Biden’s Democrat gangsters are deliberately choking America to death

The world continues to unravel and it is far past time for Americans – in the words of the great non-interventionist Bill Kauffman – to “come home”. This not to say that we are not, in a great part, responsible for the chaos now seen in so many places. The passion of the federal government for war since 1935 is now bringing the disasters it created overseas to the United States. Indeed, our war-dominated national government has militarily intervened in places like Korea, Vietnam, Grenada, Panama, Nicaragua, Cuba and multiple other locations in Central and South America, Somalia, the Balkans, Libya, Sudan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Ukraine, and Israel-Palestine. The common denominator in all of these instances is that we lost on every occasion, and left behind millions of dead foreigners and, at times, a seething hatred for the United States. This obviously is true about the Middle East, and we are still awaiting the certain resumption of violence in the Balkans, where Clinton and the EU intervened and deliberately built an Islamist state in Europe.

What has this unending military adventurism cost the American republic? Most obviously, of course, are the many tens-of-thousands of dead, wounded, maimed, mentally disturbed, and suicidal young airmen, sailors, soldiers and Marines. These are all Americans who fought not for our liberty – which was never at stake — but to serve the egos of presidents who revel in the title “Leader of the Free World”, of which there is very little left. While that reveling never stops, the American presidency has now been transformed from the office of the nation’s chief magistrate to the office of the War Lord of a nearly defeated and collapsing republic. Together with casualties and the disgraceful waste of taxpayer money, there has, since the 1960s, been a gradually accelerating war on America’s constitutional republic. This war has yielded substantial attrition of the individual rights of American citizens, federal activities to punish conservatives, white people, and Christians, and now the simultaneous exaltation and enrichment of the 15-20 million Biden-blessed illegal alien invaders – among them at least one million released-from-prison foreign criminals – at the taxpayers’ expense. So much money has been given to the felonious millions by the Democrats and their dozens of criminal NGOs that there are no funds to aid those hurt by Hurricane Helene, or even to recover and bury the bodies of the dead.

The preceding two paragraphs are a general description of America’s increasing forlorn situation, and a portrayal of the nation’s governing elite in both parties, people who now reject the notion that power comes from the people, not their own whims. But on specifics, let us look at what has occurred in the past month.

More remote-control murder. The second application of the New World Order’s delayed death program occurred in Israel’s use of pagers and other electronic gadgets as instruments for arranging the delayed murder of its Muslim foes and their families. This lethal Israeli operation was simply a smaller scale iteration of the Covid vaccines. Israel acquired and then sewed those weapons through Lebanon at an earlier point of time and then flipped the slaughter-switch when the time was right. This method of operation is precisely that used by Fauci, the federal medical bureaucracy, the country’s hospital administrators, and many of its doctors to kill 20 million Americans and other peoples worldwide with vaccines said to cure Covid. But the vaccines were designed to kill many millions more overtime when the components of the vaccines self-detonate and flip the slaughter-switch which is present in them. Netanyahu’s way of war and that of Fauci, China, Gates, etc. are precisely the same; namely, slaughter as many innocents as possible. Both, of course, are blessed and funded by the White House and the federal government as a whole.

Climate and the UN: Recently, the despicable and duplicitous Climate Tsar John Kerry has given an interview in which he said that the Constitution’s 1st Amendment must be negated because it makes “governing much too hard”. To help speed this process along the next UN Summit will give its Secretary General the unilateral power to declare an “international crisis” and then preside over its enforcement. He also will be given the unilateral power to renew the crisis period as many time as he likes. Those countries or regions resisting the UN leader’s order will be punished. The UN Summit also will adopt a “Global Digital Compact” to give the UN complete regulatory control over Artificial Intelligence worldwide. The Compact’s stated goal is to deal with “misinformation and disinformation”, which are the names the UN, the EU, NATO, the U.S. regime, China, and other tyrannies use in place “truth”. The Compact also gives the UN the power to build its own corps of journalists, media outlets, and media workers to publish official refutations of any “truth” that sneaks into the view of the peoples the UN intends to enslave. The UN is to use these tools to destroy anything it identifies as “hate speech” or “discriminatory speech”.

Ukraine: The Congress’ pet foreigner extortionist – Ukraine’s Zelensky – steadily continues his cooperation with much of the U.S. Congress to drag the United States into a war with Russia. Last week, for example, Zelensky’s forces bombarded a Russian nuclear plant, yet another attempt to prompt the Russians to start what likely would become a world war.

Israel: The owners of the U.S. president and Congress – namely Israel and U.S.-based Jewish Americans organizations like the ADL, AIPAC, and the SPLC — continue, like Zelensky, to try to draw the United States into a war with Russia. This week the Israelis destroyed a Russian ordnance base in Syria to bait the Russians.

