The U.S. governing elite’s lethal hatred for Americans cannot be overstated

The intense hatred of the bipartisan U.S. governing elite for the citizenry is overwhelming. It simply cannot be either overstated or over reacted to. Hatred of this sort cannot be tempered or renounced, it must be eradicated root and branch by any means necessary, even hate-filled Democrat by hate-filled Democrat if only that action can turn the trick. Some examples?

–1.) On 9 January 2016, FOX News interviewed a Republican congressman — I was listening while driving and did not catch his name — who said he opposed using Defense Department funds for creating effective southern border defense. That is, no DoD dollars should be used for defending the security and sovereignty of the continental United States. Only in America could elected representatives and senior generals believe it is not the U.S. military’s job to protect the citizenry and maintain full U.S. sovereignty in North America. This is the kind of bone-deep, citizen-killing, and asinine stupidity that would make Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez proud, perhaps even envious.

–2.) The Democrats want $30 billion for foreign aid, but none for a border wall. There is no clearer evidence of the U.S. governing elite’s post-1945 malign hatred for U.S. citizens then in the unimaginably vast amount of U.S. taxpayer funds that the national government has given – most never accounted for – to foreign leaders and countries who are not worth a tinker’s damn in so far as the security and prosperity of Americans are concerned. Foreign aid and foreign-military aid have denied Americans border protection, infrastructure modernization, and lower taxes. They also have bred overseas commitments that have led to unnecessary, casualty-filled, and bankrupting wars.

–3.) Florida Senator Marco Rubio, told a FOX News interviewer on 9 January 2019, that he was an “unabashed supporter” of Israel, and went on to identify any U.S. citizen who questions the national government’s $38 billion allotment for Israel, or that country’s suborning of most of the U.S. Congress – including Rubio himself – as a person who must be placed in the anti-Semite category. Rubio was especially upset by any U.S. citizen who suggests that many leading Jewish-Americans and their organizations have given their first allegiance to Israel, rather than to the United States. This, for Rubio, is blazing anti-Semitism. What Rubio said, in essence, was that Americans have been designated by one divinity or another to bleed, pay, and war on Israel’s behalf; to allow their national government and political system to be corrupted by Israel and its Jewish-American operatives; and to allow themselves to be damned as anti-Semites, lesser human beings, and madmen, by politicians who – like Rubio – live comfortably on the salaries they take from American taxpayers and the campaign contributions (bribes) they receive from Israel and disloyal Jewish-Americans.

–4.) The so-called new Democrats are an abysmal mixture of misfits, the brain dead, society’s dregs, and the leading lights of contemporary feminism. Indeed, just four names – Kamala Harris, Kyrsten Sinema, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, and Rashida Tlaib – hit on a combination of such traits and show the ongoing and accelerating decline in quality, maturity, and intelligence of female Democratic politicians. After fifty years of the Democrats’ unending, always whining nonsense about women’s-rights – recently topped off by the band of conniving, money-hungry, sleep-around liars who attacked Justice Kavanaugh, with the aid of addled Democratic senators — the bankruptcy of the women’s right movement is clear and definitive. In a half-century, the Democrats’ have won for women the right to murder human beings – making them ten times more deadly than Hitler — and gave them the absurd expectation that a hyper-slut lifestyle would get respect from all. Harris, Sinema, Cortez, and Tlaib are an omen of good things to come; namely, the self-immolation of the Democratic Party and the reasserted prominence of the great majority of American women who can fend for themselves, compete as equals with men, and better them, and succeed at home or at work – as they choose — without behaving like Harris, Sinema, Cortez, and Tlaib. The Democrat hierarchy’s hatred for average Americans – as expressed in the deviant, crazed, and/or dangerously low-IQ individuals they select as candidates – is another reason they will not retake the White House, even if they win the 2020 presidential election after subverting it to ensure that result.

