“”Sure, forgive your enemies – but first, get even!”

After watching Trump and Biden debate last evening, our republic’s condition has been greatly clarified. Clearly, Biden is a non-entity in terms of governing, and his performance in the debate could only have been improved if had he not shown up. He is a tired old man, whose mental faculties are at low ebb — to be kind — and speaks as if he is an angry and deranged ninny. In the republic’s history he will be remebered as an ill-bred, feckless, and corrupt politician, as the leader of a family deeply marked by the same attributes, and as a president who deliberately tried to destroy the United States. On the last point it is worth noting how during the debate he referred to himself several times as the Commander-in-Chief, and mentioned Article 5 of the NATO Treaty. That article demands that if one member state is attacked all members will got to war in its support. Perhaps this elderly never-was is planning a false-flag attack (nuclear?, attributed to Russia?) on a NATO member he does not like –Hungary? — so go he can go out out with a nuclear bang, along with the country he hates the most, America.

Given this new clarity, all Americans are now faced with forcing themselves to understand that since January, 2021, they have been treated as serfs and non-humans by the band of authoritarian politicians, gangster civil servants (think Mayorkas, Wray, and Garland) party operatives, sell-out flag-officers deranged judicial officials, atheists, medical mass-murderers far surpassing the accomplishments of Dr. Mengele, adolescent and elderly war mongers, sexually depraved groomers, and a cabinet loaded with Jewish-Americans, each of whose allegiance to the Constitution — if they even took the oath of office — is nowhere to be found. Surely it must now be realized that when this array of  traitorous cretins acts in the name of the United States, the are acting to destroy the republic, eradicate white-Christian-conservative Americans, and leave the Constitution as nothing more than a small pile of ashes.

After Biden starkly revealed last night that he cannot even govern himself, and has turned that responsibility over to the above named reprobates, President Trump — whether he ever said the word as the media report –must be from now on the Constitution’s avenger and when he wins the election he must start and then manage a lawful investigation that exacts retribution from the criminals who came in with Biden and systematically dismantled the republic, killed millions with vaccines, destroyed the economy, and flooded the country with tens of millions of illegal and non-assimilable foreigners Biden and his people cannot be left to refit and reform in preparation for a second try at installing tyranny. There is no chance that any American with commonsense, love of country, and who holds a belief that our republic’s survival and flourishing is the national priority, can settle for anything less settle less than a lawfully executed process of retribution directed against those who have long been their tormentors and poisoners.

In a 1945 movie called Blood on the Sun — set before Pearl Harbor – Jimmy Cagney plays an American journalist working in Japan who sees two friends murdered by Japan’s secret police, and then is the victim of repeated beatings by the same police. Cagney keeps writing unwelcome reporting, and finally the secret police try to kill him as he approaches the U.S. embassy looking for refuge. Hurt and laying on the ground, the secret police pick him up and — while several U.S. diplomats come out of the embassy to help him, and the Secret Police Captain on the scene pleads with Cagney no to tell the diplomats his story. The Captain uses a line from the English poet Alexander Pope to try and secure his silence, saying “to err is human, to forgive is define.” Bruised and bloody, Cagney looks up at the police chief, shows a crooked smile, and says “Sure, forgive your enemies – but first, get even!” Truer words


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