I heard this song just know and found it pretty realistic about today’s America. The singer is a young Virginian named Oliver Anthony and the song is called “Rich Men North of Richmond”. This fellow Anthony surely is a worthy successor to his Virginia ancestors who fought and died for liberty, independence, and Old Virginia in 1776-1783 and 1861-1865. Give it a go.
“My policy has been and will continue to be … to be on friendly terms with, but independent of, all nations on earth. To share in the broils of none. To supply their wants, and be carriers for them all; being thoroughly convinced that it is our policy and interest to do so; and that nothing short of self-respect, and that justice which is essential to a national character, ought to involve us in.” — George Washington
- 8 June 1967, a day of infamy for the U.S. government March 7, 2025
- Attorney General Bondi to defend Israel’s honor — as if it had any February 28, 2025
- Trump’s new government, all aces domestically, all dunces on foreign policy February 12, 2025
- Going to hell via Harvard January 31, 2025
- Hell to pay for Bush’s wars, Biden’s arms for Islamism, no borders, and now Syria? January 2, 2025
- Mr. Trump, Americans want no war for Israel or any other nation December 30, 2024
- Given Trump’s wild pro-Israel sentiments, the Islamists’ victory in Syria augurs another lost interventionist U.S. War December 11, 2024
- Racism, anti-Christianity, crime, and war are, as always, blazing in Biden’s administration and party December 9, 2024
- It’s taken us c. 250 years to recall a fact mastered in 1775: Europe is ever America’s worst enemy November 27, 2024
- Biden, the Congress, and the Generals are eager for the republic’s annihilation November 21, 2024
- The Deep State’s dying gasps: “Iran is trying to kill Trump … again, and again, and again” November 10, 2024
- Are there really Americans who don’t know Democrats are the “Enemy Within”? October 26, 2024
- Biden’s Democrat gangsters are deliberately choking America to death October 6, 2024
- Five kill-teams after Trump in the U.S. Who’s paying them? September 20, 2024
- Dire Democratic threats to America’s survival become clearer September 10, 2024
- Biden’s regime and Trump’s wandering-message are killing America First August 24, 2024
- Rule Britannia, Britannia aims to rule the slaves … August 12, 2024
- President Trump and Israel, “Why quit our own to stand upon foreign ground?” August 3, 2024
- Another day that will live in infamy, July 24, 2024 July 31, 2024
- The 75th Anniversary the NATO Alliance — Time to bury it deep July 8, 2024
- “”Sure, forgive your enemies – but first, get even!” June 28, 2024
- 12 Senators act like crotchety, well-armed schoolmarms May 18, 2024
- Congress abandons the 1st Amendment to its paymasters and other foreigners May 5, 2024
- Osama bin Laden’s plan for victory keeps unrolling April 29, 2024
- New CIA Excuse for 3,000 9/11 deaths: “Female CIA officers were not good enough” April 9, 2024
- Moscow: Likely a U.S.-NATO-Israel covert hit, but Islamists are easy and believable to frame March 23, 2024
- No better time for killing fields March 23, 2024
- A speech for killing the republic, more war, and celebrating failed Christian clerics March 14, 2024
- Only a fool, a crook, or a traitor would keep the United States in NATO February 14, 2024
- Man-made Climate Fraud, a primer January 16, 2024
- Making the world safe for genocide, the specialty of America’s elites January 15, 2024
- From the Victor to the Losers: Osama bin Laden’s Letter November 20, 2023
- With Israel, again, and again, and again on the road to the republic’s ruin – Why? October 27, 2023
- Pope sends FBI more “evidence” against Catholics October 22, 2023
- The Pope yearns for New World Order tyranny October 12, 2023
- Climate-Change hucksters are history’s most murderous tyrants October 2, 2023
- Seeking America’s destruction: The ADL, Jewish-American Supremacists, and Israel September 16, 2023
- A few points on the great majority of 26 comments on my last post August 29, 2023
- A note on some recent reader comments August 19, 2023
- And now it is Niger? August 15, 2023
- This Virginian is worth a listen August 11, 2023
- It is necessary to apply punishment in the most exemplary manner August 9, 2023
- If there needs to be fight over race, so be it July 1, 2023
- On the eve of the republic’s death, what else to do but seek more war? April 10, 2023
- Always the Greatest American February 23, 2023
- Biden’s administration is merrily murdering Americans February 20, 2023
- A miscellany of Democrat slavers, Fascists to the north, and the cost of rejecting Washington’s warning February 6, 2023
- The eagerness of Jewish-Americans leaders to be hitmen, racists, anti-Americans, and propagandists for Biden’s fascists is getting old and, frankly, downright annoying December 15, 2022
- Since 1945, the U.S. government has been an interventionist racketeer November 29, 2022
- Scared elites created an October of madness November 3, 2022
- Why are America’s pastors of Reformed Protestantism failing to preach resistance to tyranny October 11, 2022
- America is governed by the fascist enemies of the republic and all mankind September 28, 2022
- Well, push has come to shove September 7, 2022
- Of assassins, traitors, and slavers August 26, 2022
- Loyal Americans must relearn to hate their enemies August 16, 2022
- Mr. Jefferson’s “prudence” died at Mar-a-Lago August 9, 2022
- Come retribution August 8, 2022
- Some housekeeping re Mr. Syzmanski August 7, 2022
- Back to work with a few comments on events August 5, 2022
- In bleak mid-tyranny … Q returns July 3, 2022
- DoD wants foreigners to replace loyal Americans in the U.S. military June 30, 2022
- The West must accept that it and Ukraine have been trounced June 20, 2022
- Time to force the issue? June 16, 2022
- The Constitution is our sheet-anchor, read it and think June 7, 2022
- The “Obama Gambit” rolls into Texas via a skirt-wearing maniac May 25, 2022
- The Obama Gambit murders again May 16, 2022
- The rule of “low and little men” April 29, 2022
- In the 1930s, Col. Lindbergh warned of the tyrant-led, war-hell Americans live in today April 20, 2022
- Robert E. Lee, one of the greatest Americans April 9, 2022
- A new nail in our kids’ coffins as a Democrat groomer is put on the Supreme Court April 9, 2022
- Biden pledges to take 100,000 Ukrainian refugees (AKA: American killers) March 26, 2022
- Biden and his party sign up for the annihilation of mankind March 23, 2022
- The disgrace and indictment of the U.S. Intelligence Community March 19, 2022
- Christ on a bike! March 16, 2022
- America’s deadliest foes are in Washington, D.C. and the media, not in Ukraine or Russia March 11, 2022
- Congenital liar and anti-American, John Brennan, reappears, promises the end of conservatives and free speech March 8, 2022
- Ukraine proves U.S. political & military interventionism starts wars and kills the republic March 2, 2022
