Biden’s regime and Trump’s wandering-message are killing America First

The travesty that has been the United States Government (USG) — and especially the Congress — during most of the years since 1945 has never before reached the depths of degradation and war-obsession that it now flaunts for all the world to see, while simultaneously using its domestic policies to shame, sicken, divide, impoverish, and damage its own citizens.

In foreign policy, instead of practicing General Washington’s restraint, patience, and moderation aimed at preserving the republic, the USG goes abroad to associate with the scum of the earth and to defend their actions and fight their wars. In Britain – and, in fact, most of the EU states – it embraces and cuddles states that, from Britain to Spain to Canada, are practicing authoritarian measures domestically to suppress and eventually rid their countries of their native white populations, those who built the countries and without which they will prove to be versions of the contemporary jungles of crime, corruption, and sexual depravity that Biden and his party have built in New York City, Chicago, Baltimore, San Francisco, Los Angeles, etc.

Why would the United States want anything to do with Britain, whose prime minister and his party – now in power after receiving about 18-percent of the vote – are jailing men for 20 months because they publicly quote that government’s own statistics showing that Muslim illegal aliens are, by far, the largest source of rape in the UK. British police are attacking peaceful white protestors and Christians in the streets, while refusing to interfere when they encounter several white people being beaten or stabbed by non-white illegal aliens. Where in that scenario is there a gain for the United States? Where is there any honor whatsoever in protecting, or even dealing with a nation, that is moving with increasing speed toward the destruction of its white population, the most productive part of its society and economy. Americans have enough to be ashamed of from a government that built and exploits the festering criminal hives located and thriving in the above-named cities. There is no positive side to such involvement. What we are seeing is an America eager to be a senior partner in the phenomena of birds of depraved-and-murderous feathers flocking together.

In American politics, we see the same sort of power in the hands of a government, bureaucracy, and Congress that are controlled by the same kind of scum, all prominently demented, violent, treasonous, war-made, anti-white, anti-Christian, and anti-American. Almost as bad, we must recognize that a large number of American citizens still have not caught on to the fact that such tricks as cutting drug prices on the eve of an election is meaningless, and will be reversed in some way if the Democrats win in November. These citizens also seem to miss the fact that attacks by Harris and Tampon Tim on the “rich”, “big business”, and the “banks”, and are simply lies. If they win, they will tax, spend, and regulate all Americans until the pips squeak. At the same, both are plying the trades they have mastered – grifting and Bolshevism — to coax those same “enemies of the people” to fork over many tens of millions of dollars to fund their election bid, which can only be called “The Campaign of Depravity and Marxism.” And coexisting with that campaign, the USG Government and its resident Fauci-ite criminals – on the orders of an Ethiopian terrorist posing as the boss of WHO – have announced the “huge” threat of Monkey Pox to the American People. Not having killed enough Americans with their many rounds of poisonous COVID vaccines, they now have a new and probably deadlier set of vaccines for this new disease which they intend to use to kill all Americans who are stupid enough to take it. This vaccine will not need material encouragements – Big Macs, fries, a day off from school, ice cream, t-shirts, etc. — to be taken. Rather, the new vaccines may well be supported by such things as promises to equip all recipients with the ability to swing from tree to tree, while squealing and scratching their arm pits, before it kills them. It may also kill babies in the womb long before than they can die in a still birth, and make millions of additional would-be mothers sterile.  As Dr. Mengele is rumored to have predicted, progressive science marches on the corpses of the murdered as the Reich is being established.

And where is Mr.Trump in this mess? Well, rallies, of course, which is all to the good. But in the rallies, he says very little which touches on the key issues of foreign policy in any “America First” government. Why are we not, for example, abandoning cooperation with the EU and membership in the NATO alliance, both which were founded to defend democracy in Western Europe, but are now deliberately destroying it? Why are we involved in the Ukraine? We won two wars for the damned Europeans and now they have a third in which we are the key player and payer, even though we have no interest at stake except for the everlasting greed of our own politicians. Why? There is no democracy in Ukraine, the authoritarian-overlaid-with-Nazism regime there started the war by killing thousands of ethnic Russians living in the country and thereby earned the war it now has and – hopefully – the utter defeat it completely merits. It is a war that is none of our business and does not impact our interests. I, for won, have no interest in hearing Trump say for the ten-thousandth time that “I can end the war in a day.” I just want to hear him say that after the inauguration he will pull every plug that the U.S. can pull in Ukraine and leave it and the Russians to settle their own war.

