Virginia’s ditzy, anti-family Soccer-Moms should go piss up a rope

Here in Virginia, Joe Biden and Terry McAuliffe have suffered severe problems maintaining their vocabularies when speaking in public. This week, heading toward next week’s gubernatorial election, these two corrupt and tyrannical bastards have just a one-word vocabulary. Ringing through the hills, dales, cities, battlefields, valleys, and hamlets of the Old Dominion are the voices of McAuliffe and – when he can recall his one-word task – Biden endlessly repeating the word — “Trump”.

Why is this occurring? Well, many of the Democrats’ candidates, pundits, and on-the-take shills in Virginia claim that the state’s “Soccer Moms” hate Trump because he sent “mean tweets” and wasn’t “presidential enough”. The key to winning next week’s election, according to these experts, is to just keep saying “Trump” and the great, snorting heard of addled soccer-mom automatons will trance-walk their way to the voting booth and elect McAuliffe, just as they elected Biden – aided, of course by Chinese regime’s hackers – in the 2020 presidential race.

Now I hope this is not true, and not only because I loathe the master grifter-and-liar and Clinton-ass-kisser McAuliffe. If it again proves true that the Virginia’s soccer-moms are triggered to attack their own families by the word “Trump”, then they themselves richly deserve the loathing and detestation of all Virginians. Indeed, of all Americans.

What Biden and McAuliffe are telling the nation is that Virginia soccer-moms are so stupid, self-obsessed, and easily and obviously manipulated by men that they can base their votes only on mean-tweets and other such silly ephemera. What the two tyrants are saying is that the soccer-moms voted, in 2020, for runaway inflation and gas prices; energy dependence; empty grocery shelves; a deviant man posing as a woman who is now the navy’s first 4-star Admiralmoiselle; an addicted, sexually depraved, two-bit portraitist running a huge, money-making scam from the White House; higher taxes; poison-and-forced vaccinations; the destabilization of the U.S. military; BLM-and-Antifa Democrat terrorists burning cities; and endless national-government actions meant to kill the Bill of Rights and make Democrats’ election-rigging apparatus permanent.

Now that’s enough to earn soccer-moms loathing from their voting peers; it is clear evidence that they care nothing about the state’s or the republic’s survival. But where recognizing their stupidity is joined by hatred for them and thereby becomes deep disgust for that whole gang of servile twits is where the word “Trump” – according to Biden, McAuliffe and their advisers – will make the soccer-moms vote against their children and families. For these mindless shrews, the Democrat leaders say, CRT as the base for childhood education is just fine; hating America, your family, and yourself, if you are white, is just nifty; teacher-led campaigns to prevent kids telling parents what goes in school are the nuts; hard-core pornographic literature and pro-pedophile and transsexual instruction are snazzy as hell; hating the republic and preaching for the destruction of it and the Constitution are joyfully essential; afternoon revelries in the school library with local Transvestites inviting kids to sit on their laps and find a surprise is just so classy and au courant; and scantily-clad high school students of both sexes performing lap-dances on the faculty is just about the height of sophistication and naughtiness in suburbia.

Well, we will soon see whether Virginia’s sainted soccer-moms again act next Tuesday on their purportedly abiding, mind-closing, and republic-killing hatred for Trump, who is not even on a ticket anywhere. If McAuliffe wins, we will learn that soccer-moms are no more free to vote their minds, hearts, and commonsense than American women were before the 19th Amendment gave them the franchise. Indeed, these women are much less free, being unable to distinguish between good and bad, true and false, or even to detect their crass manipulation by males. All told, mean-tweet-driven, anti-family, pro-depravity, anti-child, vaccine-loving, mask-wearing, anti-American, and gender-mad Virginia soccer-mom voters are worthless as citizens and questionable as human beings.

The kindest thing to suggest to such perpetually adolescent soccer-moms is that they (a) collectively go and piss up a rope, and (b) let adults who can think for themselves decide what is best for their families, children, schools, state, liberties, and republic.




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Colin Powell … one less enemy of America

One of the great deceivers and America-haters passed way in the last few days.

Colin Powell died and any number of NeoCons are now crying crocodile tears about his loss. After all, Powell’s lie-filled performance at the UN gave them what they thought would be their easy road to world domination. Being stupid beyond the comprehension of any person with commonsense, the Neocons and Powell got the United States into a war with Islamists that continues today, and is now, again, expanding. This time it will be fueled from the Islamists’ well-and-Biden-armed citadel in Afghanistan and by the observation of Muslims worldwide of the extreme weakness, deceit, and cowardice of Biden’s administration and its generals, not to mention their murder-by-vaccine of the citizenry.

A much-praised man as a soldier, general officer, Secretary of State, and grifting inspirational speaker, Powell’s hatred for the United States — beyond that which he shared with the Neocons — was shown in his retirement when he helped to impose on Americans three presidential administrations whose main characteristics were to serve as a wrecking-ball for the American republic and to spread lethal hatred for white Americans.

The support of the supposedly great-and-good Powell helped human refuse like Barack Obama and Joe Biden position themselves to destroy the American republic. Posing as a man-of-the-people, Powell helped convince many Americans, who knew in their bones that Obama and Biden were sexual degenerates and traitorous grifters, to take a chance and vote for two men who turned out to be effective only as the dividers and killers of Americans.

