What Judge Barrett cannot explain to Americans

There are three obvious points that Judge Barrett cannot make in the abusive, hectoring hearings she is experiencing. They are:

–The Democrats are trying –publicly — to intimidate Judge Barrett by building a false case for the media to use. They are enabling the media to claim, if she joins a Court majority and votes for the end of Obama Care, that she voted in that way because she promised the President she would do so. It is clearly an adolescent operation, but the Democrats and the media are terminal, and criminal, adolescents.

–The Obama Care law is before the Supreme Court because the Democrats wrote a constitutionally invalid bill. Remember, Pelosi said the Democrats did not read it until it was passed into law.

–The Supreme Court must take notice of the everyday impact that comes from deciding that a federal law is unconstitutional; it is an aspect of the case’s overall story. However, the Court has no duty, indeed it would be a severe dereliction of its duty, for the Court to let an unconstitutional law stand because some people might be adversely impacted by its legal undoing. The Supreme Court does not exist to nurse-maid the citizenry; it is there to ensure Americans live under the rule of constitutional laws.

–The people who the Democrats claim will be damaged by the nullification of Obama Care would have no gripe with that decision by the Supreme Court. Their gripe appropriately lies only with the Democrats in Congress, their Constitutionally-ignorant lawyers, and their mentally feeble Speaker of the House, all of whom wrote the Obama Care bill in an unconstitutional manner.

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