Two interconnected causes of war stand on the near-horizon of American life

One cause of war on the horizon is the continuation of the Democrats’ fascist plan to enslave Americans under the cover of the Fauci’s Chinese-Virus fraud; a virus which he helped develop by steering U.S. funding to China’s Wuhan chemical-warfare laboratory. Fauci’s acolytes delight in terrorizing children and halting their education, destroying the nation’s backbone of small businesses, and encouraging permanently adolescent Americans of all ages – especially well-off women – to try to block self-reliant Americans from running the risk of the virus to get to work, open their shops, and keep their families and country afloat. But now these enslaved fear-mongers are being wonderfully abandoned by the faux-god Fauci, who is saying Trump was right, kids should be in school; that quarantines must be shorter; and, most recently, that the Chinese Virus magically will start to fade on 20 January 2021, the day he mistakenly thinks a corrupt and treasonous corpse will become president.

Fools always follow tyrants, and there are no bigger fools in the republic than well-off women, Ivy League graduates, media members, and the millions of  white morons who believe BLM, ANTIFA, BAM, and other groups and political entities are supporting racial equality, when they are merely self-loathing white Democrat tyrants and racist and violence-loving Black Supremacists who together are seeking to make America into another murderous, Black Supremacist South Africa. (NB: Is it not interesting that what appears to be the bulk of those individuals who have been videoed while in the act of election rigging have been Black Americans counting votes in Democrat ruled cities and areas? Even when committing a capital crime, the Democrats have made sure to exploit an opportunity to create tensions between Black Americans and Americans of all other races.)

The other cause of war, of course, is the sham election that the nation experienced on 3 November, 2020. The hard-evidence of fraud and treason in multiple states is now clear. There are:

–Videos of criminals-in-action switching or adding votes in multiple cities and counties

–Screen crawls on FOX and other networks showing Trump votes being switched in real-time to the corpse’s column

–Caches of U.S. presidential votes in server farms overseas

–Nearly a thousand sworn affidavits describing treason-in-progress among vote-switching election officials in multiple states

–Voting machines that have been proven to be purpose-designed for purchasers – that is, state governments – who want to fix elections

–Multiple state and federal judges whose wisdom is found not in the law, but in personal greed, partisanship, and a talent for treason

–Mainstream media that are 100-percent in support of ensuring the corpse’s election, and 100-percent active in spreading vicious derision and hate for Americans who voted for Trump, individuals who are now being joined by other Americans who see that the national election was rigged by a cabal of traitorous Americans and interventionist foreign powers.

War is never a pleasure, but, as after Pearl Harbor, it can be the only recourse left to those who have been attacked. The loyal American citizenry has put up with unrelenting, illegal, and scurrilous attacks on themselves and their leaders since 2015, and those Americans are now experiencing an acceleration of such attacks – including physical attacks – by those who hate them and all they and the republic stand for and hold dear.

The constitutional path Trump and his advocates are following is, for now, the correct way to be proceeding. But if the election cases come to Supreme Court and it proves to be as corrupt as the lower courts – and some decisions by Chief Justice Roberts have been amateurish and laughable, suggesting he is owned by Obama, and that Kavanaugh may yet prove to be owned by Bush family – the time for action will have arrived.

If the Supreme Court proves treasonous, the choice will be simple. President Trump can declare martial law and put paid to what is now a five-year long and treasonous insurrection, or loyal Americans, who, as Franklin Roosevelt said on 8 December 1941, “always will … remember the character of the onslaught against us” can pick up their arms and do the job themselves. They will act to defend the republic, and, as Roosevelt said of Americans in 1941, “[n]o matter how long it may take us to overcome this premeditated invasion [in this case, premeditated foreign-supported insurrection], the American people in their righteous might will win through to absolute victory. … [S]o help us God.” [1] 



–1.) The text of FDR’s speech requesting a Congressional declaration of war against Japan on 8 December 1941 is at,-0.143,1.05,0.962,0. The film of Roosevelt’s speech also is well worth watching. You seldom see/hear such anger and menace in a man’s face and words. See,



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