If the republic is demolished, Obama and Biden — both blessed and boosted by the America-hating Colin Powell — will be the authors of that demise. There is something ironic, I think, that Powell was killed by the poison vaccine that his men Biden, Obama, and their globalist allies forced on Americans.

God damn all of them, and may He reward Powell with much and lasting discomfort.



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The Choice? Liquidate U.S. tyrants or join Aussie, Brit, Canuck, and Kiwi slaves

“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.” C.S. Lewis, God in the Dock [1]

So now the governor/butcher of California is going to inoculate and kill children over 12 with the fatal, non-vaccine, a drug whose only success to date has been killing people, maiming people, ending pregnancies, producing fatal blood clots, and ruining young and old hearts, lungs, and other organs.

The propaganda associated with the poison shot also is deliberately weakening innumerable minds by deluding people with a proposition that is so fundamentally stupid that it is hard to believe that even the lowest IQ individual could accept it; namely, “The unvaccinated are making the vaccinated sick.” Any American ought to be able to recognize this as a badly constructed but deadly lie meant to assist the spread of tyranny. The only respectable — and necessary — reaction to which should come out of the barrel of a gun for anyone who treats U.S. citizens like the unarmed and therefore helpless and hapless slaves of New Zealand, Canada, Britain, and Australia.

The most important lesson to learn from the Chinese Flu is the absolutely irrefutable fact that history always repeats itself. Fauci, Gates, Birx, the Bidens, Harris, the Clintons, the Obamas, the Bushes, and most media are all direct descendants of Mao Tse Tung, Josef Stalin, Pol Pot, Margaret Sanger, Adolph Hitler, and all UN leaders. The only bigger and more anti-human lie than the one Americans are told about “safe and effective vaccines” is the one that they have learned throughout their lives from politicians, clerics, academics, grammar-and-high school teachers, generals, and many others. That lie is short and clear — “history never repeats itself.” This bald-faced and catastrophe-causing lie only allows one thing, and that is the continuous reappearance of human monsters like those listed above, men and women who are obsessed by their own failed and often perverted lives and seek to prove their worth, strength, and power by slaughtering innocents, be they infants in the womb, the just born, kids over 12 – and soon, as Fauci salivates, those over 3 — or the elderly mercilessly packed into eldercare facilities to die.

It is time to rid the United States of these depraved, murdering tyrants and their allies by any means that will permanently terminate their ability to harm anyone. Praise God for the 450 million firearms now in the hands of the increasingly poisoned and persecuted citizenry.

After such eradication, the only fool-proof antidote available to Americans is to understand why the U.S. political left and the academy have for so long sought to destroy the Founders’ work and reputations and the Christian faith on which the republic is based. Their goal in so doing has been to make Americans either forget or detest the eternal truth that man is a fallen creature, one who is capable of both much good and tremendous evil. For this truth, they substituted a clearly and absolutely false belief in the essential goodness, fairness, and equality of all people. Amongst themselves, however, the leftists and academics know the truth about fallen man is eternally correct, but truth for them is always the most feared enemy. They are, in fact, the best examples of “fallen creatures” as they have been conquered by and are in the thrall of evil, and now are reining death on their countrymen in the clearly fraudulent name of saving them from a threat that exists only in their propaganda and campaign to pit Americans against each other.

So, it is up to those of us who believe the truth of man’s fallen nature and treasure the republic to rid ourselves of these mad men and their insatiable blood-lust once for all. In 1750, the always pertinent Protestant cleric Jonathan Mayhew explained the duty of every people that is confronted by a murderous tyranny. This duty, he argued, God imposed on humans to ensure their preservation from lethal threats such those Americans today confront and suffer under, and which emanate from from every level and component of their national, state, and local governments.

“For a nation thus abused to arise unanimously, and to resist their prince, even to dethroning him, is not criminal, but a reasonable way of vindicating their liberties and just rights; it is making use of the means, and the only means, which God has put in their power, for mutual and self-defense. And it would be highly criminal in them, not to make use of this means. It would be stupid tameness, and unaccountable folly, for whole nations to suffer one unreasonable, ambitious, and cruel man. And in such a case it would, of the two, be more rational to suppose, that they [who] did not resist, then they who did, would receive to themselves damnation.” [2]

In a shorter, perhaps more pointed form, it is time to annihilate the republic’s legion of murderous tyrants. So, go forth and, to paraphrase Admiral William Halsey’s order to American military personnel tasked to defend their nation, families, and faith against Imperial Japan, “kill tyrants, kill tyrants, kill more tyrants” and to do so with the calming knowledge that, again paraphrasing Halsey, “the only good tyrant is one that has been dead for six months.” [3]


–1.) See, the PDF version of C.S. Lewis’s God in the Dock at

–2.) Jonathan Mayhew, “A Discourse Concerning Unlimited Submission and Non-Resistance to the Higher Powers,” 30 January 1750. See,;view=fulltext

–3.) Admiral Halsey’s unparaphrased words can be found at

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“The period of debate is closed. Arms, as the last resource, decide the contest” [1]

“In these times, when ancient faiths are disappearing and governments are crumbling, when institutions are yielding to the tread of the mad hosts of disorder, let us take our stand on the side of orderly liberty, on the side of constitutional government.” Senator William E. Borah (R-Montana), 21 February 1919 [2]