- Do Biden and the Neocons want nuclear war with Russia? February 23, 2022
- Why in God’s name would any NATO soldier agree fight for democracy in Ukraine? February 15, 2022
- A Two Mikes podcast: Todd Callender and resistance to the Democrats’ genocide February 10, 2022
- Simple proof that we live under a murderous, war-loving tyranny February 9, 2022
- Biden unleashes more anti-Conservative storm troopers February 8, 2022
- Today, Canadians stand on guard January 29, 2022
- Aside from war, only a reprise of de-Nazification can give U.S. society a chance to recover and survive January 24, 2022
- For America, Ukraine is irrelevant, the only war to fight for U.S. interests is at home January 20, 2022
- The Anti-Defamation League, preaching equality, seeking tyrannical Jewish-American supremacy January 12, 2022
- SECOND TRY: Strong validation for Dr. Malone’s analysis of “Mass Formation Psychosis” January 3, 2022
- The stuff dreams are made of December 14, 2021
- It’s just commonsense: Americans must ignore Biden-regime guidance and resist efforts to forcibly impose it December 8, 2021
- China tops Einstein’s definition of insanity November 19, 2021
- Facing the spawn of this land’s strengthening fascist and interventionist winds November 15, 2021
- Will Americans help Biden, Fauci, and Gates murder their kids? November 8, 2021
- Virginia’s ditzy, anti-family Soccer-Moms should go piss up a rope October 28, 2021
- Colin Powell … one less enemy of America October 20, 2021
- The Choice? Liquidate U.S. tyrants or join Aussie, Brit, Canuck, and Kiwi slaves October 3, 2021
- “The period of debate is closed. Arms, as the last resource, decide the contest” [1] September 26, 2021
- Biden declares tyrannical rule; the war is upon us September 10, 2021
- Imagine that, infants are humans too! September 4, 2021
- Enough on Afghanistan. The take is: Democrats hate Americans and will kill them from the womb to the Hindu Kush September 2, 2021
- There is a war to fight, the domestic enemy must be annihilated September 1, 2021
- Mr. Trump: Stop abetting the mass-murderers of Americans August 23, 2021
- The Afghan War’s end is truly an American victory August 17, 2021
- What kind of people govern the republic? Afghanistan provides the answer August 15, 2021
- Secretary of Defense and his flag officers vow to kill those they command August 10, 2021
- Time for Americans to resume hating standing armies July 21, 2021
- Two truthful videos that will save commonsense Americans July 17, 2021
- Biden’s treason on show in Afghanistan — in spades July 13, 2021
- At age 68, I’m still eager to surrender my white privilege July 10, 2021
- Time to make the traitors pay for their own destruction July 8, 2021
- Biden and his regime cast the die of war, they seem eager to reach Boot Hill June 26, 2021
- Biden’s illegitimate regime intends war on loyal Americans, let’s be sure it gets a belly-full of it June 16, 2021
- Democrats are dying — so to speak — to learn the purpose of the 2nd Amendment … they will June 3, 2021
- In Biden’s murderous, anti-White war, loyal Americans will be “White Nationalist Supremacists” prepared to kill tyranny May 20, 2021
- Joseph Biden is intentionally killing Americans May 2, 2021
- Resolved: Keep buying guns, especially AR-15s and like weapons, ammunition, and high-capacity magazines April 18, 2021
- Biden wants war in Ukraine for ideological and personal reasons, no U.S. interest is at stake April 9, 2021
- Q’s storm nears, the Democrats fired the first shot long ago March 31, 2021
- A humanitarian appeal to save the lives of Democrats March 25, 2021
- China Joe, are you really this eager for great big trouble? March 23, 2021
- Time for the U.S. to evacuate Afghanistan, and thereby set a fatal snare for China March 19, 2021
- Scourge of the Republic, thy name is Biden March 13, 2021
- Time for taking General Lee’s courage as our own March 9, 2021
- Biden, his party, and their allies will not escape the retribution Q predicted March 6, 2021
- How to be less white: A memo to start you on your way February 23, 2021
- A time to choose sides and steer the republic’s future February 9, 2021
- This video proves Democrat/Deep State treason in China’s favor February 5, 2021
- Syria and Myanmar (Burma) are of zero national-security interest to the United States February 4, 2021
- Democrat is the best synonym for “insurrectionist” January 31, 2021
- Five days of hate and carnage: Biden and his team work to destroy the republic and its citizens January 24, 2021
- Democrats and Social Justice advocates are today’s Nazis, and they are proud of that fact January 18, 2021
- A fence around the Capitol makes tyranny official and civil war certain January 9, 2021
- The nearing civil war should surprise no one January 6, 2021
- Congress lavishes aid on foreigners and illegal aliens, impoverishes loyal Americans December 23, 2020
- Secession is not illegal, it is the duty of those who seek to reacquire independence and liberty December 15, 2020
- The coming vaccines: Gold for Big Pharma but Fools’ Gold for Americans? December 10, 2020
- Two interconnected causes of war stand on the near-horizon of American life December 8, 2020
- A query posed in Dec. 2019. The answer now is yes, impose martial law immediately December 1, 2020
- As the time to fight nears, let the enemy start the war November 19, 2020
- It is time to polygraph private-citizen Joe Biden on three issues November 12, 2020
- No unity; no healing; damn the Democrats and media; pray for God’s help, but arm to save America November 9, 2020
- It would be the hardest but most important decision in America’s history November 2, 2020
- The China Virus is meant to create tyranny October 31, 2020
- Two weeks of tired Democrat melodramas meant to destroy the republic October 28, 2020
- What Judge Barrett cannot explain to Americans October 14, 2020
- Americans getting slicked, Part 2 October 11, 2020
- Pope Francis: Enemy of America’s Catholics and the American republic October 2, 2020
- Boy, U.S. Flag Officers and Diplomats sure squeal loud and long when you end their wars September 24, 2020
- Democrats celebrate high-priestess of 60-million murdered infants September 22, 2020
- How long have presidents been slicking Americans on the economy and war? September 16, 2020
- Speaker Pelosi: You and the Red Mirage coup planners will meet a Red Bloodbath September 5, 2020
- Mr. President: Make Israel prove itself an “ally” that is worth a damn September 2, 2020
- Of BLM/ANTIFA gangsters, a young hero, and the need for disciplined and lethal local militias September 1, 2020
- The worth of Trump’s America First foreign policy is certified by republic’s domestic enemies August 23, 2020
- On Qanon, perhaps one should never say never August 20, 2020
- America needs only thinking adults to vote; then a word on coincidence August 12, 2020
- Trump’s kill-shot “election delay” words said to be “panicky” by doomed Democrats August 1, 2020
- Mr. President: Are loyal citizens on they’re own to eliminate their tormentors? July 29, 2020
