Two weeks of tired Democrat melodramas meant to destroy the republic

The last two weeks have seen a series of events, staged by the Democrats and their indentured media, which were intended to make Americans believe that Joe Biden and the dominant, vicious-animal wing of their party are as pure as driven snow. Their campaign is rather pathetic, perhaps even moronic. It fools only fools.

First, Russia is said to have again leaped into the ring, and is seeking to influence the 2020 election. This time the crafty Russians are trying to defeat Joe Biden’s presidential bid. I wrote here in 2016 that Russia certainly wanted Hillary Clinton to win the presidency as Putin owned her, given the uranium she, Obama, and Holder sold to him, and the fact that Moscow’s  intelligence services know every last thing that goes on in Ukraine, and so knew that Hillary, George Soros, and assorted U.S. diplomats, military officers, and contractors, were filling their pockets with bribe money from Ukraine’s oligarchs, while also stealing from the pot of money U.S. taxpayers sent to aid Ukrainians.

Now we have the sly old Russians wanting to defeat Joe Biden even though they own him via the Moscow mayor’s wife transfer of $3.5 million to Biden’s son, and whatever other receipts for Russian and Chinese money that have yet to be published from the one or more laptops that Biden’s son took in for repair and then abandoned. Again, the idea that the Putin and the Russian intelligence services would want to avoid having their fully-owned asset (Joe Biden) in the Oval Office is as stupid as believing that they wanted to defeat Hillary.

You simply do not take the risk, time, and expense to court and develop a high-profile foreigner, recruit him, arrange to compromise and so own him, and then voluntarily surrender the chance to have your star asset become the U.S. President. The Russians owned and aided Hillary in the 2016 election, ditto for Biden in 2020, although he also is owned by the Chinese president and his intelligence services. If Biden is elected, Beijing and Moscow will have to manage the use of Biden to do their bidding as if he was human timeshare; until, that is, he is removed or eliminated as president — as he surely will be — so the republic does not have a traitor at its helm.

Next came the effort of the Democrats and their media servants to convince the electorate that the computers Biden’s less-than-worthless son abandoned, signed a receipt for, and, for which, Biden’s personal attorney frantically telephoned and emailed the holders of to demand their return, are all parts of a Russia-orchestrated frame-up of poor old Scranton Joe.

No one buys this bullshit scenario, not even its Democrat and media authors. The computer story is a closed case. The Bidens are criminals. The computers belong to Biden’s kid and hold abundant and irrefutable evidence — supported by equally definitive evidence from other reliable sources — that proves how unbridled greed can ruin and, hopefully, imprison an entire family. This is especially the case when the most ruthless, greedy, deceitful, and cold-blooded member of the family is its head; in this case, Joe Biden.

Finally, and right on cue, we are all witnessing the joyous celebration of the high-culture of Black Lives Matter and their ANTIFA buddies in Philadelphia. A crazed, knife-wielding miscreant gets killed by the police he was threatening, and so these two organizations take to the streets to mourn the attacker’s demise in the traditional BLM/ANTIFA manner: arson, rioting, destruction, vandalism, hate chants, grand larceny, abuse of bystanders, and the use of cars to run over people.

It is surely a vicious, animalistic culture, but you can be sure that its glories have been seared into the memories of Americans who still merit identification as decent human beings. That said, it is a culture that is every bit as worth defending and preserving as the culture of Nazi Germany at the height of Hitler’s power. That is, it is worthless, criminal, peopled mainly by vermin, and worthy only of annihilation, by legal means if possible.




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