The stuff dreams are made of

The Wuhan-Fauci flu has proven beyond doubt that the United States is – as it ought to be – alone in the world, and must begin to act in accordance with this fact. In other words, the republic’s only foreign-policy option is America First. We are world’s last preserve of the “English liberties” that our Founders fought a war to recapture from Britain’s tyranny. If the republic survives, it will be shorn of the large group of our allies – English-speaking and others – whose only talent was an eagerness to graciously accept shipping containers loaded with U.S. taxpayer dollars designated to pay for their defense.

The Australian, Canadian, New Zealand, and British governments have abandoned those liberties and have embraced — like Biden and the Democrats — flagrant and cruel authoritarianism as the way forward. The Australian regime is hunting down its aboriginal population as if they were the European Jews of yesteryear, all in the name of forcibly vaccinating them and other citizens to death. The country’s prime minister this week publicly identified those taking the vaccines as “the sheep”. The Canadians are ruled by Pierre Trudeau’s effete and mentally retarded son. This weasel is building concentration camps for his political opponents, preventing personal mobility for unvaccinated citizens, persecuting pastors and hamstringing Christians’ ability to practice their faith, and is openly trying to apply China’s murderous, communist governing and policing procedures to Canada. (NB: If Trudeau succeeds in CCP’ing Canada, the United States would have to invade and destroy Trudeau and his government and try give Canadians a chance to return to their national political sanity, which was once deservedly admired worldwide. If American First means anything, it means a refusal to allow the creation of a Chinese colony along the entire length of the republic’s northern border which would give China deep-water naval ports on both coasts and threaten, at least, U.S. border states, Alaska, and Arctic energy supplies.)

In New Zealand, a palpably insane and cadaverous-looking female prime minister is trying to outdo Trudeau’s madness, and boasts that she has deliberately made non-vaccinated Kiwis into an underclass which is unworthy of freedom, civil liberties, and, soon, access to food and health care if they refuse vaccination. And, in Britain, a delusional prime minister, whose intellectual capabilities do not include knowing how to use a comb, is ready to lockdown the UK and keep unvaccinated Britons out of grocery stores and out of work. He also has done nothing to prevent many thousands of the elderly from freezing to death in the coming winter.

These English-speaking nations and their liberties, then, are coming to their end primarily because they have, since at least the 1960s, trained sweetly-effete male populations that have voluntarily surrendered the right to bear arms to governments that today are only a whisker away from fascism. The citizens’ right to bear arms was first guaranteed in Britain, and it is there that it began to die. In reality, eighty-percent of the English-speaking world has been demolished and enslaved by its governments because those regimes have no fear of an angry population that can be shot down at pleasure and lack the tools with which to shoot back.

America stands as the last, if barely viable, English-speaking republic, and it appears to be headed for a Biden-desired civil war, a war that will decide whether all lands founded on the basis of English liberties are to be extinguished from the earth. Americans have a chance because they are armed, and because the Biden administration is as traitorous, mad, and intellectually deficient as its leader. It believes that America’s population is too cowardly and lazy to resist its criminality – like vaccinating kids and new-borns without their parents’ consent — and its unconstitutional-cum-fascist behavior. The surprise the Bidenites birthed and now have instore from armed Americans will shock them even as they are passing from the scene and heading to their reward. It will be a pleasure for all Americans to help give them a warm send-off as they begin their journey to hell.

Another bright spot for America – if its citizens win the civil war Biden will start with false-flag events – is that the lethal anchor known as NATO will be, at long last, no more than an annoying memory. NATO member governments and their leaders have long since stopped being democratic or even representative of their people. The continent is flooded with unwanted, illiterate, violent, and untrained African, South Asian, and Muslim migrants who are on the dole and use their time to groom kids for the use of pedophiles. They are royally treated by the region’s governments with scads of money, health and housing benefits, and legal preferences unavailable to the native-born.

Americans already know the disaster that unlimited and illegal immigration inflicts on native-born citizens, but they are largely ignorant of this fact in the European context because the U.S. media ignores it. Neither do they know that European police in Britain, Spain, Belgium, France, Austria, Ireland, Italy, and other regional countries apparently were trained by the CCP’s crowd-control police. Europe’s police forces have shown extraordinary zest for mixing with their fellow countrymen and then beating the hell out of them if they choose to publicly protest vaccinations, unfair treatment before the law, or the regime-blessed importation of human scum. NATO was formed, after all, to protect European democracy from the westward march of the Red Army and Soviet communism. NATO’s European and Canadian members have murdered their democracies – making a joke of the North Atlantic Treaty that founded NATO — and via that blessed event America has slid off a very expensive and war-causing hook.

With European democracy dead, the European Union as a whole is much more like the USSR than is Putin’s Russia. Indeed, nothing but good for average Europeans could result from a Russian military invasion not limited to Ukraine; it would be more accurate to describe such an event as a “humanitarian expedition”. It would find little resistance from most European militaries, and there may well be broad public support for the Russians by the mass of globalism-hating Europeans. Regrading the latter group, the Russian army’s medical corps might cinch popular support for Russia if it brings ample supplies of Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine to hand out to Europeans threatened by Fauci’s poison vaccines. Once in control, the Russian military would manage a temporary occupation; Putin would not stay long as he has no interest in having effete and irreligious Europeans further dilute his nation’s population of native Russians.

If such a situation comes to pass, the Russian military ought to seize all EU prime ministers, their cabinets, and their senior bureaucrats and generals; all members of EU Commission and their senior bureaucrats; all members of the Davos Group; all UN employees in Europe; Soros and his lieutenants; and all members of the World Economic Forum. Such a comprehensive round-up of Europe’s grandee-parasites would end their plans to control peoples’ lives; murder their way to new, low-population societies; build new and more fascist bureaucracies, and help destroy the American republic. These people have ruined most of Europe, almost all of the English-speaking world, and parts of the United States. The Russian military could transport these criminals back to Russia, along with enough booty to pay for the Russian military’s humanitarian expedition into Europe. Putin then could dust off a few of the old gulags in Siberia for these criminals and let them plan to their hearts content as they simultaneously rot, starve, and freeze to death in sub-zero temperatures.

Happy days, then, would be near again.




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