- Now the President cannot declare peace? Nonsense, get ‘er done, Sir July 24, 2020
- Lexington, Virginia, stands strong and proud as the enemy of American liberty July 15, 2020
- Prepare for the worst with a brave heart, guarded optimism, and militias July 11, 2020
- Mr. President: You must end this China-Virus fraud July 5, 2020
- We’ll need luck, guts, and, perhaps, guns to see Independence Day, 2021 July 2, 2020
- Racism, hate, power-lust, and greed are part of human nature; they can be restrained, not ended; trying to do so means war June 20, 2020
- Some U.S. generals and admirals are trying to destroy the republic June 9, 2020
- Mr. Trump: Time is short. What are you waiting for? June 5, 2020
- Mr. President, take a hint from Mr. Lincoln June 2, 2020
- Mr. President: U.S. forces must crush this insurrection — or armed citizens will May 31, 2020
- An important follow up; please see below May 29, 2020
- On killing the old, a doctors’ coup, Hong Kong, and an Obama pardon May 27, 2020
- In 2016, Putin wanted a Clinton win because he owned her May 14, 2020
- Reward the medical “experts” with tar and feathers? May 13, 2020
- From Hell, Hitler, Himmler, and Gestapo Officers envy the Democrats’ Chinese-Virus “Contact Tracers” May 2, 2020
- Democrats brazenly use the China Virus to test drive tyranny April 23, 2020
- A short play: “The stuff (great) dreams are made of” April 17, 2020
- What are the Democrats, Media, Hollywood, and their acolytes hiding? April 13, 2020
- Beyond infants, Abortion is killing free speech, truth, and commonsense April 4, 2020
- The prescient Mr. Dylan on Pelosi’s hatred of Americans March 30, 2020
- Democrats hate loyal U.S. citizens and their republic as much as Nazis hated Jews March 24, 2020
- Of Secretary Clinton, her treason-server, and the Chinese Virus March 20, 2020
- Can America survive my generation? Looks like we’ll know before long March 15, 2020
- Will Marines defend all Americans or only the politically correct? March 5, 2020
- Mr. President: Get out of Afghanistan, let your generals lose face not more lives February 26, 2020
- Northam will pour a kettle of hate on Virginians if they are disarmed February 14, 2020
- Since the State of the Union, vengeance has started and will spread February 8, 2020
- Mr. Dylan always seems to know – A song for Nancy from 1965 February 5, 2020
- The time and necessity for vengeance is upon us February 2, 2020
- On killing terrorists: Kill them each time you have the chance January 9, 2020
- Trump moves closer to the meaning of America First by killing Suliemani January 5, 2020
- Must martial law be applied against the insurrection in 2020? December 29, 2019
- “The power which created the government, can destroy it.” December 19, 2019
- The Afghan War was lost between 9/11 and 7 October 2001 December 17, 2019
- Those who do not believe QANON will be mighty surprised December 7, 2019
- Of dangerous, pathetic women, and the safety of the 2nd Amendment in Virginia December 5, 2019
- President Trump: Crush the insurrection against you, the Constitution, and the loyal citizenry November 27, 2019
- Five points explaining the obvious about the Ukraine issue, and a comment on Joe Biden November 23, 2019
- Mr. President: Israel and the Congress are genuine and effective enemies of the republic November 18, 2019
- U.S. diplomats are among the republic’s worst enemies November 17, 2019
- Questions needing answers (with proposed responses) November 13, 2019
- Reflections, Rumors, and Events (some vitriol added) November 9, 2019
- Thought readers might like to see their tax dollars at work November 4, 2019
- Schiff’s impeachment charade must be used to rid Congress of members holding a non-U.S. passport October 31, 2019
- The time nears to end this destructive madness October 29, 2019
- Al-Baghdadi dead, a bit of news about the news, and a reminder October 27, 2019
- Islamic State and al-Qaeda remain threats because U.S. generals are incompetent October 26, 2019
- Time for Americans to focus: The war-mongering, bipartisan U.S. governing elite is center stage on Syria October 17, 2019
- Never too old to learn that you were wrong October 16, 2019
- No tears for Kurds, but thanks to Trump for removing our military from another lethal shithole October 7, 2019
- The Democrats’ war on Trump and the republic leads only to their slaughter September 29, 2019
- Little Boy Beto and his party declare of war on law-abiding Americans September 21, 2019
- For now, at least, America First means no U.S. military attack on Iran September 18, 2019
- Now, Mr. President, with respect, cut the crap and get out of Afghanistan September 12, 2019
- Coincidences are rare, there are none in the events below September 6, 2019
- Democrats built, rebuilt, and still support slavery and racism in America August 24, 2019
- Mr. President, stay away from Hong Kong, it’s a trap Britain laid for America August 14, 2019
- There can be no unity with these Democrats, the only options are their arrest and trial, or civil war August 10, 2019
- Of worthless allies and alliances, and the dangers thereof July 31, 2019
- America must fight only a necessary war; its aim must be speedy and definitive victory July 18, 2019
- Mr. President: Act against the republic’s domestic and foreign foes June 29, 2019
- Trump’s gunning for the Neocons and Israel-Firsters, just as they are, literally, gunning for him June 22, 2019
- Wisdom’s beginning: “Blessed be the Lord, my strength, Teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight” June 20, 2019
- The main Iranian threat was built by Mexico, Congress, and U.S. business June 6, 2019
- Mueller plays the last, losing card for traitorous Democrats and Civil Servants May 30, 2019
- Describe treason: Okay, enlisting foreign governments to overthrow the republic May 23, 2019
- The Democrats are proving that history always repeats itself May 17, 2019
- A few points to recall about John Brennan April 27, 2019
- The Democratic Party will get the civil war it wants April 20, 2019
- Julian Assange is mighty low on the list of those “endangering American lives” April 15, 2019
- On Brexit, Joe Biden, the Monroe Doctrine, and the Gauleiters trying to win the Iron Cross April 10, 2019
- Does Obama now have a date with the gallows? If the rule of law prevails, yes. March 24, 2019
- Was the New Zealand shooter only a pawn in the Globalists’ game? March 21, 2019
- Look at the UK and see tyranny being imposed on disarmed Britons March 15, 2019
- The U.S. Congress is the agent of a foreign power named Israel March 9, 2019
- A quick note on Rand Paul and Ilhan Omar March 5, 2019
- Of Venezuela, Andrew McCabe, and the coming reckoning February 26, 2019
- Time for Americans to observe a “Decuple-Holocaust Remembrance Day” February 11, 2019
- Damn it, Mr. Trump, recall that Neocons are deadly foes of America First February 3, 2019
- Trump’s Neocons will lie to Americans that a Venezuelan war is obligatory under the Monroe Doctrine January 26, 2019