“Let us re-adopt the Declaration of Independence, and with it, the practices, and policy, which harmonize with it. Let north and south — let all Americans — let all lovers of liberty everywhere — join in the great and good work. If we do this, we shall not only have saved the Union; but we shall have so saved it, as to make, and to keep it, forever worthy of the saving. We shall have so saved it, that the succeeding millions of free happy people, the world over, shall rise up, and call us blessed, to the latest generations.” Abraham Lincoln, 16 October 1854 [3]

As previously speculated here, the eleven states that seceded from the American republic to form another republic, the Confederate States of America (CSA), had every right in the world to seek their independence by waging war for that objective. I also have written that CSA leaders perhaps acted more on the basis of the pain and woe they expected the Northern states to cause them in the future, rather than on any attack that was occurring contemporaneously. In my view – and I surely could be wrong – the Confederates fired on Fort Sumter and moved Lincoln to war on the basis of this fear and bit of bravado rather than on the facts of the moment.

For the civil war that is now near to hand in the United States, there is absolutely no chance of making the CSA’s mistake again. The record of the U.S. Government’s initiation and direction of a campaign of mass-murder of Americans is simply too real and clear. This reality has been brewing since 1960, as the Democrats and their myriad supporters have waged a steadily intensifying war against white Americans, their faith, their history, and their Constitution and its republic. But let us not talk about the six decades since 1960, but of the 8 or so months that have passed since Biden’s administration took power.

Since 20 January 2021, the Biden Administration has not been “perceived” as a threat by white America, but rather that entity, its members, supporters, and the media have proven themselves by hard cold facts and increasingly murderous actions to be the intractable enemies, and potential genociders of American whites, as well as those citizens of other colors who value liberty, faith, family, and country.

The following points provide the proof of this pudding. They screamingly suggest that the time has come for the republic to be bucked-up by a strong course of white courage via vigorous political, economic, and armed resistance. Such behavior will be identified by the Democrats and their slaves as resurgent white supremacy. Let them believe that and yell it to the heavens, but what the phenomenon really will be is an appropriate, survivalist, and thoroughly-merited lethal response to the mad, anarchic enemies of the already under-attack whites and, more generally, all cohorts of liberty-loving population of the republic.

What actions have the Biden, his administration, its supporters, and its media taken in the past eight-plus months that merit retribution, bloodshed, and perhaps a try at secession? Well, some of those actions are:

–Deliberately killing U.S. energy independence to cause historic price hikes for consumers and again makes America a toy of the Saudis and other Gulf Arabs.

–Deliberately killing, so far, 15,ooo-plus Americans with poison experimental vaccines — an official number that probably is a great underestimate – and cruelly pursuing many more deaths by continuing to preventing the widespread use of effective prophylactics like Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine

–Deliberately refusing to abide by and enforce Supreme Court decisions, and planning to pack the Court with fascist ideologues who will support Biden’s racist/fascist agenda.

–Deliberately working to extirpate Christianity from the United States, the religion on which America was founded, and which has helped power every bit of good that has emerged here since the 17th century. All the nation’s religions must have the freedom to worship, but America remains, as it was created, a Christian country.

–Deliberately leaving Afghanistan in a manner that assured dead and wounded Marines, and facilitated the U.S-entry of tens of thousands more useless, illiterate, violent, and diseased migrants, with proto-fascist U.S. corporations lining up to give them jobs, Biden also gave strategic military facilities to China

–Deliberately operating to repopulate the United States with illiterate, violent, diseased, criminal, anti-American,, anti-white, and unwanted foreign non-whites – that is foreign Critical-Race-Theory graduates — none of whom have experienced liberty and none of whom will ever accept citizenship’s responsibilities.

–Deliberately passing laws that discriminate against white Americans but taxes them to pay for repopulating the republic with vile, non-white Third-World human detritus, 30,000 violence-loving Haitians this month, for example.

–Deliberately creating regulations that protect the abortion/baby-parts industry, and which will soon poison new-borns and toddlers with poisonous vaccines. Joyfully inflicting death is always the indelible trademark of Democrats, as it was of Bolsheviks and Nazis, and is of Chinese communists.

–Deliberately preventing federal law enforcement agencies from enforcing the law; using the same agencies to unconstitutionally incarcerate men and women arrested on 6 January 2021; and then disappearing them in a fashion reminiscent of that favored by the likes Allende, Himmler, Lenin, and other icons of the Democratic Party.

–Deliberately destroying the integrity of the nation’s electoral system for federal elections, brazenly repopulating the electorate with illegal alien voters, and flamboyantly cancelling the most basic of American First Principles; namely, that governments “derive their just powers from the consent of the governed.”

–Deliberately waging war on whites to eliminate them as a national political force and, as the Democrat academy demands and cheers-on, to eventually annihilate the country’s white population

–Deliberately destroying the content and symbols of American history to replace them with the supremacy of the feckless, overwhelmingly non-white shreds and tatters of the republic, the socialists, the sexually depraved, the feminists, the climate/vaccine frauds, black and white terrorists, and generally people who have fed from the trough filled by the taxes hard-working whites since 1960.

–Deliberately imploding the U.S. economy to impoverish not only whites, but the incredibly deluded and already poor non-whites who choose to live as slaves on the Democrat’s plantation and mindlessly support the party that never stops exploiting them.

