Attorney General Bondi to defend Israel’s honor — as if it had any

They say the more things change, the more they stay the same. This certainly is not true across Trump’s cabinet and government, but suddenly AG Bondi came forward with her best Merrick Garland – and perhaps Trumpian? — voice and decries the supposedly great increase in anti-Semitism in the United States and the need to take aggressive action to smash this terrible speech-scourge. The cost of eradicating what she considers a threat to the republic is, as it always is, to  ignore the Constitution and Bill of Rights and make them dead letters.

Now, if Ms. Bondi has any genuine experience in the real world of working Americans – that is non-bureaucrats – she knows that the speech of work-a-day Americans can be rough, derogatory, cuss-filled, and often peppered with the kind of words she and her kind regard as punishable violations of law due to their inability to cope with the hard fact that the 1st Amendment – like the 2nd, 4th, and 10th, at least – are absolutes. Each is clear to every American drawing breath, working for a living, and not on the lifelong dole. Most Americans need no modernized, airy-fairy misinterpretation of the Constitution and its first 10 amendments of the kind always on offer by politicians, lawyers, bureaucrats, professors, journalists, war-lovers, movie stars, retired flag officers, all individuals whom, in one way or another, have been or are now on the take from organizations bent on killing the Constitution by killing the 1st Amendment and the 2nd Amendment, the latter of course, is the only reliable defense of all of the liberties enshrined in the Bill of Rights and the Constitution.

But even the reputedly well-educated and conservative Ms. Bondi cannot let the constitutionally definitive original wording of the 1st Amendment stand, she with the others who want to destroy the republic believe the fashionable horse-shit that claims the Constitution as a “living document” that can be grotesquely twisted in anyway necessary to make the already over-centralized federal government into an even bigger tyranny.

Ms. Bondi has now raised her favorite flag, the one carrying not the stars and stripes but rather the bywords of all American politicians in both parties, namely Israel First. Filled with worry and fret, but with eyes gleaming over the thought of the Jewish-American funds that will come her way as a consequence of declaring the annihilation of anti-Semitism to be a “major” issue for America and Americans, and because she will start and lead the republic’s battle against what her ridiculous words suggest is the terrible threat that anti-Semitism poses not only to Jews but also to the republic’s well-being and security.

Not so, the threat that angry, nasty, or cruel words about Jewish people or Israel pose is the threat that U.S. politicians who would have to live on their salaries, without the wages-of-treason that reliably flow so long as they are on the take from AIPAC, the ADL, and Jewish-American billionaires.

Blinded by such a clear, nearly mad delusion, how will Ms. Bondi proceed? No sweat on that score, she will simply use the framework built by the Biden Administration, the completely corrupted FBI – and let us hear no more lying drivel claiming it is only corrupt leaders on the “seventh floor” – and its allies and employees at the Anti-Defamation League, the Southern Poverty Law Center, and the gang of Jewish-American billionaires who rushed to kill the 1st Amendment and the universities they once bragged about supporting by paying for “distinguished professors” to teach Marxism, Multiculturalism, Communism, anti-white racism, Socialism, gender madness, and, most of all, anti-Americanism. But when American students had the audacity to demonstrate against what appeared to all who were not wearing pirates’ patches over both eyes, or on the take from Jewish-American organizations, to be Israel’s deliberate massacre of Palestinian civilians in preparation for stealing what is left of their land, a new war was ignited against the 1st Amendment.

Ms. Bondi will use Biden’s kill-the-1st-Amendment framework and direct the corrupt core of federal agencies — FBI, DHS, DOJ, ATF, IRS, – and their silent but key allies at CIA and NSA – to exploit the so-called “intelligence” the ADL and the SPLC  gathered – while on the payroll of the Biden’s government – to go after all Americans who oppose the Democrats; say a negative word about Israel or Jews; are devoted Catholics;  people who oppose abortion own weapons, or support Trump and conservatism; Blacks who opposed Biden’s authoritarianism and life on his plantations; all Americans who opposed open borders; the foes of indoctrinating their children on the glories of sexual depravity and DEI, and all Americans who ache for the trial and lethal punishment of Bill Gates, many state and federal politicians, Biden’s puppet masters, the bosses of Big Pharma, the AMA, and the senior federal health officials who lied to Trump about the pandemic; and all of the legacy media, including FOX,  for the deaths, crippling, and general economic destruction caused by the lethal vaccines that deliberately were used to murder so many tens of thousands of Americans. (NB: As an aside, I cannot understand why Trump has never had the courage to apologize to Americans, explain that he got slicked by Fauci, Birks, his own cabinet, and many other senior federal health bureaucrats, and that he now intends to make them pay for their mass-murdering crimes. Pride goeth …)