–In addition, America’s soldiers, Marines, airmen, and sailors have been fighting in Ukraine and Israel since those wars began. There is no doubt that some of those individuals have been killed or wounded. The federal government has not formally announced that our forces are involved in combat operations, nor that many them almost certainly have been killed or wounded, perhaps even captured by the Russians or the Islamists. Silence is the order of the day on both counts: participation in combat and the number of casualties. The question is how do they keep this reality quiet. The Democrats ownership of the mainstream media surely is one reason for the silence. But there is no convincing explanation for this silence except for the government coercing silence from parents, wives, and families of the killed and wounded. And, oh yes, the congressional Republicans must also be going along with the policy of silence.

–The Biden administration also is refusing to attempt to extract nearly 7,000 Americans who are at risk from Israel’s invasion of Lebanon. Biden’s spokesmen are saying that the airspace over Lebanon is too dangerous to fly into. Maybe that’s so today, but the White House knew the Israeli attack was coming for at least a month before it occurred, but it sent no help, only words telling Americans to get out. This useless advice plainly said the U.S. government will not kelp you, even though it has for months had a c.6,000 man, Marine Expeditionary Force (MEF) in the Middle East that was ready – as Marines always are—to take on even the hardest mission. Simply, Americans in Lebanon are expendable for the political elite of Biden’s criminals and apparently most of both political parties.

North Carolina: After Hurricane Helene, multiple media outlets are reporting that FEMA is confiscating food relief from distribution centers based in local schools and churches meant to assist the people of North Carolina because it is not from FEMA-approved vendors. The federal government also has closed the airspace over the region to private helicopters trying to deliver medical and food aid, as well as to drones seeking to find dead bodies, trapped people, and to document the damage the storm caused. Private citizens from North Carolina and the surrounding states have now, in essence, been forced to smuggle supplies into the areas hurt by the hurricane to avoid seizure by FEMA. In addition, the FCC is reported to be blocking the use of the Starlink communications equipment that Elon Musk donated to people in the region. Also, it is no coincidence that the areas ravaged by the hurricane are located in conservative-voting areas of North Carolina, Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama, and Florida. Democrats have long spent considerable time punishing the South, and teaching those on their minority plantations to hate the South and Southerners.  In addition, the area in duress in North Carolina – near or on the revolutionary war battlefield of Kings Mountain — holds large deposits of Lithium and there are rumors that the Blackstone company has been seeking to buy those lands so as to control the Lithium, but found local populations unwilling to sell. What we are seeing in North Carolina appears to be another lethal high-tech operation by the Biden Administration, just as was the U.S. arson attack that destroyed a region in Maui, Hawaii and killed hundreds of Americans because the wealthy wanted to build mansions on the land from which the inhabitants were burned out. What are the odds that two such man-made catastrophes could coincidentally happen on lands U.S. billionaires want to own?

–A kind of a lock on the idea that the federal government either does not care about Americans being killed or wants them dead can be found in this weekend’s video of Senator Lindsey Graham saying something akin to “yes there is a lot of damage from the hurricane … but what about our friends in Israel, they are surrounded by people who want to kill them.” And so, Senator Graham, were the people of Maui, and so now are the people in North Carolina and the other states mangled by the man-made and delivered hurricane. The enemies of each are FEMA and the Biden-Harris duo and their handlers.

Alex Jones:  Jones’ show “InfoWars” has been for decades the central supplier of “truth” about the war being waged against all non-elite Americans by the U.S. federal government, a bipartisan political block, and much of the country’s media and judiciary. Jones and his InfoWars crew have long been harassed by the FBI, the Department of Justice, the White House, Democratic leaders, the above-named Jewish-American groups, and the media that those entities own. DOJ framed Jones in a recent trial, one in which his lawyers were forbidden to present a defense, and he was forbidden to speak on his own behalf. Indeed, the trial judge told Jones and his lawyers that she already had decided that he was guilty, and the only function of the trial was to determine how much he would be made to pay in fines. Now the federal government is trying to permanently silence Jones and his operations. The Feds have announced they want no money from Jones, they only want to take him off the air and steal his name, social media, and other intellectual property. The Feds had scheduled Jones’ shutdown for 17 November 2024, but last Friday they moved that date to 17 October 2024. No other action could more eloquently underscore the Feds desperate fear of Jones’ truth-telling. The reason for this change seems obvious. The 17 November date was meant to close down Jones after the Democrats had stolen another fixed election and expected to face widespread popular resistance. The 17 October date, reflects the fact that the Democrats know there may be no way to fix an election in which Trump now seems likely to win in a landslide. The Feds have moved up the date to eliminate Jones and his truth-delivering machine from the media before the election, probably because their one remaining option is to silence Jones – and other pro-liberty outlets — and then declare martial law before the election can be held.

Gun Control: This week the governor of Massachusetts unexpectedly – and perhaps unconstitutionally – immediately activated an anti-gun law. Her action was almost a month earlier than the date set by  the legislature when the bill was approved. This panicky action, together with the Democrats’ currently unhinged, fascistic, and country-wide gun control campaign, also appears to be a part of the Democrats’ plan to impose martial law across the republic. The action in Massachusetts, in fact, pairs nicely with the federal government’s lethal weather attack on Tennessee, Florida, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Alabama, each of which happens to be a pro-Second Amendment state.

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