Hell to pay for Bush’s wars, Biden’s arms for Islamism, no borders, and now Syria?

This morning’s news reports about “terrorist” attacks in Las Vegas and New Orleans ought to cause Americans to stop and think about the costs of continuing to expand the U.S. position in the Muslim world and to allow Muslims – and all other foreigners — to enter this country illegally. The key to thinking about this situation can be found in the lies of two former presidents.

–The claim of Obama – and his half-wit and anti-American intelligence advisers Brennan and Clapper – that the killing of Osama bin Laden was the road’s end for Al-Qaeda. This was either a damned-lie or was spoken by men who knew nothing about militant Islam. I believe it was both. The day the U.S. killed Bin Laden was long after Al-Qaeda’s chief had clearly achieved — with the help of Allah and the military stupidity of U.S. flag officers — his main goal of creating a self-perpetuating jihad that would carry on after he, and even al-Qaeda, had gone to their reward in the hereafter.

–The claim of Trump – which has been rebroadcast often in the past hours – that the U.S. air campaign he waged, in cooperation with Russian air forces, against ISIS and al-Qaeda in Iraq wiped those groups out and closed the book on them also was a lie, although he was surrounded by senior U.S. military veterans, many of whom were working against him. In any event, he and his unfriendly advisers probably never had a clue about the nature, faith, and endurance of the Islamic fighters who beat their military butts like a drum in Afghanistan and Iraq. He and his generals hated them, but never bothered – they were Arab turban wearers, after all – to try to understand what the Islamists were up to or why they were up to it. Indeed, they and Obama’s gang rained abuse on those subordinates who urged them to wake up to the dangerous strategy and intentions of the Islamist enemy, as well as its determination, grit, and patience.

So, as Americans, we stand today on what might be a resurgence of Islamist fighting groups here in the United States. Why?

–a.) U.S. military forces have never defeated the Islamist militants in any war in which we have fought them, save the U.S.-Muslim war in the Philippines in the 2oth Century’s first decade. The Pentagon and its NATO allies are the very essence of “ignorant losers” when it comes to Islamist insurgencies, or the recent insurgent-like attacks in New Orleans, Las Vegas, and Europe. These flag-officers are great at killing the innocent and the fighters, but they cannot or will not accurately analyze the Islamist enemy’s motivation, durability, and thinking processes. Nor are they capable of winning a war against an Islamist opponents, men who are armed with few or no whiz-bang super weapons, but are battle-hardened, driven by their faith, almost unbelievably patient, and armed by Biden with $86 billion of U.S. weaponry he donated to them in Afghanistan, with more money and guns flowing in from Arab leaders, private funders, Western intelligence agencies, and gun-runners operating out of Ukraine.

–b.) The survival of Al-Qaeda, ISIS, and other Islamist insurgent groups has not only to do with America’s inability and unwillingness to defeat them, but with two other points as well. First, the sickening arrogance and stupidity that, since at least 1995, made U.S. and European political and military leaders uninterested in reading and understanding the spoken words the leaders of the worldwide Islamist movement. These men and women are even worse than those who failed, with calamitous results, to read Mein Kampf or listen to General Giap. Second, the operating assumption of the U.S. and Western intelligence services, as well as many presidents, generals, and prime ministers, and all members of Congress and Parliaments, is that if the Islamists are not attacking us, they are defeated, they have quit, or they were not as strong and durable as some reputed them to be. The only correct assumption about such a period of Islamist inactivity – short or prolonged – is one that says they are planning more war, praying for Allah’s approval, and deciding where and when to wage the fight, while knowing their enemies lose sight of them due to the lack of attacks, intellectual disinterest, and plain old sloth.

–c.) Americans also need to recall that Bin Laden explained in his speeches and written works, that al-Qaeda’s attacks outside Afghanistan were designed to bring the United States and its allies to commit their military forces to a land war in Afghanistan. He sid that foreign operations took too long to plan and train for, were very expensive, were hard to run securely, and often delivered not much more than glancing blows, as in East Africa and Yemen. The 9/11 raid, however, did the trick, and the U.S. and NATO militaries struck out for Afghanistan without a plan for what they had to to do, and then left twenty years later, running away like a chaotic bunch of grammar school girls confronted by a snake.

 Finally, noting two more aspects of Usama bin Ladin’s thinking is a good way to end. (d.) He did successfully entice the United States to accept his gracious invitation to come to Afghanistan and get thoroughly licked, and (e.) by all reporting, he never stopped praying to Allah that he, al-Qaeda, and all Islamist groups, would – through their prayers and actions – prove themselves worthy of his support in driving the Americans and their allies from the Muslim world, particularly the Middle East. Naturally, no one knows the workings of the divine mind. It ought to be said, however, that all of the problems Bin Laden spoke of in staging attacks in the United States have, since his death, been wiped clean away by an insane U.S. immigration policy; the U.S. and NATO governments bringing tens of thousands of the Afghan military personnel, whom their generals had  trained, into the United States and Europe during and after the disgraceful crushing of the U.S. and NATO in Afghanistan, which also prove that the third British occupation of the country wasn’t much of a charm for the UK. These Afghans and their kin have received preference over native-citizens, pampering, and protection from the law by the U.S. and European regime. Also in America, the Afghans and their fellow Islamists have garnered indispensable aid from the Democratic Party, its host of reprehensible NGO allies — all bent on destroying the republic — as well as from the Biden administration’s neutering of U.S. law enforcement capabilities at all levels of government. These efforts have yielded a fine and fairly secure environment for U.S.-based Islamist leaders to build networks in many areas of the country, as well as to train fighters to use when the time is right for attacks.

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Mr. Trump, Americans want no war for Israel or any other nation

Mr. Trump.                                                                29 December 2024

I believe you will recall that you won the presidency by receiving unflinching support from many tens of millions of Americans on dozen or more issues, but for none of those issues was their support more unanimous than for removing all illegal aliens from the United States and for the United States to stop causing wars and start staying out of other peoples’ wars. The second issue is the one I wanted to speak to you about on this occasion.

It is time, Sir, for you to square with your supporters and all Americans. “No more wars” means exactly that, and yet you never miss chance to threaten Palestinians, Lebanese, Iranians, Syrians, and other Muslim peoples because they dare to defend themselves against their own governing tyrannies and/or the worst neighbor – Israel — that has existed as a nation state in the Middle East since 1945. In your first term, during the recent election campaign, and now in the pre-inauguration interregnum, you, too many of your cabinet members, and other of your appointees have formed a billionaires’ band playing the “I love Israel to death” song, as well as that raucous ditty “U.S. military might must be used to annihilate the foes of Israel and Zionism.” Perhaps you genuinely enjoy a job at which you so clearly excel; namely, being Israel’s most famous, bloodthirsty, and loud-mouthed international stooge.

Your first term demonstrated your readiness to throw genuine U.S. national security interests to the wind by supporting Israel’s every imperialistic decision and action. You and your administration, for example, recognized the legality of Israel’s imperial land-grab of the Golan Heights area, and you eagerly tugged your forelock at Israel’s command to move our embassy to Jerusalem. On the latter, I think it’s a safe bet that you and most other post-1945 presidents would have withdrawn our embassy from any country other than Israel if it consistently and joyously behaved as savagely as Israel does toward Palestinian and Lebanese civilians. You and all presidents since Nixon, on other hand, have abetted, approved, and funded just that sort of Israeli violence. Even your much-ballyhooed “Abraham Accords” certainly would have worked out in Israel’s interest, making it stronger, wealthier, and ever more capable of killing Muslim civilians and stealing more of their land.

What is it, Mr. Trump, that makes you so eager to be Israel’s mindless, pontificating shill? The faith of your daughter and her husband? The tens of million dollars in Jewish-American campaign contributions you received to help win the recent election? A simple envy of Netanyahu, his dictatorship, and his ability, when the whim hits him, to murder civilians at home and in other countries? Or could it be you are just a well-disguised Zionist?

And why is it, Sir, that you have on all occasions supported AIPAC, the ADL, and the SPLC and treated them as the defenders of Israel, rather as the eternal and lethal enemies of the United States, the role for which they were formed? These agents of a foreign power were tasked task by Biden and his fellow traitors to depict your supporters as “White Supremacists”, “Terrorists”, and “America’s enemies” and you did nothing to tell Americans that each of these anti-U.S. organizations were being paid by, at least, the Pentagon, the FBI, DHS, and DOJ to pretend to do “research” that found “hard evidence” showing most white Christian Americans fall into those categories of enemies. You would know – if you just fire-up your Ivy League-trained brain — that those organizations make long lists of Christian Americans for Biden’s brown shirts, especially highlighting those who oppose abortion, who intransigently oppose foreign wars, and who wildly oppose Israeli, Jewish-American, and all other foreign control of the federal government, many state governments, and much of our economic and academic elites. It is also worth your time to explain to the American people that the above-named agents of a foreign power are buying-off/bribing 534 of the 535 elected members of the two houses of Congress, making each of 534 members receiving such funds an agent of a foreign power, a traitor, or both.

