Another day that will live in infamy, July 24, 2024

A tragedy for the American Republic can be found in the sight of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu speaking last week before a joint session of Congress. During that speech, he told lies and tortured history to shame our republic for not having done what he demands. He said that when Israel fights Iran it also is fighting for the United States. No, that is an untrue and certifiably mad statement. The United States would have far fewer problems and enemies in the Middle East and the Muslim world were it not for our many decades of mollycoddling and funding Israel in a manner that consistently damages the interests of the United States. Whenever Israel attacks Iran, Palestine, or any other Muslim state, it is deliberately trying to pull the United States into the all-out war of civilizations that Israel’s leaders have long been stoking in the Middle East, basing it on what appears to be the country’s long-engrained belief that the only good Muslim is a dead Muslim.

Why does the United States obey Netanyahu? Because nearly every person sitting in the Congress, White House, and State Department listening to him have been monetarily suborned by Netanyahu’s and previous Israeli governments, who work cheek-by-jowl with reliable aid from their U.S.-based hitmen, including Jewish-Americans organizations like the ADL, AIPAC, the SPLC, the FBI, DHS, the U.S. Congress, and their rich Jewish-American donors. Many of these individuals – and many others in the federal and state governments, their bureaucracies, as well as in big business/banking – probably also have accepted passports from the Israeli government. Our Congress and Israel also have built a warm relationship on their shared love of war and their mutual detestation of their own citizens. Netanyahu has said that all Israelis will be “guinea pigs” for testing vaccines”, and the U.S. government is about to unleash another government-made pandemic on its citizens, and will then seek to fatally vaccinate any citizens stupid enough to take them. That is the reason these so-called Americans fawned over Netanyahu and applauded — at times on their feet – his words, which were clearly meant to mock and shame America. As always, he who pays the piper calls the tune.

Just to strengthen the last point, the White House and State Department surely were given a copy of the speech before it was made and apparently were happy with Netanyahu’s planned damning of the United States, its Constitution, and the republic’s character. He even insisted that the 1st Amendment must not be allowed protect college students who criticize Israel and support Palestine. Some Members of Congress, to their eternal shame, supported Netanyahu on this issue. This same demand also has been made by a number of wealthy Jewish-Americans who withdrew their donations to universities for allowing free speech on their campuses. Funny how these people never cut funding from the same universities when, for decades, they taught young people, Marxism, communism, anti-white beliefs, the tenets of sexual depravity, anti-Christianity, and hatred for the American republic.

Feeling comfortable in his recognized-by-all role as America’s dominator, Netanyahu said that American leaders would be identified as “gutless” and “cowards” if the Iranians kill Trump and America failed to wipe Iran from the face of the earth. This statement, it seems, may well be a foreshadowing of the Biden’s administration’s next attack on Trump and its plan to hang the deed on Iran. In Netanyahu’s words, you have the true cost to America of its “alliance with Israel”. Anyone on earth or in the U.S. government can kill Trump, blame it on Iran, and that will require the U.S. military to “wipe from the earth” 88-plus million Iranians, and, I suppose, round up all Iranians – legal and illegal – living in the United States. Here, Netanyahu, the boss, is talking to his lackeys, and the lackeys, you will note, have yet to make a squeak of resistance to being ordered to kill many millions in response to a future attack on Trump that is more likely to be performed by the elements of the U.S. government that appear to have been involved in the recent assassination attempt.

Let’s also spend a moment on Netanyahu’s staggeringly stupid and deliberately misleading use of history. He quoted Winston Churchill telling FDR “give us the tools and we will finish the job” of defeating the Nazis. Netanyahu’s turned the phrase into Israel’s request to whoever is running the U.S. at the moment, saying something like “give us the tools faster and we will finish the job” of exterminating Palestine and its Muslim supporters. Both Churchill and Netanyahu were liars on this score. Both men were and are only focused on securing American troops, arms, money, and blood to do their fighting for them.

In Churchill’s case, twelve million Americans would eventually serve in uniform and fight and die in the world war he and FDR fermented, planned, and eventually got. FDR, as a good acolyte of Churchill, agreed to make the Europeans’ War the top priority, instead of righty turning America’s full fury on Imperial Japan for the slaughter at Pearl Harbor. Netanyahu, too, is rabidly eager to see American soldiers, airmen, sailors, and Marines deployed to fight and die in the war he knew was coming, and which he facilitated by removing much of Israel’s border-protection forces from their posts in the period before 7 October 2023.

Joint Sessions of Congress were once reserved for presidential messages or speeches by distinguished Americans and foreigners. Today we get to listen to hate, mockery, and shaming from the likes of Netanyahu and his wannabe Zelensky, two peas in the same poisonous pod. The fact that these two gangsters were allowed to address joint sessions can only be seen for what it is, the sum of a mighty long fall from grace for the American republic.

As an afterthought, it would be most interesting to learn how many American military personnel – men and women – have been killed, wounded, and maimed in the wars in Ukraine and Palestine. There can be little doubt that U.S. troops have been deployed to both theaters of war to fight the enemies of our enemies, Zelensky and Netanyahu, and casualties surely have occurred. Why have Americans not been told about these casualties? Have the families of those casualties been informed of the fates of their loved ones? If so, have those families been somehow coerced to remain silent about their losses? Or have they and we been left wondering what is going on? Have we become a country of not only undeclared, president-caused wars, but also of undeclared and unhonored war casualties resulting from undeclared president-caused wars?

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