–Deliberately absolving from legal retribution and then making a public hero of a black Capital Policeman who deliberately murdered Ashli Babbitt in cold blood.

–Deliberately surrendering power from the American government and from citizens of all colors and races, to the UN, which is the greatest criminal, anti-human, anti-faith, war-causing, and murderously elitist entity ever created by the minds of men. To make sure this transfer is complete, the Bidenites are shattering the U.S. military with anti-white racism and mandatory inoculation with poison vaccines.

–Deliberately indoctrinating children with lessons on pornography, anti-white racism, sexual deviancy, how-to-hate themselves and America, and a number of other depraved topics which should earn those who teach them to kids either exile or, preferably, something worse and far more painful.

There is, then, no room for thinking that whites and other liberty-lovers would fight because they fear what might happen in the future, though there is plenty to worry about on that score.  I repeatedly have used the word “deliberately” to underline the hard, clear fact that Biden’s government is using all these tactics and policies to kill many tens of thousands of Americans, to wipe our history and republic, and damage the economy the economy to the point where the insane and anti-science, climate-change charlatans can finish off the nation’s economy.

For a people to seek to recover freedom and liberty through war can only be moral and commonsensical if such a decision is made strictly on the basis of those who take up arms having experienced a long list of lethal attacks. This Americans have experienced in spades since January in the form of deliberate, premeditated killing of Americans by armed federal agents, freed felons, violent illegal aliens, diseased foreigners, and experimental bio-weapons the republic’s Bidenist domestic enemies call vaccines. Such a war could not be fought successfully on the basis of fearful speculations about the Bidenites’ future behavior. But past is prologue here, and the globalist bastards absolutely intend to kill as many Americans as possible, enslave the rest, and damage the republic beyond repair.

The genociders of whites and liberty are here now, and they are insane and active. It is time for the most endangered and attacked group – white people and all other Americans who love this republic for what it is meant to be — to rid North America of all Bidenite fascists, and rid it of them soon and permanently. A savage taste of America First, you might say, seems to be the order of the day.

Indeed, since 1776, the Founders’ – America Firsters to the bone — recommendation for how to deal with a government like Biden’s has never been more compelling, nor has the citizenry’s duty to destroy its election-stealing tormenters more clear:

“But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.” [4]


1.) Thomas Paine at




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Biden declares tyrannical rule; the war is upon us

Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value.” Thomas Paine, 1776 (1)

–“If I am to be asked what is to be done when a people feel themselves intolerably oppressed, my answer is ready: overturn the government. … An armed people must be a free people. All the parchment in the archives are of less force than a single musket in maintaining the liberties of the citizen.” Virginia Congressman John Randolph of Roanoke, c. 1807-1808 (2)


In April, 1861, Confederate President Davis foolishly ordered the bombardment of Fort Sumter in the harbor of Charleston, South Carolina. He thereby gave President Lincoln a sound basis for beginning a military effort to suppress what he defined as the rebellion of the Confederacy against the legitimately elected government of the United States. Lincoln, I think, was right to fight, but wrong about the nature of the war, which was less a rebellion to overthrow a legitimate government than a clearly stated war for separation, independence, and the creation of a new republican government. The war’s result was a loss for the Confederacy, but it did nothing to undercut the natural right of a people to seek independence, which the Democrat’s icon, Woodrow Wilson, defined as the right of self-determination.

Yesterday, 9 September 2021, the illegitimate President of the United States, Joseph Biden, unconstitutionally ordered the U.S. government and the private sector to attack any and all Americans whose ideas, allegiances, traditions, faith, and behavior are abhorred by him and the members of his illegitimate regime. Most especially targeted are the Union’s southern states where those behaviors are the strongest and most durable. It is no coincidence that on the same day, Virginia’s governor Ralph Northam presided over the destruction of the magnificent and much-praised, bronze statute of the in-war-and-peace great American Robert E. Lee in the city of Richmond.

Biden, Northam, and all Democrats have been seeking war with the many millions of Americans who recognize and publicly state that Biden and his allies — and Clinton and Obama and theirs before Biden — are gangsters, mass-murderers, abortionists, traitors, vote-riggers, pedophiles, champions of sexual depravity, and the deadly opponents of liberty, decency, family, and Christianity. Biden declared war because he believes he can kill his foes and their children behind the guise of a so-called “health crisis” and using poisonous vaccines that Fauci, Gates, Birx, and their fellow eugenicists designed to exterminate Americans who are unwilling to be slaves and abandon the republic. Biden and all Democrats are plainly and simply the evil scum of the earth. They serve no useful purpose while they remain alive

Resistance is the only option left for the Americans who plainly see the murderous and evil intent of Biden and those who support him. And no one can assume that such resistance can be executed at the voting booth; the Democrats, after all, have already exterminated that option.

Demonstrations large or small likewise will not be sufficient. They are what the Democrats want. As they did on January 6th. The Democrats will insinuate their Black and White terrorists into orderly demonstrations and turn them into riots on which Pelosi can order the Capital Police — now made into her personal force of thugs — to use indiscriminate machine-gun fire on demonstrators. She wanted to do that on January 6th, and only a fool would think it will not happen on the first chance Pelosi has to use her heavily-armed thugs against pro-Constitution Americans.

