Trump’s new government, all aces domestically, all dunces on foreign policy

As a whole, Trump’s government, in this short period, has been remarkable in its accomplishments, as well as in Trump’s ability to stay on course at home with the domestic aspects of an American First policy. The discoveries Elon Musk’s crew have made in USAID have been – to say the least – shocking. The organization’s laundering of many billions of dollars through its network of NGO beneficiaries and other organizations and governments and then back to the federal bureaucracy for distribution to Democrats of all kinds and senior federal bureaucrats, as well as some Republicans. Naturally, the Clinton family seems to have been a regular recipient of this graft in exceedingly large dollar amounts. There are also reports that Obama used USAID for laundering CIA money bound for overthrowing foreign governments, starting wars, and other nefarious activities. The laundered money also went to American Catholic charitable organizations which, in turn, responded by helping illegal aliens evade the law and enter the country, they also seem to have helped “disappear” the 350,000 children brought into the country by illegals that cannot be located. It’s also is precisely what this globalist, satanic, and intensely anti-American Pope and his money-hungry minions had coming to them. That’s some record of serving God, don’t you think? But just what you would expect from a South American communist. (NB: Some truth in advertising, I’m a life-long Roman Catholic)

 Trump also has lit another fire under the initiation and acceleration of his plan to get all the illegals out of America. This process will take time, but will be immediately helped by the surprisingly fast pace at which the border wall is being completed. As getting rid of illegal aliens continues, Trump – on the basis of Musk’s findings – already has eliminated several hundred thousand federal workers, although reporting suggests the process of removing these lazy tax-eaters has a long way to go.

The nagging question that remains regarding these domestic actions lies in the fact that while Trump’s people have uncovered enormous criminal waste and other forms of corruption – apparently running into the many billions of dollars — there has yet to be a single indictment. Without indictments, trials, and convictions, Musk and his staff have provided a much-needed, good, and informative show, but as of yet there is no guarantee that this government-wide, is to be terminated. Without a large number of these money-laundering operatives, elected grifters, and slavishly obedient bureaucratic place-holders being indicted and tried, the scum so far identified will fade into invisibility and then return when next the Democrats are in power. Oh, yes, also high on Trump’s agenda must be ending taxpayer funding for NGOs. The Congress, too, must be demanded to pass laws ending the delivery of taxpayer money to any religious group in America – Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, Muslim, or any other faith – not only because they have broken the law but, perhaps more important, to reestablish the separation of church and state. The Democrats, always two-faced bastards, have long used this feature of the Constitution to kill faith in America, but now we are finding out that they simply wanted to turn these avaricious NGOs for criminal and anti-faith uses by providing faith organizations with tax exemptions and favoring faith-based and fully-bribed NGO’s as tools for bringing the republic to its knees. The country’s pastors and leading church officials already have dug themselves into a deep hole by making churches unavailable to believers during the Covid dictatorship, Mr. Musk also should look for graft on that score, he will find it. Now we find these entities have long been digging away in their hole of iniquity in return for vast taxpayer-provided payoffs to aid illegal aliens and help the Democrats make 350,000 children disappear.

Trump’s supposed America First foreign policy, on the other hand, makes almost no sense, unless the name of his game is bluff. What can you possibly say about Trump’s understanding of non-intervention. Does non-interventionism include clearing Palestine of all Palestinians and making it into a new playground for his son-in law and the rich? The answer is none. Does it mean starting a war with Iran because Israel and their Congressional lackeys demand it. What possible U.S. national-security interest is at risk because of Palestinians living in Palestine? If the Israelis face such a risk, they constructed and nourished it over the past 80 years. What would happen if we engineered such a Palestinian removal, which it seems fair to say, sounds like a plan thought up by a former CIA officer, who also is said to have been a pal of John Bolton? This man also was an expert on and a fan/supporter of the United Nations, which may explain Trump’s absurdly enthusiastic and completely ahistorical support for the UN’s “great potential”. No world government organization has any potential but for war, graft, waste, and anti-Americanism. Americans knew that it 1918-1919 and some heroic and commonsense Republican senators kept us out of the League of Nations. They knew what “America First” meant and fought to the death against that bastard Woodrow Wilson to entrench it in the mind of America.

Anyway, if there is a better measure than the ludicrous Palestinian Plan to draw America into another land war in the Middle East, I cannot identify it. We have lost wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and will soon lose another pair in Syria and Jordan. How many dozens of these results can the republic stand? Clearly, we do not need such wars, but Israel does and therein lies the big question: Is Trump an American First president or is he most happy when he is shilling for the Israelis and selling them 2,000 pound bombs that Israeli government will use to kill Palestinian civilians and steal land in the name of Greater Israel. If Trump wanted an American First foreign policy in the Middle East, he would leave Israel free to do whatever it wants in its region, but then cut off all kinds of U.S. aid to that country, whether traditionally given above-board or surreptitiously. His next, and equally important action, is to send the new FBI Director and Attorney General on a mission to detect, remove, and arrest Israel’s operatives – Israeli, Jewish-American, and American — within the federal bureaucracy, the intelligence community, and the U.S. military. Then, afterwards, force AIPAC, the ADL, and the SPLC to register as agents of a foreign power, and then investigate them – and their pals at the FBI and DHS – for gathering data on Conservatives, Catholics, gun owners, Trump supporters, patriots, etc. for the purpose of eventually rounding them up and imprisoning them. Finally, and on his own part, Trump must also speak directly to Americans and guarantee them that, notwithstanding his ocean of Jewish-American campaign funding, his will fight and stop the plan to adopt as federal law a measure making anti-Semitic speech a criminal offense. That plan, of course, is mad, fascistic, and utterly unconstitutional, and it must be  forever eliminated from the domestic political agenda in one way or another.

Finally, while most Americans rejoice at the fact that Trump is building the border wall and giving the illegals the boot, his apparent intention to engage U.S. military land forces in a campaign inside Mexico to destroy the Mexican cartels comes with an attendant set of dangers. All Americans – especially families with relations in the U.S. military — should remember that the Mexican cartels are large, powerful, wealthy, well-armed, vicious, and are deeply rooted in Mexican and increasingly American society. They are likewise entrenched within the Mexican national and state governments, and the law-enforcement agencies of both. Also, worth recalling is that a good deal of Mexican territory resembles that of Afghanistan, giving its cartel defenders some of the same advantages enjoyed by the Taliban when they fought and defeated U.S. forces. Though America is cursed with a military that cannot win wars, much can be accomplished against the cartels with air-power, limited special forces raids, and a perhaps a blockade of several of Mexico’s Pacific ports, but the entry of large U.S. ground forces into Mexico might well create precisely the same kind of “cakewalk” as Americans saw in Afghanistan and Iraq.

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