The 75th Anniversary the NATO Alliance — Time to bury it deep

This week the political and military leaders of NATO’s member-states will gather in the United States and join with America’s strategic dynamos Biden, Harris, and Austin to “celebrate” the 75th Anniversary of the alliance. Reveling in his title as “Leader of the Free World”, the delusional Biden will hawk the ridiculous conclusion that NATO is the guardian of freedom and democracy in Europe. Lies and deceit, of course, come easy to Biden and he will preach the that successes of NATO protected and strengthened freedom across Europe since 1947 and held the USSR at bay until its collapse in 1991. That, without question, is a preposterously superficial assertion.

What kept the peace in Europe was the existence of a doctrine called Mutually Assured Destruction, rightfully condensed to the acronym MAD. The United States, Britain, and France owned nuclear deterrents and Russia’s nuclear forces have long been legend. There was no land war in Europe after 1945 because, initially, America was the world’s only nuclear power. That reality was fleeting, however, as the hundreds of Soviet spies in the governments of Roosevelt and Truman — as well as both presidents’ sycophant-like performances in meetings with Stalin at the Tehran, Yalta, and Potsdam Conferences — enabled to Russia to steal the necessary nuclear data from the United States, even quicker than did Israel. The depth of the Russian intelligence services’ penetration of the Roosevelt and Truman regimes still awaits definitive exposure, but surely statements by several of FDR’s senior colleagues should be understood as a partial confirmation of the deep pro-communist sentiment that resided in the executive branch and federal bureaucracy during FDR’s multiple administrations.

Henry Wallace: (Once FDR’s vice-president and then Secretary of Commerce.) Wallace made speeches about a “new democracy” that would be built by the United States and Russia. Wallace added that “anyone suggesting that the aims and purposes of these two people are irreconcilable, was criminal, that in some ways Russia was more Democratic than America.” (1)

Joseph E. Davies (FDR’s ambassador to Moscow, 1936-1938); Davies said that the Soviet leaders were “sincerely devoted to peace” and what they most desired was to live as good neighbors in a world at peace. (2)

Harry Hopkins (FDR’s closest, most intimate aid, his envoy to Churchill, and the head of the lend-lease program). Hopkins said it was ridiculous to think of Stalin as a communist. He was a Russian nationalist. (3)

 The best overall descriptions of America’s process of deliberately empowering Stalin and the USSR, which Roosevelt started in 1941 and carried into the immediate postwar years by lies in the slim, 1952 book by Senator Robert A. Taft (R-Ohio) called, A Foreign Policy for the American People. Speaking if the FDR and Truman administrations, Taft noted that

“curious misconceptions [by the two administrations] led us throughout the war to an almost supplicant attitude toward Russia. We acted as if it was a favor to us for Russia to accept U.S. lend-lease assistance. We accepted Russia’s military demand and overruled every British objection to policies that we bound to make Russia stronger after the war. … The concessions made at Tehran, Yalta, and Potsdam and our later policies in the Far East, where such as to build up the Soviet Russia to a position of power which today does indeed present a threat to the security of the United States. … In 1941 Stalin ruled 180 million subjects and was not sure he or his empire would survive. In 1951 Stalin directs 800 million people. (4)

So, quickly, after the end of World War 2, the Cold War began and later the halcyon era of MAD set in and those realities made NATO into a quaint, old-fashioned military alliance that has meandered along under the protective helmet of the Anglo-French-American nuclear forces and endless American taxpayer dollars. After all, why should any sophisticated European pay for the defense of his own country, when unsophisticated Americans can be forced to pay the bill. The alliance’s only genuine and prolonged military campaign on land was its post-9/11 invasion of Afghanistan. Led by the United States into that burial pit for empires, NATO and the United States fought for twenty years, never came close to winning, and ultimately fled in panic from the country, having been beaten by Afghan insurgents armed mostly with decades-old weapons, little anti-aircraft capability, and no air cover.

