The Democrats are proving that history always repeats itself

This is the first of four articles I plan to write over the summer on the fact that history always repeats itself, primarily because human nature never changes. Almost all American children schooled in the post-1945 era have been taught that history never repeats itself. That is a lie, of course, but it has been drummed into young heads for 75 years, and now it is constantly parroted by those who are said to be well-educated professionals, such as university historians, leading politicians, and general officers. These creatures, of course, have flocked to interpret U.S. history in terms identical to the Democratic Party’s most extreme ideologues, specializing in the “deconstruction” of U.S. history, which is simply replacing truth with lies and hate.

The pieces I plan to write will focus on the unchanging nature of the Democratic Party, comparing that party in the antebellum and Civil War/Reconstruction period – roughly 183o-1877 – and the party’s history from 1963 to today. The specific topics to be looked at are the party’s approach to (a) nullification and secession; (b) slavery; (e) the electoral college, the Union, and the ballot; and (d) the use of history.

–Part 1: Nullification and Secession

The fact is that history always repeats itself, and it has been doing do since the written record of man’s activities began in the Old Testament’s Book of Samuel. Today, there is an unfolding story that is a pretty close replica of the Democratic Party’s behavior and ideas in the antebellum period of American history. This week’s Democratic 1860-61-like talking point – “We are in a constitutional crisis” –by itself demonstrates that history is now repeating itself.

The Democrats, since the era of the early republic, have not changed their basic authoritarian, indeed, dictatorial and treasonous tendencies. In the decades before the Civil War, the Democrats focused on policies meant to somehow maintain their power in the Senate, Congress, and Electoral College, even as their representatives became fewer because most of the new states being admitted to the Union would be located above the Missouri Compromise line, and so non-slave. The refusal of the northern states to meet southern demands in full was the faux “constitutional crisis” of the era, the one which Southern fire-eaters later used, in 1860-61, to frighten their fellow citizens into believing that the newly elected Abraham Lincoln intended to free the slaves by invading the south.

One of the earliest manifestations of the Democrats rule-or-war ideology in this period is found in the Nullification Crisis of 1832-33, when the South Carolina government declared that it would henceforth determine for itself whether laws passed by the national government were constitutional. If the South Carolina government found a federal law unconstitutional it would declare the law null and void and prevent its enforcement in the state. In its exercise of illegal power, South Carolina was acting on the union-breaking concepts and advcie published by three Democratic icons, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and John C. Calhoun.

The threat posed to the survival of the Union by South Carolina was defeated, in part, because support for it from other southern states was tepid, and, in larger part, because of Andrew Jackson’s steadfast devotion to the Union and willingness to work out problems — especially on tariffs — between the national government and South Carolina and the South generally. The grease that made the easing of tensions work, however, primarily was Jackson’s extremely credible threat that he would bring the army down to South Carolina and hang the nullifiers who were endangering the union.

Without a Andrew Jackson — himself a Democrat — at the national government’s helm, Americans now a face a far worse threat to the survival of the Union and the safety of the citizenry than that presented by adorers of Jefferson, Madison, and Calhoun. The current threat from the Democrats is to be found in their spreading application of the 1830s doctrine of nullification, this time under the guise of “sanctuary” cities, counties, and states. The unconstitutional lunacy of sanctuary-ism is safe from near-term popular detection because our schools have made Americans ignorant of and/or hateful toward the history of their Civil War era.

The sanctuary locales established in the United States by Democratic governors, mayors, county executives, etc. are far more dangerous to the Union than anything done by the nullifiers, or, indeed, those who would later become Confederates after April, 1861. In addition, the sanctuary process is a small sample of what secession looks like; namely the creation of territories within but separate from the American Union, where the Constitution and the legitimate laws of the national government – those pertinent to the supremacy clause – cannot be applied or enforced without coercion.

The Sanctuarians have not produced even a remotely plausible theory of government, such as nullification. They have simply wept crocodile tears for the criminals illegally crossing the U.S. border and defied the supremacy clause of the Constitution, the latter, so far, without the severe punishment required in response. In doing so, they have put specific territories beyond the reach of the national government on issues that are its sole prerogative; namely, defense of international borders, immigration, and the law-enforcement responsibilities attendant thereto. These sanctuary designations are purely de facto actions and have no basis in law, save for the inexplicably listened to bleats-from-the-bench by judges who are shills for the disunion plans of Obama and the Clintons, which are meant to destroy both the Union’s cohesion and republicanism.

Those Democrats who declare and administer “sanctuaries” are, themselves, simply criminals and the lethal enemies of the security of the republic and the viability of the Union. They facilitate the entry, and then welcome and harbor illegal aliens, every one of whom are criminals just from their act of illegal border crossing. The territorial sanctuaries they create are not the humanitarian havens they claim them to be. They are, rather, crime-ridden, law-free-zones; breeding grounds for growing criminal gangs; hiding places for all kinds of criminals; sources of contagious diseases long-considered eradicated in the United States; bases for the child-and-women traffickers providing fresh meat for pedophiles and whoremasters north and south of the border; launching pads for narcotics cartels selling death to astounding numbers of Americans; and shelter and training areas for Shia and Sunni militants entering the United States to eventually kill Americans.

There can be no doubt that the Democrats, by defying legitimate national government laws and creating sanctuaries for criminals, the diseased, slavers, terrorists, narco-traffickers, and inhuman savages, are reenacting their nullification-and-secession gambit of 1860-61, a tack that brought on the republic’s most murderous war.

It is clear madness for the national government and the American people to continue putting up with the Democrats’ latest forms of nullification and secession as they pollute and cripple the republic with crime, drugs, costs, and endless, non-English-speaking dole-takers. In 1860-61, Lincoln patiently and repeatedly assured southern leaders that the national government meant no harm to the South. He stood that ground, even as the Southerners stopped postal service and seized arsenals, until Jefferson Davis ordered Confederate batteries to fire on Fort Sumter. That cannonade started four years of brutal warfare.

These days, the Democratic nullifiers and secessionists have long since fired their war-starting shots. For several decades, the U.S. citizenry has been under gradually intensifying attacks by Democratic-sponsored narcotics, criminals, disease, terrorists, and relentless wasteful expenses all because of open borders and, now, sanctuaries for the foreign vermin the Democrats intend to use as enslaved voters who will reliably keep the party in power forever.

Faced with the Democrats’ damaging, expensive, and socially corrosive war, the Trump Administration has so far dawdled around, trying to use words and threats to dissuade the Democrats from continuing their war on the republic’s culture, language, history, treasury, and, indeed, its existence. There are many things that need fixing in the United States, but closing the border and eliminating the multiple, illegal secessionist territorial sanctuaries are a more dangerous national-security threat than anything currently posed by the Russians, Chinese, or Iran. Indeed, that threat is second only to the danger to the republic still existing from the many dozens (hundreds?) of people who willingly participated – in alliance with foreign governments – in an unsuccessful coup against President Trump.

Arrest the coupists first, Mr. President, and start the legal processes that will take many of them to the noose and the rest to prison. But, then, get moving and spare no effort to quickly eradicate those who keep the border and the sanctuaries open. If you cannot do so, there are hundreds of thousands of Americans who will try to do so, and, if that happens, you will have allowed the republic to topple into a replay of 1861-1865. Not much of a legacy.












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