“My policy has been and will continue to be … to be on friendly terms with, but independent of, all nations on earth. To share in the broils of none. To supply their wants, and be carriers for them all; being thoroughly convinced that it is our policy and interest to do so; and that nothing short of self-respect, and that justice which is essential to a national character, ought to involve us in.” — George Washington
- 8 June 1967, a day of infamy for the U.S. government March 7, 2025
- Attorney General Bondi to defend Israel’s honor — as if it had any February 28, 2025
- Trump’s new government, all aces domestically, all dunces on foreign policy February 12, 2025
- Going to hell via Harvard January 31, 2025
- Hell to pay for Bush’s wars, Biden’s arms for Islamism, no borders, and now Syria? January 2, 2025
- Mr. Trump, Americans want no war for Israel or any other nation December 30, 2024
- Given Trump’s wild pro-Israel sentiments, the Islamists’ victory in Syria augurs another lost interventionist U.S. War December 11, 2024
- Racism, anti-Christianity, crime, and war are, as always, blazing in Biden’s administration and party December 9, 2024
- It’s taken us c. 250 years to recall a fact mastered in 1775: Europe is ever America’s worst enemy November 27, 2024
- Biden, the Congress, and the Generals are eager for the republic’s annihilation November 21, 2024
- The Deep State’s dying gasps: “Iran is trying to kill Trump … again, and again, and again” November 10, 2024
- Are there really Americans who don’t know Democrats are the “Enemy Within”? October 26, 2024
- Biden’s Democrat gangsters are deliberately choking America to death October 6, 2024
- Five kill-teams after Trump in the U.S. Who’s paying them? September 20, 2024
- Dire Democratic threats to America’s survival become clearer September 10, 2024
- Biden’s regime and Trump’s wandering-message are killing America First August 24, 2024
- Rule Britannia, Britannia aims to rule the slaves … August 12, 2024
- President Trump and Israel, “Why quit our own to stand upon foreign ground?” August 3, 2024
- Another day that will live in infamy, July 24, 2024 July 31, 2024
- The 75th Anniversary the NATO Alliance — Time to bury it deep July 8, 2024
- “”Sure, forgive your enemies – but first, get even!” June 28, 2024
- 12 Senators act like crotchety, well-armed schoolmarms May 18, 2024
- Congress abandons the 1st Amendment to its paymasters and other foreigners May 5, 2024
- Osama bin Laden’s plan for victory keeps unrolling April 29, 2024
- New CIA Excuse for 3,000 9/11 deaths: “Female CIA officers were not good enough” April 9, 2024
- Moscow: Likely a U.S.-NATO-Israel covert hit, but Islamists are easy and believable to frame March 23, 2024
- No better time for killing fields March 23, 2024
- A speech for killing the republic, more war, and celebrating failed Christian clerics March 14, 2024
- Only a fool, a crook, or a traitor would keep the United States in NATO February 14, 2024
- Man-made Climate Fraud, a primer January 16, 2024
- Making the world safe for genocide, the specialty of America’s elites January 15, 2024
- From the Victor to the Losers: Osama bin Laden’s Letter November 20, 2023
- With Israel, again, and again, and again on the road to the republic’s ruin – Why? October 27, 2023
- Pope sends FBI more “evidence” against Catholics October 22, 2023
- The Pope yearns for New World Order tyranny October 12, 2023
- Climate-Change hucksters are history’s most murderous tyrants October 2, 2023
- Seeking America’s destruction: The ADL, Jewish-American Supremacists, and Israel September 16, 2023
- A few points on the great majority of 26 comments on my last post August 29, 2023
- A note on some recent reader comments August 19, 2023
- And now it is Niger? August 15, 2023
- This Virginian is worth a listen August 11, 2023
- It is necessary to apply punishment in the most exemplary manner August 9, 2023
- If there needs to be fight over race, so be it July 1, 2023
- On the eve of the republic’s death, what else to do but seek more war? April 10, 2023
- Always the Greatest American February 23, 2023
- Biden’s administration is merrily murdering Americans February 20, 2023
- A miscellany of Democrat slavers, Fascists to the north, and the cost of rejecting Washington’s warning February 6, 2023
- The eagerness of Jewish-Americans leaders to be hitmen, racists, anti-Americans, and propagandists for Biden’s fascists is getting old and, frankly, downright annoying December 15, 2022
- Since 1945, the U.S. government has been an interventionist racketeer November 29, 2022
- Scared elites created an October of madness November 3, 2022
- Why are America’s pastors of Reformed Protestantism failing to preach resistance to tyranny October 11, 2022
- America is governed by the fascist enemies of the republic and all mankind September 28, 2022
- Well, push has come to shove September 7, 2022
- Of assassins, traitors, and slavers August 26, 2022
- Loyal Americans must relearn to hate their enemies August 16, 2022
- Mr. Jefferson’s “prudence” died at Mar-a-Lago August 9, 2022
- Come retribution August 8, 2022
- Some housekeeping re Mr. Syzmanski August 7, 2022
- Back to work with a few comments on events August 5, 2022
- In bleak mid-tyranny … Q returns July 3, 2022
- DoD wants foreigners to replace loyal Americans in the U.S. military June 30, 2022
- The West must accept that it and Ukraine have been trounced June 20, 2022
- Time to force the issue? June 16, 2022
- The Constitution is our sheet-anchor, read it and think June 7, 2022
- The “Obama Gambit” rolls into Texas via a skirt-wearing maniac May 25, 2022
- The Obama Gambit murders again May 16, 2022
- The rule of “low and little men” April 29, 2022
- In the 1930s, Col. Lindbergh warned of the tyrant-led, war-hell Americans live in today April 20, 2022
- Robert E. Lee, one of the greatest Americans April 9, 2022
- A new nail in our kids’ coffins as a Democrat groomer is put on the Supreme Court April 9, 2022
- Biden pledges to take 100,000 Ukrainian refugees (AKA: American killers) March 26, 2022
- Biden and his party sign up for the annihilation of mankind March 23, 2022
- The disgrace and indictment of the U.S. Intelligence Community March 19, 2022
- Christ on a bike! March 16, 2022
- America’s deadliest foes are in Washington, D.C. and the media, not in Ukraine or Russia March 11, 2022
- Congenital liar and anti-American, John Brennan, reappears, promises the end of conservatives and free speech March 8, 2022
- Ukraine proves U.S. political & military interventionism starts wars and kills the republic March 2, 2022
- Do Biden and the Neocons want nuclear war with Russia? February 23, 2022
- Why in God’s name would any NATO soldier agree fight for democracy in Ukraine? February 15, 2022
- A Two Mikes podcast: Todd Callender and resistance to the Democrats’ genocide February 10, 2022
- Simple proof that we live under a murderous, war-loving tyranny February 9, 2022
- Biden unleashes more anti-Conservative storm troopers February 8, 2022
- Today, Canadians stand on guard January 29, 2022
- Aside from war, only a reprise of de-Nazification can give U.S. society a chance to recover and survive January 24, 2022
- For America, Ukraine is irrelevant, the only war to fight for U.S. interests is at home January 20, 2022
- The Anti-Defamation League, preaching equality, seeking tyrannical Jewish-American supremacy January 12, 2022
