwise abused.

The acts of fierce, national-government tyranny noted in this list could be far longer, but for now those noted are enough. The question now is what should be done?

Start with yourself. I am, for example, White. I am also — as readers of this space and media watchers generally will know — a virulent nationalist, an American Firster to the bone. Now, I have never been a “White supremacist,” although I recognize — as would anyone with half a brain– that this republic was built, overwhelmingly so, on the backs, brains, brawn, courage, ideas, daring, inventiveness, and commitment to the rule law of White people. Surely other races have assisted; especially, in the past 150 years, Asians, who seem to have an insatiable appetite for work, family formation and preservation, and innovation. This recognition is not a sign of White Supremacy. It is just a fact.

Today, however, Biden and his lieutenants, their party, their corporate hit-men, and their young, semi-human Black and White terrorists and street thugs have decided it is time for loyal White Americans to either acquiesce and die under their tyranny or fight back. In essence, they insist that, from here on out, Whites are to be legally suppressed, oppressed, disenfranchised, and popularly despised, harassed, and physically attacked by the low-IQ slime-creatures who are the core and main brain-power of the Democratic Party, and who are paid by corporate America and protected by federal law-enforcement agencies.

In other words, loyal White Americans are facing a contest — a fight to the death, really — among contenders for the top supremacist slot in Biden’s American. In such a contest, no person seeking survival for himself, his family, and his community would want to finish in last place. It already has been established that guaranteed supremacist slots are held by Blacks, Socialists, terminally adolescent intellectuals, illegal aliens, feminists, pedophiles, sexually deviants generally, abortionists, multicultural-and-diversity ideologues, and vastly overpaid, anti-student, and under-educated teachers. All this debris, will have been identified as holding positions on the list of “good supremacists” — (Do not laugh!) — and will remain so at least as until the Democrat grandees, George Soros, Bill Gates, and corporate and big tech leaders decide they are expendable — not much brain-power needed to make that call — and so merit liquidation.

In the light of the foregoing, it is time for all loyal White Americans to acknowledge that they are in a life-and-death struggle with tyrannical killers, supremacists all. Until recently, there have never been more than a handful of “White Supremacists” in the United States, and they, like all the supremacists now succored by the Democrats, were the unhinged dregs of humanity. If the lethal game of supremacists started by the Democrats must be played, there is no choice but to assume the role of “White National Supremacists” and under that banner destroy the semi-human trash that intends to destroy us, our liberty, our republic, and our way of life.

And, finally, who will be worthy of the title of “White Nationalist Supremacist”? Well, and quite naturally, it will be those people of any race who value the republic, its heroes, its flags, and its history; who stand by and fight for the U.S. Constitution, the Bill of Rights, colorblind justice, and the sanctity of life; who prize the ideas of fair dealing, equality before the law, peace, minding your own business at home and abroad, hard work, and keeping an eye out for those in need; who know the worth of community, decentralized and limited governmental power, Christianity, and the right of revolution and self-defense in the face of godless tyranny; and who seek the courage, joy, and pride that is always found in standing your ground against tyranny and, if you can, mercilessly slaughtering the would-be tyrants. After all, the timely, the thorough-going slaughter of criminal frauds and tyrants — especially in the national government’s judicial and law-enforcement organizations — is the best and only-accurate measure of social justice in any nation.

Let us close with one additional comment from Mr. Sidney. His words are nearly five centuries old but remain precisely pertinent to the tyrant-ruler Biden and his party.

“Whoever therefore assumes to himself any such power, breaks all those bonds, renders himself an enemy to mankind, and obliges all that are friends to reason and justice to destroy such a monster, who, having the shape of man, has nothing else of humanity.” (3)



–1.) See,

–2) Algernon Sydney. Court Maxims. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1996, p. 200

–3.) Ibid., p. 203



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Joseph Biden is intentionally killing Americans

There have been a number of infamous actions during the Biden administration’s first 100 days. None is more predictable than the revelation that Biden himself is a cold-blooded killer.

–1.) Just to warm up, Biden killed a pipeline project, thereby eradicating tens of thousands of well-paying middle class jobs, bankrupting working families, and likely  causing the death of small-town economies all along the pipeline’s route.

