Given Trump’s wild pro-Israel sentiments, the Islamists’ victory in Syria augurs another lost interventionist U.S. War

After several days of listening to the mainstream media crow about the glorious eviction of Assad from his perch in Damascus, I can only think that the U.S. governing elite’s knowledge of the Middle East is as half-assed and self-serving as it was when Osama bin Laden declared war on the United States in late 1996. At that time, America’s senior foreign policy leaders Clinton, Gore, Berger, Albright, Tenet, and Clarke, scorned the declaration of war by a turban, robe, and sandal wearing Arab, a man who was a Saudi and all brilliant American political leaders, generals, and ace journalists were certain that a Saudi could threaten no one but the female Western flight attendants who stayed between flights in Amman’s the ritzy hotels. At one point in the run-up to the 9/11 attack, Clinton asked the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, then General Hugh Shelton, if his ninjas — special forces — could eliminate bin Laden. Shelton answered he would not risk his troops on Bin Laden and his fighters because they trained on what looked like playground equipment.

A few points might help to partially negate the nonsense now being dispensed about a major Western and Israeli victory in Syria by adolescent politicians, TV generals, journalists, and reality-resistant ambassadors.

–1.) The violent overthrow of a regime in the Middle East – and in much of the world – seldom yields a happy-ever-after scenario. It yields violence, usually extended, and more important a beachhead for Islamist militants as they proceed with plans to remove the cancer on Islam they consider Israel to be. By the way, the mujahidin have never been closer to that goal then they are today.

–2.) The U.S. government, the EU regimes, the UN, and the World Economic Forum are all rejoicing because the security provided by Assad’s regime – and previously by Iraq’s Saddam Hussein – for Christians is over, and they will be exterminated by the Islamists as time passes. Another point to keep in mind is that the Obama and Biden administrations have long been working and funding Islamist guerilla groups in the Middle East, as part of their strategy to make-friends with America’s Islamist enemies using multi-billion payoffs of Iran, support for some of the Islamist groups now in play, and the pathetic sight – more than a decade ago — of the U.S. ambassador to Syria wandering around Damascus urging Syrians to rebel against Assad’s regime, thereby aiding the start of  the civil war that was devoured the country. The just mentioned would-be Islamist allies of Obama and Biden, of course, graciously accepted funding by American taxpayers. They then did as they pleased or cooperated in operations they and their U.S. backers favored, all of which provided steps forward for the Islamists and their goals.

–3.) Jordan, the last block to the Islamists’ ability to engage Israel along its eastern border, is no reliable Gibraltar. Since the present Hamas-Israel War began there has been restlessness in the Jordanian army about the king’s failure to assist the forces attacking Israel. Jordan is thought to be in America’s pocket, but that pocket holds virtually none of the Jordanian people and nothing which can salve popular Jordanian hatred for Israel. In the ahistorical minds of Western leaders, Jordan may be a rock blocking the Mujahedin’s westward advance, but it is a rock made only by a mix of paper Mache and massive over-confidence in the ability of Jordan’s king to hold the fort.

–4.) The key to the future in the post-Assad Middle East, as always, lies in Israel’s ability to effectively exercise its bought-and-paid for ownership of the U.S. Congress, president, flag officers, and TV generals. Badly damaged by Hamas, the Houthis, Hezbollah, and Iran, the IDF – although backed by Israeli arrogance, racism, bribing power, and spectacularly wasted U.S. arms and money, cannot go it alone for any prolonged period against the mujahedin if the latter begin to solidify control of Syria and, as more fighters join them, strike against Jordan’s supposed strength. Netanyahu likely will send his troops and tanks into Syria to kill as many Muslims as possible, gun-carrying or otherwise. The Israeli government has never had much respect for Muslim fighters, and, even after their recent drubbing, are reliably afflicted with the same blindness. Odds are that the IDF and its armor will make initial quick advances and then begin to slow as increasing numbers of mujahedin arrive to reinforce the Islamist fighters in Syria. At first they will come from Iraq, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Libya, the Gulf States, Turkey, and Europe. Those coming from Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, the United States, the Philippines, Canada, the Balkans, Indonesia, Thailand, Chechnya, and Malaysia will take a bit longer to arrive. The Islamists in these countries have been stewing in their anger for governments that have done little to help those who have been fighting Israel for more than a year. Most governments in those countries surely will prefer to send their domestic mujahedin problem abroad rather than cope with its presence – and anger – at home.

–5.) What does that mean for American parents? Well, it at least means that the Pentagon ought to be adding new acres to Arlington Cemetery. The future of the now developing situation in Syria is pretty much predictable. The IDF’s troops, armor, and air-cover will make quick gains and then find itself gradually confronting more and better armed mujahedin, a force that enjoys access to the virtually unlimited manpower of the Muslim world. Israel’s advance will slow and plans that have long existed between the U.S. government, Pentagon, CIA, and Israel will be activated and U.S. military forces will be committed to die in an effort to try to save America’s number one enemy, Israel.