- SECOND TRY: Strong validation for Dr. Malone’s analysis of “Mass Formation Psychosis” January 3, 2022
- The stuff dreams are made of December 14, 2021
- It’s just commonsense: Americans must ignore Biden-regime guidance and resist efforts to forcibly impose it December 8, 2021
- China tops Einstein’s definition of insanity November 19, 2021
- Facing the spawn of this land’s strengthening fascist and interventionist winds November 15, 2021
- Will Americans help Biden, Fauci, and Gates murder their kids? November 8, 2021
- Virginia’s ditzy, anti-family Soccer-Moms should go piss up a rope October 28, 2021
- Colin Powell … one less enemy of America October 20, 2021
- The Choice? Liquidate U.S. tyrants or join Aussie, Brit, Canuck, and Kiwi slaves October 3, 2021
- “The period of debate is closed. Arms, as the last resource, decide the contest” [1] September 26, 2021
- Biden declares tyrannical rule; the war is upon us September 10, 2021
- Imagine that, infants are humans too! September 4, 2021
- Enough on Afghanistan. The take is: Democrats hate Americans and will kill them from the womb to the Hindu Kush September 2, 2021
- There is a war to fight, the domestic enemy must be annihilated September 1, 2021
- Mr. Trump: Stop abetting the mass-murderers of Americans August 23, 2021
- The Afghan War’s end is truly an American victory August 17, 2021
- What kind of people govern the republic? Afghanistan provides the answer August 15, 2021
- Secretary of Defense and his flag officers vow to kill those they command August 10, 2021
- Time for Americans to resume hating standing armies July 21, 2021
- Two truthful videos that will save commonsense Americans July 17, 2021
- Biden’s treason on show in Afghanistan — in spades July 13, 2021
- At age 68, I’m still eager to surrender my white privilege July 10, 2021
- Time to make the traitors pay for their own destruction July 8, 2021
- Biden and his regime cast the die of war, they seem eager to reach Boot Hill June 26, 2021
- Biden’s illegitimate regime intends war on loyal Americans, let’s be sure it gets a belly-full of it June 16, 2021
- Democrats are dying — so to speak — to learn the purpose of the 2nd Amendment … they will June 3, 2021
- In Biden’s murderous, anti-White war, loyal Americans will be “White Nationalist Supremacists” prepared to kill tyranny May 20, 2021
- Joseph Biden is intentionally killing Americans May 2, 2021
- Resolved: Keep buying guns, especially AR-15s and like weapons, ammunition, and high-capacity magazines April 18, 2021
- Biden wants war in Ukraine for ideological and personal reasons, no U.S. interest is at stake April 9, 2021
- Q’s storm nears, the Democrats fired the first shot long ago March 31, 2021
- A humanitarian appeal to save the lives of Democrats March 25, 2021
- China Joe, are you really this eager for great big trouble? March 23, 2021
- Time for the U.S. to evacuate Afghanistan, and thereby set a fatal snare for China March 19, 2021
- Scourge of the Republic, thy name is Biden March 13, 2021
- Time for taking General Lee’s courage as our own March 9, 2021
- Biden, his party, and their allies will not escape the retribution Q predicted March 6, 2021
- How to be less white: A memo to start you on your way February 23, 2021
- A time to choose sides and steer the republic’s future February 9, 2021
- This video proves Democrat/Deep State treason in China’s favor February 5, 2021
- Syria and Myanmar (Burma) are of zero national-security interest to the United States February 4, 2021
- Democrat is the best synonym for “insurrectionist” January 31, 2021
- Five days of hate and carnage: Biden and his team work to destroy the republic and its citizens January 24, 2021
- Democrats and Social Justice advocates are today’s Nazis, and they are proud of that fact January 18, 2021
- A fence around the Capitol makes tyranny official and civil war certain January 9, 2021
- The nearing civil war should surprise no one January 6, 2021
- Congress lavishes aid on foreigners and illegal aliens, impoverishes loyal Americans December 23, 2020
- Secession is not illegal, it is the duty of those who seek to reacquire independence and liberty December 15, 2020
- The coming vaccines: Gold for Big Pharma but Fools’ Gold for Americans? December 10, 2020
- Two interconnected causes of war stand on the near-horizon of American life December 8, 2020
- A query posed in Dec. 2019. The answer now is yes, impose martial law immediately December 1, 2020
- As the time to fight nears, let the enemy start the war November 19, 2020
- It is time to polygraph private-citizen Joe Biden on three issues November 12, 2020
- No unity; no healing; damn the Democrats and media; pray for God’s help, but arm to save America November 9, 2020
- It would be the hardest but most important decision in America’s history November 2, 2020
- The China Virus is meant to create tyranny October 31, 2020
- Two weeks of tired Democrat melodramas meant to destroy the republic October 28, 2020
- What Judge Barrett cannot explain to Americans October 14, 2020
- Americans getting slicked, Part 2 October 11, 2020
- Pope Francis: Enemy of America’s Catholics and the American republic October 2, 2020
- Boy, U.S. Flag Officers and Diplomats sure squeal loud and long when you end their wars September 24, 2020
- Democrats celebrate high-priestess of 60-million murdered infants September 22, 2020
- How long have presidents been slicking Americans on the economy and war? September 16, 2020
- Speaker Pelosi: You and the Red Mirage coup planners will meet a Red Bloodbath September 5, 2020
- Mr. President: Make Israel prove itself an “ally” that is worth a damn September 2, 2020
- Of BLM/ANTIFA gangsters, a young hero, and the need for disciplined and lethal local militias September 1, 2020
- The worth of Trump’s America First foreign policy is certified by republic’s domestic enemies August 23, 2020
- On Qanon, perhaps one should never say never August 20, 2020
- America needs only thinking adults to vote; then a word on coincidence August 12, 2020
- Trump’s kill-shot “election delay” words said to be “panicky” by doomed Democrats August 1, 2020
- Mr. President: Are loyal citizens on they’re own to eliminate their tormentors? July 29, 2020
- Now the President cannot declare peace? Nonsense, get ‘er done, Sir July 24, 2020
- Lexington, Virginia, stands strong and proud as the enemy of American liberty July 15, 2020
- Prepare for the worst with a brave heart, guarded optimism, and militias July 11, 2020
- Mr. President: You must end this China-Virus fraud July 5, 2020
- We’ll need luck, guts, and, perhaps, guns to see Independence Day, 2021 July 2, 2020
- Racism, hate, power-lust, and greed are part of human nature; they can be restrained, not ended; trying to do so means war June 20, 2020
- Some U.S. generals and admirals are trying to destroy the republic June 9, 2020
- Mr. Trump: Time is short. What are you waiting for? June 5, 2020
- Mr. President, take a hint from Mr. Lincoln June 2, 2020
- Mr. President: U.S. forces must crush this insurrection — or armed citizens will May 31, 2020
- An important follow up; please see below May 29, 2020
- On killing the old, a doctors’ coup, Hong Kong, and an Obama pardon May 27, 2020
- In 2016, Putin wanted a Clinton win because he owned her May 14, 2020
- Reward the medical “experts” with tar and feathers? May 13, 2020