–2.) Next, Biden murdered American energy independence, thereby deliberately maiming the republic’s ability to command the broadest range of foreign-policy options and knowingly undermining national security and the public safety.

–3.) Then Biden condoned the cold-blooded murder of Ashli Babbitt by a government employee. He used his DoJ and FBI to ensure Ms. Babbitt’s murderer was not brought to justice, thereby giving the all-clear to other government employees to commit premeditated murder. This policy of murder-and-no-charges-for-killers surely will be repeated in the months ahead, as the utterly corrupt federal law-enforcement agencies begin rounding up average citizens who voted for Trump, or are simply conservatives.

–4.) Biden is facilitating the murder by China of tens of thousands of young and middle-age Americans of all colors by cooperating with Beijing and the murderous Mexican cartels to allow the entry of many tons of  Chinese-made fentanyl across the southern border. He and his colleagues are out to murder the Midwest and the South — the latter always the Democrats’ favorite punching-bag — as they are the nation’s strongest and most stubborn bastions of Christianity and small-government republicanism.

–5.) Biden, with Fauci and Gates, are using the not-ready for prime-time Wuhan Virus vaccines to deliberately kill, paralyze, disfigure, and blind as many thousands of Americans as possible. It is clear that none of the vaccines are working as promised; media report 60-percent of new cases are among the vaccinated. Ghoulish Biden administration authorities, fueled by Gates’ money and mad hatred for Americans, are engaged in a murderous population-reduction project in the United States. Shades of Nuremberg .

–6.) Finally, Biden’s passion for murdering Americans is most clear in the blanket protection he has provided to the five Democratic governors and their bureaucrats who knowingly killed tens of thousands of elderly citizens as the means to drive up the Wuhan Flu death count at a time when the public’s artificially created fear of the Wuhan Flu was at its highest.

It seems Killer Biden must have forgotten a key commandment of the faith he so often and so falsely trumpets; namely, “Thou shalt not kill”, which refers to murder with no clear, acceptable justification. The rest of his countrymen have not forgotten the commandment; they know well that Biden and his party have already murdered 61-plus million American infants and, for them, Biden’s current behavior as the head of Murder Inc. is no surprise.

But these citizens also know there are exceptions to that commandment, all of which flow from the notion of self-defense and the citizenry’s absolute duty to destroy tyrant-killers who are bent on killing their God-given rights — the 1st, 2nd, and 4th Amendments, for example — and who seek to murder and enslave them to sate their lust for money, power, and blood-letting.

Another doctrine that Killer Biden appears to have forgotten has nothing to do with religion. It comes from that endless fount of knowledge called commonsense, and it goes “What goes around, comes around”.

Killer Biden and his lieutenants ought to relearn and memorize that key bit of everyday wisdom. By so doing, he and they will not be surprised by how things turn out.

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Resolved: Keep buying guns, especially AR-15s and like weapons, ammunition, and high-capacity magazines

Biden and his fellow miscreants are a nightmare that will not end. It increasingly looks like the citizenry will have to end their term long before 2024. Biden — or whoever gave him the words via earpiece — deliberately lit the fuse for the eventual demise of him and his kind.

In his 8 April 2021 lie that “gun violence in this country is an epidemic”, (1) Biden told a partial truth. A far more truthful statement would have had Biden admit that “gun violence is an epidemic in large cities long-governed by Democrats; among the felons and Mexican cartels and gangs the party has coddled for a half-century; among the shooters set up by Democratic operatives and/or the FBI to kill numerous innocent people for political purposes; and among the Democrats’ well-paid, semi-human, rioting terrorists of BLM and ANTIFA.” These words precisely depict the deep and irrefutable core of gun violence in this country.

Being lethal of enemies of truth and addicted to authoritarianism, Biden declared war not only armed, lawful, and self-reliant citizens of all races, but on the country’s heritage and the entirety of its constitutional structure. In his statement, Biden said,

Nothing — nothing I’m about to recommend in any way impinges on the Second Amendment.  They’re phony, arguments suggesting that these are Second Amendment rights at stake from what we’re talking about.