Though I may be misremembering, Sir, I recall that you unequivocally sided with the organizations named above, and with those wealthy Jewish-Americans, who withdrew their massive donations to U.S. universities, when the leaders thereof did not support abrogating the First Amendment for all students protesting Israel’s deliberate murder of Palestinian women and children. What would move you as a presidential candidate, Sir, to side with such transparent and deadly foes of our Constitution and Bill of Rights? At least you might have mentioned that earlier those vengeful anti-U.S. Jewish Americans had no qualms, indeed, they were enthusiastic, about sending many tens billions of dollars to the same universities, if those schools would indoctrinate their students in the damnable tenets of socialism, anti-Americanism, Bolshevism, Communism, Wokism, abortion-on-demand, Israel-love, DEI, multiculturalism, an epic list of sexual depravities, and that truly demented and society-destroying Hillaryite motto “diversity makes us stronger”. Mr. Trump, does the Jewish-American funding of U.S. universities to enable this list of atrocities to be embedded by their shill professors in the minds of our students really strike you as desirable?

Mr. Trump, your greatest, and seemingly deliberate, failure has been not only your refusal to explain to Americans the obvious fact that Israel and its wealthy Jewish-American supporters have been the enemies of the America republic since Israel was founded in 1948. You also have not, in addition, publicly spoken of the fact that the base of America’s dire Israel problem lies not only with that arrogant, racist and war-mongering state and its wealthy Jewish-Americans billionaires, but as importantly with the relentless avariciousness of American politicians at all levels of government and all walks of life in which Israel and their Jewish-American acolytes need to force their cooperation via compromise-operations, payoffs, or threats. Mr. Trump, there is no chance of America becoming what the Founders intended, a peaceful and non-interventionist country, but always willing to defend itself if attacked, until the United States sheds itself of binding ties with Israel and NATO, ties that demand America’s participation in wars whether or not U.S. interests are at risk and without the crystal-clear and iron-clad constitutional responsibility of Congress to debate and publicly vote yes-to-no on a proposal to go to war. The Constitution says, Mr. Trump, if there is not a majority Congressional vote for war, there can be no war. Currently, U.S. post-1945 presidents are less presidents than they are Warlords. Perhaps that status appeals to your imagination, and, if so, wars on Israel’s behalf are clearly the way to cement your own war-lordship and thereby continue the destruction of the Constitution’s most vital provisions.

Finally, Mr. Trump, it is worth remembering that Israel’s major claim when demanding U.S. and really universal aid in all the wars and killing it uses is the claim that “Israel has a right to exist.” That assertion, Sir, is the purest of pure ahistorical horseshit. There is precisely no historical record of a nation-state surviving just because it publicly, tiresomely, and endlessly repeated the claim that it has a “right to exist.” Are we really saying, Sir, that if Hitler, Mussolini, and Hirohito – or Saddam, Kaiser Wilhelm, Mullah Omar, Bashar al-Assad, Gaddafi, or Ho Chi Minh, for that matter — had simply broadcast radio speeches claiming that Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan had “the right to exist” that, in recognition of that right, the United States and its allies would have agreed and – as they have in the case of Israel – then started attacking countries and targets chosen by Berlin and Tokyo. Only a madman – or a well-compensated mad man — could find that a correct course of action. Yet that is precisely what the United States government has done via presidential and congressional defiance of the Constitution – under both parties — vis-à-vis Israel since 1948.

I have chosen, Mr. Trump, not to leave this piece as simply a well-earned criticism of your lack of respect for genuine and commonsense American national security interests, Christianity, the liberty of American citizens, the proper constitutional behavior of a president, even though you have added to those faults your own sickening butt-kissing of Israel, its leaders, and the Jewish-American moneybags who pay the bills. So, to end on a more helpful note, I am appending some reading suggestions for you and your advisers; perhaps the latter could summarize them for you. I can promise you, Mr. Trump, that you, your team, and those people who you are now poised to govern, would greatly benefit from such a review of the literature below.

Start, naturally, with George Washington’s Farewell Address, a work as vitally relevant to the republic’s survival today as it was 1796; the speeches of Virginia’s great non-interventionist John Randolph of Roanoke; the war-related, pre-World Wars speeches of Republican Senators William Borah and Robert Taft; the startlingly accurate work of journalist John Flynn, on how the New Deal and Roosevelt’s war opened a path toward Fascism in America; a selection of the fiction and non-fiction works of Gore Vidal; the brilliant anti-imperialism writings of Mark Twain; and, for an understanding of why war inevitably causes the destruction of American culture, society, unity, economic well-being, liberty, and patriotism, see the invaluable non-fiction and fictional works of Bill Kauffman, the poet and novelist Wendell Berry, and the philosopher Richard M. Weaver.

As a lead-in to the foregoing, I have appended below a speech made by Colonel Charles A. Lindbergh – latter promoted to General – in Des Moines, Iowa, on 11 September 1941. The speech is titled “Who are the War Agitators?”. The speech provides a brilliant example of the arguments and true intentions of non-interventionists; namely to persuade as many Americans as possible that, to preserve the republic, the U.S. government must resolutely stay out of other peoples’ wars, and to avoid electing presidents – like FDR – who will connive, deceive, and seek aid from foreign powers to force Americans to enter wars in which the republic has very few if any genuine national interests at risk. The FDR regime, its media operatives, and its allies — or masters? — in the British intelligence services responded to this speech with a deliberate effort that ruined the previously splendid, heroic, and well-earned reputation of Colonel Lindbergh, who until the time surely was considered the greatest American in the first 41 years of the 20th Century. The FDR-directed response to the speech also is one of the greatest, most obvious, and best-documented examples of a federal-government planned and managed effort to severely limit the right of free speech on the topic of non-intervention at times when the sitting president is eager to get the United States into an interventionist war.

–On 11 September 1941, Colonel Lindbergh said to his audience:

“It is now two years since this latest European war began. From that day in September, 1939, until the present moment, there has been an over-increasing effort to force the United States into the conflict.

That effort has been carried on by foreign interests, and by a small minority of our own people; but it has been so successful that, today, our country stands on the verge of war.

At this time, as the war is about to enter its third winter, it seems appropriate to review the circumstances that have led us to our present position. Why are we on the verge of war? Was it necessary for us to become so deeply involved? Who is responsible for changing our national policy from one of neutrality and independence to one of entanglement in European affairs?

Personally, I believe there is no better argument against our intervention than a study of the causes and developments of the present war. I have often said that if the true facts and issues were placed before the American people, there would be no danger of our involvement.

Here, I would like to point out to you a fundamental difference between the groups who advocate foreign war, and those who believe in an independent destiny for America.

If you will look back over the record, you will find that those of us who oppose intervention have constantly tried to clarify facts and issues; while the interventionists have tried to hide facts, and confuse issues.

We ask you to read what we said last month, last year, and even before the war began. Our record is open and clear, and we are proud of it.

We have not led you on by subterfuge and propaganda. We have not resorted to steps short of anything, in order to take the American people where they did not want to go.

What we said before the elections, we say [illegible] and again, and again today. And we will not tell you tomorrow that it was just campaign oratory. Have you ever heard an interventionist, or a British agent, or a member of the administration in Washington ask you to go back and study a record of what they have said since the war started? Are their self-styled defenders of democracy willing to put the issue of war to a vote of our people? Do you find these crusaders for foreign freedom of speech, or the removal of censorship here in our own country?

The subterfuge and propaganda that exists in our country is obvious on every side. Tonight, I shall try to pierce through a portion of it, to the naked facts which lie beneath.

When this war started in Europe, it was clear that the American people were solidly opposed to entering it. Why shouldn’t we be? We had the best defensive position in the world; we had a tradition of independence from Europe; and the one time we did take part in a European war left European problems unsolved, and debts to America unpaid.

National polls showed that when England and France declared war on Germany, in 1939, less than 10 percent of our population favored a similar course for America. But there were various groups of people, here and abroad, whose interests and beliefs necessitated the involvement of the United States in the war. I shall point out some of these groups tonight, and outline their methods of procedure. In doing this, I must speak with the utmost frankness, for in order to counteract their efforts, we must know exactly who they are.