–5.) Much of the bipartisan U.S. governing elite has closed ranks to oppose the withdrawal of U.S. military personnel from Syria and, eventually, Afghanistan and Iraq. Asked why do they want to stay, they answer: (a) To protect the Kurds, who are our allies. No, the Kurds are America’s mercenaries. Many are also communists and terrorists, who have killed and murdered thousands of Turks over multiple decades, and against whom U.S. and Western intelligence services have, during that period, helped the Turkish services to try to destroy the Kurd communists; (b) To stop Iranian expansion in the region. Right, Tehran does not have a pot to piss in, but they are going to control the Near East, even though they are outnumbered by Sunnis by about 20 to 1. The Iranian boogie man is getting laughable, but it is still successfully used by Neocons and Israel Firsters –none more so than the anti-Trump, soon-to-be-dumped, war-monger John Bolton — to get U.S. military personnel killed and maimed, and U.S. taxpayer funds wasted, for the sole purpose of protecting Israel; (c) To protect Israel, “our ally and the only Middle East democracy”. This crap, of course, has been cited as the guiding principle for U.S. Middle East policy since the mid-1970s; it was a joke then – just after Israel deliberately attacked and nearly destroyed the U.S. Navy ship Liberty and killed more than 70 of her crew – and it is sick joke now as U.S. money and lives are wasted in the Middle East so the wholly suborned U.S. Congress and senior civil service can continue to earn campaign contributions (bribes), payments for spying for Israel, and post-retirement stipends. There is no reason for the U.S. military to be in Syria, Afghanistan, or Iraq – those wars have long been lost, peace is impossible, and reconstruction means nothing but more wasted U.S. funds — save for two things: (a) the greed of the just noted individuals, and (b) the allegiance of the just mentioned to Israel. The U.S. governing elite’s fanatical dedication to Israeli-over-U.S. interests and its abiding hatred for Americans and their families can be seen clearly in all the young men and women who have been laid to rest at Arlington National Cemetery since 1 September 2011, as well as in those who now try to make their lives not withstanding lost limbs and mental illness.

–6.) The southern border is, of course, far and away the best example of the U.S. bipartisan governing elite’s hatred for U.S. citizens they obviously assess as a lesser type of human. For half a century, both parties have wholeheartedly endorsed open, illegal immigration in the name of cheap labor for the Republicans, and illegal and so enslaved voters for the Democrats. These desires completely prevent any compassion or aid for the American citizens who were killed, robbed, dismembered, or raped by illegals; who were infected by the diseases they brought with them; who had their young children kidnapped and sold on the world pedophile market or for body parts; or who became addicted by the narcotics illegals smuggled into America. These illegals also have disrupted and bloated education systems, social services, and healthcare systems; destroyed the farms, ranches, herds, and homes of Americans living near the border; and have taken jobs from millions of Americans, this last hidden by the Republican lie that “Americans would not take these jobs”, meaning that Americans preferred to see themselves and their families starve to death rather than work. In 2018, 72,000 Americans died due to an opioid epidemic that can never be controlled unless the border is closed, and today, in early 2019, all Democrats and a goodly number of Republicans refuse to close the border and stop this slaughter of U.S. citizens.

–7.) Open immigration and the open southern border also have given both parties, senior civil servants, military and intelligence officers, and law enforcement officials a chance to increase the threat to the American citizens they hate. The inflow of illegals across the southern border has put an unknown number of Islamist fighters into the United States, almost all of whom have yet to be identified and rounded-up. This reality has yielded two American- and liberty-killing results.