- In praise of traditional and, when necessary, lethal masculinity January 21, 2019
- Fox News joins the rat media’s relentless support for U.S. interventionist wars January 17, 2019
- The U.S. governing elite’s lethal hatred for Americans cannot be overstated January 11, 2019
- Another climate-change lunatic, Big Chief Warren, and the death wishes of Governors Brown and Cuomo January 3, 2019
- Trump’s plans for troop withdrawal and the wall will protect America against Islamists December 26, 2018
- At last, Mr. President, thank you for making the republic’s survival seem possible December 22, 2018
- Commonsense can end unconstitutional rule and foreign aid December 20, 2018
- Russia and Khashoggi: Israel says “jump” and its lapdog U.S. Senate asks “how high?” December 6, 2018
- Bin Laden’s rule: Only the stupid steadily attack someone and expect no retribution November 24, 2018
- Opportunities abound, President Trump, to destroy three deadly foes of the Republic November 21, 2018
- Freedom just around the corner, but via voting or civil war? November 2, 2018
- Democrats merit the agony promised in the saying “What goes around, comes around” October 27, 2018
- Khashoggi, in death, shows how fully the Congress is in Israel’s thrall October 16, 2018
- U.S. Interventionists quietly prep for continent-wide war in Africa October 15, 2018
- The Democrats want a war to the knife. Well, if they insist, but woe betide them October 2, 2018
- Proof that Britain’s GCHQ spied on Trump during/after the 2016 election September 24, 2018
- Give the boot to the “closest allies” who are agents of anti-U.S. treachery September 22, 2018
- Scheuer’s Theorem: Democrats+Media+Silicon Valley = National Socialists (AKA: Nazis) September 13, 2018
- Sad but true: John McCain’s demise gives the republic and America First a chance September 5, 2018
- John McCain: The man and his legacy August 27, 2018
- Curs of a feather: McRaven and Brennan August 18, 2018
- Ms. Ingraham is right, no sane American wants to keep this republic-killing demographic situation August 15, 2018
- What Mike Scheuer learned on his Godaddy hiatus, and a note on Alex Jones August 7, 2018
- On the issue of white, Christian South Africans, Mr. Putin — Splendidly well done, keep at it! July 18, 2018
- What is more hilarious than lying-Obama leftovers, Neocons, and the media arguing there was ‘Russian hacking’ in the 2016 election? July 16, 2018
- A republican citizenry’s greatest, last-resort duty is to kill those seeking to impose tyranny July 14, 2018
- In Europe, Mr. Trump will find a tyrant-filled EU. He should end the U.S.-UK special tie and kill NATO July 10, 2018
- Have we seen this situation before? Well, yes, we have, and another reckoning point is near July 2, 2018
- North Korea, Europe, and the Islamists: Two successes and a still bleeding, self-inflicted wound June 22, 2018
- John Brennan and Osama Bin Laden: The protector and the protected? The scent of Arab money? June 3, 2018
- Anglo-American rebellions draw closer May 31, 2018
- Mr. President: Time to be America’s leader, and never again the ‘Leader of the Free World’ May 12, 2018
- To Congress, Macron used the terrified voice of dying globalism and enraged authoritarianism April 28, 2018
- Mr. Trump takes a swim in the swamp. Can he get out? Does he want to get out? April 15, 2018
- Mueller, his DoJ superiors, and their subordinates — first for elimination? April 12, 2018
- On Syria and Russia: Sanity and madness April 5, 2018
- God-damn you President Trump, John Bolton is an Israel-First/Neocon warmonger and a lethal enemy of our Republic March 23, 2018
- Let’s try sanity — focus U.S. immigration policy on attracting endangered white, Christian immigrants March 14, 2018
- Trump must act, or others will take the blood of these tyrants February 28, 2018
- President Trump: End the Florida madness, tell us the truth, and do not punish law-abiding gun owners February 27, 2018
- There is no ground for compromise, and Democrats say they will win a civil war … the poor, deluded dears February 20, 2018
- Well done, Mr. President, but keep striking the bastards hard and often, and yell if you need help February 3, 2018
- Be a hard-ass, President Trump, and slay the republic’s domestic enemies now January 26, 2018
- President Trump: Face facts, only non-intervention can make America great again January 4, 2018
- President Trump: Do you have any idea of what America First means? December 7, 2017
- On natural rights, Saudi Arabia, and John McCain November 19, 2017
- On the Niger dead, FBI’s Las Vegas deceit, and the fact that Islam, as a religion, is the problem November 2, 2017
- The Founders’ 2nd Amendment exists so the citizenry can kill American tyrants October 6, 2017
- Las Vegas: Pray for the fallen, prepare to fight the governing elite’s war on liberty October 3, 2017
- Iraq and Syria: Measuring the meaningless September 28, 2017
- Madness abounding: The UK government’s pet Muslims attack, and it resents Trump’s noting the truth September 16, 2017
- Of 9/11 anniversaries, Jewish-American bigotry, and the return of the Papist scourge September 11, 2017
- White Democrat elites are still slavers, secessionists, segregationists, and violent socialists August 31, 2017
- On Afghanistan, Mr. Trump, trust your instincts, not advice from Generals Groucho, Chico, and Harpo August 22, 2017
- ‘Keep ’em dying!’ — The West’s puerile reaction to the Barcelona attacks is sad but hilarious August 19, 2017
- North Korea’s nuclear threat is the product of the dilettante U.S. governing elite’s interventionism August 13, 2017
- Must armed citizens enforce the law and end the tyranny of their elected representatives? August 5, 2017
- President Trump: The only America-First Afghan policy is to get out of Afghanistan July 26, 2017
- HULU’s team says ‘Fuck the truth, we will deceive Americans’ July 22, 2017
- Mr. President, the lesson of your Hamburg visit is to get America out of NATO July 12, 2017
- Is HULU joining the fake, corrupting, and leftist media to mislead Americans about 9/11? July 5, 2017
- Pour it on, Mr. Trump, tweet the lying bastards and bitches straight to hell July 1, 2017
- President Trump: Wise up and learn what national government ‘meanness’ really means June 27, 2017
- No armed response to the Democrat’s rifleman — at least not yet June 14, 2017
- James Comey shows Americans that law does not apply to the elite June 10, 2017
- U.S. thinking on arming the Kurds: Complex, intricate, nuanced, or just plain stupid? May 17, 2017
- It is time, General Mattis, to leave NATO and Europe to the coroner May 10, 2017
- How to deal with the ‘Resistance’? — Not necessarily civil war, but civil war if necessary May 6, 2017
- As always, U.S. interventionism yields a dunghill of daft and expensive fecklessness April 17, 2017
- President Trump, with respect, start ruthlessly purging the US general officer corps April 13, 2017
- Jack Keane — the biggest, most arrogant jackass of a retired general money can buy April 13, 2017