The three most important groups who have been pressing this country toward war are the British, the Jewish and the Roosevelt administration.

Behind these groups, but of lesser importance, are a number of capitalists, Anglophiles, and intellectuals who believe that the future of mankind depends upon the domination of the British empire. Add to these the Communistic groups who were opposed to intervention until a few weeks ago, and I believe I have named the major war agitators in this country.

I am speaking here only of war agitators, not of those sincere but misguided men and women who, confused by misinformation and frightened by propaganda, follow the lead of the war agitators.

As I have said, these war agitators comprise only a small minority of our people; but they control a tremendous influence. Against the determination of the American people to stay out of war, they have marshaled the power of their propaganda, their money, their patronage.

Let us consider these groups, one at a time.

First, the British: It is obvious and perfectly understandable that Great Britain wants the United States in the war on her side. England is now in a desperate position. Her population is not large enough and her armies are not strong enough to invade the continent of Europe and win the war she declared against Germany.

Her geographical position is such that she cannot win the war by the use of aviation alone, regardless of how many planes we send her. Even if America entered the war, it is improbable that the Allied armies could invade Europe and overwhelm the Axis powers. But one thing is certain. If England can draw this country into the war, she can shift to our shoulders a large portion of the responsibility for waging it and for paying its cost.

As you all know, we were left with the debts of the last European war; and unless we are more cautious in the future than we have been in the past, we will be left with the debts of the present case. If it were not for her hope that she can make us responsible for the war financially, as well as militarily, I believe England would have negotiated a peace in Europe many months ago, and be better off for doing so.

England has devoted, and will continue to devote every effort to get us into the war. We know that she spent huge sums of money in this country during the last war in order to involve us. Englishmen have written books about the cleverness of its use.

We know that England is spending great sums of money for propaganda in America during the present war. If we were Englishmen, we would do the same. But our interest is first in America; and as Americans, it is essential for us to realize the effort that British interests are making to draw us into their war.

The second major group I mentioned is the Jewish.

It is not difficult to understand why Jewish people desire the overthrow of Nazi Germany. The persecution they suffered in Germany would be sufficient to make bitter enemies of any race.

No person with a sense of the dignity of mankind can condone the persecution of the Jewish race in Germany. But no person of honesty and vision can look on their pro-war policy here today without seeing the dangers involved in such a policy both for us and for them. Instead of agitating for war, the Jewish groups in this country should be opposing it in every possible way for they will be among the first to feel its consequences.

Tolerance is a virtue that depends upon peace and strength. History shows that it cannot survive war and devastations. A few far-sighted Jewish people realize this and stand opposed to intervention. But the majority still do not.

Their greatest danger to this country lies in their large ownership and influence in our motion pictures, our press, our radio and our government.

I am not attacking either the Jewish or the British people. Both races, I admire. But I am saying that the leaders of both the British and the Jewish races, for reasons which are as understandable from their viewpoint as they are inadvisable from ours, for reasons which are not American, wish to involve us in the war.

We cannot blame them for looking out for what they believe to be their own interests, but we also must look out for ours. We cannot allow the natural passions and prejudices of other peoples to lead our country to destruction.

The Roosevelt administration is the third powerful group which has been carrying this country toward war. Its members have used the war emergency to obtain a third presidential term for the first time in American history. They have used the war to add unlimited billions to a debt which was already the highest we have ever known. And they have just used the war to justify the restriction of congressional power, and the assumption of dictatorial procedures on the part of the president and his appointees.

The power of the Roosevelt administration depends upon the maintenance of a wartime emergency. The prestige of the Roosevelt administration depends upon the success of Great Britain to whom the president attached his political future at a time when most people thought that England and France would easily win the war. The danger of the Roosevelt administration lies in its subterfuge. While its members have promised us peace, they have led us to war heedless of the platform upon which they were elected.

In selecting these three groups as the major agitators for war, I have included only those whose support is essential to the war party. If any one of these groups–the British, the Jewish, or the administration–stops agitating for war, I believe there will be little danger of our involvement.

I do not believe that any two of them are powerful enough to carry this country to war without the support of the third. And to these three, as I have said, all other war groups are of secondary importance.

When hostilities commenced in Europe, in 1939, it was realized by these groups that the American people had no intention of entering the war. They knew it would be worse than useless to ask us for a declaration of war at that time. But they believed that this country could be entered into the war in very much the same way we were entered into the last one.

They planned: first, to prepare the United States for foreign war under the guise of American defense; second, to involve us in the war, step by step, without our realization; third, to create a series of incidents which would force us into the actual conflict. These plans were of course, to be covered and assisted by the full power of their propaganda.

Our theaters soon became filled with plays portraying the glory of war. Newsreels lost all semblance of objectivity. Newspapers and magazines began to lose advertising if they carried anti-war articles. A smear campaign was instituted against individuals who opposed intervention. The terms “fifth columnist,” “traitor,” “Nazi,” “anti-Semitic” were thrown ceaselessly at any one who dared to suggest that it was not to the best interests of the United States to enter the war. Men lost their jobs if they were frankly anti-war. Many others dared no longer speak.

Before long, lecture halls that were open to the advocates of war were closed to speakers who opposed it. A fear campaign was inaugurated. We were told that aviation, which has held the British fleet off the continent of Europe, made America more vulnerable than ever before to invasion. Propaganda was in full swing.

There was no difficulty in obtaining billions of dollars for arms under the guise of defending America. Our people stood united on a program of defense. Congress passed appropriation after appropriation for guns and planes and battleships, with the approval of the overwhelming majority of our citizens. That a large portion of these appropriations was to be used to build arms for Europe, we did not learn until later. That was another step.

To use a specific example; in 1939, we were told that we should increase our air corps to a total of 5,000 planes. Congress passed the necessary legislation. A few months later, the administration told us that the United States should have at least 50,000 planes for our national safety. But almost as fast as fighting planes were turned out from our factories, they were sent abroad, although our own air corps was in the utmost need of new equipment; so, that today, two years after the start of war, the American army has a few hundred thoroughly modern bombers and fighters–less in fact, than Germany is able to produce in a single month.

Ever since its inception, our arms program has been laid out for the purpose of carrying on the war in Europe, far more than for the purpose of building an adequate defense for America.

Now at the same time we were being prepared for a foreign war, it was necessary, as I have said, to involve us in the war. This was accomplished under that now famous phrase “steps short of war.”

England and France would win if the United States would only repeal its arms embargo and sell munitions for cash, we were told. And then [illegible] began, a refrain that marked every step we took toward war for many months–“the best way to defend America and keep out of war.” we were told, was “by aiding the Allies.”

First, we agreed to sell arms to Europe; next, we agreed to loan arms to Europe; then we agreed to patrol the ocean for Europe; then we occupied a European island in the war zone. Now, we have reached the verge of war.

The war groups have succeeded in the first two of their three major steps into war. The greatest armament program in our history is under way.

We have become involved in the war from practically every standpoint except actual shooting. Only the creation of sufficient “incidents” yet remains; and you see the first of these already taking place, according to plan — a plan that was never laid before the American people for their approval.

Men and women of Iowa; only one thing holds this country from war today. That is the rising opposition of the American people. Our system of democracy and representative government is on test today as it has never been before. We are on the verge of a war in which the only victor would be chaos and prostration.

We are on the verge of a war for which we are still unprepared, and for which no one has offered a feasible plan for victory–a war which cannot be won without sending our soldiers across the ocean to force a landing on a hostile coast against armies stronger than our own.

We are on the verge of war, but it is not yet too late to stay out. It is not too late to show that no amount of money, or propaganda, or patronage can force a free and independent people into war against its will. It is not yet too late to retrieve and to maintain the independent American destiny that our forefathers established in this new world.

The entire future rests upon our shoulders. It depends upon our action, our courage, and our intelligence. If you oppose our intervention in the war, now is the time to make your voice heard.

Help us to organize these meetings; and write to your representatives in Washington. I tell you that the last stronghold of democracy and representative government in this country is in our house of representatives and our senate.

There, we can still make our will know. And if we, the American people, do that, independence and freedom will continue to live among us, and there will be no foreign war.” (1)


–1.) Charles A. Lindbergh, “Who are the War Agitators”, Des Moines, Iowa, 11 September 1941, http://www.charleslindbergh.com/americanfirst/speech.asp. (NB: This is a terrific and thoughful website on Lindbergh, his life, his accomplishments, and his never-ending readiness to take private and public jobs that allowed him to help the United States better defend itself, often at a risk to his own life. It also provides useful information on his wife and family and about the America in which he lived and worked.