- From Hell, Hitler, Himmler, and Gestapo Officers envy the Democrats’ Chinese-Virus “Contact Tracers” May 2, 2020
- Democrats brazenly use the China Virus to test drive tyranny April 23, 2020
- A short play: “The stuff (great) dreams are made of” April 17, 2020
- What are the Democrats, Media, Hollywood, and their acolytes hiding? April 13, 2020
- Beyond infants, Abortion is killing free speech, truth, and commonsense April 4, 2020
- The prescient Mr. Dylan on Pelosi’s hatred of Americans March 30, 2020
- Democrats hate loyal U.S. citizens and their republic as much as Nazis hated Jews March 24, 2020
- Of Secretary Clinton, her treason-server, and the Chinese Virus March 20, 2020
- Can America survive my generation? Looks like we’ll know before long March 15, 2020
- Will Marines defend all Americans or only the politically correct? March 5, 2020
- Mr. President: Get out of Afghanistan, let your generals lose face not more lives February 26, 2020
- Northam will pour a kettle of hate on Virginians if they are disarmed February 14, 2020
- Since the State of the Union, vengeance has started and will spread February 8, 2020
- Mr. Dylan always seems to know – A song for Nancy from 1965 February 5, 2020
- The time and necessity for vengeance is upon us February 2, 2020
- On killing terrorists: Kill them each time you have the chance January 9, 2020
- Trump moves closer to the meaning of America First by killing Suliemani January 5, 2020
- Must martial law be applied against the insurrection in 2020? December 29, 2019
- “The power which created the government, can destroy it.” December 19, 2019
- The Afghan War was lost between 9/11 and 7 October 2001 December 17, 2019
- Those who do not believe QANON will be mighty surprised December 7, 2019
- Of dangerous, pathetic women, and the safety of the 2nd Amendment in Virginia December 5, 2019
- President Trump: Crush the insurrection against you, the Constitution, and the loyal citizenry November 27, 2019
- Five points explaining the obvious about the Ukraine issue, and a comment on Joe Biden November 23, 2019
- Mr. President: Israel and the Congress are genuine and effective enemies of the republic November 18, 2019
- U.S. diplomats are among the republic’s worst enemies November 17, 2019
- Questions needing answers (with proposed responses) November 13, 2019
- Reflections, Rumors, and Events (some vitriol added) November 9, 2019
- Thought readers might like to see their tax dollars at work November 4, 2019
- Schiff’s impeachment charade must be used to rid Congress of members holding a non-U.S. passport October 31, 2019
- The time nears to end this destructive madness October 29, 2019
- Al-Baghdadi dead, a bit of news about the news, and a reminder October 27, 2019
- Islamic State and al-Qaeda remain threats because U.S. generals are incompetent October 26, 2019
- Time for Americans to focus: The war-mongering, bipartisan U.S. governing elite is center stage on Syria October 17, 2019
- Never too old to learn that you were wrong October 16, 2019
- No tears for Kurds, but thanks to Trump for removing our military from another lethal shithole October 7, 2019
- The Democrats’ war on Trump and the republic leads only to their slaughter September 29, 2019
- Little Boy Beto and his party declare of war on law-abiding Americans September 21, 2019
- For now, at least, America First means no U.S. military attack on Iran September 18, 2019
- Now, Mr. President, with respect, cut the crap and get out of Afghanistan September 12, 2019
- Coincidences are rare, there are none in the events below September 6, 2019
- Democrats built, rebuilt, and still support slavery and racism in America August 24, 2019
- Mr. President, stay away from Hong Kong, it’s a trap Britain laid for America August 14, 2019
- There can be no unity with these Democrats, the only options are their arrest and trial, or civil war August 10, 2019
- Of worthless allies and alliances, and the dangers thereof July 31, 2019
- America must fight only a necessary war; its aim must be speedy and definitive victory July 18, 2019
- Mr. President: Act against the republic’s domestic and foreign foes June 29, 2019
- Trump’s gunning for the Neocons and Israel-Firsters, just as they are, literally, gunning for him June 22, 2019
- Wisdom’s beginning: “Blessed be the Lord, my strength, Teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight” June 20, 2019
- The main Iranian threat was built by Mexico, Congress, and U.S. business June 6, 2019
- Mueller plays the last, losing card for traitorous Democrats and Civil Servants May 30, 2019
- Describe treason: Okay, enlisting foreign governments to overthrow the republic May 23, 2019
- The Democrats are proving that history always repeats itself May 17, 2019
- A few points to recall about John Brennan April 27, 2019
- The Democratic Party will get the civil war it wants April 20, 2019
- Julian Assange is mighty low on the list of those “endangering American lives” April 15, 2019
- On Brexit, Joe Biden, the Monroe Doctrine, and the Gauleiters trying to win the Iron Cross April 10, 2019
- Does Obama now have a date with the gallows? If the rule of law prevails, yes. March 24, 2019
- Was the New Zealand shooter only a pawn in the Globalists’ game? March 21, 2019
- Look at the UK and see tyranny being imposed on disarmed Britons March 15, 2019
- The U.S. Congress is the agent of a foreign power named Israel March 9, 2019
- A quick note on Rand Paul and Ilhan Omar March 5, 2019
- Of Venezuela, Andrew McCabe, and the coming reckoning February 26, 2019
- Time for Americans to observe a “Decuple-Holocaust Remembrance Day” February 11, 2019
- Damn it, Mr. Trump, recall that Neocons are deadly foes of America First February 3, 2019
- Trump’s Neocons will lie to Americans that a Venezuelan war is obligatory under the Monroe Doctrine January 26, 2019
- In praise of traditional and, when necessary, lethal masculinity January 21, 2019
- Fox News joins the rat media’s relentless support for U.S. interventionist wars January 17, 2019
- The U.S. governing elite’s lethal hatred for Americans cannot be overstated January 11, 2019
- Another climate-change lunatic, Big Chief Warren, and the death wishes of Governors Brown and Cuomo January 3, 2019
- Trump’s plans for troop withdrawal and the wall will protect America against Islamists December 26, 2018
- At last, Mr. President, thank you for making the republic’s survival seem possible December 22, 2018
- Commonsense can end unconstitutional rule and foreign aid December 20, 2018
- Russia and Khashoggi: Israel says “jump” and its lapdog U.S. Senate asks “how high?” December 6, 2018
- Bin Laden’s rule: Only the stupid steadily attack someone and expect no retribution November 24, 2018
- Opportunities abound, President Trump, to destroy three deadly foes of the Republic November 21, 2018
- Freedom just around the corner, but via voting or civil war? November 2, 2018
- Democrats merit the agony promised in the saying “What goes around, comes around” October 27, 2018
- Khashoggi, in death, shows how fully the Congress is in Israel’s thrall October 16, 2018
- U.S. Interventionists quietly prep for continent-wide war in Africa October 15, 2018
- The Democrats want a war to the knife. Well, if they insist, but woe betide them October 2, 2018
- Proof that Britain’s GCHQ spied on Trump during/after the 2016 election September 24, 2018