But no amendment — no amendment to the Constitution is absolute.  You can’t yell crowd — you can’t tell [yell]* “fire” in a crowded movie theater and call it freedom of speech.  From the very beginning, you couldn’t own any weapon you wanted to own.  From the very beginning that the Second Amendment existed, certain people weren’t allowed to have weapons.  So the idea is just bizarre to suggest that some of the things we’re recommending are contrary to the Constitution. (2)

We no longer need to wonder why Biden was near the bottom of his law school class. At least the the first ten amendments to the Constitution were added by the Founding generation to make sure that the citizens’ rights contained therein were protected against government encroachment forever. Those amendments were intended to the basis of all government in America for all time. Mr. Jefferson and his colleagues explained that these rights are present in all people for all time because they come as God’s gift to men. They never are gifts from the state. The Declaration declared the eternal truth that “all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” (3)

Now, the first ten amendments are etched in stone, they are unchangeable. They are, if you will, the enablers that are meant to ensure the citizenry can always protect itself from the common fault of all fallen humans; namely, an excessive greed for dominating power and riches that — in governmental officials — often to leads to measures aimed at enslaving the people. In America, destroying the 2nd Amendment is the Democrats’ indispensable first step toward that enslavement.

Biden’s twice repeated the claim that all he is proposing “is totally consistent with the 2nd Amendment”. (4) But saying something twice does not make it true. Biden and his colleagues intend to do three things that clearly are meant to make it impossible for citizens to defend themselves, their liberties, their children, their faith, and their wealth. Biden’s beloved-of-Fascists tools that will be used to secure this end include:

–A national “red-flag law” which would deprive states of their right and duty to protect their residents’ right to bear arms. Such a law also would create a nation of snitches recruited by the FBI, ATF, and other federal agencies to use as ready-to-lie witnesses whose testimony would disarm any or all citizens who the national-government-of-the-day identifies as an enemy or simply dislikes. Obviously, the idea mirrors the trusty British tool of divide-and-conquer by which London conquered, ruled, and economically exploited an empire that covered mush of the world.

–Federal laws that will allow gun-manufacturers to be sued if their weapons are used to commit crimes. This measure, of course, would either force gun-makers out of business, or cause them to charge far higher prices for weapons, prices that could well be prohibitive for a large percentage of current gun-owners.

–A ban on what the ignorant Democrats describe as “assault weapons”. Biden said “we should ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines in this country. … There is no reason someone needs a weapon of war with 100 rounds…” (5) This is simply a means to ensure that an authoritarian national regime can reliably and overwhelmingly outgun those it intends to enslave. Biden’s contention that no one needs a high-capacity magazine is absurd. For example, given the arson, property destruction, theft, injuries, murders, kidnappings, human-trafficking, narcotics trafficking, and general anarchy that the Democrat Party’s elected officials, donors, and terrorists are conducting in major cities and along the southern border, the idea that citizens must be deprived of so-called assault weapons and high-capacity magazines is madness. Indeed, those tools, as the Founders intended, would be extremely useful for citizens to use to end violence and restore citizen-safety, property protection, and public tranquility in Portland, Minneapolis, Seattle, and other major cities where governments, at all levels, have refused to execute their legal and moral obligations.

Biden’s Obama-like weepy, lying speech on gun violence is his illegitimate regime’s declaration that it will not abide by the Constitution; indeed, that it intends to destroy it. Negating the 2nd Amendment is the make-or-break prerequisite to his administration’s plans to rule by diktat and enslave Americans. Once the citizenry is disarmed, Biden and his party will move to destroy the value of homes in the suburbs; protect and embolden its racist majority as it increases attacks on and humiliation of loyal Americans of all colors, and seeks to make the murder of Whites and Asians an appluadable practice; empower sexually deviants to enter schools to instill their vile, society-wrecking, and anti-religion depravities among grammar-school children; and ensure the further impoverishment of Americans by the persecution and civil-rights abuse that is the goal of the fraud-and-lie-filled, anti-human, and anti-American crusades known as the Wuhan Virus, Climate Change, and interventionist wars.