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Given Trump’s wild pro-Israel sentiments, the Islamists’ victory in Syria augurs another lost interventionist U.S. War

After several days of listening to the mainstream media crow about the glorious eviction of Assad from his perch in Damascus, I can only think that the U.S. governing elite’s knowledge of the Middle East is as half-assed and self-serving as it was when Osama bin Laden declared war on the United States in late 1996. At that time, America’s senior foreign policy leaders Clinton, Gore, Berger, Albright, Tenet, and Clarke, scorned the declaration of war by a turban, robe, and sandal wearing Arab, a man who was a Saudi and all brilliant American political leaders, generals, and ace journalists were certain that a Saudi could threaten no one but the female Western flight attendants who stayed between flights in Amman’s the ritzy hotels. At one point in the run-up to the 9/11 attack, Clinton asked the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, then General Hugh Shelton, if his ninjas — special forces — could eliminate bin Laden. Shelton answered he would not risk his troops on Bin Laden and his fighters because they trained on what looked like playground equipment.

A few points might help to partially negate the nonsense now being dispensed about a major Western and Israeli victory in Syria by adolescent politicians, TV generals, journalists, and reality-resistant ambassadors.

–1.) The violent overthrow of a regime in the Middle East – and in much of the world – seldom yields a happy-ever-after scenario. It yields violence, usually extended, and more important a beachhead for Islamist militants as they proceed with plans to remove the cancer on Islam they consider Israel to be. By the way, the mujahidin have never been closer to that goal then they are today.

–2.) The U.S. government, the EU regimes, the UN, and the World Economic Forum are all rejoicing because the security provided by Assad’s regime – and previously by Iraq’s Saddam Hussein – for Christians is over, and they will be exterminated by the Islamists as time passes. Another point to keep in mind is that the Obama and Biden administrations have long been working and funding Islamist guerilla groups in the Middle East, as part of their strategy to make-friends with America’s Islamist enemies using multi-billion payoffs of Iran, support for some of the Islamist groups now in play, and the pathetic sight – more than a decade ago — of the U.S. ambassador to Syria wandering around Damascus urging Syrians to rebel against Assad’s regime, thereby aiding the start of  the civil war that was devoured the country. The just mentioned would-be Islamist allies of Obama and Biden, of course, graciously accepted funding by American taxpayers. They then did as they pleased or cooperated in operations they and their U.S. backers favored, all of which provided steps forward for the Islamists and their goals.

–3.) Jordan, the last block to the Islamists’ ability to engage Israel along its eastern border, is no reliable Gibraltar. Since the present Hamas-Israel War began there has been restlessness in the Jordanian army about the king’s failure to assist the forces attacking Israel. Jordan is thought to be in America’s pocket, but that pocket holds virtually none of the Jordanian people and nothing which can salve popular Jordanian hatred for Israel. In the ahistorical minds of Western leaders, Jordan may be a rock blocking the Mujahedin’s westward advance, but it is a rock made only by a mix of paper Mache and massive over-confidence in the ability of Jordan’s king to hold the fort.

–4.) The key to the future in the post-Assad Middle East, as always, lies in Israel’s ability to effectively exercise its bought-and-paid for ownership of the U.S. Congress, president, flag officers, and TV generals. Badly damaged by Hamas, the Houthis, Hezbollah, and Iran, the IDF – although backed by Israeli arrogance, racism, bribing power, and spectacularly wasted U.S. arms and money, cannot go it alone for any prolonged period against the mujahedin if the latter begin to solidify control of Syria and, as more fighters join them, strike against Jordan’s supposed strength. Netanyahu likely will send his troops and tanks into Syria to kill as many Muslims as possible, gun-carrying or otherwise. The Israeli government has never had much respect for Muslim fighters, and, even after their recent drubbing, are reliably afflicted with the same blindness. Odds are that the IDF and its armor will make initial quick advances and then begin to slow as increasing numbers of mujahedin arrive to reinforce the Islamist fighters in Syria. At first they will come from Iraq, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Libya, the Gulf States, Turkey, and Europe. Those coming from Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, the United States, the Philippines, Canada, the Balkans, Indonesia, Thailand, Chechnya, and Malaysia will take a bit longer to arrive. The Islamists in these countries have been stewing in their anger for governments that have done little to help those who have been fighting Israel for more than a year. Most governments in those countries surely will prefer to send their domestic mujahedin problem abroad rather than cope with its presence – and anger – at home.

–5.) What does that mean for American parents? Well, it at least means that the Pentagon ought to be adding new acres to Arlington Cemetery. The future of the now developing situation in Syria is pretty much predictable. The IDF’s troops, armor, and air-cover will make quick gains and then find itself gradually confronting more and better armed mujahedin, a force that enjoys access to the virtually unlimited manpower of the Muslim world. Israel’s advance will slow and plans that have long existed between the U.S. government, Pentagon, CIA, and Israel will be activated and U.S. military forces will be committed to die in an effort to try to save America’s number one enemy, Israel.

–6.) At that point, Americans will begin to hear the same old song they have heard during every war the U.S. military has lost since 1945, and that means all the wars our presidents have started in violation of the Constitution. The lyrics coming from the Trump Administration will strike the ear as quite familiar: “Israel is our ally” [a lie, it is our fierce and very destructive enemy], “Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East” [except for its Muslim and Christian populations], “America is an exceptional nation and is duty bound to defend democracy wherever it is threatened” [a lie, Americans are people like all others, fallen beings capable of great good and – as demonstrated by Biden’s bunch – despicable, deliberate, and deadly evil]; and, finally, “The U.S. military is the finest and strongest in the world and can achieve any goal it is assigned (another lie, the U.S. military is led by woke flag officers, loyal to Biden not to the Constitution or the citizenry. It has been crippled by Biden, Austin, and woke flag officers intentionally infecting it with mandatory sexual deviance and a death-sentence in the form of mandatory inoculation with Covid vaccines.

–7.) Aside from its nuclear forces, the U.S. military is a tottering and badly led wreck, capable only of spending a combined total of 40-plus years being defeated in Afghanistan and Iraq, and then running like frightened school girls to get out of Kabul, leaving the strategic Bagram airfield for the Chinese and over $80 billion of first-class arms for the Taliban. The latter can now be shared with or sold to Islamist fighters bound for Syria, whose goal will ultimately be the Muslim-world-uniting word “Jerusalem”.

–8.) At the moment, Americans seem stuck with no choice but to watch their sons and daughters being sent to fight and die for Israel’s manic dream of “Greater Israel”, a goal that is as far away as is possible from a life-and-death American interest. It is now clear that President Trump’s “no more foreign wars” carries the clear caveat “Except for Israel”, and then it will be war whenever Israel tells its American poodle to fight. Trump in his first term and recently has sounded more like a dedicated Israeli, not an American interested in seeing his country abandon a nearly 75-year record of unnecessary and always lost wars. And up and down the line of the new administration’s appointments – from Hegseth, to Radcliffe, to Gabbard, to Rubio, to Kennedy, to Stefanik, to Rev. Huckabee, to Patel, to Vance, etc., etc. etc., one finds ardent warmongering Israeli Firsters eager to expend enormous revenue and plenty of American lives whenever our Israeli ally tells its poodle to jump. Needless to say, there will be no help from either house of Congress for keeping us out of other peoples’ wars, especially that most useless of all wars, one fighting to protect Israel’s interests, arrogance, racism, anti-Americanism, and expansionism against much more than a billion Muslims. Among all nation states, Israel has long been one of the worst and least trustworthy neighbors the earth has seen. American policy should be to let Israel settle its own problems with its neighbors, without the waste of any more American blood, money, or the further rapid Ukraine-and-Israel driven dwindling of the U.S. military’s reserve stocks of weaponry.

–9. A genuine America First policy would see Trump’s administration telling Israel to shove off; quickly and accurately defining the ADL, the SPLC, AIPAC, and perhaps other groups as agents of a foreign power, begin to investigate their nefarious and hugely anti-American activities; prosecute influential American citizens – especially politicians and civil servants — who have taken money from the groups; strip every Congressman, Senator, flag officer, senior civil servant – and President? – of the Israeli passports they carry, and then seek to pass a law that completely bans all American citizens from holding any but a U.S. passport, and start legal actions against the federal and 37 state governments that are economically and unconstitutionally persecuting American citizens because they oppose Israel’s policies and actions and/or support an economic boycott of Israel.