- Give the boot to the “closest allies” who are agents of anti-U.S. treachery September 22, 2018
- Scheuer’s Theorem: Democrats+Media+Silicon Valley = National Socialists (AKA: Nazis) September 13, 2018
- Sad but true: John McCain’s demise gives the republic and America First a chance September 5, 2018
- John McCain: The man and his legacy August 27, 2018
- Curs of a feather: McRaven and Brennan August 18, 2018
- Ms. Ingraham is right, no sane American wants to keep this republic-killing demographic situation August 15, 2018
- What Mike Scheuer learned on his Godaddy hiatus, and a note on Alex Jones August 7, 2018
- On the issue of white, Christian South Africans, Mr. Putin — Splendidly well done, keep at it! July 18, 2018
- What is more hilarious than lying-Obama leftovers, Neocons, and the media arguing there was ‘Russian hacking’ in the 2016 election? July 16, 2018
- A republican citizenry’s greatest, last-resort duty is to kill those seeking to impose tyranny July 14, 2018
- In Europe, Mr. Trump will find a tyrant-filled EU. He should end the U.S.-UK special tie and kill NATO July 10, 2018
- Have we seen this situation before? Well, yes, we have, and another reckoning point is near July 2, 2018
- North Korea, Europe, and the Islamists: Two successes and a still bleeding, self-inflicted wound June 22, 2018
- John Brennan and Osama Bin Laden: The protector and the protected? The scent of Arab money? June 3, 2018
- Anglo-American rebellions draw closer May 31, 2018
- Mr. President: Time to be America’s leader, and never again the ‘Leader of the Free World’ May 12, 2018
- To Congress, Macron used the terrified voice of dying globalism and enraged authoritarianism April 28, 2018
- Mr. Trump takes a swim in the swamp. Can he get out? Does he want to get out? April 15, 2018
- Mueller, his DoJ superiors, and their subordinates — first for elimination? April 12, 2018
- On Syria and Russia: Sanity and madness April 5, 2018
- God-damn you President Trump, John Bolton is an Israel-First/Neocon warmonger and a lethal enemy of our Republic March 23, 2018
- Let’s try sanity — focus U.S. immigration policy on attracting endangered white, Christian immigrants March 14, 2018
- Trump must act, or others will take the blood of these tyrants February 28, 2018
- President Trump: End the Florida madness, tell us the truth, and do not punish law-abiding gun owners February 27, 2018
- There is no ground for compromise, and Democrats say they will win a civil war … the poor, deluded dears February 20, 2018
- Well done, Mr. President, but keep striking the bastards hard and often, and yell if you need help February 3, 2018
- Be a hard-ass, President Trump, and slay the republic’s domestic enemies now January 26, 2018
- President Trump: Face facts, only non-intervention can make America great again January 4, 2018
- President Trump: Do you have any idea of what America First means? December 7, 2017
- On natural rights, Saudi Arabia, and John McCain November 19, 2017
- On the Niger dead, FBI’s Las Vegas deceit, and the fact that Islam, as a religion, is the problem November 2, 2017
- The Founders’ 2nd Amendment exists so the citizenry can kill American tyrants October 6, 2017
- Las Vegas: Pray for the fallen, prepare to fight the governing elite’s war on liberty October 3, 2017
- Iraq and Syria: Measuring the meaningless September 28, 2017
- Madness abounding: The UK government’s pet Muslims attack, and it resents Trump’s noting the truth September 16, 2017
- Of 9/11 anniversaries, Jewish-American bigotry, and the return of the Papist scourge September 11, 2017
- White Democrat elites are still slavers, secessionists, segregationists, and violent socialists August 31, 2017
- On Afghanistan, Mr. Trump, trust your instincts, not advice from Generals Groucho, Chico, and Harpo August 22, 2017
- ‘Keep ’em dying!’ — The West’s puerile reaction to the Barcelona attacks is sad but hilarious August 19, 2017
- North Korea’s nuclear threat is the product of the dilettante U.S. governing elite’s interventionism August 13, 2017
- Must armed citizens enforce the law and end the tyranny of their elected representatives? August 5, 2017
- President Trump: The only America-First Afghan policy is to get out of Afghanistan July 26, 2017
- HULU’s team says ‘Fuck the truth, we will deceive Americans’ July 22, 2017
- Mr. President, the lesson of your Hamburg visit is to get America out of NATO July 12, 2017
- Is HULU joining the fake, corrupting, and leftist media to mislead Americans about 9/11? July 5, 2017
- Pour it on, Mr. Trump, tweet the lying bastards and bitches straight to hell July 1, 2017
- President Trump: Wise up and learn what national government ‘meanness’ really means June 27, 2017
- No armed response to the Democrat’s rifleman — at least not yet June 14, 2017
- James Comey shows Americans that law does not apply to the elite June 10, 2017
- U.S. thinking on arming the Kurds: Complex, intricate, nuanced, or just plain stupid? May 17, 2017
- It is time, General Mattis, to leave NATO and Europe to the coroner May 10, 2017
- How to deal with the ‘Resistance’? — Not necessarily civil war, but civil war if necessary May 6, 2017
- As always, U.S. interventionism yields a dunghill of daft and expensive fecklessness April 17, 2017
- President Trump, with respect, start ruthlessly purging the US general officer corps April 13, 2017
- Jack Keane — the biggest, most arrogant jackass of a retired general money can buy April 13, 2017
- If you have time, Mr. President, Senator Paul can help you learn the Constitution means what it says April 9, 2017
- On the America First agenda, President Trump, the swamp is closing in on you April 2, 2017
- Take note Mr. Trump, Speaker Ryan was brutally schooled by liberty’s requirements March 25, 2017
- Those who flout the republic’s laws, fan the flames of rebellion March 19, 2017
- Mr. Trump: Re-intervention in Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan kills the chance to revive America March 11, 2017
- A lesson from two George Bushes: Never give the elite the benefit of the doubt March 5, 2017
- Trump was right, Sweden is being wrecked by Muslim violence, the U.S. media is hiding it February 20, 2017
- But Senator McCain, you and most of the media are enemies of the American republic February 19, 2017
- President Trump: Afghanistan is your easiest task — GET OUT February 17, 2017
- Mr. President, tell the media that Putin is infinitely less murderous than U.S. democracy crusaders February 9, 2017
- On the travel ban, the Islam war, and more interventionism February 5, 2017
- On sanctuary, Mr. President, speed fueled by Jacksonian fury is vital January 28, 2017
- Putin pitches in to clear the way for Trump’s America First foreign policy January 18, 2017
- The Russian hack, a matter of stuff and nonsense January 10, 2017
- Abstention is the key to an America First foreign policy January 1, 2017
- Mr. Trump, stop being an ass: America First and support for Israel are polar opposites December 19, 2016
- Clinton and her party are the criminals, not the Russians December 13, 2016
- Mr. Trump: What in God’s name is at stake for the republic in Syria and Iraq? December 9, 2016
- Whoa Mr. Trump! Use your America-First instincts to pick a Secretary of State December 2, 2016
- Mr. Trump, here is a worthy, perhaps final opportunity to put America First November 19, 2016