Ditto, needless to say, for Israel and Palestine. They have been fighting since the British gave the Israelis land they did not own to be the Jewish nation. Such a thing is bound to cause a forever war, until one party or the other is destroyed. No matter who wins, no genuine U.S. national security interest is at stake; the only real war-related question for Americans is how big and long a domestic war do we want to fight against the Islamists who have come across Biden’s open border. Trump has always been wrong by insisting that he “wiped out” ISIS and al-Qaeda with the U.S. and Russian air forces. Those services certainly gave both groups a thrashing to remember, but each simply went quiet and waited, counting on the miraculous opportunities that U.S. Government relentlessly gives them. Those opportunities both came in 2021. The first is called “Biden’s unguarded southern border”, and the second is “Biden’s deliberate gift to the Taliban of $86 billion worth of top-shelf U.S. weaponry.” Biden and his advisers – and perhaps Mr. Trump and his – have no real and solid grasp on the Pandora’s box that Biden and his advisers intentionally opened. The open border and the gift or arms to the Taliban could well be the opposite sides of the “demise of America” coin.

But, with all this on tap, what do we hear from Trump? We hear of his anti-Bill of Rights solution to the positive growth American animosity toward Israel; his words are something akin to “if you don’t love America and Israel, you can leave”. In addition to his repetition of this line of thinking and that phrase, Trump also is spending a lot of time speaking to wealthy pro-Israel and Jewish-American groups – while some of the latter help the FBI, DHS, DOJ, and DoD prepare to seize and incarcerate conservative, white, Christian, and armed Americans – and begging like a forelock-tugging pauper to spare some of the money they are donating to undermine America for his campaign. Finally, Trump seems to have begun to backpedal on his pledge to move every single illegal alien out of this country as fast as possible. He now seems to be saying that his first priority is getting the illegal-alien gangs, criminals, mental cases, convicts, rapists, arsonists and other miscreants out of the country, but then slow the process because so he and big business can pick and choose among the remainder because “America needs workers.” No, they are all damned illegal aliens and so felons, and they must be evicted from this country. Mr. Trump surely must know that such a thoroughly Democratic and cowardly charade amounts to utter failure, and would cause Americans and the border-states governments to take this lethal problem into their own hands — and rightfully so – no matter what it takes.

I remain fully determined to vote for Trump, but if he wins and carries the foregoing grossly Lunatic ideas into the White House – and they endure — Americans’ may have a Congress, a bureaucracy, and a president that have been suborned by Israel, perhaps the worst of all possible worlds and certainly the most anti-American. The best advice for you, Mr. Trump, may will be to stop wandering of home base, and get back on the basic America First script: no offensive wars; no war stated at the president’s whim; no illegal immigration and no illegal residents; more jobs; lower taxes; the end all entangling, America-killing alliances, military, economic, or political; no crackpot and society-rotting government programs like DEI,   massive expense for fighting a climate-change fraud aimed at unlimited grifting and population reduction, and  funding for educational systems grooming children to be sexually depraved citizens; no mandatory electric cars; no more tormenting of farmers, their land, their crops and their animals; the eradication of the federal Education Department, DHS, IRS, and the ATF; and a rebuilt defense establishment that is overwhelmingly powerful, cleansed of sexually depraved men, women, and traitorous flag officers, serving and retired, thereby making it one again reliably loyal to the republic and its population.

Perhaps the best way to keep the most basic and vital purpose of “America First” in mind. Mr. Trump, is to have the following quotation typed and laminated, and then keep it, ready to hand, in the inside pocket of your suit coat. The quotation comes from a speech by then Secretary of State John Quincy Adams, speaking as a private citizen, in which he concisely describes the most basic and indisputably essential role of American foreign policy, which he said was acting as the defender of the republic not as missionary to forcibly spread its political ideology worldwide. He spoke these words in a speech at Washington D.C. to mark Independence Day in 1821. On this issue, he said,

“Wherever the standard of freedom and Independence has been or shall be unfurled, there will her heart, her benedictions and her prayers be. But she goes not abroad, in search of monsters to destroy. She is the well-wisher to the freedom and independence of all. She is the champion and vindicator only of her own. She will commend the general cause by the countenance of her voice, and the benignant sympathy of her example. (1) (4 July 1821)

Two other quotations, pertinent to the foregoing, are also reminders worth your remembering, Mr. President. The first by George F. Kennan, the second by Benjamin Franklin, the other two of our greatest diplomatic minds.

Kennan wrote, in 1995, that America now has “the general proposition that underlay John Quincy Adams response to similar problems so many years ago – his recognition that it is very difficult for one country to help another by intervening directly in its domestic affairs or in its conflicts with neighbors. It is particularly difficult to do this without creating new and embossing burdens for the country endeavoring to help. The best way for larger countries to help smaller ones is surely by the power of example. … Who, today, looking at our involvements in recent years, could maintain that the fears these words [J.Q. Adams’s] expressed were any less applicable in our time than in his.” (2)

–Dr. Franklin, in 1776, simply advised “Mind your own Business”, suggesting Americans “be responsible for yourself, and don’t needlessly meddle in others’ affairs. (3)



–2.) George F. Kennan, “On American Principles, Foreign Affairs, Vol. 74, No. 2, (March-Aril 1995)




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