The options are few for pro-Constitution Americans. Refusing to be vaccinated — even at the cost of a job — is a must. Biden, et al. have no legal basis for forcing the vaccination of adults or children, they have only meaningless “mandates” and “requirements” that have no force of law, but only the cruel and lethal-hammer of tyranny.

Any governmental action, at any level of government in the republic, to force vaccination on citizens and their children, or to incarcerate those who refuse to be fatally poisoned by non-elected, Fauci-made criminals, perosnal police forces, and blood-thirsty doctors and nurses could only be defined as clear acts of murderers who, themselves, merit nothing less than death.

Resisting the tyranny of forced vaccinations, even unto death, is in essence the duty of armed Americans under the nation’s founding documents — Jefferson’s Declaration and the 2nd Amendment, in particular — and its founding religion, Christianity, especially the writings of the Apostle Paul. In regard to the later, the great American Protestant cleric Jonathan Mayhew said, in January 1750, that,

Tyranny brings ignorance and brutality along with it. It degrades men from their just rank into the class of brutes. It damps their spirits. It suppresses art. It extinguishes every spark of noble ardor and generosity in the breasts of those who are enslaved by it. It makes naturally strong and great minds feeble and little, and triumphs over the ruins of virtue and humanity. This is true of tyranny in every shape. There can be nothing great and good where its influence reaches.

For which reason it becomes every friend to truth and humankind, every lover of God and the Christian religion, to bear a part in opposing this hateful monster.  It was a desire to contribute a mite towards carrying on a war against this common enemy, that produced the following discourse, and if it serve in any measure to keep up a spirit of civil and religious liberty amongst us — my end is answered. There are virtuous and candid men in all sects; all such are to be esteemed: there are also vicious men and bigots in all sects; and all such ought to be despised. (3)

Biden’s tyranny, then, can only be seen as a vicious and deadly disease, one that can only be spread by impoverishment, force, terror, and murder. Those who are now insisting on its spread are the irrefutable enemies of all loyal Americans and their republic’s liberties and independence. These easily identifiable and despicable monsters are the cruel and hateful purveyors of ruination and slavery. They have earned the death sentences already on tap for them.



–1.) Thomas Paine, “The Crisis,” 23 December 1776, at

–2.) David Johnson. John Randolph of Roanoke. Baton Rouge, LA: Louisiana University Press, 2012, pp. 41 and 133. This is a excellent biography of John Randolph, a long-serving Congressman from Virginia and one of America’s greatest non-interventionists.

–3.) Jonathan Mayhew, “A Discourse Concerning Unlimited Submission and Non-Resistance to the Higher Powers,” 30 January 1750. This lengthy discourse is newly available in a well-made and very legible pamphlet-style edition prepared by Bill Fortenberry. It can be had from Amazon books for a pittance.

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Imagine that, infants are humans too!

The Supreme Court’s commonsense decision on the new abortion law in Texas is a shock. Imagine, five of the nine court grandees finally remembered that old saying “thou shall not kill”. Surely, the fight is not over, but this is a step that seemed forever to be just out of reach.

Now, of course, the Democrats and their allies are shrieking and raging about the loss of the freedom to murder infants, cut them up and sell the body parts, consume them at cook-outs attended by the party elite, and to Faucily cross-breed them, or parts of them, with animals. They’re also enraged about this so-called attack on the “freedom” of women; that is, their freedom to arbitrarily murder other human beings. They will continue screaming and the pro-murder and pro-infanticide intelligentsia and woke corporations will keep filling the coffers of the AMA’s Mengele Brigade, and the butcher shops – cutting up unborn and just-born alike — run at a great profit by Planned Parenthood.

Screw them all. They deserve to receive no recognition for the pain they claim to be suffering, nor even an ear to listen to their narcissistic madness. The idea that a woman’s right to murder an infant made her the equal of men, and more of an individual in her own right, has always been the basest intellectual dross. It simply made them murderers. Now they are whining about losing the right to murder, while continuing to whine endlessly about unfair pay, compliments about their appearance, a lack of executive jobs in business, and such exquisitely important issues as the razors they use are much more expensive than those used by men.

And now the only achievement the Democratic Party ever scored for women – making them thoroughly despicable and inexplicably-proud-of-being murderers – seems to be tottering toward destruction. Democrats are a party that revels in any measure that kills humans –especially those who cannot defend themselves — so the battle to eliminate abortion rights is far from won.

More court cases will be brought, more demonstrations will occur, and heavy floods of murder-promoting media articles and salty female tears will inundate major cities as women who find all of their meaning in being tough, foul-mouthed broads who can flamboyantly murder at discretion react to losing the only thing that set them apart from men – being able to murder without fear of legal retribution.

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Enough on Afghanistan. The take is: Democrats hate Americans and will kill them from the womb to the Hindu Kush

Following are the important lessons from Afghanistan for Americans whose taxes were wasted and soldier-children killed or maimed there:

–1.) Bush never intended to win the war. Rumsfeld’s “small footprint/long occupation” policy ensured the United States would suffer the same fate as the earlier British and Soviet invaders. And it did.

