Ukraine proves U.S. political & military interventionism starts wars and kills the republic

“The right of revolution is an appeal to the law of nature against the injustice of the existing government.”, Kevin Portteus, May, 2021 (1)

The Russian invasion of Ukraine is entirely justifiable, and probably overdue in the context of Russia’s genuine national-security interests.

The current situation in Ukraine is the result of unrelenting U.S. government intervention in the country, conducted in tandem with George Soros, the U.S. State Department, the EU, the BBC and other war-seeking media outlets, and, apparently, a secret U.S. military operation that built and operated multiple – perhaps 8 — bio-weapons laboratories in Ukraine. These entities – with their NATO buddies – tore down an elected Ukrainian government in 2014 and replaced it with one that is controlled by Soros, past and current U.S. presidents and their families, senior diplomats and generals, EU politicians, former Secretary of State Clinton and her personal criminal gang, and various U.S. business, energy, and banking carpetbaggers.

As an aside, it is worth asking how Washington would react if it found multiple active Russian and/or Chinese chemical weapons laboratories spread across southern Ontario in Canada or nestled just south of the Rio Grande?)

Since 2014, Russian President Putin has demanded one thing: that the United States and NATO pledge not to bring Ukraine into the alliance. That demand was never fulfilled by the West, and so Putin first rightly annexed Crimea and its ports, which are indispensable to the Russian Navy’s Black Sea Fleet. The response he did get was a continuing criminal crusade by the U.S. government to arm Ukraine’s army, use it as the U.S.-Western elites’ money-laundering headquarters, and to blacken and vilify Putin and all of the Russian people.

At that point, the correct response for the peace and welfare of the American people would have been for the U.S. government to deliver its one-year notice of withdrawal from the North Atlantic Treaty, thereby ending America’s reckless participation in the economic, military, and political intervention into Russian affairs that has been ongoing since the dissolution of the USSR in 1991.

Once out of NATO, Americans would see that the European and Canadian regimes do not give a good damn about democracy, and that they are not willing to spend their own money and lives to defend or install it, or to protect themselves. Indeed, all 28 NATO member countries have used the Wuhan-Fauci Flu to dismantle democracy, install tyranny. and kill as many as possible of their citizens with lethal vaccines.

All Americans also would see that neither Democrats nor Republicans have any reliable policies except for getting the nation involved in interventionist wars whenever they can create an opportunity to start one. They already are seeing Biden and the Democratic Party – ever eager to inflict pain on the republic’s citizenry – pushing for increased military intervention in Ukraine, while simultaneously adopting domestic policies which will increase gasoline, heating oil, and natural gas prices in the United States; weaken the U.S. dollar; spur ever higher inflation, and perhaps fatally undermine the U.S. dollar’s status as the world’s reserve currency.

Biden, the Democrats, and the NATO governments are also jointly imposing pain not just on Putin and his government but on the Russian people themselves by suspending their use of PayPal and other such payment services, closing Russian media outlets in Europe, and by expelling all Russian students from European universities.

The Democrats always say they never fail to take political advantage of a crisis, and they are doing so over Ukraine with the ultimate goal of destroying the United States and its people. There is no other way to credibly explain the Biden administration’s disastrous-for-America sanctions on Russia, and its simultaneous attempts – with support from its butt-boys in NATO, the U.S. Congress, the media, the putrid anti-American alliance of Neocons and Israel-Firsters, and retired and serving U.S. flag officers — to goad Putin into more violent operations in Ukraine and beyond.

Now, more than ever, it would serve Americans to recall how deeply mad and traitorous are those who trumpet the idiocy that identifies the United States is an “exceptional nation” and so, one that can, with righteousness and zeal, conduct an interventionist and militarized foreign policy in the name of protecting and spreading democracy.

This concept of exceptionalism would have been anathema to the Founders, as would have the Democrats’ nation-and-society-killing brand of democracy, which is now sapping the marrow of the republic’s increasingly brittle bones.

It is safe to say that for sane Americans, it is in the republic’s and their own self-interest to recall that the only form of “American exceptionalism” that the Founders’ condoned is the one that the brilliant historian Walter A. McDougall described as policy that recognized that America was exceptional only because of her “liberty, unity, and independence at home…. That is, America was rendered exceptional by what she was at home, not by what she did abroad.” (2)

At a time when Biden’s traitor-staffed national government is unconstitutional, devoid of talent, tyrannical, rabidly interventionist, bloodthirsty, profligate, lawless, flamboyantly pagan, and just plain cruel and sadistic, it is the right moment for Americans to see the writing Biden’s band of depraved misfits haswritten on the wall. The time is now for the citizenry to decide whether (a.) they want to maintain the republic and, if the answer is yes, (b.) do they have the gumption to do what is ultimately their constitutional and Christian responsibility. U.S. citizens, after all, “are the masters of their Constitution, to fulfill its purposes and to safeguard it from those who, by perversion of its intent, would convert it to an instrument of injustice.” (3)

Well, it seems clear beyond reasonable doubt that the Democrats are both the perverts and the perverters of our Constitution, government, children, educational system, national character, economy, judiciary, and society. These perverters also are bent on erasing the rights and liberties that each American holds as personal and inalienable property, ones that are based on the principles of God-given natural law and natural rights, which, Alexander Hamilton correctly wrote, are “eternal and immutable law, which is, indispensably obligatory upon all mankind, prior to any institution whatever.” (4) It seems that this fact, and the process of arduous rectification it entails, probably was in the mind of President Trump when he told the 2019 UN General Assembly, “The United States will always uphold our constitutional right to keep and bear arms. We will always uphold our Second Amendment.” (5)


–1.)  Kevin Portteus, “The Right of Revolution in the American Founding,” 18 May 2021;,2021/05/18/the_right_of_revolution_in_the_American_founding_777236.html

–2.) Walter A. McDougall. The Constitutional History of U.S. Foreign Policy. Philadelphia, PA: Foreign Policy Research Institute, 2010, pp. 5-6

–3.) Theodore Roosevelt inserted this piece of hard reality and truth in the 1912 platform of his Bull Moose Party. Quoted in Ibid., p. 38

–4.) Hamilton quoted in Kevin Portteus, “The Right of Revolution in the American Founding,” 18 May 2021,,2021/05/18/the_right_of_revolution_in_the_American_founding_777236.html

–5.) President Donald Trump Speech to UN General Assembly, 24 September 2019, see,

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