Yep, Ms. Bondi inherited all of this data from Biden’s fascists, and when using it in defense of the politicians’ dole from AIPAC, Israel, and wealthy Jewish-Americans and their organizations,  she, her lieutenants, and the media will never stop spewing about the “righteous cause of ending anti-Semitism” and the need to stop people from saying nasty words about Israel and Jews – even if it means neutering the Constitution – as well as Israel’s suborned, slave-like allies in Congress, the Senate, the military, the federal and state bureaucracies, the federal judiciary, the media, Hollywood, and an assortment of other compromised and perhaps traitorous U.S. organizations.

If Ms. Bondi’s intentions regarding anti-Semitism are evidence of what “Making America Great Again” is all about, it tends to suggests that American ‘greatness” only exists if it continues to do the bidding, funding, and arming of Israel, while controlling the speech of those obviously despicable and traitorous American citizens who believe that the U.S. relationship with Israel is built mainly on the wishes of Israel and its U.S-citizen coreligionists and their amazing, almost magical, ability to suborn as slaves to its interests so many American presidents, governors, senators, generals, journalists etc. etc.,

In sum, Ms. Bondi’s anti-Semitism campaign, if successful, means three things are certain: (a.) the crippling of the U.S. Constitution and the Bill or Rights; (b.) endless U.S. funded and probably fought wars for Israel in the Middle East; and (c) the sickening, but side-splittingly comical image of the North American continent being pulled along via a ring through its nose by an oversized Middle East sandbox run by arrogant and criminal politicians, Bolsheviks, Christian-haters, and the owners of the world’s largest begging bowl. This image, of course, will get the most laughter from Israeli Firsters in America and the war-lover Netanyahu and his pals in Israel. And, to be fair, who would not laugh over an image of the United States being led helplessly toward hell by a modern set of vicious and venomous Lilliputians.

An afterthought: Just a reflection after yesterday’s fancy public release of nothing new about Epstein’s operation and its criminal legacy. Might Ms. Bondi’s fixation on supposedly rife U.S. anti-Semitism be based on the need for a diversion after she has found that the papers  Epstein and the JFK and RFK assassinations can never be released because of some – or perhaps more than some – involvement of our sainted Israeli ally in all three crimes. No surprise on the Epstein matter, as no American would be surprised if Mossad, Mi6, FBI, Shin Bet, and CIA were the key supporters of Epstein. But too few Americans, however, recall that the Kennedy brothers were both far from eager to see Israel obtain nuclear weapons. Is it time, Ms. Bondi, to edit out much of the truth in the papers whose release you control? Is that why you have said you intend to release “some” of the materials.  Or will you now mark time and allow some renegade employees to shred them and then set up the shredders for breaking the law? That would be a nice way to bury the issue by explaining the documents have been destroyed and blame the action on Biden and his loyal band of U.S. Intelligence Community gangsters, and those you and the FBI set up to take the fall. The whole business probably would give the Trump Administration a rough ride for a month or two, but the action would kill four birds with one stone  (a) Epstein and his crimes would gradually fade into a disgusting memory, (b) the participation of the U.S., British, and Israeli intelligence services would remain undocumented, (c) the Trump Administration and the bilateral political elite would keep getting their paychecks from Israel and its supporters; and (d) with Israel off the Epstein hook, Attorney General Bondi can fire-up her campaign to fulfill her Garland-like goal of destroying the 1st Amendment via waging a war against the non existent threat of anti-Semitism in the United States




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