There can be no unity with these Democrats, the only options are their arrest and trial, or civil war

–“In our own native land, in defence of the freedom that is our birthright, and which we ever enjoyed till the late violation of it — for the protection of our property, acquired solely by the honest industry of our fore-fathers and ourselves, against violence actually offered, we have taken up arms. We shall lay them down when hostilities shall cease on the part of the aggressors, and all danger of their being renewed shall be removed, and not before.” John Dickinson and Thomas Jefferson, 6 July 1775 (1)

–“… the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.” (2)

–“Blessed be the Lord my strength which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight …” (3)

I have previously written on this issue in this space. I do so again now because of the steady stream of cant coming from FOX News citing the need for immediate “unity” between the two parties, and the need for the both parties to cooperate in Congress and “work for the good of the American people” has gone on for far too long. Whatever the hopes of FOX News and its leaders, the truth should, once in a while, be inserted into the network’s broadcasts. In this case, the truth is that, as of this writing, there appears to be no possible ground for compromise between any Democrat and middle-class and blue-collar citizens.

Why? A half-century of Democratic programs and wars – often supported by part of the Republican party and much of the media. From the clear unconstitutionality of hate-speech laws, Obama’s numerous unconstitutional diktats, and all wars that are entered into without a formal declaration of war by Congress, to the priority that now is given to awarding college admission on the basis of race, gender, geographical location, and – unbelievably – sexual deviance, the illegality and lack of fairness in the land is stunning and is most damaging to middle-class and blue-collar families because they do not have the money to fight those who have, through legislation, bribery, and a supine Supreme Court, integrated so much discrimination into the Constitution. Those on the short end of this stick see no point in cooperating with their tormentors because their pledges always are worthless, and because they are protected by their own vast wealth, the governments and courts they own, and their advertisement of their lethal capabilities and intent via the never-investigated and growing trail of corpses — which today includes their child procurer Jeffrey Epstein — that leads back to the gunmen employed and directed by the Clinton/Obama-built deep state

Why? Because the above-noted people teach our children that whales and moles must be saved and then protected, but inform them that the murder of 61-plus million babies – even after they are born – is a just right to kill, as well as a sign of female equality, empowerment, and positive achievements. Because they teach our kids the crap pseudo-science that supports an insane belief in man-caused climate change, which is at least as much about instilling in kids an expectation and eagerness for the creation of an authoritarian world government that controls every aspect of their lives. Because they teach children to believe that our Founders were nothing but misogynists, slave-drivers, and white supremacists who created a worthless republic, whose founding documents and physical symbols must be destroyed, and whose population must be diluted by illiterate, diseased, and very often criminal illegal aliens who will reliably vote in rigged-elections for authoritarians and receive more of America’s wealth than do needy U.S. citizens. That wasted wealth will come from the taxes of middle-class and blue-collar families whose jobs also will be taken by illegals. Those on the short end of this stick see no point in cooperating with their tormentors because their pledges always are worthless, and because they are protected by their own vast wealth, the governments and courts they own, and their advertisement of their lethal capabilities and intent via the never-investigated and growing trail of corpses — which today includes their child procurer Jeffrey Epstein — that leads back to the gunmen employed and directed by the Clinton/Obama-built deep state

Why? Because of the war the Democrats and their allies are waging on the Bill of Rights and Christianity. The tide of censorship that is now occurring is driven by the Democrats, their Tech-giant and media cronies, and their unconstitutional hate-speech laws, and it is gutting the 1st Amendment. Because the Democrats and some Republicans know depth of their own corruption, paid cooperation with China, and sexual crimes, they press ever harder to destroy the 2nd Amendment, the only real failure of which lies in the fact that it has yet to be used for its ultimate purpose, which is to allow loyal-to-the-republic citizens to use their own arms to kill those who – like so much of the current governing class — brazenly seek to overthrow the U.S. Constitution, destroy the republican form of government it mandates; deal traitorously but for great personal profit with China; and, believing themselves superior people, by seeking to reduce the citizenry to a mass of enslaved and obediently servile yes-men. Those on the short end of this stick see no point in cooperating with their tormentors because their pledges always are worthless, and because they are protected by their own vast wealth, the governments and courts they own, and their advertisement of their lethal capabilities and intent via the never-investigated and growing trail of corpses — which today includes their child procurer Jeffrey Epstein — that leads back to the gunmen employed and directed by the Clinton/Obama-built deep state

Why? Because, the Democrats and some Republicans have knowingly wasted the wealth and children of middle-class and blue-collar families via their endless and unnecessary interventionist wars; by their spendthrift giveaways, in cash, armaments, or protective military services, to tyrant-ruled and enormously wealthy countries; by building all kinds of modern infrastructure projects in foreign countries while America’s own has rotted; and by pouring unknown billions of tax dollars into post-Cold War NATO Alliance, even as the other 27 members of the Alliance cut their defense spending to the bone. Those on the short end of this stick see no point in cooperating with their tormentors because their pledges always are worthless, and because they are protected by their own vast wealth, the governments and courts they own, and their advertisement of their lethal capabilities and intent via the never-investigated and growing trail of corpses — which today includes their child procurer Jeffrey Epstein — that leads back to the gunmen employed and directed by the Clinton/Obama-built deep state

Why? Because, most recently, 22 Democratic presidential candidates have pledged to continue and increase the tax-rape of middle-class and blue-collar families and use the funds to pay for health care for illegal aliens; to end border controls and allow in every bound-for-the-dole Third Worlder; to fund more programs to slay the non-existent, on-the-take-scientists’-created climate crisis, which is meant to install authoritarianism; to make sexual deviants an even more privileged class under the law and then proceed to legalize pedophilia; to prevent life-saving medical aid for babies born of botched abortions; to deny due process to gun owners and try to seize their weapons; to continue to attack and damn the Christian faith of judicial nominees and other candidates for national-government posts; and to wipe out the fossil fuel industry and all the jobs that are part of it. Those on the short end of this stick see no point in cooperating with their tormentors because their pledges always are worthless, and because they are protected by their own vast wealth, the governments and courts they own, and their advertisement of their lethal capabilities and intent via the never-investigated and growing trail of corpses — which today includes their child procurer Jeffrey Epstein — that leads back to the gunmen employed and directed by the Clinton/Obama-built deep state

The foregoing is nothing like a complete list of the tangible and accelerating grievances harbored by the middle-class and blue-collar families who have been and are still being economically and socially savaged by the Democrats and their allies. The list will do for a start, however, and it shows that calls for “unity” do nothing but boost the caller’s ego and feelings of self-worth, while displaying their ignorance and hiding the true intent of the citizenry’s tormentors. The time has come to put things plainly to Democrats, their allies, many Republicans, the media, and much of the bipartisan governing class; Knock it off or get knocked off.

The tormentors of Americans must always remember that they have not yet killed the 2nd Amendment, and that the duty of American citizens loyal to the Constitution and the republic and Union it created is as clear and legal as can be. Indeed, the willingness of loyal Americans to perform their 2nd Amendment duties may yet be the only means by which our blessed republic can forever eliminate its many domestic enemies and be preserved intact for generations to come.


–1.) Thomas Jefferson and John Dickinson, “A Declaration by the Representatives of the United Colonies of North-America, Now Met in Congress at Philadelphia, Setting Forth the Causes and Necessity of Their Taking Up Arms,” 6 July 1775,

–2.) From the 2nd Amendment of the U.S. Constitution,

–3.) King James Version, Psalm 144,

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