–10.) After nearly a decade of Trump claiming his intent to create, maintain, and pursue an America First foreign policy, this is precisely the moment when he as to gallop or get off the horse. No nation has ever controlled the United States to the extent Israel does today. Not even the perfidious British were able to exert such control, although they did greatly influence two Anglophile presidents – Wilson and FDR – to intervene in two European wars that were none of our concern. British intelligence agencies also ran illegal covert operations – supported by FDR’s regime, rich Eastern elites, and Hoover’s FBI – to destroy the leaders and organization of the American First Movement in 1940-1941. At that time, the British, FDR and his coterie, and prominent Jewish-Americans – especially the movie-makers — cooperated to further develop and sharpen the barbarous but effective weapon of damning American citizens as “anti-Semites” if they chose to put their own country first at all times. So, what will it be, Mr. Trump, America First or continued and willing slavery to a nation irrelevant to genuine U.S. national-security interests?

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Racism, anti-Christianity, crime, and war are, as always, blazing in Biden’s administration and party

Is there anything that a Democrat cannot get away with in terms of racism and corruption? Biden and his colleagues have never been shy about putting their racism on display. Biden and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, and the latter’s toady senior flag officers, for example. have publicly admitted they have made promotion of white officers in the U.S. military a rarity, favoring instead men and women of any other race, as well as transgender and DIE incompetents, and any other person able to bring demonstrable sexual depravity to the table. Austin also ordered the inoculation of all U.S. military personnel with the lethal Covid vaccines, though he probably exempted himself, his staff, and the majority of flag officers, those little gods who have not won a war since 1945 but can be relied on to keep the military on the side of Biden’s tyranny in its effort to kill the American republic. He also cashiered thousands of troops who refused the vaccine for legitimate constitutional or religious reasons.

Vice President Harris, when serving as California’s Attorney General, reportedly put a primary focus on arresting Black men, insuring they got maximum sentences for their crimes, and then kept them longer than their sentences required and sold their cheap labor to the private sector. Harris also waged a presidential election campaign that drowned in her trademark attributes; hatred of men, especially black men, a raving, lunatic desire to murder tens of millions of more infants, and her clearly pervasive anti-Christianity, supported by her favorite Christian-hating preacher Taylor Swift.

Homeland Security – a fascist agency-name if there ever was one — Secretary Mayorkas has, for four years, shown his stark hatred for all races, save for his utilitarian willingness to urge and provide passage for all non-whites willing to come to the United States to replace the falsely-portrayed dominance of the white population and make these new illegal, non-citizens a vital cog in the Democrat’s plans to cheat themselves to victory in future U.S. elections. Mayorkas made sure the non-whites came in mass, and had to travel difficult and dangerous routes, not giving a damn how many were injured or died along the way. He apparently felt them expendable and knew they were easily replaced. Mayorkas and his FEMA butchers also went hammer and tongs into Florida and North Carolina after Hurricane Helene – as they did in Maui and Ohio disasters — to make sure as many people died or lost their homes as possible, even ordering the FEMA gangsters to provide no assistance in Florida and North Carolina to those whose homes had lawn signs supporting Trump. Mayorkas, not suprisingly, is a Jewish-American and he and his dominant Jewish-American colleagues in Biden’s cabinet have gone out of their way to open the border, cause wars, use intelligence and law enforcement agencies to hound, harass, arrest, and terrorize those Americans and their families of any race who oppose Bidenite policies and Israel’s virulent anti-Americanism. Under Mayorkas, FEMA clearly meant to eliminate the political, security, and economic well-being of all Whites, Christians, and people of any other race or ethnicity who say or do things that offend the arrogant and cold-blooded madness of Biden’s Israel-First hit men. Being an Israel-Firster like Mayorkas, after all, demands that all Americans who object to or oppose that orientation be (a) eliminated by bankrupting the United States and killing its soldier-children in support of Israel’s never-ending lust for geographical expansion and, to ensure that expansion, the use of wars to murder as many Muslims and now Russians as possible; (b) to erase the viability of the 1st and 2nd Amendments by using the ADL, the SPLC, AIPAC, Jewish-American wealth that controls mainstream media, and the Israeli/Jewish-American-owned Congress to undermine what were intended by the nation’s Founders to be unalterable guarantees for free-speech, freedom of religion, and the right to carry firearms and, as a last resort, to use them to eliminate any and all who pose a palpable threat to the continuation of republicanism created by Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

–Joe Biden himself ranks near the top of all post-1945 racist and anti-Christian American politicians. From palling around with the dwindling number of influential southern bigots early in his career, to passing drug laws meant to easily convict Black Americans using crack cocaine and other drugs. The laws featured hard-and-fast punishments to intentionally handicap the effective defense of those arrested, and showed little or no concern for extenuating circumstances, questionable police behavior, the application of mercy. The law also left judges almost no discretion regarding the penalty to be applied. That strict anti-drug laws are needed for all American violators is not the issue here. The issue was the intense racism that drove the passing and application of the Biden-driven law aimed at Black men.

–Biden also has sealed his title as America’s biggest postwar presidential racist with his recent pardon of his son Hunter. Those offering defense of the pardon as a demonstration of a father’s love for his son are either liars or uninformed. Hunter’s career of crime speaks for itself, from being a bagman for politicians and family members committing well-paid treason with Ukraine, China, and probably a Central Asian state, to being an often photographed-and-videoed crack user and child molester, and a “loyal” son who allowed his e-mails and telephone conversations to show that his father was an enemy of the republic, as well as the “Big Guy” at the head of international criminal activity.

No, Biden cannot be given as pass by asserting that the pardon for Hunter was motivated by a father’s love. Indeed, Hunter Biden’s lengthy record of shoddy and shady behavior seems to suggest he was very poorly raised by a father, who has now let him take the fall for his crimes and then pardoned him. Joe, the loving father, also provided the fine fatherly example of showering with his teen-age daughter, and storing the nation’s top secret documents in his garage. In retrospect, information in the media suggests Biden was among the poorest of fathers. Joe Biden did not issue a pardon to Hunter because of love, but because he wants to keep his son’s mouth shut in regard to the numerous felonious crimes that Old Dad, his family, their fellow elitists, their business partners, and there political and judicial associates may be guilty.

Joe Biden also used the pardon to test the waters for pardoning the likes of: Shiff and his gangster-like deceit in orchestrating fabricated attempts to impeach Trump; Fauci and his actions, which are said to be so heinous that his behavior must be judged by a Nuremberg-like court to review his and others use of lethal vaccines to perform crimes against humanity that yielded tens of millions of deaths; General Mark Milly, a Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, who deliberately and blocked his commander-and chief’s access to America’s nuclear defense codes, and later boasted about this treason in the media. Milly also treasonously pledged to Chinese generals that he would call and warn them if the U.S. government planned to attack China. Liz Cheney who – with Pelosi’s indispensable support and seemingly illegal activities — appears to have driven the rigged January 6th Committee to find a non-existent insurrection, which led to the false conviction and incarceration of hundreds of innocent American protestors, many of whom are still in jail nearly four years later.

Perhaps most damaging, Biden’s pardoning of his son to protect the collective butts of himself, his wife, his cabinet members, business partners, and family partners in likely crimes, irrefutably demonstrates the strongly entrenched position of racism in his mind and so in his conduct of public affairs. The possible crimes covered by Hunter’s pardon – including buying and using illegal narcotics, pedophilia, child molestation, unlawful handling of fire arms, deliberate failure to pay income tax, aiding in the corruption of the U.S. government’s executive branch, and perhaps even rank treason – are all crimes that other American would go to prison if found guilty. Regarding the above items related to illicit narcotics, unlawful handling of firearms, child molestation, and tax evasion, each has been used for decades by federal, state, and local law-enforcement agencies to frame Black – and more recently whites and Hispanics — individuals and send them to jail.

In sum, Biden’s pardoning of his son seems to have little to do with love, but all to do with his, his regime’s, and his party’s (a) hatred for Blacks, Whites, Christians, Constitutionalists, and most anyone else who oppose Democratic oppression and republic wrecking; (b) the need to protect the corrupt governing elite in both parties; (c) the preservation of his own freedom and that of his familial partners after their legally questionably conduct; (d) many other crooked federal politicians and judges; and (e) the always preferentially treated sets of U.S. citizens, such as Jewish Americans, the sexually deviant, abortionists and other mass murderers, (f) incompetent DEI hires; and (g) the fully politicized and socialist federal bureaucracy.

For Biden and his anti-American party, continued freedom to operate will keep profits rolling in, in terms of growing anti-U.S. capabilities and ever-larger incomes. It also will strengthen the current two-tiered justice system needed to destroy the American republic’s Constitutional structure and Bill of Rights; maintain the president’s role as an all-powerful Warlord, not chief magistrate responsible to the citizenry; and the unrelenting initiation of murderous and bankrupting interventionist wars waged only in the interest of America’s biggest campaign donators, the republic-killing concepts of American Exceptionalism and a “sacred mission” to spread democracy; and grifter and war-criminal-led countries and organizations – like Ukraine, Israel, NATO, and The UN – which are of no genuine national-security interest to the United States and only make America weaker and Americans poorer.