- Now is Mr. Trump’s time for silence and counting blessings November 11, 2016
- A few answers to readers’ comments on recent pieces November 9, 2016
- The Jewish-American media elite intends to kill the republic November 2, 2016
- The choice in 2016: Liberty or the yoke October 29, 2016
- Of course the 2016 election is rigged, here’s how, and what it may yield October 17, 2016
- Is Putin really stupid enough to want Trump to be president? October 14, 2016
- Speaker Ryan and his party embrace tyranny October 11, 2016
- Why I’m eager to see the end of my ‘white privilege’ October 9, 2016
- On Mr. Trump’s taxes: Well done, Sir, the NY Times has proven you right October 2, 2016
- A letter to Mrs. Clinton: What is it that you actually care about? September 28, 2016
- Bin Laden’s papers prove him and al-Qaeda a hands-down success September 24, 2016
- Hillary Clinton’s pledge of ‘resolve’ in the Islam war means the demise of America September 20, 2016
- Congress quietly slips nearly 38 billion U.S. taxpayer dollars to irrelevant foreigners September 16, 2016
- 9/11 commemorations are always exercises in delusion and deceit September 11, 2016
- To the Washington Post: Is there anyone there who knows anything about America? September 8, 2016
- Of politics, scoundrels, and war at summer’s end September 3, 2016
- The Clintons and Israel First: Jackals killing the republic, courting widespread civil unrest August 23, 2016
- For God’s sake, Mr, Trump, man-up and stop playing the game of America’s internal foes August 16, 2016
- A coming headline? ‘American elites perish in lethal storm they deliberately brewed’ August 13, 2016
- Mr. Trump: You have scared and pissed-off the war lovers. Well done, keep at it. August 9, 2016
- And now the FBI Director argues for more tyranny August 8, 2016
- The bipartisan interventionists’ jig is just about up, so they damn Mr. Trump August 1, 2016
- Of the Democratic Convention, a destroyed educational system, and a nominated non-entity July 29, 2016
- Of the attack in Nice, the demise of Europe, and America’s work at home July 20, 2016
- Of Britain’s commonsense, and the madness of the Bushes’ retainers June 25, 2016
- U.S.-vs-Islamic State: As IS-held cities fall, America must come home, avoid the next, far harder war June 19, 2016
- When U.S. presidents help to kill Americans June 13, 2016
- America’s fascists are those who use the phrase ‘that’s not who we are’ June 12, 2016
- If it’s to be America First, Mr. Trump, cut the crap, and listen up May 24, 2016
- Mr. Trump, explain why America First requires eliminating the U.S. Department of Education May 18, 2016
- Mr. Trump, explain why America First must mean ending foreign aid and foreign military assistance May 6, 2016
- Trump embraces America First, gives the republic a chance to survive and its foes apoplexy April 28, 2016
- Jewish-American Neocon demands collective punishment for Trump’s supporters April 23, 2016
- General Petreaus, too, is willing to kill the republic with endless, unnecessary war April 20, 2016
- As did the Founders, Trump urges a foreign policy of abstention not intervention April 1, 2016
- After Brussels, Westerners face two deadly enemies — the Islamists and their governments March 26, 2016
- General Hayden on why the Constitution is optional and America always loses wars March 17, 2016
- Well done, Mr. Trump! Israel-First, Neocons to join Hillary — all America’s enemies in one party March 3, 2016
- Of Justice Scalia, the Constitution, Obama’s tyranny, and Cuba February 23, 2016
- Of America’s enemies, domestic and foreign February 14, 2016
- Today’s senior U.S. generals endanger the republic’s survival February 6, 2016
- Addendum: National Review adds luster to Trump’s candidacy January 22, 2016
- Is there an America-First enemy of interventionism among the presidential candidates? January 20, 2016
- On the Congress and Israel: The 4th Amendment does not shield near-treasonous behavior January 3, 2016
- Why is the American republic fighting to impose tyranny at Ramadi? December 25, 2015
- Hollywood to again whitewash Clinton’s culpability for the 9/11 attacks? December 19, 2015
- What Mr. Trump knows is a mystery to the U.S. bipartisan elite December 10, 2015
- Of guns, abortion, and the approaching tyranny December 6, 2015
- Cleaning America’s house after the Islamists’ next attack in the U.S. December 2, 2015
- On cutting the crap, breaking the Caliphate’s back, and focusing on America November 18, 2015
- After-Paris tasks: Remove Hollande, Obama, and Cameron, take the Islamists seriously November 16, 2015
- Ex-CIA’er to Ex-KGB’er: Defeat, Mr. Putin, lies in ignoring the Islamists’ words and waging less than total war November 12, 2015
- Mr. Putin and Hillary Clinton’s e-mails November 5, 2015
- U.S. general officers seem clearly unacquainted with truth and reality November 1, 2015
- Rescue America by leaving Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria to Mr. Putin October 18, 2015
- Mr. Obama, you and your party are precisely why the 2nd Amendment exists October 9, 2015
- Take the Russian Gift Horse’s gift and run like hell to North America September 26, 2015
- U.S.-NATO military interventions caused Europe’s migrant disaster September 7, 2015
- More 9/11-related, cover-up lies, these from an ex-CIA Director and a ‘journalist’ September 2, 2015
- Congress, Israel, and another season of treason August 25, 2015
- Islamic State is winning, America must soon use its one remaining option August 8, 2015
- Obviously, Mrs. Clinton must be indicted July 29, 2015
- Obama in Nairobi: Patronizing Kenyans, condemning and dividing Americans July 27, 2015
- Can the U.S. governing elite not know how deeply it’s hated? July 23, 2015
- From Trump, McCain gets a harsh but surely just appraisal July 19, 2015
- Iran deal is a chance to put America First, watch U.S. enemies slaughter each other July 18, 2015
- Democrats scourge the South, after the battle flag it’s on to Old Hickory July 9, 2015
- This July 4th, read the Declaration correctly July 4, 2015
- ISIS makes the British lion a declawed and shabby cat July 2, 2015
- The national government gives no dignity, but plenty of preference, tyranny, and death June 29, 2015
- Keep it flying — the Confederate battle flag is an American flag June 22, 2015
- Yet again, Barack Obama exploits the dead for his political goals June 18, 2015
- Insanity’s definition is sending more U.S. ground troops to Iraq June 1, 2015
- America has no enemy more dastardly and lethal than the Neoconservative May 26, 2015
- Garland’s lesson? Democrats, Republicans, and Neocons bring the jihad to America May 15, 2015
- General Dempsey errs by telling the truth, but quickly recants April 26, 2015
- On the nuclear issue, no one will argue the Iranians into slavery April 13, 2015
- Starring in a lethal remake of ‘Duck Soup’ — Europe’s leaders and Barack Obama April 1, 2015
- Obama’s foreign policy: Perhaps cunning, but never wise, never truthful March 24, 2015
- The Senate appropriately spanks Thomas Woodrow Obama March 16, 2015
- Foes abroad, foes at home — time for Americans to prepare for the fight March 10, 2015
- When assessing President Obama, love cannot be measured but treason surely can February 24, 2015
- For the West, it’s time to learn from Osama bin Laden February 17, 2015
- The U.S. Congress = 535 agents of a foreign power February 11, 2015