The best justification for the immediate burial of NATO, of course, lies in the alliance’s absolute failure to defend and preserve freedom and liberty in Europe. Almost since Germany’s surrender in May, 1945, liberty, freedom, and capitalism all have been in retreat in Europe, starting with the booting of Churchill and the election of a socialist government in the UK at the war’s end in 1945. From that point forward — with the exception of Thatcher’s terms — NATO’s pledge to protect liberty, freedom, and capitalism in Europe has been driven from Britain and Europe in a manner that has been steady, audible, demonstrable, and probably irreversible. Today’s European reality is that

–National government and nationalism itself has all but disappeared in Europe. People look to the authoritarian European Union (EU) to know what economic disasters, fake-health emergencies, unnecessary wars, fatal vaccines, illegal aliens, and reductions in personal liberty are next. Why? Because they are confident that their so-called national government is their enemy and will go along with whatever pain and impoverishment the potentates in Brussels next decide to inflict on Eur0peans.

–Catholics in Europe now are being arrested for saying a prayer or the rosary in public in, at least, Spain and the UK.

–All Europeans are subjected to the criminality and violence that the EU and its member states have deliberately brought to Europe by allowing massive illegal Muslim immigration into Europe. The pain and crimes caused by the illegals has been intentionally intensified by the continent’s demented judiciary, which resolutely turns a blind eye to crimes by Muslim illegals, and finds their tendency toward violence, criminality, rape, and grooming children for sexual abuse just another form of the new normal in Europe.

–The EU and NATO governments — except for that of Hungary’s President Orban – are now signed on to a program that will lead to a nuclear war, and have been since the start of the Ukraine war. The people of Europe have, in large part, turned their back on this drive toward nuclear war, but still finds NATO and the EU supporting Zelensky and his dictatorial regime, while the U.S. fascists, concentrated almost exclusively in the Democratic party, the Republican Party’s Neocons and grifters, most of the media and the academy, and U.S. flag officers who have kept their similarly demented EU and NATO co-criminal partners on the straight road to war.

–The Irish government has virtually turned over the nation to a horde of Muslims and other Third World immigrants, and it has empowered these aliens to replace the white Irish population, commit crimes at their discretion and without punishment, and to groom youngsters for purposes of sexual depravity. One must be shocked at what appears to be the total absence of the descendants of the brave and courageous Irishmen who used arms to savagely fight Britain’s domination for over a century, until London’s will broke and the Irish republic was born.

–This past weekend, we saw the true fruits of the French Enlightenment in the strength, large numbers, insanity, and barbarism of French communists, who burned, looted, and intimidated parts of the country because this lot believes that leftists must always rule France and that those who oppose them must be eliminated. How’s that for the EU and NATO Alliance governments protecting freedom and liberty in Europe? Look back to 1945, and examine the policy-road that has been deliberately taken by the U.S., NATO, and the EU, and you will find that it always and resolutely leads away from liberty and toward enslavement.

The people of the United States have experienced many of these same viscous anti-human and anti-liberty actions from their own governments in the decades since 1945 and, more recently, from domestic, French-communist-like terrorists — those in ANTIFA and BLM and from animal-lie illegal aliens. Americans also have been groomed to to obey authroitarian insanity since the creation of the United Nations, and especially since the 9/11 raids on New York and Washington. At base, the UN exists only to establish itself and its allies as the one-world government that is ruled by the world’s wealthy elites. The ancestors of these elites previously tried to install such a power after the Great War via the authoritarian vehicles that were written chiefly by the Europe’s remaining imperial powers Britain and France, namely, the Treaty of Versailles and the Covenant of the League of Nations. America was kept out of the maw of these monsters by a handful of gallant and brilliantly stubborn  Republican senators in 1918 and 1919. But this one-world rot so clearly dominated the Roosevelt and Truman administrations that the obeyed the UN as if it was the Lord speaking — Truman entered the Korean War citing the UN’s authority without and consulting the U.S. Congress — and since 1950s America’s main product has been the starting and conduct of unnecessary and always lost wars.

Western Civilization has been under attack since the French Revolution occurred to power the effort, but never so fiercely as it is today. Naturally, all of the institutions, instruments, and leaders  — political, economic, military, scientific, media and academic — of one-worldism will ultimately need to be destroyed if liberty, freedom, and capitalism are to be resurrected and renewed. At this moment, the complete destruction and burying of the NATO Alliance would be a most worthy first step, simply because that organization — now under the leadership of the walking-dead man who currently preens about as the “Leader of the Free World — has been a key advocate of domestic oppression and the nuclear war at the brink of which the world now stands.


–1.) Robert A. Taft. A Foreign Policy for Americans. Garden City, New York: Doubleday & Company, 1952, p.48

–2.) Ibid.  p.51

–3.) Ibid. p. 52

–4.) Ibid. pp. 52 and 8

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