–First, we have no idea how many Islamists have entered the United States illegally. The only knowable facet of this issue is the complete incompetence of the FBI to stop any terrorist attacks except those in which its officers entrap dumb Muslims into planning attacks, arm them with FBI-supplied inert explosives or weapons, and then arrest the sorry dupes on the eve of the fake attack with much well-arranged fanfare, media coverage, and self-congratulation. The FBI failed to stop the genuine terrorist attacks in San Bernardino, Orlando, Boston, and Las Vegas, and have covered up their blatant failures in each with unbelievable explanations, the peach of that crop being that the attack in Las Vegas was conducted by a lone, old-man gunman who lugged a dozen boxes of weapons and ammunition into his casino hotel room without being seen, and then shot hundreds of the concert goers. This absurdity, of course, was fabricated by a protégé of Comey who was sent to Las Vegas specifically to cover-up the truth.

–Second, unlimited illegal immigration has provided a seemingly credible case for the ongoing destruction of the 4th Amendment that has been pursued by the G.W. Bush and Obama administrations. Officials in both gangster administrations have justified the unconstitutional interception of all the electronic communications of all Americans on the basis of the huge number of illegal and unidentified aliens resident in the United States among whom may be terrorists preparing attacks. While claiming that without the ability to collect all of the citizenry’s communications Americans could not be protected, these administrations did everything they could to assure that the citizenry would be unprotected by allowing the illegal and unidentified populace to grow as quickly and massively as possible. In short, these anti-American entities used open, illegal immigration not only to kill Americans, but also to drive another stake into the body of their Constitution, and thus their liberty.

Faced with the governing elite’s – and especially that of the Democrats’ — just-documented hatred for those they govern and the Constitution; their undeniable love for the illegal aliens who are killing and dismembering legal U.S. citizens and subverting their elections; foreigners who are endlessly rewarded with the earnings of American labor and the blood and limbs of American children; and foreign, often anti-American nations (Israel and some of the NATO states, for example) that are better treated and defended than the American people, the Democrats cannot be allowed to inhabit the White House even if they win in 2020, or ever again. That can only be done by the citizenry’s willingness to use their only remaining tool against this  lethal but easily identifiable enemy. “Arguably,” Jacob G. Hornberger, wrote in November, 2004,

the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution should have been made first in the Bill of Rights because without the right to keep and bear arms, such rights as freedom of speech and freedom of the press would be treated as nothing more than meaningless “privileges” bestowed and taken away by government officials at will. The Second Amendment is the American people’s ultimate insurance policy against tyranny because government officials know that guns in the hands of the people provide the only practical means by which to resist tyranny. (1)

That this was obvious to the Founders is made clear in an essay published by a supporter of Thomas Jefferson in Philadelphia’s Aurora (21 May 1799). The writer used the pseudonym “Mentor”. I have no idea how Mentor knew that today’s Democrats would create murderous anti-citizen, armed forces like Antifa, BLM, and BAM to destroy the rights that Mentor was willing to defend with arms, but he apparently did. In any event, there follows his precise definition of how legal U.S. citizens, with God’s help, can and must prevent the Democrats from ever retaking the White House.

But as men intent upon hostility have associated themselves in military corps [Antifa, BLM, and BAM], it becomes your duty to associate likewise, Arm and organize yourselves immediately … Do you wish to preserve your rights? Arm yourselves, Do you desire to secure your dwellings?  Arm yourselves, Do you wish your wives and daughters protected? Arm yourselves, Do you wish to be defended against assassins or the Bully Rocks of faction? Arm yourselves, Do you desire to assemble in security to consult for your own good or the good of your country? Arm yourselves.

To arms, to arms, and you may then sit down contented, each man under his own vine and his own fig-tree and have no one to make him afraid….

If you are desirous to counteract a design pregnant with misery and ruin, then arm yourselves; for in a firm, imposing and dignified attitude, will consist your own security and that of your families, To arms, then to arms. (2)

Wiser words were never spoken. Arm yourselves.



–1.) Jacob G. Hornberger, “The Right to Keep and Bear Arms,” 20 November 2004. See,

–2.) Quoted in Stephen P. Halbrook and David B. Kope, “Tench Coxe and the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, 1787-1823,” William & Mary Bill of Rights Journal, Volume 7, Issue 2 (1999), pp. 371- 372







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