Five points explaining the obvious about the Ukraine issue, and a comment on Joe Biden

Here goes:

–1.) President Trump, one can say with confidence, is engaged in trying to complete the other half of Robert Mueller’s job. Mueller found no connection between Mr. Trump and his campaign and Russia, and no obstruction of justice. (NB: No case can be built in U.S. constitutional jurisprudence for saying, as did Mueller, that he cannot indict Trump but cannot exonerate him. Such a statement proves Mueller either is a devious liar or a decidedly addled old man.) Mueller’s findings are conclusive; no Russia ties, no obstruction. These findings, of course, ignored the fact that illegal operations were undertaken by the Democrats — with foreign help — to end candidate Trump’s campaign and, later, to overthrow his presidency. No one among the Muellerites or the Democrats thought this fact was worth investigating.

–2.) The residue left behind by Mueller and his gang of partisans included much regarding Ukraine. These men and women knew that at least some of their framing of Paul Manafort was based on a “black ledger” fabricated by pro-Clinton Ukrainians; that the DNC server was controlled by a company owned by a wealthy Ukrainian, and may have been moved there to be kept away from Comey’s traitorous keystone cops (as if they wanted it); that the U.S. embassy in Kiev was a hive of anti-Trump cooperation between George Soros and his lieutenants and the U.S. State Department under Hillary Clinton and John Kerry; that Ukraine that was largest single donor to the criminal Clinton Foundation; and that numerous senior Ukrainian-government officials were outspokenly pro-Hillary Clinton in 2016. Clearly, this is more than enough to suspect that nothing good happened in Ukraine for Mr. Trump and the United States in 2016 or since, as well as that Ukrainians directly and indirectly sought to prevent Trump’s victory in 2016.

–3.) Now president, Mr. Trump decided to complete the half of the Mueller investigation that Mueller’s traitorous lynch mob left unstarted. Once the just-noted Ukrainian assistance for Hillary Clinton in 2016 was documented; once the video was shown of Joe Biden publicly bragging that he forced the removal of a prosecutor who was investigating crimes committed by a Ukrainian energy company whose Board of Directors included Biden’s son; once it became known for sure – via documents now being published across the globe but not by U.S. mainstream media – that Biden’s son was paid at least $83,000/month even though he had no talent or experience pertinent to the work of an energy company; and once it became known that Biden, his son, members of the Kerry family, and other of their friends also appear to be enjoying $1.5 billion of ill-gotten loot from the Chinese government, Mr. Trump had to act against the Ukraine-based corruption that appears to have been demanded from the Ukrainians by Soros, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, and the U.S. State Department.

–4.) It is perfectly obvious, then, that Mr. Trump – as the republic’s chief law enforcement officer – had to move against the Ukrainian oligarchs and criminals who had been dragooned by the Democratic Party, the U.S. State Department, and the U.S. embassy in Kiev (does the odious name Victoria Nuland ring a bell?) to assist them in, first, stealing the 2016 election for Hillary Clinton and, second, to remove the legitimate president of the United States. At this point, Mr. Trump’s Ukraine policy has done immeasurably more to ensure the fairness of the 2020 election, than Comrade Obama ever did to stop what his criminal regime claimed to be Russia’s intervention in 2016. In fact, the Clapper-Brennan-hyped claims of massive Russian intervention in 2016 increasingly look like much ado about not much, and much more like overwrought assertions that provided the groundwork from which to frame and eliminate a presidential candidate and then a fairly elected president.

–5.) Because all of the foregoing is factual, I would maintain that Mr. Trump would have been negligent as the republic’s chief magistrate if he had not sought to ensure that the gangster-led Democratic Party was not able to turn their allied Ukrainian oligarchs, forgers, and thieves against the American people again in the 2020 election. Indeed, Mr. Trump might well have been held accountable at the 2020 polls if he had not moved against the country’s greatest, most lawless, and most disgusting enemies, the Democratic Party and its Ukrainian minions.

A final point, Pelosi, Schiff, Nadler, Schumer, other Democratic criminals, their hired, well-paid media guns, and that ass Romney claim that Mr. Trump went after Ukrainian corruption only because he feared Joe Biden would defeat his reelection bid in 2020. This claim is far beyond absurd and lies on the border of daft. Any person who has seen recent video of Biden the political campaigner – tongue-tied, bleeding from the eyes, unable to recall the second point of a two-point statement, bragging about his old segregationist buddies, projecting the image of a swaggering dazed man, getting publicly angry at his own supporters’ questions, not knowing what state he is visiting, etc. – can easily see that he is as much of an electoral threat to Mr. Trump as a bow-and-arrow would be to an Abrams tank.

I once wrote in this space that Joe Biden was the pale shadow of a former nothing. I hereby apologize for vastly over-rating him.



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