Speaker Pelosi: You and the Red Mirage coup planners will meet a Red Bloodbath

Let the danger never be so great, there is a possibility of safety whilst men have life, hands, arms, and courage to use them; but the people must surely perish, who tamely suffer themselves to be oppress’d, either by the injustice, cruelty, and malice of an ill magistrate, or by those who prevail upon the vices and infirmities of a weak prince. Algernon Sidney, 1683

Speaker Pelosi: The words of your recent scurrilous and deceitful attack on your hairdresser for doing as you asked, I suppose, are just another of the ways of acting and speaking you learned from your parents in their “good Catholic home”, along with such lessons as murdering the unborn, evading/ignoring the law, lying, theft, killing, stealing from your neighbors, and worshiping multiple false gods. I can only thank the one true God that your parents are no longer around to infect others with the same “faith” you repeatedly have told us that they taught you.

In its own right, your personal beauty-salon disgrace is small potatoes. But it is emblematic of the Democratic Party’s deep and longstanding hatred for working and middlle-class Americans of all races and faiths. We felt the heat of that hatred long before 2016, but since that date it has been directed by your party at a full blast against working people and the president they elected to rid the republic from the likes of you, Schumer, as well the Clinton and Obama crime families and their federal civil service and U.S. miltary abettors

No matter how this November’s election turns out, Madam Speaker, you, your party, and its rank-and-file will be the losers. At that date, those of us you and they hate will remember that:

–Your governors deliberately murdered tens of thousands of the elderly in nursing homes during the China Virus.

–Your lackeys in the national government heath bureaucracy killed many tens of thousands more Americans by blocking the use of hydroxychloroquine.

–Your same lackeys padded Chinese Virus death tolls to hide the fact that only 6-percent of the total deaths were caused by Wuhan flu.

–Your mayors, governors, donors, and caucus have not only allowed, but assisted and funded the Soros/Democrat-terrorist groups BLM and ANTIFA to burn U.S. cities, destroy small businesses, and kill Americans.

–Your party used Fauci’s fantasy/1984-science and the Democratic media to keep attacking the economy, to destroy small businesses, and to ruthlessly terrorize and mentally harm young children with 24/7 virus-hype and by denying them a decent, in-person education.

–You, Biden, Cuomo, the New York Times, and many other of your party’s sub-human leaders – including the consummate dope, Joe Biden — have threatened President Trump and to burn down America if Trump is re-elected. These threatening words could only come people who have no idea how much loyal Americans ferociously hate being threatened, particularly by transparently corrupt Democratic politicians and their media goons.

–Your presidential candidate has said he will lock down the county whenever Fauci-science and that berserker Bill Gates say to do so; promised to terminate U.S. energy independence and re-subjugate us to the Gulf Arabs; promised to reinvigorate the wars Trump is winding down; and blithely promised to impoverish all working Americans by enormous increases in taxation and renewed regulatory insanity.

–Your party and its addled, buffoonish presidential candidate have promised to end equality before the law for whites by legislating legal superiority for deranged members of minorities, Marxists, sexual deviants, felons, and illegal aliens.

–Your party, for nearly a century, has been the lethal enemy of Americans; their Constitution and Bill of Rights; their ability to be free and self-reliant; their children, in all aspects of their lives; and their Union, their history and its symbols, their patriotism, and their Christian faith.

The 2016 election, Madam Speaker, signed your party’s death warrant. Win or lose in 2016, the time has come for your party – and its Republican allies – to pay the piper for their crimes. If Trump wins, your end will we come via conviction under longstanding and easily understood constitutional and legal processes, and then execution.

If, Madam Speaker, you and your party make good on your pledge and plot to steal the election, your demise also will come to you constitutionally through the application of the 2nd Amendment. In the latter event, justice can be delivered swiftly without a great deal of time-consuming judicial folderol.

Let me close, Madam Speaker, with a bit of instruction authored by a genuine and patriotic Christian, one whom you and your sainted family surely have never heard of, and would never understand in any event. Writing in 1750, the great Massachusetts Protestant divine, Reverend Jonathan Mayhew, explained in a sermon to his congregation – one that was taken by the Founders to heart and mind – the religious duty of all people to resist and destroy an authoritarian leader and his/her regime. “If we calmly consider the nature of the thing,” Mayhew explained in his sermon,

nothing can well be imagined more directly contrary to common sense, than to suppose millions of people should be subjected to the arbitrary, precarious pleasure of one man; (who has naturally no superiority over them in point of authority) so that their estates and everything that is valuable to them in life, and even their lives also, shall absolutely be at his disposal if he happens to be wanton and capricious enough to want them. What unprejudiced man can think that god made ALL subservient to the lawless pleasure and phrenzy of ONE, so that it will always be a sin to resist him! Nothing but the most plain and express revelation from heaven could make a sober impartial man believe such a monstrous, unaccountable doctrine, and indeed, the thing itself, appears so shocking – so out of all proportion, that it may be questioned, whether all the miracles ever wrought, could make it credible, that this doctrine really came from god. At present, there is not the least syllable in scripture that gives any countenance to it. [2]

The much-merited retribution you and your party will receive if you steal the election, Madam Speaker, will be delivered with the quiet determination that typifies the people of this patient, Christian republic, people who know their duty, as described by Rev. Mayhew, it is to annihilate your authoritarianism; these are the patient people of all colors who you and your party have ridiculed, abused, impoverished, and enslaved since the 1930s.

As a personal aside, if the Democrat-promised red mirage mandates the response of a red bloodbath, I pray that I can play at least a small role in the latter’s delivery of justice. In particular, I hope I can help to give justice to politicians in both parties, certain employees of the CIA, NSA, FBI, NSC, and the U.S. military flag officers, whom, I know firsthand, cynically ensured that Osama bin Laden remained alive to stage the 9/11 attack the Democrats and Republicans needed to justify the invasion and occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq, invasions that yielded their control and sale of the narcotics grown and/or trafficked in each, as well as the control of the human-trafficking conducted in and through each.

As the (cleaned-up-a-bit) saying goes, Speaker Pelosi, you and your army of Democrat and Republican authoritarians and Red Miragers will find payback is a catastrophically lethal experience.


–1.) Algernon Sidney. Discourses Concerning Government. Indianapolis, IN: The Liberty Fund, 1996. This edition of Sidney’s fundamental work of republicanism was edited by the fine American scholar Thomas G. West, who also contributed to it an excellent and thorough introduction.

–2.) See, Jonathan Mayhew, “A Discourse Concerning Unlimited Submission and Non-Resistance to the Higher Powers,” 30 January 1750. http://digitalcommons.unl.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1044&context=etas


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