It would be the hardest but most important decision in America’s history

“And those times are perilous indeed, wherein men shall be only lovers of their own selves, having no concern for the public. Should we go to pagans to learn this god-like virtue? Even they can teach it. [A Christian lacking patriotism] would be a reproach not only to his religion, a religion of charity and beneficence, but even to our own common nature, as corrupt and depraved as it is. But how much more infamous were this, in persons of public character? On those whom the welfare of their country, under providence, immediately depends.” Rev. Jonathan Mayhew, Sermon, 1754 (1)

Life is full of hard decisions, but I am not sure that any American has faced a harder decision than the one that may soon come President Trumps’ way. That decision, if it becomes necessary, would be based on the question: “Do I turn over the presidency, the national government, and the republic’s survival to this man Biden and his criminal gang, all of whom are active covert agents of the Beijing regime and, apparently, the Russian government?”

The evidence showing that Joe Biden, most of his family, and the members of their loyal entourage, are engaged in corrupt and treasonous actions directed against the American republic is voluminous, reliably sourced from multiple reporting streams, and illuminated by documents, photos, first-hand testimony, and videos. Perhaps most important, the evidence is heavily underscored by the Democrats and the media having already stolen four years of the republic’s life in multiple criminal and treasonous attempts to overthrow a legitimately elected president and his administration.

It also underscored by several other facts. If Biden is elected:

–The president-elect will be mentally deranged, word slurring, and probably would not live long after the inauguration. His number would come up either via illness, or by poison or a bullet from his inner circle. In running for the presidency, Biden served Beijing, Moscow, a China-backed U.S. political party, and his family’s unquenchable greed, all of which he obviously loves far more than his country and its people.

–While a president-elect Biden’s death would be cause for celebration — marking one less dedicated foe of liberty — it would pave the way for a veneer of socialism which would hide the tyranny being installed by the Democrats and the media. His vice president is a cypher, but she will do until she is no longer needed and can be disposed of. Those who decide when she becomes a martyr, would first destroy what is left of the republic’s Constitution and the rule of law.

–How would the tyrants accomplish the end of the republic? Here it is important to review the names found on two recent public communiques — one of 500 signatures, the other of 50– that support Biden. These documents are signed by long disloyal senior U.S. intelligence officers — including several senior CIA leaders I worked with or for; multiple traitorous U.S. generals and admirals; and large numbers of ambassadors and lower-ranking diplomats from  the State Department, which has long been the center of the most intense anti-Americanism in the federal civil service. Each of those signers are willing and capable of stepping forth to help Biden and his party to control the national government and end the republic. All of them belong in Guantanamo Bay.

There are many other reasons to try to hold onto power, but the most important can be found in the oath-of-office President Trump swore on 17 January 2017:

 “I, Donald John Trump, do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. So help me God.” (2)

Having thus pledged his loyalty and commonsense to loyal Americans, their Constitution, and to the Lord, President Trump must never turn power over to Biden and his traitorous cabal. Oddly, the Constitution implies, but does not  explicitly demand or order, that a sitting president must turn power over to a victorious rival. It is a custom and tradition that was established in 1800 when John Adams turned over power to Thomas Jefferson.

Obviously, this is a tradition that should be revered and honored in every conceivable circumstance, except one. And that one may present itself in the week ahead Why? Because the current would-be successor to the presidency clearly intends to destroy the republic and enslave all Americans under a knotted whip, using such tools as court-packing, internment camps, lock-downs, the seizing of personal arms, and via a copied-from-China surveillance program for watching all Americans, all the time. The most dangerous domestic enemies and threat the republic has ever faced – not excepting Southern secessionists – are to be found among Biden and his fellow members of the Democratic Party’s utterly corrupt and anti-liberty majority, which is a stinking morass of elitists, globalists, flag officers, atheists, abortionists, media shills, vote-riggers, senior civil servants, censors, thieves, two-bit grifters, minority-supremacists, freed felons, child-abusers like Hunter Biden and Bill Clinton, socialists, anarchists, and terrorists.

So hold the presidential office against all comers, Mr. President. If U.S. flag officers turn on you, the military’s junior officers and enlisted men and women will stay the course and defend the republic. You have great personal courage, Sir, and you also enjoy the unbreakable allegiance of tens of millions of well-armed Americans — men and women. To buck yourself up a bit, Mr. President, recall and apply Churchill’s response to the actions of his nation’s enemies: “The enemies ranged against us, coalesced and combined against us, have asked for total war. Let us make sure they get it.” (3)

Finally, Mr. President, your supporters know that you identify yourself as a Republican, but, in reality, you are, like America’s Founders, a republican. And those of us who, like you, count themselves as republicans, see you in the same way that Churchill saw T.E. Lawrence [Lawrence of Arabia], namely: “If things were going badly, how glad one would be to see him come ’round the corner.”[4]

Glad to have you with us, Sir.



–1.) B.F. Melton, Jr. (Ed.), The Quotable Founders, Dulles, VA, Potomac Books, 2004, pp. 211-212


–3.) Frederick Talbott. Churchill on Courage. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1996, Speech on 30 December 1941

–4.) Ibid., Speech on 3 October 1936

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