Rule Britannia, Britannia aims to rule the slaves …

The Chief of London’s Metropolitan Police Force, Sir Mark Peter Rowley, is reported to have said that British “officials will not only be cracking down on British citizens for commentary on the riots in Britain but on American citizens as well. We will throw the full force of the law at people. And whether you’re in this country committing crimes on the streets or committing crimes from farther afield online, we will come after you,” He also “threatened to arrest and extradite American citizens who post critical or analytic comments on social media outlets about the riots that the occurring in Britain.” (1)  Rowley, you old Baronet-to-be, you are just scaring us to death!

Chief Rowley’s childish whining can only be seen as symptomatic of the thorough-going panic and mindlessness that Britain’s elites are now experiencing. It is likewise evidence that those elites are still representative of their ancestors who build the British Empire by colonizing a large portion of the world and thereafter treating its peoples with somewhat less than legal even-handedness. Old man Rowley seems to think that we Americans are still British colonials awaiting orders from London and then immediately obeying with a cheery “aye-aye” and a pull of our forelocks. That is no longer the case, Rowley, old bean. Americans are now as truculent and much better armed then when they stood as British colonists to fight royal oppression. Moreover, and rightfully, they hate their own government for an almost overwhelming number of reasons, the sum of which is yielding a popular eagerness to apply a thrashing – there is still a chance it will a peaceful one – such as those that were applied to the Crown by our small, not-quite-professional military in 1774-1783 and 1812-1814. Americans are certainly in no mood to have any truck with a contemporary and bullying Imperial bureaucrat traipsing around the United States, in the company of U.S. Government traitors, looking for citizens to arrest and extradite for exercising their First Amendment rights. You no longer rule the waves, Rowley, old boy, don’t push things too far

Sir Rowley, if he wants to honestly explain the ongoing riots, needs to look no further away than Westminster and Buckingham Palace for the incomparably incompetent post-war British governing and royal elites. These successors of the British Empire’s former masters appear to have thought that the countries and peoples who had first-hand experience with imperial rule – or those who are knowledgeable of its history – would have simply forgotten and forgiven Britain’s imperial behavior. Such an assumption seems ill thought out. These blockheads assumed that the, shall we say, harsh and at times brutal treatment the Empire meted out to its former subjects was a little thing when compared to those folks having been treated to the glory and honor of being the oppressed subjects of an empire on which the sun never set. My dear old Rowley, such an assumption shows little sign of genius.

So very unintelligent have been the post-1945 British elites that they have now deliberately inundated the United Kingdom with an unending horde of their former oppressed colonials. Some of these people have entered the UK legally, but most have come in on the elite’s “just-come-on-in policy”, one that is meant to help bring to reality that elite’s plans – under orders from the UN, Bill Gates, the World Economic Forum, George Soros, the UN, and, most important, the profoundly fascist EU organization — to replace and, indeed, annihilate the UK’s White and Christian population, which, itself, also shared what must be seen as the dubious glory of fighting, dying, getting maimed, or being captured and tortured in battles – in the Queen’s name of course — for imperial possessions far and near, such as South Africa, India, Malaysia, Ireland, Burma, British North America, Afghanistan, Yemen, Scotland, Kenya, Egypt, much of the Caribbean, and many others.

The bottom line on illegal immigration for the anti-white gangsters who run Britain and many other nations — including America — clearly is the destruction of liberty in UK, the United States, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, Scotland, and Canada. Each of these countries have large white, Christian, and liberty-devoted populations that must be nearly annihilated if a world government and a domesticated, majority non-white population is to be established. The latter to be composed only of (a) a limited number of obedient white collaborators. That word does ring of historical truth, don’t you think? Can’t you just see Sir Rowley clicking his heels and racing to obey the UK’s authoritarian regime — and (b) a nation of quiescent non-white slaves that can be eliminated over time. This one-world-government program first focused on the seven nations mentioned, and has successfully disarmed most Australians, New Zealanders, Britons, Scots, and – defying human reason – the Irish. Only parts of Canada – Trudeau best not underestimate, as did the generals of the Kaiser and Der Fuhrer, the feistiness and famously skilled marksmanship of many of his countrymen – and most of the United States remain armed. The English-speaking peoples have long known that arms are not just for hunting duck, deer, and geese, but are, in more than just equal measure, meant for use in ridding their lands of abusive, corrupt, freedom-denying, and war-loving authoritarian governments and their members so as to maintain or regain the essentials of the good-life: faith, genuine representative government, social cohesion, evenly executed and color-blind laws, economic prosperity, and liberty.

So, as police chief Sir Mark Peter Rowley madly focuses on punishing Brits and Americans for acting or speaking in support of the restoration of freedom, liberty, and the end of the government-approved persecution of Whites and Christians, this imbecilic copper – see, we watch Acorn over here — and his apparently brain-dead force are simultaneously protecting and promoting the new-found “rights” of foreigners to joyfully indulge in criminal violence, child grooming and molesting, sexual depravity, the casual raping of women, many artful arson attacks, drug-dealing, prodigious looting, and murder in God’s name that belong only to those unwanted and illegal non-white foreigners who invaded the UK. This appears to be the approved policy of most of Britain’s political parties, media, judges, flag officers, diplomats, social workers, NGO-mafia types, universities, police chiefs, teachers, churches, and clerics, as well as the UN, the WEF, the U.S. Democrat party, Hollywood and its overseas wannabes, NATO, and the EU tyranny. In a way, this makes sense, the British elites get their former colonials to kill the whites, destroy the institutions of liberty and Christianity, and temporarily deflect their non-white pawn’s memories of Empire’s impact on their former home countries. There will be time enough, when the whites are gone, to eliminate all of what the British elites see as colonial riff-raff, save those needed to keep Balmoral clean, neat, and operating. Maybe you could boss that bunch around, by-then Baronet Rowley

But, Rowley, old top, would it not be a truly just and glorious coincidence if a large portion of the weaponry the U.S., NATO, and the EU gave to those champions of freedom, Zelensky-the-Great of Ukraine and his fellow oligarchs and criminals, and which they, in turn, sold and trafficked to many areas of the world, found its way to the UK, and afforded the needed wherewithal for the nation’s beleaguered white and working class populations to use not only to defeat Westminster and its illegal-immigrant storm troopers, but to send the latter back from whence they came. A long shot, for sure. But each liberty-lover can dream can’t they, and, as a distinguished American recommended long ago, each can also resolve to “fear God and take their own part.”

So, ta ta for now, Sir Rowley … and, oh yes, please grow up and shut up, and then do bugger off.



–(1.), 9 August 2024

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