Five kill-teams after Trump in the U.S. Who’s paying them?

The title of this piece reflects the news story that is now all over the internet. Three of the teams are said be foreign and two are said to be of domestic-origin. There is no news about who is paying them, facilitating their travel, and providing them arms and safe houses. Neither is there information about who is paying for them.

Shall we guess? Well, I think the only way to think this issue through is to ask who has been bought and is now owned by Biden’s government through the efforts of  its diplomats, senior intelligence officers, and military’s flag officers. That way is the old  “follow the money” method.”

First, we must assume that the two assassination teams that are domestic groups are simply the creatures of the Democratic Party and/or the leadership of the Department of Homeland Security and the Secret Service, which appear to have already taken three cracks at killing Trump.

Second, the three foreign assassination teams also are likely to be other clients of the Biden administration, the Obamas, and the Clintons. Let us say that the likely foreign teams are made of citizens from the Ukraine, Iran, and Afghanistan. Why those three countries? Well, how many billions of U.S. taxpayer money have Obama and Biden sent to Iran — some of it packed on pallets? Surely more than enough to fund any imaginable association  attempt. And how many hundreds of billions of U.S. taxpayer money have been funneled into Ukraine by Biden while he was Obama’s vice-president and during his own presidency. And, finally, how much taxpayer money has Biden’s administration given to its buddies in the Afghan Taliban. I mean in addition to the $86 billion in top-shelf U.S. military equipment that Biden left in Afghanistan when he and his generals turned tail and ran away.

On the Afghan point, it is best also to recall that both the United States and Great Britain   brought U.S. and UK trained Afghan special forces into their countries as refugees. I wonder what those boys are up to these days?

My view, for what it’s worth, is that it’s hard to see why the Iranian regime, at this particular time, would allow its fighters to kill Trump and thereby bring a U.S. nuclear strike on Iranian targets, while the Biden Administration pretends that it had nothing to with the attack but is righteously ready to respond, even as it quietly celebrates Trump’s demise. Given the dangers present in the current war in the Middle East, and the fact that Iranians are not stupid, Tehran probably is patient enough to let revenge for the U.S. killing of General Soleimani wait for another day. Besides, the Iranians already have hacked some of Trump HQ’s computers and given Biden and his party the take.

The best bet on those five teams, then, seems to be that they all belong, in one way or another. to the Biden administration and/or the Democratic Party. We might even add two more teams to consider, as the Democratic party also runs two terrorist groups of its own, ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter.

Finally, we cannot forget our British and Israeli allies. The British government and its intelligence community, you will remember, played a key part in trying to frame Trump as a Russian operative. The British intelligence services are good at what they do, and they will do most anything if Uncle Sam foots the bill. Double Ditto, of course, for the Israeli services.

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