–2.) The goal of the 20-year occupation and its war-to-keep-the-status-quo was two-fold: (1) To flood the country with massive Western aid – especially cash – which could be heavily skimmed as it came through various embassies, with that the take being returned to the grafters and globalists in Europe and the U.S. and (2) To keep the poppies growing. Rumsfeld was presented with detailed maps and hand-help and satellite photography of all known “heroin factories” and their associated facilities in Afghanistan a few days after 9/11. He listened and then told the presenters that “the U.S. military does not fight poppies,” and that decision ruled the day for 20 years. Afghan heroin, like China-made Fentanyl, is another example and an active agent of the national government’s hatred for Americans.

–3.) The occupation of Afghanistan, and U.S.-led efforts to impose secularism, irreligion, women’s rights, gender studies, and an array of other sordid, so-called Western values on Afghans, made the Taliban a nationalist force for restoring Afghan independence, sovereignty, and traditional Islamic culture. The Taliban did so via a war against a foreign and atheistic invasion, which was followed by occupation and attempted domination. There is no doubt that the majority of Afghans supported the Taleban’s ejection of the U.S. and Western forces and their “values”, if not the everything about the Taliban’s modus operandi. But the Taliban was the only agent of Afghan independence in town and it won

–4.) War is a tough business and the top-most echelons of U.S. and Western militaries only dabble in war, they never fight it to win definitive victory. The Afghan-war expenditures – human and monetary – of those militaries and their governments are pure waste, have nothing to do with protecting liberty at home, and primarily exist to feather the gold-lined nests of the grifting political and military elites. At the top of the list of those with pockets are full of loot and hands covered with blood are Biden, his Jamaican Vice President, Burns, Blinken, Milley, and Austin.

–5.) There is no use whining about any feature of the Afghan endgame, which came off exactly as America’s bipartisan political and military elites wanted it to. The green-carded Afghans and ordinary Americans left behind were left because no senior politician or general gave a damn about their lives. Catastrophe during military withdrawal – even the U.S. stage-managed one in Afghanistan — begets chaos and broad destruction which generally wipes-out most evidence of the deep criminal activities of the former occupiers.

–6.) Perhaps the most important reason to stop whining and start thinking, is that Afghanistan is nothing but one more installment – a rather small one — of the on-going mass killing of Americans that all Democrats, many Republicans, and all federal health bureaucrats intend to conduct. There is no use whining about the soon-to-be-dead Americans left behind in Afghanistan or the huge segment of the republic’s population that is soon to be dead at the hands of Biden, Fauci, Gates, et al. American citizens can do next to nothing to aid their brethren trapped in Afghanistan, but they can begin to quickly organize and then act to eliminate those at all levels of government who are attacking them and their children with murderous vaccines and their just as deadly mandates. Afghanistan is in the rear-view mirror and fading, look ahead and act to neutralize those seeking the destruction of the republic and most of its citizens.

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There is a war to fight, the domestic enemy must be annihilated

Fundamentally, no war should be fought by Americans unless their freedom and liberty are imminently and directly threatened by a readily identifiable enemy. In this respect, we should not have fought a single war since September 1945. The wars we have fought have been figments of our bipartisan governing elite’s deranged, greedy, narcissistic, and power-hungry minds. The wars since 1945 have been distractions that let the elite grow its power, wealth and global ambitions, while contracting the citizens’ liberties. Foreign wars facilitated the only war our elite was determined to win, which was reducing everyday American citizens to the status of peasants or slaves.

Today, with little near-term threat of a foreign war, there has never been a greater need for a war here at home. Americans were threatened by foreign powers in 1775 and 1941, and by the vicious domestic war of 1861-65. Each time, Americans responded by reducing their enmies to the dust of oblivion. Indeed, the defeat inflicted on the Confederacy in war and especially during reconstruction was far more savage than that suffered by the British, the Japanese, and Germans. Since the end of reconstruction, in fact, the Democrats have never stopped trying to destroy the southern states, and especially the traditional culture of those states, which is thoroughly informed by conservatism, patriotism, tradition, and Christianity, and which today exists as the most humane and admirable regional culture in North America

Currently, average Americans are faced by an immediate and quite desperate need to reduce a domestic enemy to the same kind of dust. The Democratic Party, its black and white terrorists forces and legions of sexually depraved; many of the U.S. military’s flag officers and their highly ranked butt-boy underlings; most of the federal bureaucracy; any person employed by or associated with the United Nations; the media; all teachers/professors; Hollywood; pedophiles; the leaders and their staffs of major league sports; the leaders and their lieutenants of giant companies in the banking, medicine, pharmaceuticals, arms, technology, and social-media sectors; most Jewish-American leaders, journalists, and organizations, and their unending hatred for the American republic; and all Christian clerics who have abandoned their God, Bible, and flocks to side with the foregoing entities, can only be classified as the lethal enemies of Americans and their republic. They must be stopped and then scoured from the continent.

So here we are on the cusp of an absolutely necessary domestic war. We must be polite at all times, and in that the Democrats and their above-named allies started this war long ago, the favor must be returned. What is the offense that is causing the war that is now near to hand? Here, readers would expect a litany of crimes committed by our governments, along the lines of Jefferson’s indictment of George III and his Parliament in the Declaration. Of that kind of irrefutable evidence there is an overwhelming abundance, the most recent being a mother whose child was forcibly removed from her because she refused to be poisoned by the national government, the video of a U.S. soldier who expressed her eagerness for martial law and her willingness to shoot down Americans who defied her orders, Japan’s discovery of nearly 2 million doses of deliberately tainted vaccine, and new and definitive data showing the continuing and strengthening suppression of proven cures for the Wuhan Flu. Such a list, however, would be endless, and most items on it are already known by many Americans, and soon will be known by most.