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It’s taken us c. 250 years to recall a fact mastered in 1775: Europe is ever America’s worst enemy

Well, how does it feel to be at the brink of nuclear war? That is, a nuclear war being started by our NATO allies, EU governments, Europe-based NWO  and WEF leaders and groups, and their traitorous American  pawns on whom they are utterly dependent.

All of these Europeans are consumed with the same hatred for America which ruling-class Europeans have nearly choked since 1783, when we beat the British and their German mercenaries in a revolution and sent Europe on the start of a death ride that began with the rank madness of the French Revolution and culminated in the 1914-1918 war, The latter was a war that Wilson and his coterie of fellow half-wit internationalists should have ignored and let it burn itself out. From 1783 until this morning (27 November 2024) the words of the English novelist Fanny Trollope have been the guiding rules for the European elites whenever they deign to think of America. After touring America, Ms. Trollope wrote her thoughts about America and Americans in 1832 as follows: “I do not like them. I do not like their principles. I do not like their manners. I do not like their opinions.” (1)

What the novelist did not write about was the only reasons that Europeans have ever valued anything about America, namely: (a.) Our industriousness, hard work, economic resilience, and the enormous amount of money those attributes produce; and (b.) Our seemingly unlimited amount of manpower that could be used to save their useless and perverted royal asses whenever their cock-sureness, hubris, racism, and empire-building got them into a big trouble.

Today, Americans are seeing the catastrophic result of maintaining anything but trading ties with Europe. After we preserved its nations in two world wars – with, in the second, the great and indispensable help of Stalin, the Red Army, and the heroic workers of American war production – and then paid for the defense of what is now nearly 30 countries since the signing of the NATO treaty in 1949, America finds itself betrayed by Europe and its acolytes among U.S. presidents and politicians. Each of these countries, of course, have a privilege that only the stupid and lawless U.S. presidents and Congresses could have granted; namely, the immediate and completely unconstitutional participation of the United States in any war which any of those 30 long-has-been countries get themselves into. Wars which they would never start – or even contemplate — if it were not for the unconstitutional NATO Treaty and the deranged eagerness of U.S. Congresses, Senates, and the presidents to preen about as “leaders of the free world”, while all the European elites smugly smile over that demonstration of supreme ignorance and hubris, while simultaneously rejoicing over their ability to reliably tap America’s manpower, weaponry, and innate belligerency to the hilt for wars they want to start, such as the nuclear war with Russia that seems just around the corner.

If that nuclear war occurs it will do so because of the European elites, its pawns in both U.S. parties, delusional and/or bought-off U.S, presidents, high-heeled DEI Flag Officers; the Neocons, and the Israel-bought and controlled Congress, all traitors to the bone. After such a conflagration, the history that must be written for the few remaining readers will show that Europe, and especially its British politicians, militarists, intelligence services, and social planners, remain the same anti-liberty champions they were in 1783. It also should be kept in mind that this same bunch of British misfits created Israel on land Britain did not own, there to serve as a perpetual engine of mayhem and death in the Middle East.

Finally, after such a war there will be few joys for the survivors. One exception  will be, without doubt, the joy that dominates and guides the hearts and minds of those survivors who hunt down and eliminate those survivors in America and Europe who wantonly caused nuclear catastrophe, regretting only that they had not done so very much sooner.


–1.) Quoted in,  Robert Tracy McKenzie, We the Fallen People. The Founders and the Future of American Democracy. Grove, Illinois: InterVarsity Press, 2021

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Biden, the Congress, and the Generals are eager for the republic’s annihilation

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The Deep State’s dying gasps: “Iran is trying to kill Trump … again, and again, and again”

The soon to be detained, tried, convicted, and imprisoned senior officials of the Department of Justice and the FBI are flooding the air waves with claims that they have cracked yet another Iranian plot to kill President-elect Trump. How do they know? Well, get this, the Iranian leader of the plot called the FBI on the open telephone line from Iran to describe Tehran’s plot in order to get one of his FBI-captured operatives off the hook? Get that, on the “open line”. If that is true, then the FBI’s caller probably is dead. If he was indeed an Iranian operative, he was being listened to constantly by Iranian intelligence. Iran, you may have noticed, is quite technologically capable and surely, if the call or calls actually occurred, the caller – if there was one — is now a dead Muslim duck.

What we are seeing here, I think, is traditional DOJ/FBI counterterrorism work. First, identify a money-needy and not too intelligent Muslim, and then approach him in the guise of bad guys looking for a person to execute a terrorist attack. The FBI bad-guy role-player then offers money, weapons, and explosives to their addled warrior and directs him to gather a small team to carry out the attack. This non-crafty Muslim hunts up two or three even less intelligent Muslims to join him. The FBI then agrees to meet the “attack team” and either arrests them on the spot, or gives the non-working weapons, non-exploding explosives, and a bit more cash. When they have accepted, the FBI arrests all of them, tells the media that it has stopped the worst terrorist threat ever. It then parades the arrested “terrorists” before the media, after supplying the journalists with a script to use when reporting the event.

On the terrorism issue, of course, you can never say never. The FBI’s story may be true, but the odds of such truthfulness are monumentally against the FBI and DOJ. Their anti-terrorism modus operandi – as I saw it from 1992 to 2004 – is to recruit some Muslim dummies, set them up, and then arrest them and call the event a historic defeat for Islamist terrorism. In addition, if there was a genuine Iranian plot against Trump, FBI and DOJ would do nothing to stop it.

At this point in time, just after American voters elected Trump and slaughtered Harris and her band of woke and otherwise depraved miscreants at the polls, the odds are far more likely that the senior members of the FBI, DOJ, the State Department, FEMA, and the Pentagon are themselves plotting to thwart the inauguration of the victor of November 5th, as they did by stealing the election in 2020.

Finally, amongst all the talk by the new president and his senior advisers about releasing various collection of incriminating papers, there are two sets of papers that must be released to the American public. (1.) The remaining papers dealing with FDR, his administration, and the War Department’s machinations vis-à-vis Japan before Pearl Harbor and the strong possibility that they knowingly let the attack happen. There is no sane reason – 83 years after the Pearl Harbor –  why the U.S. Archives continues to block access to the papers that would give Americans the full story, except to posthumously protect the reputations of those thought to be American heroes, and (2) The archive of the 9/11 Commission’s documents and testimonies, which are fully redacted and so safe for release to the public, as the Congress long ago promised. This ought to be done soon so as to avoid the Pearl Harbor plan of making doubly sure that every person involved in the event is long dead.


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Are there really Americans who don’t know Democrats are the “Enemy Within”?

Democratic spokesmen and their automaton supporters are now damning Trump for telling Americans the greatest threat to U.S. survival is the “enemy within”.  The Democrats’ focus on this phrase because it is to their only hope for survival. They must make Trump seem to be a would-be tyrant – some Democrat grandees are calling him Hitler — because he has told the truth about the Democrats, their behavior, and their clearly mad intentions. Also, it’s a bit of weak way to smear Trump by calling him “Hitler”. If they really wanted to abuse him and get the public’s attention, they would have called him a “Democrat”, as it is the Democrats and their supporters who made Hitler look like a cheap and ineffective gangster by murdering 62 million-plus babies and then selling their body parts for profit

Is it possible that some Americans don’t recall the Biden-Harris administration’s splendid and almost cinematic portrayal, beginning on its first day, of its stark hatred for and intention to destroy the republic? Even with a fully controlled mainstream media, the dogged efforts of the alternative media have made sure that all Americans have had the opportunity to learn about the actions Democrats meant to be death blows to the nation. Just a short list of twelve of these actions should surely inform any Americans doubting that the Democrats are the very epitome of tyranny and anti-human behavior.

–1.) Shutting down much of the U.S. oil industry in 2021, thereby deliberately starting and then fueling the now accelerating collapse of the U.S. economy.

–2.) Opening the U.S.-Mexican border for more than 14 million illegal aliens, including nearly a million convicted criminals – murderers, rapists, certified crazies, gang-members, pedophiles, etc., who were released from prisons and in asylums in Latin America and made it to the United States with the help of Mayorkas, DHS, Israel’s migration NGO, and some of America’s most famous NGOs.

–3.) Sending covert operatives to burn down scores of food processing facilities across the United States. They also have the used federal bureaucracy to begin the destruction of American agricultural production by blaming farmers and their animals for climate change, the existence of which they have yet to prove, and never will.