The United States was founded on two sets of principles: those of Protestant Christianity and its Bible, and what British North Americans called “English liberties”; the colonists believed the British government usurped the latter rights via unconstitutional laws and, finally, by bayonet-point. Indeed, by 1775, Britain’s violations of the Empire’s constitutional law were extensive, and London had sent Lieutenant-General Thomas Gage to serve as the governor of Massachusetts and commander-in-chief of British forces in North America. His mission was to restore order and ensure loyalty in the colonies. Gage soon initiated an unprecedented and illicit campaign to disarm those British Americans in the colony he deemed Britain’s foes. In April, 1775, British military forces, sent on an expedition to seize American arms, ammunition, and cannon, engaged American militiamen at Lexington and Concord. There were firefights at both locations, and then the militiamen marvelously mauled the British force along the entire route of its retreat to Boston.

These actions by the British government and army moved the colonists – through the their representatives votes at the Second Continental Congress – to resolve in favor of war as the only remaining means of protecting what they deemed as their God-given birthright of “English liberties”. A paper drafted by Thomas Jefferson and John Dickinson for the Congress’s consideration, condemned British actions, described the colonists’ devotion to their God-given rights, and declared their determination to take up arms to defend the liberties that they would, in 1776, define as inalienable. Congress debated, then approved the draft and it was published on 6 July 1775. The paper is titled a “Declaration of the Causes and Necessity of Taking Up Arms”. In it Jefferson and Dickinson laid-out the religious and constitutional basis on which Americans would act, and on which the American republic would be founded a year later.

If it was possible for men, who exercise their reason to believe, that the divine Author of our existence intended a part of the human race to hold an absolute property in, and an unbounded power over others, marked out by his infinite goodness and wisdom, as the objects of a legal domination never rightfully resistible, however severe and oppressive, the inhabitants of these colonies might at least require from the parliament of Great-Britain some evidence, that this dreadful authority over them, has been granted to that body. But a reverance for our Creator, principles of humanity, and the dictates of common sense, must convince all those who reflect upon the subject, that government was instituted to promote the welfare of mankind, and ought to be administered for the attainment of that end. The legislature of Great-Britain, however, stimulated by an inordinate passion for a power not only unjustifiable, but which they know to be peculiarly reprobated by the very constitution of that kingdom, and desparate of success in any mode of contest, where regard should be had to truth, law, or right, have at length, deserting those, attempted to effect their cruel and impolitic purpose of enslaving these colonies by violence, and have thereby rendered it necessary for us to close with their last appeal from reason to arms. …

We are reduced to the alternative of chusing an unconditional submission to the tyranny of irritated ministers, or resistance by force. — The latter is our choice. — We have counted the cost of this contest, and find nothing so dreadful as voluntary slavery. — Honour, justice, and humanity, forbid us tamely to surrender that freedom which we received from our gallant ancestors, and which our innocent posterity have a right to receive from us. We cannot endure the infamy and guilt of resigning succeeding generations to that wretchedness which inevitably awaits them, if we basely entail hereditary bondage upon them. …

… We gratefully acknowledge, as signal instances of the Divine favour towards us, that his Providence would not permit us to be called into this severe controversy, until we were grown up to our present strength, had been previously exercised in warlike operation, and possessed of the means of defending ourselves. With hearts fortified with these animating reflections, we most solemnly, before God and the world, declare, that, exerting the utmost energy of those powers, which our beneficent Creator hath graciously bestowed upon us, the arms we have been compelled by our enemies to assume, we will, in defiance of every hazard, with unabating firmness and perseverence, employ for the preservation of our liberties; being with one mind resolved to die freemen rather than to live slaves.

In our own native land, in defence of the freedom that is our birthright, and which we ever enjoyed till the late violation of it — for the protection of our property, acquired solely by the honest industry of our fore-fathers and ourselves, against violence actually offered, we have taken up arms. We shall lay them down when hostilities shall cease on the part of the aggressors, and all danger of their renewed shall be removed, and not before.