- If you have time, Mr. President, Senator Paul can help you learn the Constitution means what it says April 9, 2017
- On the America First agenda, President Trump, the swamp is closing in on you April 2, 2017
- Take note Mr. Trump, Speaker Ryan was brutally schooled by liberty’s requirements March 25, 2017
- Those who flout the republic’s laws, fan the flames of rebellion March 19, 2017
- Mr. Trump: Re-intervention in Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan kills the chance to revive America March 11, 2017
- A lesson from two George Bushes: Never give the elite the benefit of the doubt March 5, 2017
- Trump was right, Sweden is being wrecked by Muslim violence, the U.S. media is hiding it February 20, 2017
- But Senator McCain, you and most of the media are enemies of the American republic February 19, 2017
- President Trump: Afghanistan is your easiest task — GET OUT February 17, 2017
- Mr. President, tell the media that Putin is infinitely less murderous than U.S. democracy crusaders February 9, 2017
- On the travel ban, the Islam war, and more interventionism February 5, 2017
- On sanctuary, Mr. President, speed fueled by Jacksonian fury is vital January 28, 2017
- Putin pitches in to clear the way for Trump’s America First foreign policy January 18, 2017
- The Russian hack, a matter of stuff and nonsense January 10, 2017
- Abstention is the key to an America First foreign policy January 1, 2017
- Mr. Trump, stop being an ass: America First and support for Israel are polar opposites December 19, 2016
- Clinton and her party are the criminals, not the Russians December 13, 2016
- Mr. Trump: What in God’s name is at stake for the republic in Syria and Iraq? December 9, 2016
- Whoa Mr. Trump! Use your America-First instincts to pick a Secretary of State December 2, 2016
- Mr. Trump, here is a worthy, perhaps final opportunity to put America First November 19, 2016
- Now is Mr. Trump’s time for silence and counting blessings November 11, 2016
- A few answers to readers’ comments on recent pieces November 9, 2016
- The Jewish-American media elite intends to kill the republic November 2, 2016
- The choice in 2016: Liberty or the yoke October 29, 2016
- Of course the 2016 election is rigged, here’s how, and what it may yield October 17, 2016
- Is Putin really stupid enough to want Trump to be president? October 14, 2016
- Speaker Ryan and his party embrace tyranny October 11, 2016
- Why I’m eager to see the end of my ‘white privilege’ October 9, 2016
- On Mr. Trump’s taxes: Well done, Sir, the NY Times has proven you right October 2, 2016
- A letter to Mrs. Clinton: What is it that you actually care about? September 28, 2016
- Bin Laden’s papers prove him and al-Qaeda a hands-down success September 24, 2016
- Hillary Clinton’s pledge of ‘resolve’ in the Islam war means the demise of America September 20, 2016
- Congress quietly slips nearly 38 billion U.S. taxpayer dollars to irrelevant foreigners September 16, 2016
- 9/11 commemorations are always exercises in delusion and deceit September 11, 2016
- To the Washington Post: Is there anyone there who knows anything about America? September 8, 2016
- Of politics, scoundrels, and war at summer’s end September 3, 2016
- The Clintons and Israel First: Jackals killing the republic, courting widespread civil unrest August 23, 2016
- For God’s sake, Mr, Trump, man-up and stop playing the game of America’s internal foes August 16, 2016
- A coming headline? ‘American elites perish in lethal storm they deliberately brewed’ August 13, 2016
- Mr. Trump: You have scared and pissed-off the war lovers. Well done, keep at it. August 9, 2016
- And now the FBI Director argues for more tyranny August 8, 2016
- The bipartisan interventionists’ jig is just about up, so they damn Mr. Trump August 1, 2016
- Of the Democratic Convention, a destroyed educational system, and a nominated non-entity July 29, 2016
- Of the attack in Nice, the demise of Europe, and America’s work at home July 20, 2016
- Of Britain’s commonsense, and the madness of the Bushes’ retainers June 25, 2016
- U.S.-vs-Islamic State: As IS-held cities fall, America must come home, avoid the next, far harder war June 19, 2016
- When U.S. presidents help to kill Americans June 13, 2016
- America’s fascists are those who use the phrase ‘that’s not who we are’ June 12, 2016
- If it’s to be America First, Mr. Trump, cut the crap, and listen up May 24, 2016
- Mr. Trump, explain why America First requires eliminating the U.S. Department of Education May 18, 2016
- Mr. Trump, explain why America First must mean ending foreign aid and foreign military assistance May 6, 2016
- Trump embraces America First, gives the republic a chance to survive and its foes apoplexy April 28, 2016
- Jewish-American Neocon demands collective punishment for Trump’s supporters April 23, 2016
- General Petreaus, too, is willing to kill the republic with endless, unnecessary war April 20, 2016
- As did the Founders, Trump urges a foreign policy of abstention not intervention April 1, 2016
- After Brussels, Westerners face two deadly enemies — the Islamists and their governments March 26, 2016
- General Hayden on why the Constitution is optional and America always loses wars March 17, 2016
- Well done, Mr. Trump! Israel-First, Neocons to join Hillary — all America’s enemies in one party March 3, 2016
- Of Justice Scalia, the Constitution, Obama’s tyranny, and Cuba February 23, 2016
- Of America’s enemies, domestic and foreign February 14, 2016
- Today’s senior U.S. generals endanger the republic’s survival February 6, 2016
- Addendum: National Review adds luster to Trump’s candidacy January 22, 2016
- Is there an America-First enemy of interventionism among the presidential candidates? January 20, 2016
- On the Congress and Israel: The 4th Amendment does not shield near-treasonous behavior January 3, 2016
- Why is the American republic fighting to impose tyranny at Ramadi? December 25, 2015
- Hollywood to again whitewash Clinton’s culpability for the 9/11 attacks? December 19, 2015
- What Mr. Trump knows is a mystery to the U.S. bipartisan elite December 10, 2015
- Of guns, abortion, and the approaching tyranny December 6, 2015
- Cleaning America’s house after the Islamists’ next attack in the U.S. December 2, 2015
- On cutting the crap, breaking the Caliphate’s back, and focusing on America November 18, 2015
- After-Paris tasks: Remove Hollande, Obama, and Cameron, take the Islamists seriously November 16, 2015
- Ex-CIA’er to Ex-KGB’er: Defeat, Mr. Putin, lies in ignoring the Islamists’ words and waging less than total war November 12, 2015
- Mr. Putin and Hillary Clinton’s e-mails November 5, 2015
- U.S. general officers seem clearly unacquainted with truth and reality November 1, 2015
- Rescue America by leaving Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria to Mr. Putin October 18, 2015
- Mr. Obama, you and your party are precisely why the 2nd Amendment exists October 9, 2015
