Going to hell via Harvard

Years ago, while working at CIA, I was surprised to find out the Agency and other intelligence agencies were sending officers deemed to hold promise for service in top Intelligence Community positions to elite U.S. universities for various periods of time. The Pentagon also was sending those headed for service as flag officers in the military services for such educational experiences.

Where are these men and women being sent for this experience? Well these candidates for top-level promotions are sent to Harvard, other Ivy League schools, and other highly related universities outside the northeast. Really, my reaction was less surprise, than it was anger that taxpayer money was being be used by the Intelligence Community and the Pentagon to send their best and brightest to the greatest and most poisonous hives of anti-Americanism, schools that proudly play a leading role in inculcating republic-killing ideas into those they teach, starting with multiculturalism — teaching the insanity that the more divided a nation is, the stronger it is – as well as other ridiculous ahistorical ideas, including anti-white racism, the Civil war was fought to free slaves and not to defeat the South’s legitimate war for independence, that American Indians were non-violent, peace lovers, that the world would be a better place if governments could sensor speech and publications, and that the lives of U.S. soldiers, Marines, flyers, and sailors should be joyously spent for the honor of making the world more like America, though it currently is the home of rampant political corruption, female authoritarianism, fascism, thirst for blood, fast-spreading sexual depravity, and more than 300,000 missing children due to Biden’s open borders.

What has been the influence of preparing our men and women bound for flag-officer rank at our leading universities? It is admittedly hard to tell. I am sure, however, that those destined for one or more stars could not find a way to flunk out of their elite-school assignment. Likewise, such schools are unlikely to be presenting tough classes that would risk such negative outcomes and, not incidentally, halt the hefty flow of federal funds to the elite schools. These schools, of course, do not specialize in quality education, rather they specialize in making profits to expand their already enormous endowments and  to adbance their campaigns to destroy the American republic.

there appears to be some evidence showing this educational scheme may be creating a corps of flag officers who, after their semester or academic-year schooling, are less professional military leaders than they were before they matriculated. Certainly, it is evident that the experience has helped to move much of the U.S. general officer corps in an increasingly anti-American, woke, insubordinate, and partisan political direction. Their public words, spoken and in print, during the recent presidential campaign is irrefutable evidence of that decline. Ditto for the fifty senior intelligence officers, and their master Anthony Blinken, who falsely assigned the Hunter Biden laptop to the realm of Russian covert action in order to prevent Trump winning the 2020 election. It also is safe to assume that the senior Intelligence Community officers who have been dipped in the Ivy League’s pot of aggressive anti-Americanism and wokism, have gained nothing that strengthens their capabilities from an educational experience having little, if anything, to do with the way world actually works.

Instead, these grandees from both the intelligence and the military communities return to work as perpetual adolescents, generals who madly believe the Ivy League drivel they were taught, and so think they can reshape the world in whatever is the image-of-the-day that, the politicians, and the media favor. That remaking, of course, must always be based on a using the tools of military power and war, but both used only aggressively enough to ensure America always loses the interventionists wars that presidents starts or enter, but never intend to win. No American alive today has ever heard from an American flag officer or senior Intelligence officer who has been on the winning side of a post-1945 U.S. interventionist war, with the exception of those CIA intelligence officers who aided the Afghans’ defeat of the Red Army, and a goodly number of those men and women were the Agency’s superb and always under-celebrated Logisticians

As noted, U.S. generals have lost all the unconstitutional interventionist wars their presidents have tasked them to win since Japan’s surrender. Mired in this endless failure, they have been, amazingly, treated as gods on earth. From dawn to dusk, they have been fawned over by presidents, the public, the Congress, the federal government, the media, and the arms-makers. With none of the fawners ever have the commonsense or courage to ask the generals why they are the proud owners of a losing streak equal in years to those once held by the Red Sox and Cubs. Today, more than ever, these flag-officers stand out as the unserious, modestly talented, and genuinely hapless individuals and have proven on the battlefield.

There are a number ways to bring these political generals to book: early retirements, investigations into their crystal-clear incompetence, and military-law punishment for out-of-line political activities, etc. One other key and commonsense way to do so is to keep military officers ear-marked for a future star as far away as possible from an assignment — at taxpayers’ expense — to Ivy League and other elite U.S. universities, and thereby the Marxist and anti-republican agendas those schools use to seek the destruction of the republic, its Constitution, and the U.S. military and intelligence communities.

It is harder to know what to do about those post-Ivy League intelligence officers bound for top Intelligence Community positions. The CIA, for example, has been staffed by a large number of Ivy-League graduates since its inception. As is to be expected, those graduates hire more of their kind and over the course of the Agency’s existence their arrogant, elitist, and anti-American style of thinking, strenthened in them by their universities, have been transferred to Langley. One only needs to recall, first, the Agency’s always gung-ho readiness for unnecessary and always lost interventionist wars, its willingness to ignore the law to please and secure the protection of their budget providers, and, for at least the past two decades, their utterly disgraceful and illegal eagerness to avoid protecting Americans as they, instead, arduously labor to destroy the U.S. Constitution and help the FBI harass, defame, and probably incarcerate Americans on the orders of their various Ivy-League educated presidents and organizations that should be, but are not, designated as agents of foreign power.

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