The Anti-Defamation League, preaching equality, seeking tyrannical Jewish-American supremacy

I do not recall ever starting an article out with a hilarious and deliberate misinterpretation of reality, so I thought I would give it a try. Here goes:

“[The] ADL is a leading anti-hate organization that was founded in 1913 in response to an escalating climate of antisemitism and bigotry. Today, ADL is the first call when acts of antisemitism occur and continues to fight all forms of hate. A global leader in exposing extremism, delivering anti-bias education and fighting hate online, ADL’s ultimate goal is a world in which no group or individual suffers from bias, discrimination or hate.” (1)

At mid-December, 2021, the inexplicably praised and honored Anti-Defamation League (ADL) cemented one of the great but mostly unspoken truths of American society and politics; that is, Jewish-Americans, as whole, are unreliable and increasingly anti-American citizens. In the latest of a long record of similar actions and anti-free-speech statements, the ADL damned FOX News for reporting that, in essence, George Soros has for decades been working to destroy the American republic, and is being increasingly successful by scuttling the rule of law in U.S. cities and counties through his financial and manpower support for the election “progressive” district attorneys and other local government legal officers.

The ADL statement claimed that anything said about George Soros is automatically anti-Semitic and demanded that FOX delete its milquetoast but truthful Soros story and warned than any mention of Soros should be deemed anti-Semitic. Murdoch, his sons, and their so-called journalists apparently saluted smartly and obeyed. That comes as no shock to someone who was banned from FOX for remarking on another undeniable fact – that Israel has corrupted and owns both houses of Congress using Jewish-American bribers as their surrogates.

Recall, for a moment, what George Soros has done. He has a history of wrecking the British economy and the Malaysian economy; his money and organizations wrecked the post-Soviet Ukraine’s chance to become a functioning and durable representative government, and made it a plantation of corruption to be harvested at will by Soros himself, the Clintons, Bushes, Obamas, the Bidens, and other Democratic Party’s leaders, U.S. ambassadors and senior civil servants. In his early years, Soros self-admittedly helped the Nazis round-up Jews and send them to concentration camps. Now we have him conducting a campaign to stock the American legal system and judiciary with America haters, men and women he has funded the elections of and directed to make the rule of law a thing of the past. And at the same time, his money and organizations are assisting Biden’s administration to bring millions of illegal aliens into the United States. These criminals are then moved at night via private-sector-aircraft flights paid for by the U.S. taxpayers to many areas of the republic.

Now, and I have noted this before, the Israelis have let Soros wreak havoc around the Western and Third worlds – and grow extremely rich in the process – without making a single effort to bring him back to Israel for trial and incarceration as a Nazi Jew-Killer. Is there another example of the Israeli government and Jewish-American leaders not ferociously seeking such action for any other Nazi-Jew-killer, but rather seeking to maintain his or her lethal viability and allow his criminal activities to continue even against governments whose aid is key to Israel’s survival? Why would Israel go and get a U.S.-based, 90-year old ex-camp guard, but ignore a gloating and sinister Jew-Killer like Soros and let him be protected by the ADL? (NB: If the Congress was not owned by Israel and obeying its orders, would it not make sense for Congress to condition any further aid to Israel on the latter’s immediate action to rid the world of Soros?)

The answer is simple, Israel and what seems to be most Jewish-Americans – the leaders and the led – are anti-America. In the republic’s current time of troubles – 2015 to the present – a substantial number of Jewish-American journalists, media and social-media leaders and employees, think tanks, religious, and political organizations, and, apparently, the great mass of Jewish-American voters have fought for and successfully erased a domestic environment that was experiencing the start of a strong and prolonged period of economic growth – particularly for lower and middle class families. Jewish Americans were also in the lead for ending U.S. energy independence in the name of the climate fraud they and their allies champion. In domestic politics, Jewish-American professionals and intellectuals have led the normalization of inadequately funded police, supported and praised terrorist attackers from Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA, helped to imposed gender terrorism on children, heaped constant hate, denigration, and humiliation on the American south, and wrecked the U.S. education system at all of its levels. Jewish-Americans from many walks of life also are in the van of stoking and supporting racism toward whites, vilifying Christians and Christianity, refusing to prosecute Black criminals, and protecting pedophiles.

In addition, and on personal note, I have to say that since I entered college in 1970, and thereafter became strongly interested in American politics, I have noted that on almost every issue that I decided was worthy of either my vote or my opposition, Jewish Americans – and especially their organizations, billionaires, Hollywood moguls, journalists, media, and political, business and social leaders – stood in opposition to me and those who shared my views. They and their media supported unnecessary overseas interventionist wars, limitless abortions during and after pregnancy, open borders and unlimited illegal immigration, climate fanaticism and the fascist government needed to implement that fanaticism, anti-white racism, black supremacy (as long at the supremacists took direction from Jewish-Americans), sexual depravity of every description, medical tyranny, any amount of limitations on free speech rights that Jewish-American demand, abolition of the 2nd Amendment, Jewish-American enslavement of the U.S. Congress in the cause of absolute support for soon-to-be-dying, vaccination-mad state of Israel. They are currently seeking to make second-class citizens and incarcerate those Americans who refuse to be killed by Fauci, Gates, and Soros.

All of this makes it plain to me: Jewish-Americans are opting out of the American republic and are part of the governing elite that – via the Wuhan Flu and Climate Change – are determined to make America into fascist state. Let’s end where we started. Last week the head of the ADL Jonathan Greenblatt discussed his new book, It Could Happen Here, with an NPR dupe. Greenblatt’s book, of course, is about what he describes as the growing danger of discrimination in the United States, in the form of anti-Semitism and other varieties, claiming it may threaten democracy.

This is the usual crock of crap from Jewish-American leaders who are themselves doing, and have long been doing, exactly what they accuse all of those they define as enemies of doing; namely killing republican government. George Soros, for example, is trying to tear down America in every way he can, he has said so publicly on many occasions. He also has spent enormous amounts of money to eviscerate the rule of law in the United States. Finally, Soros helped the Nazi’s round-up Jews for the death camps and said on 60 Minutes that it was “the best time” of his life.

The foregoing is a simple, well-documented and videoed fact. And what did Greenblatt tell NPR about the bent-on-destroying America Soros? Well, take a look at the following question-and- answer with the NPR interviewer, whose question, you will note, frames Soros as simply a man involved in “political activity”.

INSKEEP: What do you make of people who refer to antisemitism in oblique ways, in ways that the audience themselves may not entirely pick up on it? I think, for example, of critical references to George Soros, just kind of general attacks on George Soros, who is politically active and happens to be Jewish.

GREENBLATT: When you somehow believe that a shadowy Jewish figure is responsible for everything from COVID-19 to paying – I don’t know – migrant caravans to cross the border to trying to undermine democracy, that is really problematic. So – you know, I say this as someone who doesn’t agree with everything George Soros believes. But I’m certainly not going to entertain the fantasy that he is manipulating events from behind the scenes. And whether George Soros or – some might have said the late Sheldon Adelson did that. Others in a previous generation said the Rothschild family was doing that. But all of it, Steve, bears a hallmark of classic antisemitism, and it’s a sign of the fracturing of civil society in ways that are very frightening.

This kind of defense and celebration of a vicious miscreant like Soros makes it seem that Greenblatt really works for the Anti-Democratic, Pro-Fascism League. And he does.

Come retribution … and it is, God willing, coming soon.




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