Hell to pay for Bush’s wars, Biden’s arms for Islamism, no borders, and now Syria?

This morning’s news reports about “terrorist” attacks in Las Vegas and New Orleans ought to cause Americans to stop and think about the costs of continuing to expand the U.S. position in the Muslim world and to allow Muslims – and all other foreigners — to enter this country illegally. The key to thinking about this situation can be found in the lies of two former presidents.

–The claim of Obama – and his half-wit and anti-American intelligence advisers Brennan and Clapper – that the killing of Osama bin Laden was the road’s end for Al-Qaeda. This was either a damned-lie or was spoken by men who knew nothing about militant Islam. I believe it was both. The day the U.S. killed Bin Laden was long after Al-Qaeda’s chief had clearly achieved — with the help of Allah and the military stupidity of U.S. flag officers — his main goal of creating a self-perpetuating jihad that would carry on after he, and even al-Qaeda, had gone to their reward in the hereafter.

–The claim of Trump – which has been rebroadcast often in the past hours – that the U.S. air campaign he waged, in cooperation with Russian air forces, against ISIS and al-Qaeda in Iraq wiped those groups out and closed the book on them also was a lie, although he was surrounded by senior U.S. military veterans, many of whom were working against him. In any event, he and his unfriendly advisers probably never had a clue about the nature, faith, and endurance of the Islamic fighters who beat their military butts like a drum in Afghanistan and Iraq. He and his generals hated them, but never bothered – they were Arab turban wearers, after all – to try to understand what the Islamists were up to or why they were up to it. Indeed, they and Obama’s gang rained abuse on those subordinates who urged them to wake up to the dangerous strategy and intentions of the Islamist enemy, as well as its determination, grit, and patience.

So, as Americans, we stand today on what might be a resurgence of Islamist fighting groups here in the United States. Why?

–a.) U.S. military forces have never defeated the Islamist militants in any war in which we have fought them, save the U.S.-Muslim war in the Philippines in the 2oth Century’s first decade. The Pentagon and its NATO allies are the very essence of “ignorant losers” when it comes to Islamist insurgencies, or the recent insurgent-like attacks in New Orleans, Las Vegas, and Europe. These flag-officers are great at killing the innocent and the fighters, but they cannot or will not accurately analyze the Islamist enemy’s motivation, durability, and thinking processes. Nor are they capable of winning a war against an Islamist opponents, men who are armed with few or no whiz-bang super weapons, but are battle-hardened, driven by their faith, almost unbelievably patient, and armed by Biden with $86 billion of U.S. weaponry he donated to them in Afghanistan, with more money and guns flowing in from Arab leaders, private funders, Western intelligence agencies, and gun-runners operating out of Ukraine.

–b.) The survival of Al-Qaeda, ISIS, and other Islamist insurgent groups has not only to do with America’s inability and unwillingness to defeat them, but with two other points as well. First, the sickening arrogance and stupidity that, since at least 1995, made U.S. and European political and military leaders uninterested in reading and understanding the spoken words the leaders of the worldwide Islamist movement. These men and women are even worse than those who failed, with calamitous results, to read Mein Kampf or listen to General Giap. Second, the operating assumption of the U.S. and Western intelligence services, as well as many presidents, generals, and prime ministers, and all members of Congress and Parliaments, is that if the Islamists are not attacking us, they are defeated, they have quit, or they were not as strong and durable as some reputed them to be. The only correct assumption about such a period of Islamist inactivity – short or prolonged – is one that says they are planning more war, praying for Allah’s approval, and deciding where and when to wage the fight, while knowing their enemies lose sight of them due to the lack of attacks, intellectual disinterest, and plain old sloth.

–c.) Americans also need to recall that Bin Laden explained in his speeches and written works, that al-Qaeda’s attacks outside Afghanistan were designed to bring the United States and its allies to commit their military forces to a land war in Afghanistan. He sid that foreign operations took too long to plan and train for, were very expensive, were hard to run securely, and often delivered not much more than glancing blows, as in East Africa and Yemen. The 9/11 raid, however, did the trick, and the U.S. and NATO militaries struck out for Afghanistan without a plan for what they had to to do, and then left twenty years later, running away like a chaotic bunch of grammar school girls confronted by a snake.

 Finally, noting two more aspects of Usama bin Ladin’s thinking is a good way to end. (d.) He did successfully entice the United States to accept his gracious invitation to come to Afghanistan and get thoroughly licked, and (e.) by all reporting, he never stopped praying to Allah that he, al-Qaeda, and all Islamist groups, would – through their prayers and actions – prove themselves worthy of his support in driving the Americans and their allies from the Muslim world, particularly the Middle East. Naturally, no one knows the workings of the divine mind. It ought to be said, however, that all of the problems Bin Laden spoke of in staging attacks in the United States have, since his death, been wiped clean away by an insane U.S. immigration policy; the U.S. and NATO governments bringing tens of thousands of the Afghan military personnel, whom their generals had  trained, into the United States and Europe during and after the disgraceful crushing of the U.S. and NATO in Afghanistan, which also prove that the third British occupation of the country wasn’t much of a charm for the UK. These Afghans and their kin have received preference over native-citizens, pampering, and protection from the law by the U.S. and European regime. Also in America, the Afghans and their fellow Islamists have garnered indispensable aid from the Democratic Party, its host of reprehensible NGO allies — all bent on destroying the republic — as well as from the Biden administration’s neutering of U.S. law enforcement capabilities at all levels of government. These efforts have yielded a fine and fairly secure environment for U.S.-based Islamist leaders to build networks in many areas of the country, as well as to train fighters to use when the time is right for attacks.

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