–6.) At that point, Americans will begin to hear the same old song they have heard during every war the U.S. military has lost since 1945, and that means all the wars our presidents have started in violation of the Constitution. The lyrics coming from the Trump Administration will strike the ear as quite familiar: “Israel is our ally” [a lie, it is our fierce and very destructive enemy], “Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East” [except for its Muslim and Christian populations], “America is an exceptional nation and is duty bound to defend democracy wherever it is threatened” [a lie, Americans are people like all others, fallen beings capable of great good and – as demonstrated by Biden’s bunch – despicable, deliberate, and deadly evil]; and, finally, “The U.S. military is the finest and strongest in the world and can achieve any goal it is assigned (another lie, the U.S. military is led by woke flag officers, loyal to Biden not to the Constitution or the citizenry. It has been crippled by Biden, Austin, and woke flag officers intentionally infecting it with mandatory sexual deviance and a death-sentence in the form of mandatory inoculation with Covid vaccines.

–7.) Aside from its nuclear forces, the U.S. military is a tottering and badly led wreck, capable only of spending a combined total of 40-plus years being defeated in Afghanistan and Iraq, and then running like frightened school girls to get out of Kabul, leaving the strategic Bagram airfield for the Chinese and over $80 billion of first-class arms for the Taliban. The latter can now be shared with or sold to Islamist fighters bound for Syria, whose goal will ultimately be the Muslim-world-uniting word “Jerusalem”.

–8.) At the moment, Americans seem stuck with no choice but to watch their sons and daughters being sent to fight and die for Israel’s manic dream of “Greater Israel”, a goal that is as far away as is possible from a life-and-death American interest. It is now clear that President Trump’s “no more foreign wars” carries the clear caveat “Except for Israel”, and then it will be war whenever Israel tells its American poodle to fight. Trump in his first term and recently has sounded more like a dedicated Israeli, not an American interested in seeing his country abandon a nearly 75-year record of unnecessary and always lost wars. And up and down the line of the new administration’s appointments – from Hegseth, to Radcliffe, to Gabbard, to Rubio, to Kennedy, to Stefanik, to Rev. Huckabee, to Patel, to Vance, etc., etc. etc., one finds ardent warmongering Israeli Firsters eager to expend enormous revenue and plenty of American lives whenever our Israeli ally tells its poodle to jump. Needless to say, there will be no help from either house of Congress for keeping us out of other peoples’ wars, especially that most useless of all wars, one fighting to protect Israel’s interests, arrogance, racism, anti-Americanism, and expansionism against much more than a billion Muslims. Among all nation states, Israel has long been one of the worst and least trustworthy neighbors the earth has seen. American policy should be to let Israel settle its own problems with its neighbors, without the waste of any more American blood, money, or the further rapid Ukraine-and-Israel driven dwindling of the U.S. military’s reserve stocks of weaponry.

–9. A genuine America First policy would see Trump’s administration telling Israel to shove off; quickly and accurately defining the ADL, the SPLC, AIPAC, and perhaps other groups as agents of a foreign power, begin to investigate their nefarious and hugely anti-American activities; prosecute influential American citizens – especially politicians and civil servants — who have taken money from the groups; strip every Congressman, Senator, flag officer, senior civil servant – and President? – of the Israeli passports they carry, and then seek to pass a law that completely bans all American citizens from holding any but a U.S. passport, and start legal actions against the federal and 37 state governments that are economically and unconstitutionally persecuting American citizens because they oppose Israel’s policies and actions and/or support an economic boycott of Israel.

–10.) After nearly a decade of Trump claiming his intent to create, maintain, and pursue an America First foreign policy, this is precisely the moment when he as to gallop or get off the horse. No nation has ever controlled the United States to the extent Israel does today. Not even the perfidious British were able to exert such control, although they did greatly influence two Anglophile presidents – Wilson and FDR – to intervene in two European wars that were none of our concern. British intelligence agencies also ran illegal covert operations – supported by FDR’s regime, rich Eastern elites, and Hoover’s FBI – to destroy the leaders and organization of the American First Movement in 1940-1941. At that time, the British, FDR and his coterie, and prominent Jewish-Americans – especially the movie-makers — cooperated to further develop and sharpen the barbarous but effective weapon of damning American citizens as “anti-Semites” if they chose to put their own country first at all times. So, what will it be, Mr. Trump, America First or continued and willing slavery to a nation irrelevant to genuine U.S. national-security interests?

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