Dire Democratic threats to America’s survival become clearer

As we all know, there are now a growing number of issues pertinent to the republic’s survival. In a number of ways, current events are consolidating and bringing into view the major threats to Americans in ways that make them well-defined and clearly visible to all Americans. Following are four such issues

First, for example, take the school shooting in Georgia. In almost no time at all, the FBI was on the scene of the attack by a pro-Kamala Harris/LBGTQ shooter. Soon thereafter, we learned that that the FBI had known of the school-shooter’s intentions for more than a year and had done zero about the threat. We also learned that the shooter’s father gave him an AR-15 as a politically correct “holiday present” before he was even fourteen. Also, and almost immediately, the usual the Senate Democrats’ gang of gun grabbing authoritarians and their media acolytes were on live broadcasts, just as if the stage had been all set up before the shooting. It probably was. Bottom line: the attack in Georgia appears to have been a well-planned operation, just as were those that occurred under Obama. Building on their gun-grabbing intent after this shooting, the FBI miraculously stopped a Canadian Muslim it claims was going to enter the United States to shoot up a Jewish Target on 7 October 2024, the first anniversary of the war that began with Israel allowing Hamas to attack its youngsters at a concert. Even more miraculously, the FBI announced the arrest of this man just hours before Kamala Harris’ televised debate with Trump. This, of course, is an event that the FBI can pull off at the drop of a hat, they’ve had lots and lots of practice. From personal experience, I can say that the FBI’s anti-terrorism modus operandi seems to focus on identifying a less-than brilliant Muslim, then persuade him to work for recruit some dumber Muslims to stage a terrorist attack and then, at the last moment, issue a terrorist warning, arrest the sub-smart attacker or attackers, get the lot on TV to demonstrate the FBI’s skill and daring, and make sure that there are plenty of FBI officers in their FBI emblazoned jackets on the television screen. Simple as one, two, three, and you have another glorious day of intentional FBI deceit of Americans.

Second is the desperate attempt by the Republican party’s top leaders and funders to make every effort to defeat Trump, a sure sign that they realize they will be prosecuted for everything from treason, financial crimes, and child-trafficking, espionage, and other forms of corruption if he is elected. Dick Cheney, his daffy daughter Liz, Lindsey Graham, Mitt Romney, Adam Kissinger, Paul Ryan and dozens of others in the party’s establishment have supported that political genius and powerhouse Kamala Harris. So very delighted is Harris with this support, that she has sent each of them the main T-shirt of her campaign, the one that says “I’m with this Cackling, Communist Moron”. If she wins the debate, they all will get a bust of Lenin. Is she wins the election; they will get Joe Stalin hoodies and a monograph on how to build a good gulag.

Third, factual reporting is now rapidly accumulating that many of the churches and NGOs of America’s major religions – Catholics and Lutherans, especially — are being funded by the Biden’s government to act as agents to promote and facilitate illegal immigration and probably child-trafficking. Not surprisingly, the Jewish-American secretary of “Homeland Security” – a fascist phrase if there ever was one – is turning his own and his department’s blind eyes to Israel’s most capable illegal-migration-promoting NGO and letting it – quite literally – get away with murder via the import of illegals who are killing and taking jobs from Americans. Another prominent Jewish-American likewise has displayed his deep devotion to the welfare of all Americans. For domestic policy, Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) has publicly said that if Trump loses in November there will have to be “civil war conditions” installed in order to control the MAGA hordes that will be marauding around the country. For foreign policy, Raskin has said that because Russia is an Orthodox-Christian country it must be eliminated by U.S.-led efforts. There is ever enough blood and slaughter for these guys, especially if whites and Christians are the targets.

Fourth, and finally, there is – as always – the problem of Israel. Beyond their all-out support for replacing the native American population with the dregs of the earth, Israel and its Jewish-American operatives control the actions of the U.S. Congress and presidents; conduct covert operations against the U.S. government, military, and scientific sectors to acquire classified information, including data and components pertaining to nuclear weapons and the most sophisticated technology. It then sells or passes some of the later to one or another of America’s enemies. Israel also has nearly sunk a U.S. Navy ship, killing more nearly forty sailors and wounding scores more, and Israel’s Jewish-American loyalists are the outspoken leaders and major funders of the movements to make sexual depravity, anti-white and anti-Christian policies, and mass abortion the new normal in the American society they are trying to build on the ruins of the one they are destroying. Then there is war. So effectively bribed and/or compromised are American politicians that Congress delivers billions of dollars, and now U.S. military forces, to help fight the wars and oppression Israel starts or allows to begin – as in the current war – which are meant to annihilate any Muslim who opposes Israel for its deadly and motivating actions, which are too numerous to list here. Because of our enormous financial and military aid to Israel, Israel’s leaders and disloyal American politicians have gifted the republic with more than a billion Islamic enemies, and through Israeli NGOs and their other NGO partners – including an assortment of Christian NGOs — have helped many thousands of Islamist fighters to easily enter the United States.

In sum, clear and irrefutable signs are everywhere for Americans to see, and these signs show that their main enemies – some of them listed above – are working against the existence of the American republic, its history and Constitution, and its white and Christian populations. It is time for Americans to step forward and end this accelerating disaster. If electing Trump president does not get the ball rolling, armed Americans will have to take over under the authority of commonsense, the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, and – as St. Paul has taught – God himself.

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