- If Washington does not change foreign policy and/or destroy the Islamists, Americans must prepare to be enslaved February 4, 2015
- Now is the time for a quick U.S. de-intervention in Yemen January 24, 2015
- On Paris: The cost of Western leaders’ deceit and interventionism will only grow January 12, 2015
- Who’s dumber — Marc Grayson or LINKEDIN? January 9, 2015
- On Guantanamo: Those who knowingly sow dragon’s teeth ought to be killed by the harvest January 4, 2015
- After the Obama-Vatican Follies, U.S. security is worse off, and Cuba Libre is still only a cocktail December 26, 2014
- Senator Feinstein and the problem of adhering to America’s enemies December 14, 2014
- Of lies, deceit, and the coming world war December 11, 2014
- Obama, Holder, and their supporters want preference not equality December 7, 2014
- Obama leads his coalition of Arab tyrants into another losing, Islamist-boosting war November 23, 2014
- To Barack Obama: Americans obey laws, never the whims of men November 21, 2014
- How long can Americans tolerate Obama’s administration? November 17, 2014
- Obama vs. Islamic State: Here comes more debt, more death, and another lost war September 9, 2014
- America First and survival or an endless losing war with Islam? September 2, 2014
- Obama, Democrats, Republicans, and NATO: Still playing the Islamists’ foil August 20, 2014
- U.S.-UK re-intervention in Iraq: Getting it lethally wrong twice August 11, 2014
- Enemies of America: Bloomberg, Stern, and Rand Paul July 29, 2014
- Face facts, U.S. democracy-crusading causes wars — it’s time for American neutrality July 23, 2014
- Time for America to bid a final farewell to Israel and Palestine July 14, 2014
- On July 4th, recall that the 2nd Amendment is for destroying tyranny July 4, 2014
- Damn Iraq, start caring for America first June 18, 2014
- Let Iraq disintegrate, America must not re-intervene June 13, 2014
- For causing America’s Afghan defeat … indict President Obama June 11, 2014
- Obama, Memorial Day, and the military: Supportive words and murderous deeds May 25, 2014
- U.S. intervention kills Americans abroad and advances tyranny at home May 22, 2014
- Obama, McCain, and the NATO/EU Gang: Better war than saying: ‘It’s our fault’? April 29, 2014
- Senator Reid meets reality … many think the Federal Government is illegitimate April 24, 2014
- For America, perhaps now is the time for neutrality April 3, 2014
- Russia annexing Crimea is the cost of U.S.-EU intervention in Ukraine March 14, 2014
- In Ukraine, EU and U.S. interventionists nearing the civil war they caused February 22, 2014
- Mr. Obama: Do you and your colleagues know the severity of the historical fire you are rekindling? February 20, 2014
- Having ignored the Founders on war, U.S. forces will return to Afghanistan unless Americans begin to think for themselves February 14, 2014
- Obama and O’Reilly: The Factor’s no-spin zone spins toward deceit February 8, 2014
- The Union’s state: A wounded soldier, a defeated America, and a depraved governing class February 2, 2014
- Of the IRS, Syria, and South Sudan: Tyranny approaches slowly, always on several fronts January 18, 2014
- Gates shares the murderous reality of President Obama and Mrs. Clinton January 11, 2014
- A look at the brilliant advocates of Obama’s tyranny and Israel January 7, 2014
- Were America’s Founders ‘unhinged’ and suffering from a ‘meltdown’? January 6, 2014
- The desperate U.S.-UK relationship: Barack Obama, David Cameron, and the NSA/GCHQ issue December 23, 2013
- Obama and his party offer America’s young … death, misery, and slavery November 21, 2013
- The Congress’ ‘womanish attachment’ to foreigners is bringing the Islamists’ war to North America November 6, 2013
- Notes on U.S. and western jihadis returning home October 9, 2013
- Obama, Syria, and interventionism: Ten questions worth pondering September 10, 2013
- Observing King Obama’s Syrian madness, II: Learning Americans are irrelevant August 28, 2013
- Observing King Obama’s Syrian madness August 26, 2013
- Use the Constitution to prevent war with Syria August 22, 2013
- Barack Obama and John Brennan: A new American-killing ‘Murder Inc’? August 19, 2013
- Obama, McCain, Graham, Manning, Snowden, and the varieties of disloyalty August 12, 2013
- Obama, Rice, Kerry, McCain, and Graham: Intervening for more war August 7, 2013
- Bin Laden predicted Obama’s war on the 4th Amendment July 10, 2013
- For Egypt’s Islamists, war is now a legitimate option July 9, 2013
- DC’s summer heat breeds foreign policy follies and one grand opportunity July 1, 2013
- As scandals deepen, Obama, his party, and Republicans will militarily intervene in Syria May 21, 2013
- Why are Limbaugh, Levin, and Hannity so eager to see more dead Americans? April 30, 2013
- The scum of America’s Earth are strongly pro-Israel April 24, 2013
- U.S. leaders’ fingerprints are on the detonators April 21, 2013
- On Syria, our interventionists ensure America’s luck is running out March 4, 2013
- Of China, Senator Paul, and the terrible price of open borders February 20, 2013
- John Brennan and the Senate: Is anyone in Washington willing to defend America? February 10, 2013
- John Brennan as CIA chief would serve his own interests, not America’s February 6, 2013
- In Mali, the interventionist establishment already is lying about ‘unintended consequences’ January 23, 2013
- Awash in hypocrisy and hubris, Obama and his party push toward despotism January 10, 2013
- French intervention in Mali: From al-Qaeda and the Islamists’ perspective — God is truly Great! January 7, 2013
- No matter who wins, the next president will — without question — be an interventionist war president November 5, 2012
- Why does the Democratic Party so dislike Americans? October 31, 2012
- Israel First thriving in Governor Romney’s camp — and still trying to get me fired, silenced October 26, 2012
- Benghazi is bad, but Obama’s Afghan surrender is much worse October 22, 2012
- Pity poor America: Obama, Romney, and foreign policy October 13, 2012
- America: From colony to nation to slave October 2, 2012
- To President Obama: The 2nd Amendment is about fighting tyranny, not hunting deer August 1, 2012
- Galloping toward the abyss: The price of U.S. interventionism in Syria and Israel July 25, 2012
- On Afghanistan, Mrs. Clinton owes an apology to Americans on behalf of Democrats and Republicans July 5, 2012
- War kills people … as do lies by U.S. and western interventionists June 2, 2012
- President Ron Paul May 5, 2012
- Obama keeps pushing the bipartisan religion of interventionism April 2, 2012
- On Syria: Can Americans’ luck hold? Probably not March 12, 2012
- Slavery in America? You bet — listen to Obama and Romney March 5, 2012
- When war comes, Dr. Paul can say: ‘George Washington and I tried to warn you.’ February 29, 2012
- Who should apologize for Afghanistan? February 26, 2012
- Fearing the Constitution’s return, the Washington Post launches a panicky, sophomoric attack on Dr. Paul January 3, 2012
- Mr. Gary Bauer — The supposed Christian as slanderer, Israel-Firster, and war-monger January 1, 2012
- Iowa’s Choice: Dr. Paul or U.S. bankruptcy, more wars, and many more dead soldiers and Marines December 31, 2011
- On Iraq: Think like Romans and admit we were beaten December 22, 2011
- Roll on toward the cataract, Oh Ship of State! November 24, 2011
- On America’s horizon — A far larger war with the Muslim world November 13, 2011