- Take the Russian Gift Horse’s gift and run like hell to North America September 26, 2015
- U.S.-NATO military interventions caused Europe’s migrant disaster September 7, 2015
- More 9/11-related, cover-up lies, these from an ex-CIA Director and a ‘journalist’ September 2, 2015
- Congress, Israel, and another season of treason August 25, 2015
- Islamic State is winning, America must soon use its one remaining option August 8, 2015
- Obviously, Mrs. Clinton must be indicted July 29, 2015
- Obama in Nairobi: Patronizing Kenyans, condemning and dividing Americans July 27, 2015
- Can the U.S. governing elite not know how deeply it’s hated? July 23, 2015
- From Trump, McCain gets a harsh but surely just appraisal July 19, 2015
- Iran deal is a chance to put America First, watch U.S. enemies slaughter each other July 18, 2015
- Democrats scourge the South, after the battle flag it’s on to Old Hickory July 9, 2015
- This July 4th, read the Declaration correctly July 4, 2015
- ISIS makes the British lion a declawed and shabby cat July 2, 2015
- The national government gives no dignity, but plenty of preference, tyranny, and death June 29, 2015
- Keep it flying — the Confederate battle flag is an American flag June 22, 2015
- Yet again, Barack Obama exploits the dead for his political goals June 18, 2015
- Insanity’s definition is sending more U.S. ground troops to Iraq June 1, 2015
- America has no enemy more dastardly and lethal than the Neoconservative May 26, 2015
- Garland’s lesson? Democrats, Republicans, and Neocons bring the jihad to America May 15, 2015
- General Dempsey errs by telling the truth, but quickly recants April 26, 2015
- On the nuclear issue, no one will argue the Iranians into slavery April 13, 2015
- Starring in a lethal remake of ‘Duck Soup’ — Europe’s leaders and Barack Obama April 1, 2015
- Obama’s foreign policy: Perhaps cunning, but never wise, never truthful March 24, 2015
- The Senate appropriately spanks Thomas Woodrow Obama March 16, 2015
- Foes abroad, foes at home — time for Americans to prepare for the fight March 10, 2015
- When assessing President Obama, love cannot be measured but treason surely can February 24, 2015
- For the West, it’s time to learn from Osama bin Laden February 17, 2015
- The U.S. Congress = 535 agents of a foreign power February 11, 2015
- If Washington does not change foreign policy and/or destroy the Islamists, Americans must prepare to be enslaved February 4, 2015
- Now is the time for a quick U.S. de-intervention in Yemen January 24, 2015
- On Paris: The cost of Western leaders’ deceit and interventionism will only grow January 12, 2015
- Who’s dumber — Marc Grayson or LINKEDIN? January 9, 2015
- On Guantanamo: Those who knowingly sow dragon’s teeth ought to be killed by the harvest January 4, 2015
- After the Obama-Vatican Follies, U.S. security is worse off, and Cuba Libre is still only a cocktail December 26, 2014
- Senator Feinstein and the problem of adhering to America’s enemies December 14, 2014
- Of lies, deceit, and the coming world war December 11, 2014
- Obama, Holder, and their supporters want preference not equality December 7, 2014
- Obama leads his coalition of Arab tyrants into another losing, Islamist-boosting war November 23, 2014
- To Barack Obama: Americans obey laws, never the whims of men November 21, 2014
- How long can Americans tolerate Obama’s administration? November 17, 2014
- Obama vs. Islamic State: Here comes more debt, more death, and another lost war September 9, 2014
- America First and survival or an endless losing war with Islam? September 2, 2014
- Obama, Democrats, Republicans, and NATO: Still playing the Islamists’ foil August 20, 2014
- U.S.-UK re-intervention in Iraq: Getting it lethally wrong twice August 11, 2014
- Enemies of America: Bloomberg, Stern, and Rand Paul July 29, 2014
- Face facts, U.S. democracy-crusading causes wars — it’s time for American neutrality July 23, 2014
- Time for America to bid a final farewell to Israel and Palestine July 14, 2014
- On July 4th, recall that the 2nd Amendment is for destroying tyranny July 4, 2014
- Damn Iraq, start caring for America first June 18, 2014
- Let Iraq disintegrate, America must not re-intervene June 13, 2014
- For causing America’s Afghan defeat … indict President Obama June 11, 2014
- Obama, Memorial Day, and the military: Supportive words and murderous deeds May 25, 2014
- U.S. intervention kills Americans abroad and advances tyranny at home May 22, 2014
- Obama, McCain, and the NATO/EU Gang: Better war than saying: ‘It’s our fault’? April 29, 2014
- Senator Reid meets reality … many think the Federal Government is illegitimate April 24, 2014
- For America, perhaps now is the time for neutrality April 3, 2014
- Russia annexing Crimea is the cost of U.S.-EU intervention in Ukraine March 14, 2014
- In Ukraine, EU and U.S. interventionists nearing the civil war they caused February 22, 2014
- Mr. Obama: Do you and your colleagues know the severity of the historical fire you are rekindling? February 20, 2014
- Having ignored the Founders on war, U.S. forces will return to Afghanistan unless Americans begin to think for themselves February 14, 2014
- Obama and O’Reilly: The Factor’s no-spin zone spins toward deceit February 8, 2014
- The Union’s state: A wounded soldier, a defeated America, and a depraved governing class February 2, 2014
- Of the IRS, Syria, and South Sudan: Tyranny approaches slowly, always on several fronts January 18, 2014
- Gates shares the murderous reality of President Obama and Mrs. Clinton January 11, 2014
- A look at the brilliant advocates of Obama’s tyranny and Israel January 7, 2014
- Were America’s Founders ‘unhinged’ and suffering from a ‘meltdown’? January 6, 2014
- The desperate U.S.-UK relationship: Barack Obama, David Cameron, and the NSA/GCHQ issue December 23, 2013
- Obama and his party offer America’s young … death, misery, and slavery November 21, 2013
- The Congress’ ‘womanish attachment’ to foreigners is bringing the Islamists’ war to North America November 6, 2013
- Notes on U.S. and western jihadis returning home October 9, 2013
- Obama, Syria, and interventionism: Ten questions worth pondering September 10, 2013
- Observing King Obama’s Syrian madness, II: Learning Americans are irrelevant August 28, 2013
- Observing King Obama’s Syrian madness August 26, 2013
- Use the Constitution to prevent war with Syria August 22, 2013
- Barack Obama and John Brennan: A new American-killing ‘Murder Inc’? August 19, 2013
- Obama, McCain, Graham, Manning, Snowden, and the varieties of disloyalty August 12, 2013
- Obama, Rice, Kerry, McCain, and Graham: Intervening for more war August 7, 2013
- Bin Laden predicted Obama’s war on the 4th Amendment July 10, 2013
- For Egypt’s Islamists, war is now a legitimate option July 9, 2013
- DC’s summer heat breeds foreign policy follies and one grand opportunity July 1, 2013
- As scandals deepen, Obama, his party, and Republicans will militarily intervene in Syria May 21, 2013