Instead of listing the national government’s crimes a la Jefferson, let us read the words of a North Carolina-born political scientist, and man who taught at the University of Chicago. In an essay discussing the civil war era, Richard M. Weaver wrote,

“That brings the story down to Reconstruction, which somebody has described as “a chamber of horrors into which no good American would care to look.’ If that is an exaggeration, it seems fair to say that this was the most dismal period in our history – a bitter thirty-year sectional feud in which one side was trying to impose its will on the other, and the other was resisting the imposition with every device of policy, stratagem, and chicanery that could be found. We must realize that no people willingly accepts the idea of being reconstructed in the image of another. That is, in fact, the ultimate humiliation. The idea that you must give up your mind, your inherited beliefs, and your way of life in favor of that of your invaders.” (1)

Weaver’s analysis is the perfect description of what loyal Americans of all colors and creeds have long experienced. For a half-century, the bipartisan ruling class has been engaged in reconstructing the American people, seeking to force them to change into obedient automatons who abandon their way of “life in favor of that of your invaders.” (2) In passing, it also needs noting that Mr. Weaver’s passage precisely describes both the core goal of America’s overseas military interventionism and manic nation-building, and the reason why America has lost all of its wars since 1945. In the category of “wars lost” the national government and the U.S. military are truly exceptional.

Taking out the American people’s domestic enemies will not be an easy task. And an effort to do so will not be a sure-fire winner. But the possibility of losing or dying in a campaign against Biden and all he and his followers represent is no significant deterrent to patriots; indeed, it is a powerful stimulant. Biden et al. are already killing American patriots and their children with poisoned vaccines and absurd and illegal isolation, mandates, and lock-downs; by illegally flying military-age foreign men from Latin America and now from Afghanistan to domestic U.S. military bases by the tens of thousands to serve as reinforcements for the Democrats’ BLM and ANTIFA terrorists; and by using two-bit and – in a rule-of-law country — legally unenforceable mandates from bureaucrats at the national, state, and local levels that are meant to control, confine, and kill Americans. Indeed, war seems to be the only route to survival remaining for loyal Americans and all they love.

Who will win the coming civil war? Which side will the U.S. military support? Will Trump and his allies support the patriots or keep hiding their asses behind the meaningless facade of following the law, this long after most Americans clearly know they are not being governed by the rule of law and the courts are thoroughly and flamboyantly corrupt?

The answer to each of these questions is either “Who knows?” or “Who cares?” or both. Fighting may well mean death, but not fighting surely means torture and death. In 1767, the Scottish political philosopher Andrew Ferguson wrote, in a book called An Essay on the History of Civil Society, that  

“Numbers, riches, and other resources of war are highly important: but nations consist of men; and a nation consisting of degenerate and cowardly men, is weak; a nation consisting of spirited, and resolute men, is strong. The resources of war, where other advantages, are equal, may decide a contest, but the resources of war, in hands that cannot apply them, are of no avail.” (3)

If Ferguson is correct, I think he is, American patriots are clearly the exact opposite of those described by Ferguson as “degenerate and cowardly”, while those words are the precise description of all who follow Biden, his party and regime, globalists, and the pride-filled sexually depraved in their war-by-mandate on loyal Americans and their kids. The cause of American patriots against them is the cause of the Founders, the Bill of Rights, the Constitution, the English language, the rule of law, equality before the law, Christianity, and eight-plus centuries of English liberties, which now are being destroyed by mandate in Canada, the UK, New Zealand, and Australia, and will die by the same instrument in America if the mandaters are not wiped out.

It is a cause whose victory can be won only by the hands of armed men who are, as Ferguson wrote, “spirited and resolute” and who know that participating in a war waged to rid the republic of its lawless, vermin-like, and genocidal enemies is truly to participate in doing God’s work, and that such work – win or lose, live or die — is its own reward.

And what, after all, could be more satisfying, necessary, respectable, and blessed than to help kill, in numbers as large as necessary, those who are using illegal and so legally meaningless “mandates” to impoverish, poison, starve, and ultimately kill you and your family; to sexually pervert your grammar-skilled kids and teach them to be Nazis; and to make the Chinese and other Third World trash the rulers of America. Clearly, the only real challenge here lies is picking which target to dispose of first


–1.) G.M. Curtis III and J.J. Thompson, Jr. (Eds). The Southern Essays of Richard M. Weaver. Indianapolis, IN: Liberty Fund, 1987, pp. 216-217

–2.) Ibid.

–3.) Adam Ferguson, An Essay on the History of Civil Society, 1767, p. 207, at


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Mr. Trump: Stop abetting the mass-murderers of Americans

Mr. Trump,

You must cut the crap you have been dispensing about the worth of the vaccines produced by the warp-speed program and the pressing need for people to take them. There is no blame that falls to you for believing the U.S. government’s health experts who lied about the potency of the flu with which their Chinese paymasters attacked the United States. You are not a scientist and you were surrounded by Trump-haters Chinese allies in both parties and in the U.S. government’s medical establishment. You are also not a fool or sucker, but that is the role you have chosen to play at this time.