With an humble confidence in the mercies of the supreme and impartial Judge and Ruler of the Universe, we most devoutly implore his divine goodness to protect us happily through this great conflict, to dispose our adversaries to reconciliation on reasonable terms, and thereby to relieve the empire from the calamities of civil war. (6)

This Jefferson-Dickinson paper is the most important document of American history. It shaped the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights that followed, and it forever told the American people – and the world – that the liberties of Americans were given to them by God, were guaranteed against government usurpation by English liberties, and were their birthright, and, after 1787, part of their Constitution.

But then came the lying naysayers. Since the late 19th century, there have been endless claims by some prominent Americans – politicians, reformers, professors, journalists, etc. — that the United States was not founded as a Christian and English-speaking country; that the 2nd Amendment is not meant to empower citizens to remove treasonous or unacceptable leaders; and that the state is the source of an individual’s rights and can alter them as it sees fit. These grotesquely ahistorical expungers of history are aiming at only two goals; first, to create an authoritarian government and, second, to destroy the Christian religion in America and its strong and greatly beneficial influence on how life is lived and people are governed in this republic.

Although completely stupid, useless, and traitorous as a man, Biden’s words and behavior as president, and his administration’s words and actions over the past 130 days, are shining and crystal clear proof of what was in the minds and intentions of the Founders when they put the 2nd Amendment into the Bill of Rights. Biden, his officials, his racist party, with their media acolytes and illicit policies, are quickly, deliberately, and indisputably creating conditions in America that will — sooner rather than later — fully justify the citizenry’s last-resort duty, which is, as Jefferson and Dickinson wrote, to recognize and accept the necessity of taking up arms.



–Comment: Readers of this space will know that I have always put a very high value on the paper written by Jefferson and John Dickinson, considering it, by far, the best expression of the American mind and governing philosophy that has ever been written. I also have used parts of it for other articles appearing on this blog, as I have done above. The document is a lengthy, but a full read of it makes it clear where the republic came from, and how our ancestors believed it is – in the last resort – to be defended. The last-resort option now seems to be the one we are confronting. The Jefferson-Dickinson paper is easily accessed on the internet; see Endnote 6 below. I urge you to read it.


–2.) Ibid.

–3.) “Declaration of Independence,’’


–5.) Ibid.

–6.) “A Declaration by the Representatives of the United Colonies of North-America, Now Met in Congress at Philadelphia, Setting Forth the Causes and Necessity of Their Taking Up Arms,”


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Biden wants war in Ukraine for ideological and personal reasons, no U.S. interest is at stake

With boats getting stuck at Suez, a Vice President who cannot take time from madly giggling to locate the southern border and do her job, and an idiot- president who claims to have the power – through Executive Orders – to rewrite the Constitution, the issue of immediate substantive importance for the United States is the war that Biden and his European gangster-mates are brewing several thousand miles away in the Ukraine.

Biden, through his deputies and surrogates, is pushing the Ukrainian government to be ready to attack the Russians and to request membership in NATO. Now, remember that it was Biden, Obama, Hillary Clinton, the BBC, George Soros, the UN, and their EU chums who helped overthrow the legitimate government of the Ukraine, in order to bring Ukrainian oligarchs into power. The foreign over-throwers knew that the oligarchs would pay them top dollar for securing power for them. Americans have since learned that the trick worked, and that Joey Bribes and Heroin Hunter grew very rich from oligarch payoffs and skimming off the U.S. aid delivered to Kiev.

These foreign over-throwers also knew their actions posed a deadly strategic threat to Russia’s national security and probably hoped for a war with Moscow at that point. Putin, being smarter than all of them, a fierce nationalist, and a superb strategist did not take the bait. Moscow’s armed forces returned Crimea, its people, and its ports and naval bases to the Russian motherland, a brilliant, absolutely necessary, and easily predictable Russian reaction. Putin’s speed, manliness, and ability to quickly make hard decisions reduced Obama, Biden, Clinton, and NATO’s political and military leaders to quivering cowards and temporarily calmed the storm the latter gang had deliberate started.