–4.) Staging a four-year-long federally run and funded propaganda campaign — supplemented by deceitful media advocacy of the script — describing voters who oppose Democrats as Nazis, misogynists, and other unsavory types. This same crew now has issued a presidential directive and DoD directive that permits the military to kill American citizens on American soil in case of anti-Democrat demonstrations, which they will identify with that old fascist standby “insurrectionists”.

–5.) Rejoining the Paris Accord to ramp up financial waste and use fake science to accelerate the depopulation of the world. Biden rejoined in the name of “saving the planet from climate change”, an obvious lie in that his words are based on “evidence” from scientists who are paid by the federal government, private benefactors, and the business interests and therefore write and present whatever their bribers tell them to produce.

–6.) Spending and wasting more than half a trillion dollars on unnecessary and unconstitutional wars in Ukraine and Israel-Palestine, backed murderous gangsters named Zelensky and Netanyahu, “honored” those two monsters by allowing them to speak to Joint Sessions of Congress, and recklessly brought the world closer to nuclear war than ever before.

–7.) Providing at least 325,000 children, taken from illegal aliens and criminal suppliers thereof, and channeled them to sexually-depraved consumers in their party, other politicians, Hollywood, and various such animals worldwide. In this effort, moreover, the government was closely aided by many religious and secular U.S. NGOs, each of which have been granted federal tax exemptions.

–8.) Engineering a four-year long application of their plans to take control of America’s children and give them to the nation’s demented core of mentally disturbed teachers, school administrators, and teacher unions, all of whom who are dedicated to destroying the lives of youngsters while providing a monumentally inferior education to them. All of this funded and commanded by an abomination called the Department of Education.

–9.) Ordering Mayorkas to send FEMA to the scenes of natural or man-made disasters around the country to make the situations much worse and more lethal. The murderously deadly fire in Maui, Hawaii, and the planned and executed annihilation of communities in North Carolina, Florida, and Tennessee are examples of FEMA’s deviancy and wrath, as well as its status as the federal government’s primary looters and assassins.

–10.) Authorizing whatever parts of the U.S. military that Biden and Defense Secretary Austin and his generals have failed to ruined to attack and kill Americans on American soil if they disagree with the federal government during or after the presidential election. This in addition to staging at least two assassination attempts on Trump.

–11.) Turning over much of America’s political and economic sovereignty to the United Nations, the World Economic Forum, the Nazi George Soros, and the genocide-eager Bill Gates. The latter has now been indicted in The Netherlands for his role in the mass murder of many millions with MRNA vaccines. Pray God that Fauci, Birks, and the rest of that murdering band are not far behind?

–12.) Fighting tooth and nail, the Biden administration and the FBI have embargoed the videos, client lists, and other documents of Jeffrey Epstein to protect their biggest donors, current and former presidents, senators, and congressman from both parties.  The Democrats and the FBI may do the same for that cretin P. Diddy, although currently the Democrats are more consumed than usual with hatred for Black men.

On finishing this piece, a question comes to mind. Do the Democrats, their media shills, and their donors actually think that Trump’s supporters are Hitlerites? Only if they are so certifiably delusional that they do not recognize those citizens as genuine diehard patriots who have been tempered by the fire of experiencing: (a) an out-of-control federal government whose leader is unknown and whose policies are killing America; (b) a Congress that is a reliably useless and spendthrift failure on virtually all issues it faces; (c) a system that sends their kids to die in unnecessary wars waged to defend ruthless dictatorial regimes; and (d) a clearly stolen election in 2020.

The Democrats’ extraordinary lack of perception may be possible, but nothing can be clearer then that these law-abiding Americans have patiently put up with the criminality, treason, corruption, depravity, illegal immigration, unneeded, always lost wars, and the domestic lethality of the Clinton, Bush, Obama and Biden administrations. If the Democrats and their sordid kind continue to pursue economic mayhem, stupid wars, and general depravity because they have misread these Americans as complaisant and indifferent because they are faith-based, constitutionally minded, peaceful, and patriotic, they are making a fatal mistake. The Democrats best be prepared to find that if, in their lack of commonsense and surplus of arrogance, hate, and passionate greed, they steal the 2024 election, try again to kill Trump, or attempt to block Trump’s assumption of the presidency after he wins. If any of those occur, they may well encounter an enormous patriot population that simply will not take any more abuse to themselves, their children, their way of life, or their republic from Democrats and their goons in the U.S. military, the federal bureaucracy, DoJ , FBI, CIA, BLM,  DHS, Antifa, FEMA, and the lawless illegal aliens serving them.

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Biden’s Democrat gangsters are deliberately choking America to death

The world continues to unravel and it is far past time for Americans – in the words of the great non-interventionist Bill Kauffman – to “come home”. This not to say that we are not, in a great part, responsible for the chaos now seen in so many places. The passion of the federal government for war since 1935 is now bringing the disasters it created overseas to the United States. Indeed, our war-dominated national government has militarily intervened in places like Korea, Vietnam, Grenada, Panama, Nicaragua, Cuba and multiple other locations in Central and South America, Somalia, the Balkans, Libya, Sudan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Ukraine, and Israel-Palestine. The common denominator in all of these instances is that we lost on every occasion, and left behind millions of dead foreigners and, at times, a seething hatred for the United States. This obviously is true about the Middle East, and we are still awaiting the certain resumption of violence in the Balkans, where Clinton and the EU intervened and deliberately built an Islamist state in Europe.

What has this unending military adventurism cost the American republic? Most obviously, of course, are the many tens-of-thousands of dead, wounded, maimed, mentally disturbed, and suicidal young airmen, sailors, soldiers and Marines. These are all Americans who fought not for our liberty – which was never at stake — but to serve the egos of presidents who revel in the title “Leader of the Free World”, of which there is very little left. While that reveling never stops, the American presidency has now been transformed from the office of the nation’s chief magistrate to the office of the War Lord of a nearly defeated and collapsing republic. Together with casualties and the disgraceful waste of taxpayer money, there has, since the 1960s, been a gradually accelerating war on America’s constitutional republic. This war has yielded substantial attrition of the individual rights of American citizens, federal activities to punish conservatives, white people, and Christians, and now the simultaneous exaltation and enrichment of the 15-20 million Biden-blessed illegal alien invaders – among them at least one million released-from-prison foreign criminals – at the taxpayers’ expense. So much money has been given to the felonious millions by the Democrats and their dozens of criminal NGOs that there are no funds to aid those hurt by Hurricane Helene, or even to recover and bury the bodies of the dead.

The preceding two paragraphs are a general description of America’s increasing forlorn situation, and a portrayal of the nation’s governing elite in both parties, people who now reject the notion that power comes from the people, not their own whims. But on specifics, let us look at what has occurred in the past month.

More remote-control murder. The second application of the New World Order’s delayed death program occurred in Israel’s use of pagers and other electronic gadgets as instruments for arranging the delayed murder of its Muslim foes and their families. This lethal Israeli operation was simply a smaller scale iteration of the Covid vaccines. Israel acquired and then sewed those weapons through Lebanon at an earlier point of time and then flipped the slaughter-switch when the time was right. This method of operation is precisely that used by Fauci, the federal medical bureaucracy, the country’s hospital administrators, and many of its doctors to kill 20 million Americans and other peoples worldwide with vaccines said to cure Covid. But the vaccines were designed to kill many millions more overtime when the components of the vaccines self-detonate and flip the slaughter-switch which is present in them. Netanyahu’s way of war and that of Fauci, China, Gates, etc. are precisely the same; namely, slaughter as many innocents as possible. Both, of course, are blessed and funded by the White House and the federal government as a whole.

Climate and the UN: Recently, the despicable and duplicitous Climate Tsar John Kerry has given an interview in which he said that the Constitution’s 1st Amendment must be negated because it makes “governing much too hard”. To help speed this process along the next UN Summit will give its Secretary General the unilateral power to declare an “international crisis” and then preside over its enforcement. He also will be given the unilateral power to renew the crisis period as many time as he likes. Those countries or regions resisting the UN leader’s order will be punished. The UN Summit also will adopt a “Global Digital Compact” to give the UN complete regulatory control over Artificial Intelligence worldwide. The Compact’s stated goal is to deal with “misinformation and disinformation”, which are the names the UN, the EU, NATO, the U.S. regime, China, and other tyrannies use in place “truth”. The Compact also gives the UN the power to build its own corps of journalists, media outlets, and media workers to publish official refutations of any “truth” that sneaks into the view of the peoples the UN intends to enslave. The UN is to use these tools to destroy anything it identifies as “hate speech” or “discriminatory speech”.