- Our educators doom America to overseas disasters October 11, 2011
- Motivating enemies: Interventionists and the UN veto September 21, 2011
- Interventionists ready a media lynching for Ron Paul September 4, 2011
- Intervention’s costs vs. non-intervention’s benefits August 13, 2011
- Oslo: Likely an opening act, not a one-off event July 30, 2011
- More interventionism = More defense spending July 20, 2011
- Of Muslim Brothers, bin Laden’s papers, Bloombergian tyranny, and Libya July 2, 2011
- Remember: No nation has a ‘right to exist’ June 27, 2011
- Arab Spring to Jihadi Era: al-Zawahiri gets the whip hand from bin Laden and his key ally — the U.S. Government June 17, 2011
- Here’s how Afghanistan ends — America loses, Islam wins, and a new Muslim generation joins the jihad June 10, 2011
- Always ready for death: Leadership succession in al-Qaeda June 5, 2011
- Barack Obama: Neoconservative crusader May 22, 2011
- In Afghanistan — Taliban: Islam triumphant; America: self-defeated, ready to run May 18, 2011
- Wasting victory: Obama, the Congress, and the bin-Laden aftermath May 14, 2011
- Israel-First claims control of tenure at Yale and Georgetown May 8, 2011
- Bin Laden dead, the USG in disarray, and empty Congressional threats toward Pakistan May 7, 2011
- Libya: The road to invasion has been straight, not a slippery slope April 20, 2011
- Syrian unrest and Israel’s lethal U.S. ‘friends’ April 13, 2011
- U.S. policy in the Levant: Islamism for Syria, ruin for Israel April 11, 2011
- Will Mr. Obama kill enough Libyans to win his unnecessary and illegal war? April 3, 2011
- Lies in the air of Libya’s spring — The return of ‘unintended consequences’ March 23, 2011
- Illiberal Islam March 22, 2011
- Libya and Bahrain: Neutering the Constitution, heading for disaster March 19, 2011
- The sum of all fears March 17, 2011
- It is sad, but President Obama is an arrogant, racist interventionist March 12, 2011
- On Rep. King’s hearings, al-Qaeda and Arab unrest, and sundry questions March 9, 2011
- More on ‘inevitable’ democracy in the Arab world March 5, 2011
- Why the Mideast revolts will help al-Qaeda March 4, 2011
- The ‘new’ Arab world through the Marx Brothers’ eyes February 28, 2011
- Egypt, Osama, and George Washington February 14, 2011
- Bin Laden does a happy dance February 14, 2011
- On Non-Intervention, Egypt and al-Qaeda, and Afghanistan-Pakistan February 5, 2011
- Afghanistan and Pakistan: Sorting fact from hope February 4, 2011
- Tunisia, Egypt, and Yemen: Moving toward Islam and away from the West January 30, 2011
- Rep. King’s hearings: U.S. Muslim leaders must brave the lion’s den January 24, 2011
- The Arizona shootings and Rep. King’s thousand-foot rule January 13, 2011
- Scheuer-vs-Israel-First, Part 2 January 12, 2011
- Scheuer-vs-Israel-First, Part 2: The e-mails January 12, 2011
- This is how Israel-First works to silence and damage its critics January 9, 2011
- Is there an ‘acceptable’ kind of U.S. intervention? January 5, 2011
- U.S. intervention in Sudan and Somalia: Sowing war’s whirlwind for Americans December 29, 2010
- Why is a dead Islamist bomber smarter than three U.S. presidents? December 18, 2010
- New Book: Osama Bin Laden December 15, 2010
- The Democrats: The party of five infamous ‘S’s’ adds a ‘T’ for treason December 11, 2010
- Not even Wikileaks can help: Obama’s inexplicable diplomacy in South Asia December 6, 2010
- Frisking the Founding Fathers November 30, 2010
- Thanksgiving thoughts on non-intervention and treason November 25, 2010
- Osama lectures Obama, Brennan, and Petraeus on how the mujahideen will beat America November 21, 2010
- All for Israel? Even bribery, disloyalty, and keeping U.S. kids hungry? November 17, 2010
- The motors of anti-Muslim hatred in America are … November 12, 2010
- Note to Tea Party: End interventionism first November 7, 2010
- Why we must kill more of the Islamist enemy November 2, 2010
- Osama shows who is the boss October 30, 2010
- Osama bin Laden at the top of his game October 29, 2010
- Just coincidence?: Mid-term elections and good news from Afghanistan October 23, 2010
- Bob Woodward’s Obama: Holding office trumps U.S. lives and security October 9, 2010
- Bob Woodward’s ‘Obama’s Wars’: Of felony and ignorance October 3, 2010
- A smaller Afghan role for al-Qaeda is very bad news for the West September 30, 2010
- Ted Koppel joins the U.S. political elite’s ship of fools September 23, 2010
- Petraeus, Afghan strategy, and Israel: Another week of daftness from U.S. leaders September 8, 2010
- In the ‘Obama-vs-History’ contest, Obama and America are sure losers September 1, 2010
- The 14th anniversary of a war we refuse to understand August 27, 2010
- NYC Mosque, II: As Ivy Leaguers teach Americans to hate Islam, U.S. Muslim leaders must at last be candid August 22, 2010
- Al-Qaeda wins no matter who prevails in the NYC mosque debate August 15, 2010
- Israel-First’s war on Iran will bring war to America August 13, 2010
- Let us have truth: Hiroshima and George W. Bush August 6, 2010
- Presidential orders to kill Americans will soon be routine August 4, 2010
- They always choose failure: Wikileaks, education, and Arizona August 1, 2010
- ‘The only principle in this war is which party can whip’ … and America is being whipped by its own leaders July 25, 2010
- This blasphemy will kill Americans July 22, 2010
- Al-Shabab and Al-Qaeda: Playing Americans for suckers July 15, 2010
- Americans and al-Qaeda: Laughing our way to the graveyard July 11, 2010
- July 4th, 2010: Ready for more intervention, incoming nukes, and war with Iran? July 4, 2010
- On comments to the site, armed rebellion, Dr. Rand Paul, and Israel-First June 25, 2010
- Obama should have sent a Marine June 24, 2010
- In Illinois: A pro-war, anti-1st Amendment Senate campaign June 21, 2010
- America’s alliances: Time for a second look? June 17, 2010
- President Obama and the Gulf oil leak: Will it be statesmanship or political expediency? June 14, 2010
- Did you enjoy ‘Lynch-an-Elderly-Female-Journalist-for-Israel Day’? June 12, 2010
- Time for America to un-intervene in Israel-vs-Palestine June 10, 2010
- Memorial Day and its hypocrites May 31, 2010
- The ‘noble lies’ of Barack Obama and John Brennan May 28, 2010
- The coming Kandahar campaign: War or political theater? May 25, 2010
- Maddow and the Obamas: Killers of hope, spurs of rebellion May 24, 2010
- Mr. Obama — America’s flamboyantly lawless first magistrate plants seeds of secession May 20, 2010
- America first? — Never for U.S. media or politicians May 18, 2010
- The cost of losing wars is more war May 17, 2010
- Mr. Obama is dead wrong, we are fighting Islamists May 9, 2010
- America again defeated in New York … a portent of the future May 2, 2010
- The Tea Party vs blind arrogance April 23, 2010
- Is Obama really a genius leader? April 17, 2010
- Nuclear summits are fine, border control is a must April 10, 2010
- Obama and his predecessors are why the Founders wrote the 2nd Amendment April 7, 2010
- How the bombs in Moscow hit America April 5, 2010
- Lethal deafness: Osama trumps Obama and all U.S. leaders — save Rep. Paul March 29, 2010
- For some CIA retirees: ‘No women need apply’ March 27, 2010
- You think Republicans favor U.S. independence?!! March 26, 2010
- Obama’s choice — To be a patriot or a toady? March 25, 2010
- War, fifth columns, and what won’t be asked on 60 Minutes March 20, 2010