But now, with riches pocketed, Biden et al. have returned to complete George H.W. Bush’s goal of war with Russia. After the dissolution of the USSR, Bush unleashed Wall Street pirates who galloped off to Russia to steal what was left of its ruined economy. Reneging on pledges to Gorbachev and other Russians, Bush also began getting NATO and U.S. military forces as to near Russia’s western border as possible, while beginning the process of enrolling into NATO every former Soviet East European republic he could find and bribe with U.S. financial and military aid. Showing that there is only one-party when it comes to foreign policy, and one policy called war within that foreign policy, Biden is trying to complete the elder Bush’s war-mongering by bringing on a fight with Putin’s Russia over Ukraine.

If Biden’s plan comes to fruition, there will be two results. First, the Russian military quickly will kick hell out of the Ukraine’s military and occupy whatever portion of the country’s territory that Moscow’s directs. The Ukrainian’s will put up fight – hate is powerful motivator – but they will be no match for the Russian forces. What next? Well, NATO is a military force only because the United States, the UK, and France have nuclear weapons. Moscow wants no such war, but neither does it want a Ukraine that periodically – this time at Biden’s direction – threatens to attack Russian interests, nor does it want to see Ukraine become a member of NATO, as that means NATO bases come even closer to Russian territory. If war comes, Moscow will see that Ukraine is militarily neutered, and will make sure – as the U.S., NATO, the UN, and the EU did with the oligarchs – that Russia’s friends rule in Kiev and do not seek NATO membership.

The second, still unfolding result is that Biden and his Western playmates are in the midst of causing a nuclear war. NATO is a military wreck and its power and resolve are negligible. With few exceptions, the European governing elites have bred the fighting spirit out of their male populations; this reality will gallop to the fore if the NATO militaries are called on to “save” a country as monumentally unimportant to them as the Ukraine. As for the U.S. military, it has won nothing since 1945, and its generals officers are now sitting on the sidelines, drawing pay, ignoring their solemn oath, and calmly watching Biden and his fellow sociopaths rip American society, domestic security, and the Constitution to shreds. The generals’ behavior is a pretty pathetic return for the taxpayers’ annual $700 billion-plus investment.

And, of course, Ukraine is important to no one in the United States, except, that is, for the Biden family and friends who grossly and illegally enriched themselves by extorting the Ukrainians. It is very likely that, if war comes, the only choice the U.S. and NATO will have to stop Russia’s campaign – which is likely to be a 21st century variety of blitzkrieg – is a nuclear strike. It might, at first, be a tactical nuclear attack by NATO, but only a fool would want to bet that Putin will play the tit-for-tat, tactical nuclear game. All of the NATO governments and their conventional militaries, save, perhaps, for Poland and Hungary, are, like Biden, pale shadows of former nothings. At that point, the choice for the West will be a definitive Russian victory or a U.S.-led strategic nuclear exchange.

This scenario seems beyond the pale, even mad. But think about it for a moment. The U.S., EU, and NATO governments – again, excepting the doughty Poles and Hungarians – are led by people who are blood-brothers with Soros, the UN, Bill Gates, and other die-hard champions of the “pressing need” to greatly reduce what they claim is the “over population of the world”. Being people who – like Biden, Obama, Bush, Pelosi, etc. — are extraordinarily rich, who have superb private-security protection, and have long ago built top-notch, luxurious, and nuclear-proof bolt-holes, they are likely to see the prospect for a world-wide nuclear war as the population-eradicating chance of a life-time. Such a war will serve a dual purpose for the Biden criminals. Obviously, a nuclear war will wipe out Ukraine, one main source of their income, but it will also destroy any witnesses and documentary evidence that shows their criminality. If the Biden family cannot have the Ukraine, no one will.

Nuclear war over Ukraine? The idea is both ludicrous and, thanks to Biden and his gang, oh so close to realization. That seems a high price for the citizenry to pay for the U.S. bipartisan governing elite, and its bought-and-paid-for Supreme Court, cooperating to rig the 2020 election and put the criminal war-mongers back in power. War is coming, though. If there is no Ukraine war, it will be time for one in the United States, and, as the saying goes, paybacks can be a nasty, bloody business when delivered to tyrants by long-abused citizens.

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