- Why are Limbaugh, Levin, and Hannity so eager to see more dead Americans? April 30, 2013
- The scum of America’s Earth are strongly pro-Israel April 24, 2013
- U.S. leaders’ fingerprints are on the detonators April 21, 2013
- On Syria, our interventionists ensure America’s luck is running out March 4, 2013
- Of China, Senator Paul, and the terrible price of open borders February 20, 2013
- John Brennan and the Senate: Is anyone in Washington willing to defend America? February 10, 2013
- John Brennan as CIA chief would serve his own interests, not America’s February 6, 2013
- In Mali, the interventionist establishment already is lying about ‘unintended consequences’ January 23, 2013
- Awash in hypocrisy and hubris, Obama and his party push toward despotism January 10, 2013
- French intervention in Mali: From al-Qaeda and the Islamists’ perspective — God is truly Great! January 7, 2013
- No matter who wins, the next president will — without question — be an interventionist war president November 5, 2012
- Why does the Democratic Party so dislike Americans? October 31, 2012
- Israel First thriving in Governor Romney’s camp — and still trying to get me fired, silenced October 26, 2012
- Benghazi is bad, but Obama’s Afghan surrender is much worse October 22, 2012
- Pity poor America: Obama, Romney, and foreign policy October 13, 2012
- America: From colony to nation to slave October 2, 2012
- To President Obama: The 2nd Amendment is about fighting tyranny, not hunting deer August 1, 2012
- Galloping toward the abyss: The price of U.S. interventionism in Syria and Israel July 25, 2012
- On Afghanistan, Mrs. Clinton owes an apology to Americans on behalf of Democrats and Republicans July 5, 2012
- War kills people … as do lies by U.S. and western interventionists June 2, 2012
- President Ron Paul May 5, 2012
- Obama keeps pushing the bipartisan religion of interventionism April 2, 2012
- On Syria: Can Americans’ luck hold? Probably not March 12, 2012
- Slavery in America? You bet — listen to Obama and Romney March 5, 2012
- When war comes, Dr. Paul can say: ‘George Washington and I tried to warn you.’ February 29, 2012
- Who should apologize for Afghanistan? February 26, 2012
- Fearing the Constitution’s return, the Washington Post launches a panicky, sophomoric attack on Dr. Paul January 3, 2012
- Mr. Gary Bauer — The supposed Christian as slanderer, Israel-Firster, and war-monger January 1, 2012
- Iowa’s Choice: Dr. Paul or U.S. bankruptcy, more wars, and many more dead soldiers and Marines December 31, 2011
- On Iraq: Think like Romans and admit we were beaten December 22, 2011
- Roll on toward the cataract, Oh Ship of State! November 24, 2011
- On America’s horizon — A far larger war with the Muslim world November 13, 2011
- Our educators doom America to overseas disasters October 11, 2011
- Motivating enemies: Interventionists and the UN veto September 21, 2011
- Interventionists ready a media lynching for Ron Paul September 4, 2011
- Intervention’s costs vs. non-intervention’s benefits August 13, 2011
- Oslo: Likely an opening act, not a one-off event July 30, 2011
- More interventionism = More defense spending July 20, 2011
- Of Muslim Brothers, bin Laden’s papers, Bloombergian tyranny, and Libya July 2, 2011
- Remember: No nation has a ‘right to exist’ June 27, 2011
- Arab Spring to Jihadi Era: al-Zawahiri gets the whip hand from bin Laden and his key ally — the U.S. Government June 17, 2011
- Here’s how Afghanistan ends — America loses, Islam wins, and a new Muslim generation joins the jihad June 10, 2011
- Always ready for death: Leadership succession in al-Qaeda June 5, 2011
- Barack Obama: Neoconservative crusader May 22, 2011
- In Afghanistan — Taliban: Islam triumphant; America: self-defeated, ready to run May 18, 2011
- Wasting victory: Obama, the Congress, and the bin-Laden aftermath May 14, 2011
- Israel-First claims control of tenure at Yale and Georgetown May 8, 2011
- Bin Laden dead, the USG in disarray, and empty Congressional threats toward Pakistan May 7, 2011
- Libya: The road to invasion has been straight, not a slippery slope April 20, 2011
- Syrian unrest and Israel’s lethal U.S. ‘friends’ April 13, 2011
- U.S. policy in the Levant: Islamism for Syria, ruin for Israel April 11, 2011
- Will Mr. Obama kill enough Libyans to win his unnecessary and illegal war? April 3, 2011
- Lies in the air of Libya’s spring — The return of ‘unintended consequences’ March 23, 2011
- Illiberal Islam March 22, 2011
- Libya and Bahrain: Neutering the Constitution, heading for disaster March 19, 2011
- The sum of all fears March 17, 2011
- It is sad, but President Obama is an arrogant, racist interventionist March 12, 2011
- On Rep. King’s hearings, al-Qaeda and Arab unrest, and sundry questions March 9, 2011
- More on ‘inevitable’ democracy in the Arab world March 5, 2011
- Why the Mideast revolts will help al-Qaeda March 4, 2011
- The ‘new’ Arab world through the Marx Brothers’ eyes February 28, 2011
- Egypt, Osama, and George Washington February 14, 2011
- Bin Laden does a happy dance February 14, 2011
- On Non-Intervention, Egypt and al-Qaeda, and Afghanistan-Pakistan February 5, 2011
- Afghanistan and Pakistan: Sorting fact from hope February 4, 2011
- Tunisia, Egypt, and Yemen: Moving toward Islam and away from the West January 30, 2011
- Rep. King’s hearings: U.S. Muslim leaders must brave the lion’s den January 24, 2011
- The Arizona shootings and Rep. King’s thousand-foot rule January 13, 2011
- Scheuer-vs-Israel-First, Part 2 January 12, 2011
- Scheuer-vs-Israel-First, Part 2: The e-mails January 12, 2011
- This is how Israel-First works to silence and damage its critics January 9, 2011
- Is there an ‘acceptable’ kind of U.S. intervention? January 5, 2011
- U.S. intervention in Sudan and Somalia: Sowing war’s whirlwind for Americans December 29, 2010
- Why is a dead Islamist bomber smarter than three U.S. presidents? December 18, 2010
- New Book: Osama Bin Laden December 15, 2010
- The Democrats: The party of five infamous ‘S’s’ adds a ‘T’ for treason December 11, 2010
- Not even Wikileaks can help: Obama’s inexplicable diplomacy in South Asia December 6, 2010
- Frisking the Founding Fathers November 30, 2010
- Thanksgiving thoughts on non-intervention and treason November 25, 2010
- Osama lectures Obama, Brennan, and Petraeus on how the mujahideen will beat America November 21, 2010
- All for Israel? Even bribery, disloyalty, and keeping U.S. kids hungry? November 17, 2010
- The motors of anti-Muslim hatred in America are … November 12, 2010
- Note to Tea Party: End interventionism first November 7, 2010
- Why we must kill more of the Islamist enemy November 2, 2010
- Osama shows who is the boss October 30, 2010
- Osama bin Laden at the top of his game October 29, 2010
- Just coincidence?: Mid-term elections and good news from Afghanistan October 23, 2010
- Bob Woodward’s Obama: Holding office trumps U.S. lives and security October 9, 2010
- Bob Woodward’s ‘Obama’s Wars’: Of felony and ignorance October 3, 2010