- Washington and Israel: Arm-in-arm for endless war with Islam March 18, 2010
- Turn Biden’s public humiliation to America’s advantage March 12, 2010
- Sister Mary Lawrence had Obama’s number 50 years ago March 10, 2010
- Automatic war: The pathetic state of U.S. sovereignty March 8, 2010
- Will Islamists choose savagery or surrender? March 3, 2010
- Colin Powell — What happened to defending America? February 22, 2010
- The Israel-Muslim War: Nearing America’s streets? February 21, 2010
- What to do about Iran? Act for the Republic and independence February 19, 2010
- When troops and CIA officers die for a fantasy January 12, 2010
- Barack Obama, interventionist and ultimate Jihadi hero December 31, 2009
- Get nasty or go home October 12, 2009
- Questions on the eve of the Afghan election August 18, 2009
- Are the Taliban winning? August 11, 2009
- What if Osama calls Obama’s bluff? June 9, 2009
- Obama steers toward endless war with Islam May 20, 2009
- Obama’s Afghan-ignorant policy guide May 6, 2009
- Osama, Obama, and torture April 26, 2009
- The Accidental Guerrilla and the deliberate interventionist April 15, 2009
- Professor Dershowitz encounters a worrying future April 2, 2009
- Non-interventionists need not apply March 24, 2009
- Lobby? What Lobby? February 10, 2009
- Bringing the Arab-Israeli War home January 5, 2009
- The lobby like no other wants a war like no other August 14, 2008
- Turning the tables on the Israel-Firsters July 16, 2008
- Have nothing to do with conquest July 12, 2008
- Why doesn’t al-Qaeda attack the US? May 29, 2008
- Ron Paul, The Revolution, and ending abuses and usurpations May 7, 2008
- Douglas Feith’s War and Decision: Life in a Neocon’s Parallel Universe May 2, 2008
- A book Americans must read before time runs out March 25, 2008
- The media must take Dr. Paul’s lead and ask specific foreign policy questions March 24, 2008
- Break out the shock and awe March 9, 2008
- Clueless candidates make Osama’s day February 27, 2008
- Reading bin Laden’s mind: The State of the Jihad, as he might see it February 17, 2008
- George Weigel’s anti-American jeremiad January 11, 2008
- A deadly status quo is the cost of not voting for Dr. Paul December 29, 2007
- What the world could expect from Dr. Ron Paul’s non-interventionist America November 28, 2007
- The anti-Americanism of the Israel-Firsters November 8, 2007
- Why does Norman Podhoretz hate America? September 26, 2007
- Syria and Iran: The threats that aren’t September 6, 2007
- Rep. Paul and the Founders versus our interventionist elite June 1, 2007
- Tenet tries to shift the blame. Don’t buy it. April 29, 2007
- Is there a role for reality in U.S. foreign policy? August 3, 2006
- Madison’s warning and the Israel Lobby July 25, 2006
- Doing bin Laden’s work for him July 21, 2006
- Does Israel conduct covert action in America? April 8, 2006
- Al-Qaeda Doctrine: Training the individual warrior March 28, 2006
- How Bush helps jihadists March 12, 2006
- Embracing a lethal tar baby February 26, 2006
- For Iraq — Hang the history teachers September 8, 2005
- When Americans die for nothing August 18, 2005
- Is the right of the people to alter or abolish it July 4, 2005
- Unraveling the saga of al-Zarqawi’s injury June 13, 2005
- Throwing America a life preserver June 10, 2005
- God, drunks, and America June 2, 2005
- A fire bell in the night for the West? May 19, 2005
- Deliberately destroying America’s soul April 22, 2005
- The job should have gone to the Marx Brothers April 21, 2005
- Sandy Berger’s scissors April 11, 2005
- Toward a Sensible Israel Policy March 22, 2005
- Accountability: Why not start at the top? March 17, 2005
- Imperial Hubris: An Author Reviews the Reviews of his Book February 7, 2005
- Battling the Terrorists December 26, 2004
- How to lose the War on Terror August 2, 2004
Author Archives: Mike
Mr. Trump: Stop abetting the mass-murderers of Americans
Mr. Trump, You must cut the crap you have been dispensing about the worth of the vaccines produced by the warp-speed program and the pressing need for people to take them. There is no blame that falls to you for … Continue reading
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The Afghan War’s end is truly an American victory
As some readers of this blog know, I am a co-host — with Colonel Mike — of a podcast named “Two Mikes”. Pretty clever,eh? Anyway, we recorded a podcast yesterday and the following is a slightly expanded version of its … Continue reading
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What kind of people govern the republic? Afghanistan provides the answer
What Americans are watching in Afghanistan is the use of U.S. military personnel to cover their governing elite’s panicked but useless attempt to prevent the citizenry from at last understanding that neither Bush nor Obama nor Biden ever intended to … Continue reading
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Secretary of Defense and his flag officers vow to kill those they command
For years. I have been damned, excoriated, and generally not much liked for arguing that the U.S. military’s political leaders and flag officers do not give a good god-damn about the lives of the men and women they lead. This … Continue reading
Time for Americans to resume hating standing armies
–“The means of defence against foreign danger, have always been the instruments of tyranny at home.” James Madison, 29 June 2 1787 (1) –“Wherever standing armies are kept up, and when the right of the people to keep and bear … Continue reading
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Two truthful videos that will save commonsense Americans
The two videos noted below feature Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, a citizen of the United States and Germany, and an internationally renowned trial lawyer and medical doctor. In the shorter video (19 minutes), Fuellmich summarizes the legal case against those who … Continue reading
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Biden’s treason on show in Afghanistan — in spades
Readers of this space know that I have been arguing for the withdrawal of U.S. military forces from Afghanistan since it became clear they had been defeated by the Taleban and its allies. No later than 2004. Now after an … Continue reading
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At age 68, I’m still eager to surrender my white privilege
Why I’m eager to see the end of my ‘white privilege’ [I pulled this piece from from the Liberty Click website, a site that does me a great honor by keeping track of my writings. I wrote the piece going … Continue reading
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Time to make the traitors pay for their own destruction
It seems odd that there appears to be no one in the United States who is willing to stand up and speak the obvious truth; namely, that since Trump declared his presidential candidacy in 2015 all of the violence, arson, … Continue reading
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Biden and his regime cast the die of war, they seem eager to reach Boot Hill
–“Be it remembered, however, that liberty must at all hazards be supported. We have a right to it derived from our Maker. But if we had not, or fathers have earned and bought it for us, at the expense of … Continue reading
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