Your continued support for the American-murderers in Big Pharma, the CDC, FDA, and the NIH is inexplicable. You, indeed, should be proud of mobilizing the production of the vaccines, but unless you are locked in a room without communications you certainly know that doctors and scientists from around the world, men and especially women who are far more talented and distinguished than Fauci and his gang of poisoners, have proven that the vaccines are chemical weapons that are effective only in killing and paralyzing your countrymen and their children.

Where are your guts, Mr. President? You must turn fast, hard, and relentlessly on the Fauci-gang bastards and identify them for the killers, quacks, and Chinese agents they are. You must not cower at home and let Senator Paul campaign alone to destroy this modern-day Mengele and his servants. And what about Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin? You were the only man who had the courage to publicly advocate for the use of these life-saving drugs, and you were savaged for doing so by the media, the Democrats, and the so-called medical experts for trying to block their murderous path. The efficacy of the medicines you spoke of more than a year ago has only grown, and now is nothing short of conclusive. You were right from the start, but where is your voice today?

The media is reporting that you were booed at the Alabama rally when you again urged Americans to be inoculated with the deadly vaccines. Take that message from a crowd of your hardcore supporters to heart. We watched and tolerated you playing the fool for Netanyahu and the Israelis — Jewish-Americans are, of course, your own and the republic’s most vicious and politically powerful domestic enemies — and you are now knowingly playing the fool for the medical murderers of Americans.

Enough is enough, Mr. Trump. You triumphantly brought our military personnel home from overseas Neocon wars, but you are know letting them — even encouraging them — to die at home from deadly shots deceitfully said to cure the Chinese Flu. In so doing, you are playing the fool for America’s most deadly enemies, Fauci and his gang, the Beijing regime, the media, and big pharma, big business, the bankers, and the media.

Get a grip, Mr. Trump. Stop empowering the murderers of those Americans who not only support you at the polls but believe in you and your devotion to the republic and its Constitution. You are the man who frankly told the world the American would no longer play the fool for foreigners. You would be well-advised to stop playing the fool for those U.S. citizens who are using a Chinese biological attack to destroy the republic you love.

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The Afghan War’s end is truly an American victory

As some readers of this blog know, I am a co-host — with Colonel Mike — of a podcast named “Two Mikes”. Pretty clever,eh? Anyway, we recorded a podcast yesterday and the following is a slightly expanded version of its summary.


“Today, The Two Mikes had no guest but discussed the mad media cascade of ignorant comments about Afghanistan. First, this day is not a time to regret what is occurring in Afghanistan. Instead, it is time to celebrate another victory for America First. The clear defeat of U.S. military forces and the Bush, Obama and Biden administrations in Afghanistan, was entirely predictable; a broken-down, old timer like Dr. Scheuer predicted it in writing even before U.S. troops hit the ground in Afghanistan.

Why? Because history since Alexander the Great shows the Afghans unite and fight only when a foreign invader arrives in their country, and they never stop fighting until that invader is sent home in defeat. The British Army, the Red Army, and the U.S. military have learned that lesson; the Chinese Army is now coming to the plate and will learn the same lesson.

The massive media crocodile tears for “poor Afghans” who no longer will be indoctrinated with “Western Values (?)”, should instead be loud cheers for the end of a pointless American war, and the end of what seemed to be an endless expenditure of blood and treasure. The prattle of retired U.S. military officers about dishonoring the fallen by leaving Afghanistan is really arguing the absurd contention that “so many have been killed and maimed that we must fight and keep incurring more casualties in a lost cause to honor the fallen.”

As for the Western media’s honking about the horror now at hand for “liberated Afghan women” and those Afghans who experienced “a taste of democracy” is just more shameful shilling for the usual justification for U.S. military interventionism abroad; namely “to make foreigners more like us.” Both categories of people are small, their numbers no more than a trifle in an Afghan population of forty million. (NB: And, after all, the Taleban would never kill 61-plus million innocent humans as the Democrats, Planned Parenthood, and the American Medical Association have in the United States.)

Today, then, is a day to be thankful for the end of an unnecessary war, the end of killed and wounded American military personnel in a country where the republic has no life-and-death interests, and, finally, for the sudden slackening in demand for prosthetic devices for our veterans.

The hardest part of this day is to recognize a certain truth; namely, that both parties are filled to the brim with terminal liars. Our troops did not suffer in Afghanistan to protect our liberties, which neither the Taleban nor al-Qaeda ever threatened. They suffered there because stupid and grifting politicians and generals sent them to fight a war they never intended to win. Their blood, limbs, and minds were sacrificed by that lot so they skim fortunes from war budgets and pass domestic legislation that would restrict and reduce civil liberties in the United States.

Find that hard to believe? Well, the legislation passed for the Bush-Obama-Biden war on terrorism is now being used to power the Obama-Biden-China campaign to end free speech in the United States, as well as the right of assembly, the right to bear arms, and the right to refuse to take a murderous gene therapy barely disguised as a vaccine.

We can only hope that the U.S. military will now turn and destroy those miscreants who, since September, 1945, have been the remorseless war-causers and cynical tormentors of not only brave Marines and soldiers, but also of  their parents, children, grandparents, wives, sisters, husbands and brothers as well.”

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