- A smaller Afghan role for al-Qaeda is very bad news for the West September 30, 2010
- Ted Koppel joins the U.S. political elite’s ship of fools September 23, 2010
- Petraeus, Afghan strategy, and Israel: Another week of daftness from U.S. leaders September 8, 2010
- In the ‘Obama-vs-History’ contest, Obama and America are sure losers September 1, 2010
- The 14th anniversary of a war we refuse to understand August 27, 2010
- NYC Mosque, II: As Ivy Leaguers teach Americans to hate Islam, U.S. Muslim leaders must at last be candid August 22, 2010
- Al-Qaeda wins no matter who prevails in the NYC mosque debate August 15, 2010
- Israel-First’s war on Iran will bring war to America August 13, 2010
- Let us have truth: Hiroshima and George W. Bush August 6, 2010
- Presidential orders to kill Americans will soon be routine August 4, 2010
- They always choose failure: Wikileaks, education, and Arizona August 1, 2010
- ‘The only principle in this war is which party can whip’ … and America is being whipped by its own leaders July 25, 2010
- This blasphemy will kill Americans July 22, 2010
- Al-Shabab and Al-Qaeda: Playing Americans for suckers July 15, 2010
- Americans and al-Qaeda: Laughing our way to the graveyard July 11, 2010
- July 4th, 2010: Ready for more intervention, incoming nukes, and war with Iran? July 4, 2010
- On comments to the site, armed rebellion, Dr. Rand Paul, and Israel-First June 25, 2010
- Obama should have sent a Marine June 24, 2010
- In Illinois: A pro-war, anti-1st Amendment Senate campaign June 21, 2010
- America’s alliances: Time for a second look? June 17, 2010
- President Obama and the Gulf oil leak: Will it be statesmanship or political expediency? June 14, 2010
- Did you enjoy ‘Lynch-an-Elderly-Female-Journalist-for-Israel Day’? June 12, 2010
- Time for America to un-intervene in Israel-vs-Palestine June 10, 2010
- Memorial Day and its hypocrites May 31, 2010
- The ‘noble lies’ of Barack Obama and John Brennan May 28, 2010
- The coming Kandahar campaign: War or political theater? May 25, 2010
- Maddow and the Obamas: Killers of hope, spurs of rebellion May 24, 2010
- Mr. Obama — America’s flamboyantly lawless first magistrate plants seeds of secession May 20, 2010
- America first? — Never for U.S. media or politicians May 18, 2010
- The cost of losing wars is more war May 17, 2010
- Mr. Obama is dead wrong, we are fighting Islamists May 9, 2010
- America again defeated in New York … a portent of the future May 2, 2010
- The Tea Party vs blind arrogance April 23, 2010
- Is Obama really a genius leader? April 17, 2010
- Nuclear summits are fine, border control is a must April 10, 2010
- Obama and his predecessors are why the Founders wrote the 2nd Amendment April 7, 2010
- How the bombs in Moscow hit America April 5, 2010
- Lethal deafness: Osama trumps Obama and all U.S. leaders — save Rep. Paul March 29, 2010
- For some CIA retirees: ‘No women need apply’ March 27, 2010
- You think Republicans favor U.S. independence?!! March 26, 2010
- Obama’s choice — To be a patriot or a toady? March 25, 2010
- War, fifth columns, and what won’t be asked on 60 Minutes March 20, 2010
- Washington and Israel: Arm-in-arm for endless war with Islam March 18, 2010
- Turn Biden’s public humiliation to America’s advantage March 12, 2010
- Sister Mary Lawrence had Obama’s number 50 years ago March 10, 2010
- Automatic war: The pathetic state of U.S. sovereignty March 8, 2010
- Will Islamists choose savagery or surrender? March 3, 2010
- Colin Powell — What happened to defending America? February 22, 2010
- The Israel-Muslim War: Nearing America’s streets? February 21, 2010
- What to do about Iran? Act for the Republic and independence February 19, 2010
- When troops and CIA officers die for a fantasy January 12, 2010
- Barack Obama, interventionist and ultimate Jihadi hero December 31, 2009
- Get nasty or go home October 12, 2009
- Questions on the eve of the Afghan election August 18, 2009
- Are the Taliban winning? August 11, 2009
- What if Osama calls Obama’s bluff? June 9, 2009
- Obama steers toward endless war with Islam May 20, 2009
- Obama’s Afghan-ignorant policy guide May 6, 2009
- Osama, Obama, and torture April 26, 2009
- The Accidental Guerrilla and the deliberate interventionist April 15, 2009
- Professor Dershowitz encounters a worrying future April 2, 2009
- Non-interventionists need not apply March 24, 2009
- Lobby? What Lobby? February 10, 2009
- Bringing the Arab-Israeli War home January 5, 2009
- The lobby like no other wants a war like no other August 14, 2008
- Turning the tables on the Israel-Firsters July 16, 2008
- Have nothing to do with conquest July 12, 2008
- Why doesn’t al-Qaeda attack the US? May 29, 2008
- Ron Paul, The Revolution, and ending abuses and usurpations May 7, 2008
- Douglas Feith’s War and Decision: Life in a Neocon’s Parallel Universe May 2, 2008
- A book Americans must read before time runs out March 25, 2008
- The media must take Dr. Paul’s lead and ask specific foreign policy questions March 24, 2008
- Break out the shock and awe March 9, 2008
- Clueless candidates make Osama’s day February 27, 2008
- Reading bin Laden’s mind: The State of the Jihad, as he might see it February 17, 2008
- George Weigel’s anti-American jeremiad January 11, 2008
- A deadly status quo is the cost of not voting for Dr. Paul December 29, 2007
- What the world could expect from Dr. Ron Paul’s non-interventionist America November 28, 2007
- The anti-Americanism of the Israel-Firsters November 8, 2007
- Why does Norman Podhoretz hate America? September 26, 2007
- Syria and Iran: The threats that aren’t September 6, 2007
- Rep. Paul and the Founders versus our interventionist elite June 1, 2007
- Tenet tries to shift the blame. Don’t buy it. April 29, 2007
- Is there a role for reality in U.S. foreign policy? August 3, 2006
- Madison’s warning and the Israel Lobby July 25, 2006
- Doing bin Laden’s work for him July 21, 2006
- Does Israel conduct covert action in America? April 8, 2006
- Al-Qaeda Doctrine: Training the individual warrior March 28, 2006
- How Bush helps jihadists March 12, 2006
- Embracing a lethal tar baby February 26, 2006
- For Iraq — Hang the history teachers September 8, 2005
- When Americans die for nothing August 18, 2005
- Is the right of the people to alter or abolish it July 4, 2005
- Unraveling the saga of al-Zarqawi’s injury June 13, 2005
- Throwing America a life preserver June 10, 2005
- God, drunks, and America June 2, 2005
- A fire bell in the night for the West? May 19, 2005
- Deliberately destroying America’s soul April 22, 2005
- The job should have gone to the Marx Brothers April 21, 2005
- Sandy Berger’s scissors April 11, 2005
- Toward a Sensible Israel Policy March 22, 2005
- Accountability: Why not start at the top? March 17, 2005
- Imperial Hubris: An Author Reviews the Reviews of his Book February 7, 2005
- Battling the Terrorists December 26, 2004
- How to lose the War on Terror August 2, 2004