A fence around the Capitol makes tyranny official and civil war certain

We can always depend on the Democrats and Republicans to steadily clarify that they compose a single-party tyranny. They exploited 9/11 to make themselves nearly inaccessible to the citizenry. Absurd levels of security made it such a pain to visit the Capitol that it was hardly worth the time to try. Their mail from citizens was delayed interminably to allow it to be checked for biological or chemical weapons after a few weaponized envelopes arrived at government facilities. They probably were sent by the FBI or another three-letter agency to justify denying citizens letter-access to their representatives. That left e-mail, which can be silently and immediately deleted with a single click. And, have you ever tried to contact the office of your senator or representative by telephone? Usually, you are diverted to a recording machine, or given a long list of confusing options. All of this was meant to close off Congress and Senate from the people they regard as untermenschen, hate with a passion, and whom they need only every two or four years from September to November.

Now the the 535 corrupt tyrants have completed the isolation job with a very tall and strong fence around the capitol, as if any loyal Americans retained the slightest interest in dealing with them in any manner but a final one. These 535 individuals are absolutely “the enemy of the people”. They are the friends only of violent minorities, pedophiles, grifters, extortionists, sexual deviants, arsonists, socialists, communists, thieves, anti-American foreigners, narcotics, women, and child traffickers, illegal aliens, Wall Street and Big Tech gangsters, and traitorous federal bureaucrats and U.S. military general officers.

Behind the new fence lies the malignant hive of those seeking to murder the republic and its supporters and their families. The inhabitants of the hive are living in their perfect world, no citizens have access to them as the fill their pockets, torture children, pass information to China for reward, impoverish and enslave the citizenry, and destroy the Constitution and the republic.

Soon, however, they will discover that they have placed themselves in a self-made prison. Though they are invulnerable heroes in their own minds, they are the fully identified and easily located. And that fence, well its posts are tall enough to serve multiple purposes, one of which may well be hanging stations.

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