Ukraine: The Congress’ pet foreigner extortionist – Ukraine’s Zelensky – steadily continues his cooperation with much of the U.S. Congress to drag the United States into a war with Russia. Last week, for example, Zelensky’s forces bombarded a Russian nuclear plant, yet another attempt to prompt the Russians to start what likely would become a world war.

Israel: The owners of the U.S. president and Congress – namely Israel and U.S.-based Jewish Americans organizations like the ADL, AIPAC, and the SPLC — continue, like Zelensky, to try to draw the United States into a war with Russia. This week the Israelis destroyed a Russian ordnance base in Syria to bait the Russians.

–In addition, America’s soldiers, Marines, airmen, and sailors have been fighting in Ukraine and Israel since those wars began. There is no doubt that some of those individuals have been killed or wounded. The federal government has not formally announced that our forces are involved in combat operations, nor that many them almost certainly have been killed or wounded, perhaps even captured by the Russians or the Islamists. Silence is the order of the day on both counts: participation in combat and the number of casualties. The question is how do they keep this reality quiet. The Democrats ownership of the mainstream media surely is one reason for the silence. But there is no convincing explanation for this silence except for the government coercing silence from parents, wives, and families of the killed and wounded. And, oh yes, the congressional Republicans must also be going along with the policy of silence.

–The Biden administration also is refusing to attempt to extract nearly 7,000 Americans who are at risk from Israel’s invasion of Lebanon. Biden’s spokesmen are saying that the airspace over Lebanon is too dangerous to fly into. Maybe that’s so today, but the White House knew the Israeli attack was coming for at least a month before it occurred, but it sent no help, only words telling Americans to get out. This useless advice plainly said the U.S. government will not kelp you, even though it has for months had a c.6,000 man, Marine Expeditionary Force (MEF) in the Middle East that was ready – as Marines always are—to take on even the hardest mission. Simply, Americans in Lebanon are expendable for the political elite of Biden’s criminals and apparently most of both political parties.

North Carolina: After Hurricane Helene, multiple media outlets are reporting that FEMA is confiscating food relief from distribution centers based in local schools and churches meant to assist the people of North Carolina because it is not from FEMA-approved vendors. The federal government also has closed the airspace over the region to private helicopters trying to deliver medical and food aid, as well as to drones seeking to find dead bodies, trapped people, and to document the damage the storm caused. Private citizens from North Carolina and the surrounding states have now, in essence, been forced to smuggle supplies into the areas hurt by the hurricane to avoid seizure by FEMA. In addition, the FCC is reported to be blocking the use of the Starlink communications equipment that Elon Musk donated to people in the region. Also, it is no coincidence that the areas ravaged by the hurricane are located in conservative-voting areas of North Carolina, Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama, and Florida. Democrats have long spent considerable time punishing the South, and teaching those on their minority plantations to hate the South and Southerners.  In addition, the area in duress in North Carolina – near or on the revolutionary war battlefield of Kings Mountain — holds large deposits of Lithium and there are rumors that the Blackstone company has been seeking to buy those lands so as to control the Lithium, but found local populations unwilling to sell. What we are seeing in North Carolina appears to be another lethal high-tech operation by the Biden Administration, just as was the U.S. arson attack that destroyed a region in Maui, Hawaii and killed hundreds of Americans because the wealthy wanted to build mansions on the land from which the inhabitants were burned out. What are the odds that two such man-made catastrophes could coincidentally happen on lands U.S. billionaires want to own?

–A kind of a lock on the idea that the federal government either does not care about Americans being killed or wants them dead can be found in this weekend’s video of Senator Lindsey Graham saying something akin to “yes there is a lot of damage from the hurricane … but what about our friends in Israel, they are surrounded by people who want to kill them.” And so, Senator Graham, were the people of Maui, and so now are the people in North Carolina and the other states mangled by the man-made and delivered hurricane. The enemies of each are FEMA and the Biden-Harris duo and their handlers.

Alex Jones:  Jones’ show “InfoWars” has been for decades the central supplier of “truth” about the war being waged against all non-elite Americans by the U.S. federal government, a bipartisan political block, and much of the country’s media and judiciary. Jones and his InfoWars crew have long been harassed by the FBI, the Department of Justice, the White House, Democratic leaders, the above-named Jewish-American groups, and the media that those entities own. DOJ framed Jones in a recent trial, one in which his lawyers were forbidden to present a defense, and he was forbidden to speak on his own behalf. Indeed, the trial judge told Jones and his lawyers that she already had decided that he was guilty, and the only function of the trial was to determine how much he would be made to pay in fines. Now the federal government is trying to permanently silence Jones and his operations. The Feds have announced they want no money from Jones, they only want to take him off the air and steal his name, social media, and other intellectual property. The Feds had scheduled Jones’ shutdown for 17 November 2024, but last Friday they moved that date to 17 October 2024. No other action could more eloquently underscore the Feds desperate fear of Jones’ truth-telling. The reason for this change seems obvious. The 17 November date was meant to close down Jones after the Democrats had stolen another fixed election and expected to face widespread popular resistance. The 17 October date, reflects the fact that the Democrats know there may be no way to fix an election in which Trump now seems likely to win in a landslide. The Feds have moved up the date to eliminate Jones and his truth-delivering machine from the media before the election, probably because their one remaining option is to silence Jones – and other pro-liberty outlets — and then declare martial law before the election can be held.

Gun Control: This week the governor of Massachusetts unexpectedly – and perhaps unconstitutionally – immediately activated an anti-gun law. Her action was almost a month earlier than the date set by  the legislature when the bill was approved. This panicky action, together with the Democrats’ currently unhinged, fascistic, and country-wide gun control campaign, also appears to be a part of the Democrats’ plan to impose martial law across the republic. The action in Massachusetts, in fact, pairs nicely with the federal government’s lethal weather attack on Tennessee, Florida, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Alabama, each of which happens to be a pro-Second Amendment state.

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Five kill-teams after Trump in the U.S. Who’s paying them?

The title of this piece reflects the news story that is now all over the internet. Three of the teams are said be foreign and two are said to be of domestic-origin. There is no news about who is paying them, facilitating their travel, and providing them arms and safe houses. Neither is there information about who is paying for them.

Shall we guess? Well, I think the only way to think this issue through is to ask who has been bought and is now owned by Biden’s government through the efforts of  its diplomats, senior intelligence officers, and military’s flag officers. That way is the old  “follow the money” method.”

First, we must assume that the two assassination teams that are domestic groups are simply the creatures of the Democratic Party and/or the leadership of the Department of Homeland Security and the Secret Service, which appear to have already taken three cracks at killing Trump.

Second, the three foreign assassination teams also are likely to be other clients of the Biden administration, the Obamas, and the Clintons. Let us say that the likely foreign teams are made of citizens from the Ukraine, Iran, and Afghanistan. Why those three countries? Well, how many billions of U.S. taxpayer money have Obama and Biden sent to Iran — some of it packed on pallets? Surely more than enough to fund any imaginable association  attempt. And how many hundreds of billions of U.S. taxpayer money have been funneled into Ukraine by Biden while he was Obama’s vice-president and during his own presidency. And, finally, how much taxpayer money has Biden’s administration given to its buddies in the Afghan Taliban. I mean in addition to the $86 billion in top-shelf U.S. military equipment that Biden left in Afghanistan when he and his generals turned tail and ran away.

On the Afghan point, it is best also to recall that both the United States and Great Britain   brought U.S. and UK trained Afghan special forces into their countries as refugees. I wonder what those boys are up to these days?

My view, for what it’s worth, is that it’s hard to see why the Iranian regime, at this particular time, would allow its fighters to kill Trump and thereby bring a U.S. nuclear strike on Iranian targets, while the Biden Administration pretends that it had nothing to with the attack but is righteously ready to respond, even as it quietly celebrates Trump’s demise. Given the dangers present in the current war in the Middle East, and the fact that Iranians are not stupid, Tehran probably is patient enough to let revenge for the U.S. killing of General Soleimani wait for another day. Besides, the Iranians already have hacked some of Trump HQ’s computers and given Biden and his party the take.

The best bet on those five teams, then, seems to be that they all belong, in one way or another. to the Biden administration and/or the Democratic Party. We might even add two more teams to consider, as the Democratic party also runs two terrorist groups of its own, ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter.

Finally, we cannot forget our British and Israeli allies. The British government and its intelligence community, you will remember, played a key part in trying to frame Trump as a Russian operative. The British intelligence services are good at what they do, and they will do most anything if Uncle Sam foots the bill. Double Ditto, of course, for the Israeli services.

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